"Beerus" Normal Speech.
'Naruto' Normal Thought.
"Rasengan" Jutsu/Technique.
"Kurama" Demon/Monster/Bijuu Normal Speech.
'Kurama' Demon/Monster/Bijuu Thought.
Instagram: TheSScotty
God of Destruction
Chapter I
"So, this Universe has universes within it" Naruto touched the orb "amazing and interesting at the same time" he said with a small smile on his face.
And why wouldn't he smile? It honestly was quite amazing.
Now, his wife had told him that there would be different things that he could find and see when he would be exploring the universes, so this wasn't that shocking to him.
Naruto grabbed the orb and looked at it one more time before putting it back on the stand.
"Universe Z-18" it really wasn't the universe's name but due to the universes that the universe has then he will name it that for the meanwhile "let's go".
He created a black portal before jumping into it, Nawaki and Shisui following behind.
-Universe Z-18-
All three brothers entered the universe and looked around.
"The universes have minor life forms Nii-Sama" Shisui said looking at each of the universe orbs before them.
Naruto nodded and turned to look at Nawaki who was looking towards a certain direction.
The Senju sensed great power coming from that direction.
"There seems to be something from there" Nawaki said pointing to where the power was coming from.
The Uzumaki looked at where he was pointing to and nodded.
Shisui put his hand on Nawaki's shoulder and *Flick* all three disappeared from where they just where. Which was nowhere.
They appeared in a place that had golden clouds beneath them and one huge jellyfish that was floating in the air. Very interesting.
He saw the little palace that was on top of the jellyfish and raised an eyebrow. Why didn't he ever think of putting a house on top of an animal?
The flew over to where the palace was and as they went closer they saw more and more on what was on top of the jellyfish besides the floating palace in the shape of the kanji "全" that means "all". Around the palace there were eighteen floating rocks that each had a universe above them.
The three brothers flew towards the palace and opened the doors before entering.
They looked at the inside and raised an eyebrow at the darkness.
All flew inside more and they each vanished in a second before re-appearing in a room, brightened up via the floor.
Naruto's eyes dilated to adjust to the light, so did the two brothers before him, and immediately Naruto saw 4 figures.
Two tall and two small, though one was even smaller.
And the amazing part was that the smaller figure was the powerful one out of the four. He could sense it.
The two tall figures shared the same appearance. They were tall and cyan-skinned individuals that wear large high collared purple jackets with golden lining, buttons and shoulders that cover their face. Underneath, they appeared to wear a sectioned grey full body suit, with gold and purple tipped boots. They had their arms folded behind their backs, leaving their hands not visible. They also wore a long pointy tipped bronze hat, that ends in a silver ball at the top. They also seemed have very angry and menacing looking eyes.
The second to first small figure looked like a short man with pale blue skin, purple eyes, and slicked back white hair. He had a blue halo on the back of his head and wore a dark green outfit with an orange triangle on his shirt. On his belt he had the kanji symbol for "Great".
And finally, the smallest figure was well... very short and small. He had a rather large oval-shaped head. He had sky blue skin, except for two sections from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which are purple. He had small round eyes, and small rounded grey "ears". His attire is of a magenta and yellow lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes. He wore a black and white shirt underneath, with the kanji for "all" (全) on the front. He also had a blank expression on his face.
All of them looked directly at the three brothers.
Nawaki sensed a tiny movement in the two tall figures and smirked a bit.
"Who are you?" The short man questioned the three brothers.
Shisui turned his head sideways and could see that the curiosity in the small one's eyes despite not showing it.
Naruto disappeared and reappeared in front of the man who was shocked that someone could be that fast.
The tall two tensed at the sudden movement.
The two brothers appeared behind Naruto a second later, making the tall figures tense even more.
Naruto's eyes changed for a split second before he spoke "You speak for the kid over there so I assume I will be getting answers from you" the man nodded slightly and looked towards the two figures.
They got the message and one immediately went for Naruto as the other stayed by the little one's side.
The man smirked but became shocked when Naruto grabbed the hand of the figure and tossed him to Shisui, all while not even losing eye contact with the man.
Shisui smirked and next thing everybody knew the figure's eyes closed and crashed down below Shisui's feet.
"If I were you Great Priest, I would recommend telling them to not do that again for all your sakes" the Uzumaki said giving the Great Priest a small smile, making the blue skinned man nod slowly.
"Will do" the Great Priest said to the red-head.
Shisui canceled the genjutsu he put on the figure.
The attendant quickly stood up and glared at Shisui before returning to his post.
"Now, I have seen this universe from afar and could say that it interests me" the short man looked at him with a raised eyebrow "a universe that has 18 universes within it, now that is something very amazing" he said making the white-haired man's eyes widen a bit in shock.
Nawaki stepped forward "Add to it the power that this universe has" it was honestly quite amazing.
Shisui nodded.
"Quite a unique power source".
Nawaki glared at Shisui for repeating the same thing that he had just said with the latter returning the action.
Naruto nodded, ignoring his brothers who looked ready to kill each other.
"We came here because we want to see more of these universes... in this universe" Naruto smiled to the man.
The Great Priest looked towards his master and then back at Naruto.
The small figure had said nothing throughout this whole time, he was interested.
"Very well" the Great Priest gave the red-head a small and motioned to his master, as telling him to proceed in going to his master.
The three brothers turned to look at the small figure.
"Hello!" He said towards them with a straight face.
The three were a bit shocked his voice.
Naruto stepped forward and crouched down to look at him better.
"You are the king of this universe, Zeno?" Naruto asked the small god who nodded at his question "I see, well it's nice to meet you Zeno-Chan" the Uzumaki said giving the god a smile, not caring about the guards who seemed to keep on tensing every 10 seconds – not that he blamed them.
Zeno looked at him for 5 seconds before smiling at the red-head "Nice to meet you too".
Naruto chuckled "Now before we talk more on who we are, since you would also like to know right?" all four nodded "we would just like to know more about what you seem to know".
Zeno nodded with a smile on his face "Mhm" he turned to his angel and attendant.
The Great Priest turned to look at Naruto who was now looking at him.
"I assume you would like to know about us too, am I right?" the Priest asked towards Naruto.
The red-head scratched his chin for a second before nodding to the angel. It wasn't that he didn't know who they were since he had just his telepathic powers to see, but all he wanted to know at that time was their names and who commanded who.
The Grand Priest gave the brothers a small smile before speaking "I am the Grand Priest, the attendant and angel of Zeno-Sama" he pointed to the two tall figures "those two are Zeno-Sama's attendants, their duty is protecting Zeno-Sama from anyone who would bring him harm" Naruto could sense they tiny amount of pride within them when the Priest said that "and finally we have Zeno-Sama, the Omni-King of all" the small god did nothing but kept that smile on his face.
"Now, currently there are 18 universes that all have life within them each" Shisui brought out 18 orbs in front of him "each universe cannot interact with the other without us allowing it, they also do not know of each other – which would be obvious" Naruto ignored the last part "all 18 universes are monitored by Zeno-Sama and I to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens, though it could be boring, which nothing does" pause "there's also the Dragon God, Zalama" that intrigued the red-head "and the Super Dragon Balls in which he had created that all reside within universes 6 and 7" Naruto nodded at that, making a note to see more about that.
"And that is all that there is to it on what we know" the Grand Priest said to the brothers.
All three nodded and looked at each other before speaking to the four in front of them.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki" he pointed to his two brothers "those are my brothers, Nawaki Senju and Shisui Uchiha" the two nodded "we are from a universe in which is far different than this one" the Grand Priest raised an eyebrow as Zeno tilted his head sideways "within our universe we use chakra in which would be the same as your energy, only more different, that you use" he said.
"Within my universe I am The God... more commonly known as the Juubi" the Priest became wide-eyed at him telling them he was a god "the same could be said for my brothers also being gods" all except Zeno tensed a bit "now the reason we had come here is because when my wife had created everything she did not know what exactly she would create out there" he pointed to everything around them "this universe being one of the things she created" they tensed a bit more "and while she would have done it herself to see what she had created, I told her I would do it".
The Great Priest was about to ask him if he worked for her and stopped before he did.
Naruto did say he was The God. Meaning he was above her.
"Now, was it part curiosity? Yes, but it was also due to me being bored" now the Priest would have sweat dropped but didn't "I want to see what these universes that my wife had created had to offer" the red-head said.
The Great Priest nodded slowly.
He looked towards Zeno and could see the interest in the three brothers along with a bit of happiness at them being gods like him.
"Sugoi!" the king of all said to the red-head, he was cool in the little god's opinion.
Naruto smiled at the small god.
He turned his sideways to look at Nawaki and gave the brown-head a nod.
The Senju didn't do anything for a couple of seconds before giving his older brother a nod. He found where the Dragon God was located.
Naruto then looked at Shisui and saw the Uchiha also nod.
He had found out a bit more on the energy that was all around them.
The Great Priest saw all the movements and raised an eyebrow to them but didn't say anything. He didn't want to speak when he wasn't supposed to, unlike when he did before. The brothers had the power to destroy anything they wanted to, and that meant they also could power to create anything they wanted.
So, if they wanted to then they could destroy his whole existence and bring someone else to life to take his position.
"Trust me, Priest, if I wanted to then I would've destroyed you the moment you talked to me" Naruto said snapping the man out of his thoughts.
The angel gave the god a smile before nodding.
"Anyways, as I said, this world quite honestly interests me a lot" he looked at Zeno and the Priest "and I do have more things to ask but I'll just tell you one for now since I've got exploring to do within those 18 universes, like the powers and dragon within" he pointed to the two "you both monitor all universes but, why monitor within too when you could just have others do it for you while also maintaining balance...?" He asked at the great priests sweat dropped.
Why the hell didn't he ever think about that?
All three brothers turned to look at the little god and flew to him.
"It was nice meeting you Zeno-Kun" the small god's smile lessened a bit "don't worry little man, I'll come to visit when I'm done exploring" Naruto said sticking out his pinky finger "promise".
The king of all smiled again and did the same gesture as Naruto.
"Okay! Ruto!" Zeno said to Naruto and completing the pinky promise.
Nawaki stepped up and gave the small god a fist pump, while Shisui gave the god a friendly salute.
They turned to the Priest and nodded to him, something the angel quickly returned.
The attendants were next and the brothers chuckled when the bodyguards bowed to them, though they did it by force, to which the three gods just smiled to them.
Naruto grabbed the three brothers by their shoulders before dissapearing from the king of all's palace.
They had a certain Dragon God to visit and some Dragon Balls to know about(A/N:pause).
Quite the Interesting universe.
Yo! What is going on guys, okay so now this is the main story I wanted to do that was Dragon Ball x Naruto. So, I decided to have it written out rather than have it inside my mind.
But I want to ask a few things before I begin writing the next chapter.
Should I just do summaries the next chapter in which starts the Dragon Ball Era(From a Kid to Majin Buu) and then really begin writing(chapter 3) at the beginning of Dragon Ball Super... or should I not?
Should Chichi be a part of the Harem? Now originally, I was set on having Chichi apart of the harem but I still don't know. Of course, I know without her then Goku will have no wife. As for Gohan and Goten, well quite honestly, they look more like Goku than Chichi so I figured even with another woman then they would still look like Goku.
Lastly, who should be a part of the Harem? Besides from who are already in it... Bulma, Lazuli(Android 18), and... Chichi?(75% yes, but I don't know yet)
Ja Ne!