Disclaimer: We do not own Percy Jackson. All rights go to Rick Riordan. The only characters we own are Ivy, Ian, Marie, Cameron, Bekah, and Lydia.

Warning: Each chapter will be written in another person's POV.

Ivy Abernathy's POV

I wish I could dwell on how nice and normal my life had been up to this point, but that would only remind me that it's not anymore. As far back as I'm willing to go is this past week... So here goes nothing...

Everything was going great. I had just been accepted into Harvard, my father's school might I add, and my twin brother, Ian, had the same stroke of luck by being accepted into Westpoint Military Academy. It seemed nothing could go wrong in our lives, well, that was until I started getting stalked... in my dreams!

Ian so far had been spared from suffering the nightly arrivals of the intruder in my mind, he was always lucky that way. What was the best way to describe my stalker? Surprisingly, it was not a creepy old man or anything disturbing like that, instead it was a young girl. She couldn't of been any older than 15, and she was very pretty. She had the brightest red hair I had ever seen, pale skin, except it wasn't an unhealthy pale, it glowed like a pearl, and her eyes were as blue as the Caribbean.

Each night she would say the same thing with light and melodious voice, "I will reach you soon. Wait for me."

Then I would wake up. It was a short dream, but it was one of those dreams that felt like a few seconds but you had actually slept like ten hours. It was very disturbing. The most disturbing part is that I had been having this dream every night for two weeks now, and I was getting sick of it. And to my despair, I had it again tonight.

When I woke up with the same panicked breaths escaping my lips, I tried to compose myself when I looked at the clock, '7:03 AM'. Quickly getting dressed in my usual blouse and black jeans, complete with a Harvard sweatshirt, I rushed downstairs buzzing with excitement, I had almost forgotten the dream by the time I reached downstairs... almost.

Ian had already made a plate for me, which held a beautiful stack of pancakes smothered in peanut butter and syrup, my brother knew me too well. I was halfway through my stack when my twin interrupted me at his own risk,"So... Are you not going to wish me something?" Adding a not so subtle clearing of his throat. I set down my fork reluctantly sighing,"Fine. At the same time... One... Two... Three..." Then, simultaneously, we rushed around the table colliding in a hug, exclaiming, "Happy Birthday!"

The loud celebration, of course, woke up our father, who then groggily made his way downstairs."Why did the two of you have to be early birds? You definitely didn't get being a morning person from me." He muttered to himself, clearly exhausted."Well if you didn't work yourself to death so late in the night, then maybe you would realize your two brilliant children are a whole year older." I announced with a broad grin. He returned it once Ian handed him his morning coffee. Our dad, Rick Abernathy, had dark brown hair like me, while my brother received our dad's same chiseled features, but while my dad had rich brown eyes, Ian and I both had stormy grey eyes. He always told us they were identical to our mother's. While I got our mom's face features, Ian got her thick black hair, but we only knew that because that is what our dad told us she looked like, we, personally, had never met her.

Whenever dad spoke about her, he always got this far off look on his face like he was thinking about everything that was good in the world. Apparently she had been a Greek and Latin Mythology professor at Harvard for six months while the current professor had taken a momentary leave of absence completely out of the blue. During that time, my father and her spent every waking minute together, he even told us that he was going to propose before she left her job as a substitute, but suddenly she was gone and two babies instead where left in his office with a letter that explicitly explained that they were his and her children, but she could not raise them because of complicated circumstances. One thing was very clear though, my father was never going to see her again.

But, he took on the task of raising us with great excitement, and now, eighteen years later, we were all grown up and headed off to college, even though he would still see me often enough in his own classroom, I knew he was having a hard time watching us become the independent individuals that he raised us to be. It made him feel old."Tell me," Our dad with his naturally crooked grin widening on his face, "Do you feel any older or are you forever stuck as minors trapped under my all-powerful monarchy?"

Ian laughed a casual chuckle, "Well, I do feel older, but I thought you were always going to be in constant control over our lives, with us being your lowly subjects... I mean children."

"Correct answer," Professor Abernathy proclaimed to his son, "I have definitely raised very bright children!"

I couldn't help but laugh at our dad, it was hard to believe he could be so fun-loving and goofy one minute, and become the strict law professor that every future lawyer at Harvard feared completely.

And what he said next, though it seemed very unimportant, it changed my life forever."Oh! And Ivy, there's a letter here for you. From an Maria C. Billows. Do you know her from somewhere?"

I inhaled sharply, "No." I responded quickly, but I had a fear that I knew exactly who she was.Taking the letter cautiously from my dad, I opened it, though opening it felt about as safe as setting off a nuclear bomb. Ian could see from my expression that something was wrong, looking over to our dad, he reminded our father kindly that he had to be at his office in less than ten minutes, and with that Rick Abernathy wished his children Happy Birthday once more before grabbing his suitcase and rushing out the door.I breathed a relieved, "Thank you!" to my brother, which he responded to with a casual shrug. Then returning my attention back to the mysterious letter, I readits chilling contents,

Dear Ivrene and Ian Abernathy,

My name is Maria Coral Billows, but I prefer to be called Marie. Although we have never met... personally, I especially cannot wait to meet Ian, his dreams are quite difficult to enter, I know that the two of you are what I've been searching for. You do not have much time. The darkness is gathering and although the world seems peaceful now, there is much to fear.There is a safe haven however, and I know it is selfish of me to require this of you, but I can only give you the location if you come and take me there, for I have very little time left. Please. I need your help and you both need mine. Come and find me at the address below. I await you.

Wishing you good fortune in times ahead,


P.S. Travel by land.And Take A Pit Stop In Boston.

My hands were shaking, I wanted to pretend that this letter was just a sick joke, but the way Marie spoke in my dream and the urgency shown in this letter forced me to see the truth. This girl was in trouble, and we were too. We all apparently needed each other, so that left me with one option.Looking down at the address listed at the bottom of the paper, 9128 Berkview Lane, Spring Valley, CA.My brother gave me a strange look after he finished reading the letter over my shoulder. "Who's Marie?" I didn't answer his question because even I still didn't know. But I knew I couldn't suppress the urge to meet her any longer, especially now that I had her location. Turning to my brother, I asked him seven words that would change our lives immensely."How do you feel about a roadtrip?"