Fluttering Feelings Fan-Fic


The story I'm about to tell is a continuance to the Manhwa by Ssamba "Fluttering Feelings". Do to health issues she is currently unable to continue the story, hopefully she does finish it one day. This is my attempt to continue that story. I'm fascinated and obsessed with Seol-a and Kim No-rae's relationship. It's such a cute pairing and I cant wait any longer. I don't own the characters it's all Ssamba. I'm just a fan that loves her work. I unfortunately can't draw (I wish), but there are plenty of good images by other fans to give you guys an idea or image of what I'm trying to express. Anyways please forgive me if it's not the best, just what I want to see happen. I suggest reading "Fluttering Feelings" first, to better understand the story. Plus Ssamba is much more creative. I already have a few other chapters, I just need to proof read them. So more to come. Open to ideas, so please leave me suggestions and I might incorporate them.

[] - Movements

{} - Thoughts not spoken out loud

() - Other stuff

Chapter 69 (1)

Kim No-Rae and Baek Seol-A are strolling along together giggling and laughing hand in hand on the University campus. At the distance Sung-Pyo is looking their way.

Sung-Pyo (SP) - They seem very close

Friend - Who?

SP - No-Rae and "THAT" girl

Friend - No-rae? What? Where? [looks in his direction] Woah! Thats Baek Seol-A!

SP - You know her?!

Friend - Who doesn't? She is the TOP student in the Business Administration department, besides being a total hottie. I cant believe you've never heard about her. I didn't know No-Rae was friends with her. Maybe she can introduce us, I've always wanted to talk with Seol-a but she seems unapproachable. Although she looks really easy going right now.

SP - What else do you know about her? She doesn't look like the type of friend No-rae would get along with.

Friend - That's true, From what I heard she's dated many guys from her major. I've also heard that she has been seen with the professors, Now that I remember there was also a fight last year at her place between two of her lovers. Apparently she was caught cheating or something.

SP - Really?! All that! {I don't have a good feeling about her}

(Later that day, in the Library No-Rae is sitting there looking over some school work, but also waiting for Seol-a's class to be over so they can leave together)

No-Rae - { I cant wait to see Seol-a...}

SP - Hey No-rae, Im so glad I found you

No-rae - Huh? (was lost in thought thinking of what Seol-a and she could do later) Oh! Hey Sung-Pyo oppa

SP- I'm glad I saw you before you left, I was wondering if you weren't busy later maybe we could go eat at XX restaurant? I remember how much you liked their Samgyeopsal.

No-rae - Samgyeopsal?! (she really really liked it) I'm sorry but I'm meeting a friend in a bit. {I wonder if Seol-a likes Samgyeopsal? I need to take her some time.}

SP - oh. How about tomorrow?

No-rae - I'm sorry but I promised a friend I would go with them shopping.

SP - {I wonder if it's THAT girl} How about this weekend? Are you free this weekend?

No-rae - {I was going to ask Seol-a if she wanted to go see that new movie, but I guess I can ask her some other day. Plus Sung-Pyo is being very persistent. I have to thank him properly for carrying me home the other day} I'm not doing anything this weekend.

SP - {YES!} Alright, we could even go see a new movie? I've been interested in seeing one that's coming out this weekend, if it's OK with you.

No-rae - Is it XX?


No-rea - I was thinking of going to see it too!

SP - Then that's great, I'm glad we still think alike.

No-rae - yea I guess.

SP - Then I'll leave you to continue with your work. See you this weekend.

Just then Seol-a shows up, and sees Sung-pyo leave

Seol-a - {what now} (she thinks annoyed)

Seol-a - what did HE want? (with a bit of a demanding voice)

No-rae - Seol-a! (happy to see her), SP just wanted to see if I wanted to go eat with him today.

Seol-a - What did you say?

No-rae - No, that I was waiting for a friend of course

Seol-a - {good, what is he thinking} Did you want to go?

No-rae - what? {samgyeopsal} No of course not I want to be with you {I don't think she heard}..we had planned to hang out after class. Anyways lets go, I'm done here too.