Chapter One

Inheritance and Gringotts – Part One

Harry's life has been turned upside-down numerous times on his fifteen years of life.

It all started with his first encounter with Voldemort when he was just fifteen months old; he went from a happy home with loving, caring parents to living a life of neglect with his hateful relatives. When he turned eleven, his world changed again as he discovered that he was a Wizard; it has been the happiest day he could remember.

His life remained more or less stable for another year, but then in his third year, things changed once again as he found out that he had a godfather who was wanted by the Ministry of Magic for betraying Harry's Parents, the Potters and murdering thirteen people. He found sometime later that his godfather has been framed by Peter Pettigrew and indeed, Sirius Black was innocent.

For some time he thought his life would be better but then the Traitor, the rat, ran away from them and his godfather had to go into hiding again.

Instead of getting better, it just got worse, his fourth year bought pain and even more changed with the death of Cedric Diggory and the return of Voldemort.

The worse of all of it is… Sirius Black died some months ago in the Ministry; Harry was alone.

Some days after Sirius died, Harry killed Voldemort.

It's at that moment that they all abandoned Harry and even though Harry asked Dumbledore to save him, to take him away from the Dursley's, the man never did it. He told Harry that even though Voldemort is dead, his followers aren't, that they are out there for vengeance, so he has to stay with the Dursley's, safe, in the blood wards.

The Magical World isn't even trying to search for Harry, now that he saved them from Voldemort, they are even looking at him like if he was the next Dark Lord in the making, for the moment they're just rumors between them but what if in the future they send him to Azkaban without even a trial, as they did with his godfather?

What hurts him the most wasn't the rumors but his friends, after Sirius died and he defeated Voldemort, they stopped talking to him, all the letters Harry would send them would come back unopened, never receiving an answer.

He should have expected all of this; Harry has been naïve… after all, wasn't it strange that the Weasley's were screaming about muggles in the muggles world instead of using the magical one?

That they appeared from nowhere while Harry was searching a way to find the train because the giant forgot to tell him how to reach it?

And that when suddenly, Ron found his compartment and saw Harry, the first thing he asked was to see the scar, not about Harry himself…?

Harry did see the way Ron looked at him when he saw the money on Harry's hand, it was jealousy, greedy, but Harry decided to ignore it because the boy was the first friend he ever had.

Harry hates all of them.


Harry is currently sitting on his bed in his room on Privet Drive, in some minutes he will finally be sixteen years old, just one more year and he will be free from the Dursley's. He bites his lips, trying to stop himself from crying.

His godfather is dead; he feels broken, sad.

Normally people would say that Harry thinks it's all of his faults, but it isn't because if he thought that, it would mean Harry thinks it all everything happens around him, but he isn't some sort of hero of a history, he isn't, so he will not think that.

The idiots of the Order of the Phoenix told his uncle not to be hard with Harry, that he just lost his godfather, what they didn't know – or maybe they did – is that it will just make things worse. His uncle has stopped beating him after the third year because of Sirius, being scared of the 'murderer' that killed thirteen persons but… now that he is dead, Uncle Vernon can't be stopped.

Shifting slightly on his bed, he winces because of the pain on his back, where his uncle punished him some days ago.

He has been in the middle of preparing dinner for his relatives when Dudley came and knocked out a lot of dishes, hearing the commotion, his Uncle and Aunt came running, gasping in shock at what they saw. Petunia shrieked and rushed to tend to Dudley who had a couple of cuts because of the dishes that fell.

Meanwhile, Harry looked at Vernon and gulped, trying to explain to the older man that it was Dudley who broke the plates making Dudley deny it, saying that it was Harry who knocked them out. Obviously Vernon trusted Dudley.

Vernon stood in front of Harry shaking, hands balled into fists and his face a mixture of red and purple, like if he couldn't breathe – and probably he wasn't -. He looked down at Harry and said in a strained and sputtering voice for Harry to go upstairs, that he wouldn't eat for a long, long, time. Vernon was so pissed that he could barely talk.

After that he proceeded to storm into Harry's room with a belt and whipped his back long and hard, each lash was more painful than the last as they overlapped each other, making Harry bleed all over the place. Vernon did all of this while screaming profanities, insults, and threats at Harry for being an ungrateful freak and no good delinquent.

After Vernon had enough of punishing him, he walked out the room, locking it behind him.

Harry used the bit of energy he still had to search for the potions he took and hide under the floorboards. A blood replenisher and a pain reliever, he passed out after drinking them. A week passed since then, but even now Harry has problems moving because of the punishment of Vernon.

Harry sighs and looks at the old clock on the wall, counting the seconds in his head.


In his mind, Harry gets ready to tell himself happy birthday but the instant the clock struck midnight, excruciating pain courses through all his body, it flows through every cell of his body, instantaneously and without mercy, the pain only grows stronger, and it feels like he's been set ablaze with fiendfyre, it was overwhelming and relentless.

Unable to hold it in anymore, Harry screams.

It feels like if someone – or something – inside of him is trying to claw its way out. It's unending agony; the unbearable burning pain and sensation of being ripped apart from his insides, like if being completely rebuilt from zero.

After what seemed to be hours of agony, Harry couldn't stay awake anymore, he passed out, his eyes rolling back and falling into the bed like a corpse.


Some hours later, when Harry opened his eyes, he couldn't help but think something was odd. He looks around in confusion, the things around him seemed to be many times bigger. He moved his hands to his face to find that his round glasses weren't there, he searched for them, and after some seconds, he found them on the floor, hastily putting them on.

The glasses were too big, and he couldn't see with them on, it was all blurry, so he took them off, seeing perfectly without them, his vision being now of 20/20.

His eyes moved to look out the window; the sky was still dark, his head snapped to the clock, it signaled 5:32.

He sighed in relief, at least another hour before the Dursley's decide it's time to wake up.

He got down off the bed and saw how small he was.

He wasn't wearing Dudley's old pants, which were on the floor. Normally they were big but not to the point he can't wear them!

The shirt barely fits on him, the sleeves touching the floor, confusing Harry – panicking-.

As fast as he could with the small legs he had, he ran toward the door, opening it and walking out carefully, making sure not to make any noise and wake his relatives.

After some seconds he finally arrived at the bathroom.

Lighting the light, he took something to help him reach the mirror.

His eyes widened, and he nearly screamed, instead of his sixteen years old self, a tiny boy with short hair framing his small face and big vixen AK eyes surrounded by long and thick eyelashes looked back at him in shock. The child seemed to be three or four years old, on his head instead of human ears, two big white fox ears stood, flattened to his head and perking at the different noises.

He looked ethereal and inhuman.

Harry's little body started trembling, getting down from the chair he took before, he hurriedly walked out the bathroom, he needed to get out before his relatives see him.

Sadly, it seemed today wasn't his lucky one because the instant he walked out, the first thing he heard was a shriek – scream- making him turn around to see his Aunt signaling at him with a trembling bony finger, her mouth open in shock.

"A-Aunt Petunia, I can explain this…" he tried to tell her.

He wasn't lying; he can explain this, after all, he thinks this is some sort of creature inheritance.

He just didn't expect this to happen to him!

Her face turned from shock to anger, screaming;


Harry heard a grunt then the door of their room opened, showing the whale-like body of Vernon.
When Vernon saw the furious face of Petunia, he blinked and asked;

"What is it, Pet?"

Petunia gritted her teeth's then signaled her hand to Harry, who was shrinking on his place.

Vernon turned to see a small beautiful kid looking in horror to him; his eyes widened then turned into suspicion when he saw the 'extra' appendages.

"Another of the freak's friend?!" he exclaimed, his face changing to a purple color, making Harry step back while biting his red lips.

Petunia looked at Vernon with pursed lips;

"No, he's the boy."

Vernon turned back to look at Harry, who tried to run away but his short legs didn't let him get away for long before his hair was caught in Vernon's meaty hands, one of his ears being pulled.

"Those things are real… what did you do Freak!?" he shook Harry's little body "Another of your stupid tricks!?"

Harry looked up into Vernon's eyes, whose roamed around his body making the younger shiver in disgust when he saw lust hidden under the fury.

Vernon took Harry by the back of his shirt, walking toward the smallest room and throwing him in, Harry's body falling with a 'thumb,' his head hitting the ground which provoked Harry to tear up.


Harry sent a glare to Vernon when the last turned around and closed the door with a 'bang,' hearing as the door was locked.

He walked in fours toward the bed, even though his body changed to a much younger one, the lash from the beating he had gotten opened again, blood dripping down his body.

He closed his eyes with a weary sigh and tried to sleep.


Harry tilted his head in confusion, he remembers going back to the sleep and then… he found himself there.

He was walking onto the water, and no matter where he looked, it was the same landscape, a starry sky and botomless water under him, thankfully he could walk on it.

He trotted around, carefully watching his surroundings to make sure there aren't enemies. After what seemed hours he pulled at his hair in frustration, this couldn't be a dream because he can still feel the pain on his back, he had enough of this!

"Are you okay?"

Harry blinked when he heard a voice asking how he was from behind him; he turned around with surprised eyes.

A boy with jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his chin; he had onyx eyes. His clothes consisted of a black shirt, bandages around his ankles, and black sandals; he looked to be 10 or 11 years old.

The first thing that took Harry's attention where those exotic clothes, they were strange.

When the boy saw the tears in Harry's eyes, he walked carefully to the small child and hugged him.

Harry seemed surprised for a second but then he started crying heavily, pouring all the feelings he has been keeping inside him in one go, he felt safe in this boy's arms.

"Shh… it's okay" the boy crooned, caressing Harry's ears, his mouth set in a frown when he saw the blood on the child's back.

Before Harry knew it, the boy was sitting down and Harry on his lap.

"Who did this to you?" he asked Harry, making the last look up with his ears flattened on his head, big teary green eyes closing while biting his lips.

He didn't know why he felt so childish, feeling the need to be hugged. After some seconds he finally decided it was safe to answer him.

"Uncle Vernon"

Harry's ears suddenly perked, looking around as if expecting his uncle to appear and hit him.


"Because I'm a freak."

The boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, opening his mouth to say something but Harry didn't hear it, his world suddenly turning black.


Harry gasped and opened his eyes, looking around in confusion.

"It was just a dream?" he asked himself licking his lips, it seemed so real.

He moved his small hand to his ear and blushed like a tomato.

It's exactly at that moment that he heard a tapping on his window, with hope on his eyes Harry turned around and ran toward the window – having taken a chair- and opened it for the owl. The owl flew toward the small table and dropped the letter, flying away without even waiting for Harry.

Harry looked sadly at the owl, Hedwig died in his battle with Voldemort, she was more of a hero than Harry was.

He shook his head then trotted toward the table, extending his hand and taking the letter, he frowned when he saw it was a letter from Gringotts, he has never received one from them.

Dear Lord Potter,

We here at Gringotts Wizarding Bank have been trying to contact you for several years with no reply, so we had to take extreme measures and deliver this letter by means of Goblin Magic.

We do not appreciate being ignored, and once you finish reading this letter, it will forcefully bring you to Gringotts so we can discuss your estate.


The Goblin King.

Harry looked down at the letter while frowning; he never received any letter from Gringotts before, he would have known if he had, having replied accordingly. The Goblin wasn't creatures to be trifled with; they are accomplished warriors that could easily kill a wizard without even using magic.

He feels a shiver run up his spine; he didn't know what was going tilted his head in though, Harry wasn't any more a wizard though, was he?

Some seconds later he felt a hook behind his naval forcefully pulling him from Privet Drive to Gringotts Wizarding Bank; he fell gracelessly to the floor not expecting such a force to pull at him.

His ears perked when he heard muttering and noises around him, he looked up in confusion to see different wizards looking at him, others pointing – muggle-borns -.

Harry blushed like a tomato and tried to hide his extra appendages – his ears and tail, the last curling around one of his legs-

When he finally got up, he saw one of the goblin looking at him disapprovingly;

"Our King is waiting for you, Mr-"

Before the goblin could finish his phrase, Harry yelled a ;

"Yes!" in panic, it wouldn't end well if the people around him found he is Harry bloody Potter after all.

He sighed in relief when the goblin didn't see insulted, nodding in understanding at Harry then carefully got up from the floor, it's at that exact moment that he heard a familiar voice talking;

"What the hell do you mean by we can't access the Vault!?" a feminine voice yelled in a fury "We have the Potter Key, see!?"

Harry's eyes widened when he heard the word 'Potter,' and he turned around to see three familiar people standing in from of a bored goblin, who was sneering at them.

The people in front of the goblin are his former friends, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione.
Hermione, feeling the gaze of someone into them, turned around, brown eyes and AK eyes found each other.

Hermione stood there for a second before walking toward Harry curiously, not recognizing him.

"What creature are you, a fox?" she asked curiously, looking at Harry like if he was some sort of experiment.

Harry frowned and glared at her;

"I do not see why I should tell you anything, Miss…" he sneered slightly trying to copy Malfoy, not knowing it just make him look cuter than anything.

Hermione didn't see or didn't care about the glare because she answered him in a way that showed she though herself superior to him;

"Hermione Granger, Muggleborn"

"Hah?" this time a masculine voice said next to Hermione "What's with this midget?"

When Ron saw his girlfriend talking to someone, he came to see what was happening. Harry ignored Ron and instead just looked at Hermione;

"I do not talk with people that steal the money of another person."

Hermione gasped slightly, her face paling.

When Ron saw that the creature was ignoring him and calling them a thief, his face turned red, making Harry remember for a moment his uncle.

"What do you know about it, lowly creature!?" he angrily asked, "The money is ours!"

The Wizard's and Witch's around them started whispering and signaling at the duo, looking at the two of them in disgust.

"Indeed" suddenly Ginny butted in and said snidely "I am, after all the future spouse of Harry Potter, Lady Potter!"

Harry's face turned green when he heard that. Him? Marrying Ginny? For the love of Merlin, Harry is gay!

He looked at them with disgust and started walking away, or so he tried until a hand gripped Harry's tiny shoulder, pulling it with so many force that makes Harry whine in hurt.

He was forced to turn around to see the smirking face of Ron;

"Not so superior anymore, huh!?"

Harry's ears flattened, the goblin was going to interfere when a handsome man with long black hair stood in front of Harry, taking Ron's hand out Harry's tiny shoulders and gripping it with so much force he nearly broke the hand.

"Why don't you try to fight with someone of your own size?" the handsome man said to Ron, his voice cold and full of disgust. He was big, at least 1m80, shrinking even more Harry's tiny form.

The man sneered at Ron one last time before turning around, crouching and smiling gently;

"Are you okay, little submissive?" he asked, a hint of worry in his kind voice.

Harry looked at the man in confusion, what did he mean by submissive?

It's at that exact moment that a kind looking young woman heavily pregnant came, smiling motherly to Harry before turning to the man.

"Are you flirting with another submissive?" she asked the good-looking man, who denied it hastily, making the woman laugh but glare at the trio of adolescents.

"H-Humm… thanks for helping me but I really need to go see the Goblin King so…" he fidgeted under the gaze of the two powerful beings, he can feel they're not human, but he doesn't know what race they are.

The woman giggled and nodded in understand;

"I see…" she took something out of her bag "I know your people love those"

Harry blinked, looking down at the blood pop before thanking her.

He walked away, taking the blood pop in his mouth and blushing in pleasure before hastily following the goblin until they finally stopped in front of giant golden doors.


To be Continued


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