Title: Demons in My Dreams
Chapter: 3 - I pray the Lord
Author: Sera Luanma
Disclaimer: I won't repeat myself. I feel it lowers my intelligence.
A/N: Good Goddess did this take a while. I finally managed to brainfart enough out to -hopefully- make a coherent chapter. I know for a fact this chapter will raise some questions, so review away and I'll try to answer them in the next author's notes. Remember, I cater to your whims.
There was a scream and a blaze of light from the boy, now a man, who had lain his head on his lover's body. The woman's husband stood slightly to the side, eyes burning brightly crimson in his rage and grief. The sobbing man turned to the other, emotions a roiling cloud in his eyes.
"This is all your fault!" he screamed at the unmoving figure. "You killed her! You let her die by YOUR foolishness! Your spell that-" the man had had enough. Tom Riddle, most often known as Lord Voldemort stepped forward and swung a right hook at Harry Potter, savior of the Wizarding world. His voice was a low, menacing growl.
"You think I loved her any less than you?! My desire for power was nothing, NOTHING, when she came back to me! Everything I did after her return was to protect her! I would have given my fucking LIFE for her! How dare you, a CHILD, chastise me on my actions! It was both of our spells that killed her! I have nothing left but killing you now that she is gone! But I made a promise...and even that last pleasure is denied from me. Harold James Potter, know this; if we ever meet again, I will make sure it will be for the very last time." Leaning down, Voldemort plucked a single glowing feather from his wife's wing before striding off, leaving a devastated Gryffindor behind. He didn't catch Harry's final coherent words mixed in with his sobs.
"...but would you kill our children too?"
When Draco Malfoy finally managed to drag himself to the site of the final show-down, he could only place a hand for comfort on the shaking shoulder of the mourner clutching a still-smiling body to him.
Harry had chosen his outfit carefully, using all spells to create it out of base materials. And even though the research on the spells themselves had taken an eternity, Harry was exceptionally pleased with the results. The sixth year boys had already trekked down to the Great Hall for the dance, but Harry was going to be fashionably late to enhance the effect of his outfit, probably the only thing he could thank his dreams for. Toweling off from his shower, Harry turned to the mirror and place a wand to the damp mane of hair, muttering an incantation and watching his locks lengthen and curl to his waist before uttering the finite incanteum. Quickly braiding it, he turned next to the repairing of his eyes. After many hours in a medical/magical report, The-Boy-Who-Was-Optically-Challenged found the repairing spell for his near-sightedness. Carefully removing his glasses, he raised the wand and pointed it at his mirror image, a loop and swish later found the spell bouncing back from the reflective surface and hitting him straight in the eyes. Blinking a few times to clear the moisture, Harry spared a brief moment to marvel at his clear vision without the hassle of lenses.
Only one more bodily transformation to go. Sighing as he already felt the drain of previous magic, Harry flexed his shoulder quickly and reached inside himself for that area that animagus training spoke of. supposedly, a TRUE magical being could harness the energy of the abyss where the animal forms resided and transmute into many forms. Pulling forth only some of the massive force he could feel, Harry envisioned great black wings. Stifling a scream, he felt the tearing of the skin and elongation of muscles that told him it was working. When the pain finally subsided into a dull ache, Harry mustered up the ability to rise to his feet - he didn't remember falling - and downing a Pepper-up Potion. Extraordinary new appendages now extended from his shoulder blades and brushed the stones of the floor. It was an odd feeling, Harry decided, to feel the cold stones with both feet and now something else.
Ignoring the mirror's exclamations, he shook loose the ornate black leggings with silver ties up the side and slipped them on. A midnight colored open robe with arcane etchings that shimmered in the hemming followed, care being taken to slip the specially designed robe over his wings and extend them through the slits in the back. There was only two final touches. Reading an imported comic called 'Tenchi Muyou' had given him the idea for battle markings that he carefully applied with a temporary tattooing spell, commonly used for children and festivals. But what made the vision complete was the mark he etched on him forehead. For there, darkly humming, was the gleaming crescent moon he saw in his dreams.
Smiling slightly at the overall effect, Harry glided down the stairs and into the Common Room and out the portrait hole. Moving swiftly, he heard the faint sounds of music that grew to a crescendo as he reached the doors to the Great Hall. Smirking slightly, he thrust them open and heard them hit the walls with a solid 'thud'. Movement stopped and the dull roar inside the room dropped to the level the band was playing at, unknowing of the disturbance. Moving forward, Harry saw a flash of gold and aimed for Hermione's stunning Cleopatra outfit, Ron standing as Marc Antony by her side. Whispers and comments flew as he finally gained their side. Ron let out a low whistle.
"Bloody hell, mate. That's some outfit. You may even win first prize with it." Hermione quickly hugged him, but pulled back after feeling the brush of feathers and moving muscle. Her shocked eyes met his placid ones.
"Harry...those are real!" Unthinkingly blurting it out, she only realized her mistake when the whispers got louder and people began to crowd around to try and touch the angelic additions. Harry's expression closed off and almost seemed to glare at his friends, but of course, that wouldn't be possible since he was the Golden Boy of Gryffindor tower.
"Of course they are, Herms. You don't think I would get prosthetics simply for a Halloween dance, do you? It's a temporary potion." Brushing off the whole situation seemed to calm down the crowd with the explanation it was nothing more than something learned in Snape's classroom. But Hermione still didn't seemed satisfied. Seeing the hard eyes belaying the boredom of his expression, she decided not to press the issue...for now. The music seemed to dim as people once again began talking and moving about. Looking around, Harry did a double-take when he noticed Malfoy giving him a once-over. Meeting the paler boy's eyes, Draco smirked, but Harry got the last laugh at the expression on his face when Harry matched the Slytherin expression.
Though, he got a shock when Malfoy wandered over. Harry attempted to clear his throat, but gave up and just let his jaw hang. Malfoy's silver hair had also lengthened, but only till it brushed his shoulders. It seemed to contrast perfectly with the crimson leather pants and black open-front robes he had donned for the occasion, leaving his pale chest bare. Small horns sprouted from his scalp and a demonic looking black tail swished back and forth behind him when he walked.
"You know, I should have thought of that excuse earlier, but luckily, no one thought to question my new...'additions'." His pale eyes narrowed at the pseudo-angel. "The Shisei Theory was disregarded by most of the Wizarding world, but those with true powers know that anything is possible with magic. Tell me, where did you come by the applications for it?"
Darting a glance at the people around him and seeing that they seemed to be paying a little too much attention to the duo, probably due to the lack of insults and fists, Harry leaned in till he was speaking right by the shell of Draco's ear. "As you seem to already know, there is no applications written for the Shisei theorem. It is still called a hypothesis, but we have felt the power and used it. Why do you play games, Malfoy?"
Draco's eyes glittered in the light of the floating candles. "Games? I don't play those with you. Would you give me this dance?" While Harry just stared in confusion at the subject change, Draco took the opportunity to drag him onto the dance floor for the fast paced techno song playing while the band took a breather. Harry just stood stock-still for a moment while his wings shifted nervously. Draco's movements were as fluid as a cat's when he wrapped himself sinuously around the taller boy. "Let's give the rumor mill something to fuss with." Harry relaxed. This was something he knew how to deal with; Malfoy trying to make an ass out of him. Well, this time, Harry would show him. Letting his body fall into the music, he began to sway and twist, twining around the Slytherin as he likewise slid around the Gryffindor. A space cleared around the two while they continued, caught up in the beat and each other and heedless of the stares and whispers.
Ron was about to pull out his sword and ram it through Malfoy's black heart - plastic or not - when Hermione grabbed his arm, eyes serious. "They're up to something. Give Harry some space, he'll come to us later." Turning the freckled face to her, she smiled. "Besides, shouldn't you be dancing with your girlfriend?" Ron gave a mischievous smile that melted Hermione's bones and he swept her close, both dancing to their own tune.
Harry caught the other boy's gaze and was about to say something when the Great Hall's doors once again slammed forward to herald another occupant. This time, the music also stopped when the dancing did. Harry, confused by the sudden break from his thoughts, turned to the door and strained to see who had interrupted the festivities. When he did, Draco barely managed to keep his feet as the dark boy straightened and dropped his arms. Frowning, Malfoy also turned to see what the commotion was about, disturbing his efforts at being the center of attention.
A woman had stepped forth from the shadows and entered the Great Hall. Slowly walking down the aisle of students parting before her, she reached Dumbledore at the head of the room and nodded her head at him. But what surprised everyone, staff included, was when the wizened Headmaster stood and gave her a deep bow, staying there until she gripped his shoulder and drew him up. She embraced him. "Headmaster."
"My dear Usagi, call me Albus." Both their eyes twinkled at the reactions of the mass of students and professors milling around. Her silver hair was up in the customary odango and her crescent moon shone faintly in the candlelight. The pure white dress encasing her form was reminiscent of her previous life's outfit. /Amusing, I dressed up as myself./ The only difference was the white opera gloves to cover the mark on her wrist and the serpent wrapped around her body. "I suppose it might be time?" Turning he motioned with his wand and everyone fell quiet. "I am pleased to introduce the new addition to the staff to begin teaching next semester's class on Symbolism and Applications; Professor Tsukino." When every eye was trained on her, Usagi gracefully inclined her head. Dumbledore started up the music again and sat with the young woman to discuss the teaching position.
Hermione turned to Ron, eyes shining. "A new class! On Symbolism, no less. I hope I can sign up for next semester. Maybe their will be a year limit? I hope it's not just for seventh years...And what a coincidence that she came to Hogwarts on Halloween!" Ron just pressed a hand to his forehead and dragged his girlfriend to the table set up for snacks. And they said he had a one-track mind.
Students were still whispering while the stunningly beautiful woman conversed with the Headmaster, watching as he stood up and offered an arm in a courtly gesture. Her laugh was sent ringing around the room as Dumbledore twirled moved the young woman where he would, completely ignoring the classic waltz begin played. All the while keeping up a lively discourse. Usagi found herself forgetting that this was the man responsible for her beloved's death years ago.
"...and Severus, my dear, you should watch for. He tends to be moody and prone to dark humor." Catching the tail end of what the older man was informing her on, she nodded and gave a smile.
"Ah, that's never bothered me. Secretly, half of the stuff passes over my head anyways."
A hearty chuckle, broken by an increase in the hissing from the uniquely colored Lancehead.
"I hope your familiar isn't dizzy from all the turns?"
"Not at all! Sinister just doesn't like all the unfamiliar people. He tries to protect me as much as possible."
"As a good friend should in these days. But don't worry about the staff or the students, you'll get to know them over the course of your teaching."
All too soon, the dance ended and the aging wizard gave a deep bow which Usagi replied to with a curtsey. "I think I'll mingle before I take my leave of your wonderful establishment." Moving through the crowds, Usagi stopped suddenly when her gaze lit upon the piercing emerald stare directed her way. Nodding to him, Usagi adjusted her gloves and felt an unfamiliar feeling of apprehension curl through her as the Boy-Who-Lived approached. Eyes focused on her forehead, Harry bowed almost mockingly and took her onto the dance floor for a fast-paced wizarding dance with complicated footwork. Usagi had read up on traditional dancing before coming, so was able to focus her mind on other things while her body worked.
"I don't think it's a happy accident that you're also bearing a crescent moon?" he hissed.
"Well, you certainly don't seem happy about it, Mr. Potter."
"Why should I be when you keep me from sleeping and concentrating?! I don't even know you!"
Draco, watching from the sidelines, was pleased to note the rising tension between the only two dancers on the floor. Smirking to himself, he bet Harry would have an even harder time keeping a straight head when she left, making him all the more susceptible to his plans.
"And why do I keep you from sleeping? You aren't having...naughty thoughts, are you?" He snarled at her humor. "Or perhaps visions?"
"Yes, damn you! And you know it! Who are you?!"
"I am Tsukino Usagi, born in Japan, also known as Princess Serenity from the Silver Millennium. And if I find that has leaked out to become general knowledge, I'll Obliviate you so hard, you'll be wetting your pants again." Too stunned by her revelation to react to the threat, Harry didn't notice when the song became a slow ballad. Moving closer to Harry, she reached arms around him and he automatically reciprocated. "Harry, I know this seems a shock, but it's true. I...was there on the night your parents died. Your mother was very noble, but she didn't leave you that scar." Usagi reached up and moved a finger down the one in question. "It's the mark of a different kind of bond. If your precious Dumbledore cannot answer what it is...the owls all know where I stay." Parting from the almost familiarity of his grip, she gave a gallant sweep of skirts and moved along. Harry saw her occasionally in the arms of others and had to ignore the stab of jealously that rose up in him. He didn't even know why he was feeling this way! He just met her...didn't he?
But one thing was certain, he'd find out the mystery of the silver-haired goddess if it killed him!
Severus Snape, voted snarkiest man in Hogwarts, was startled out of his thoughts of the new 'recruit' by the sharp pain in his arm. Too used to the feeling to let the pain show on his face, Snape glanced around quickly for Dumbledore. Seeing the old man, he nodded slowly and raised his left hand like he was going to wave, then swept out of the room, much to the relief of the others around him. Before he could make a clean get-away, the object of his previous musings stepped in front of him. "Severus Snape, may I speak to you a moment?"
"Make it brief."
She tilted her head a fraction and the smile slipped off her face, replaced by a blank mask. "When I start next semester, if I find you have done anything out of the ordinary to Harry Potter, I will personally hold you accountable. And you don't want me to bring to light some not-so-ancient history, do you?" With a last glance, Usagi moved back into the Great Hall, leaving the Deatheater to stare after her till another throb of agony brought him to his senses. Moving out of the school and to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Snape slipped into the shadows and apparated away, still reeling over the threat of exposure.
/But, how did she know? What could make her speak so confidently?/
He found himself at the edge of some dark castle deep in the Carpathians, the new base since Voldemort's last defeat at Riddle Mansion when aurors stormed the place. Striding towards the large entryway, Snape could feel the touch of darkness moving past him, tasting his skin and continuing on. He steeped inside and was led into hell.
Men hung from the walls in various states of undress, some with lacerations, some burned beyond all recognition, and a few untouched except for the blank look in their glazed eyes as the followed his trek into the vaulted chambers.
"Wellll...If it isn't my loyal follower, Severus. How delightful for us to be graced with your presence." Snape ignored the heavy sarcasm and swept his robes out in a bow to his Lord.
"You have Summoned me, my Lord?"
"Yes. I am hearing rumors that Potter is severely distracted in school, and vulnerable. Lucius's boy tells me he craves affection, yet doesn't want to be touched. How is it that you have failed to report on something that could be of use TO MY PLANS?!" Chains made a distinct clank as their occupants shifted to the fury in Voldemort's voice.
"My Lord, I have not noticed this vulnerability. In class and in the halls, he is the same annoying Golden Child he has always made himself out to be." Voldemort contemplated this and leaned back in his throne.
"Perhaps you are not the appropriate tool to make use of these changes. After all, he is a teenage boy with...emotional...issues that could be helped along with the right...bait. Yessss...maybe I have been too hasty in my anger." He steepled his fingers and pinned Snape with his gaze. "Do you have anything of use to report to me?"
"My Lord, there is a new professor coming to Hogwarts to teach on Symbolism. There is something about her that disturbs me with how she threatened me over Potter's safety-"
"Another little Order groupie is of no concern of mine. Now leave my sight."
"Of course, my Lord."
Snape swept out of the room, barely managing to keep his fury under wraps. He didn't know why Dumbledore made him do this. No useful information ever came out of it, and Snape was treated as less than human in his meetings with Voldemort. He was about to reveal the new professor had an aura of suppressed power around her, but at Voldemort's condescending tone, kept the tidbit to himself. He would find a way to use it at a later date. As it was, Snape would be happy to be rid of the sinister place.
"Sinister, explain to me again why we must do this?"
"Quit your whining and look attentive. When Dumbledore comes in, you must beseech him for rooms in the castle."
Right at the snake's last hiss, the Headmaster walked into the room with a cheery grin. Sitting, he picked up a candy jar and offered Usagi a piece. "Lemondrop? They're my favorites."
"Sure." Usagi popped one in her mouth and instantly felt more at ease. Slightly suspicious of the candies, she looked at Dumbledore with narrow eyes. "Spells on the candy? Unique."
"Ahhh...but don't muggles come up with the more interesting pills?"
Usagi glared for a moment before relaxing. "What I wanted to talk to you about was if there were accommodations in the castle I could reside in. It would be much less of a strain than apparating from a house to the grounds every morning. It would also help me become more familiar with the grounds and the faculty."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he seemed to seriously consider her request. "Of course, my dear. You don't honestly think the entire staff lives off campus during the year, do you? I did happen to set aside a suite when you wrote back to me. If you would care to follow me?" The aging man rose and strode down the stairwell, Usagi tripping on the hem of her robe to catch up.
They passed the entrance to the Gryffindor tower and took a small hallway off to the right, stopping in front of a blank portrait. "Will you do the honors, Miss Tsukino, and set a password?"
Usagi knew no matter what she set, the Headmaster would be able to get in she spoke the first word in her mind. "Chosen."
The portrait swung open and neither noticed the beginnings of lines forming on the blank canvas. Stepping into the room, Usagi turned to look at the Headmaster.
"The rooms are all yours, Usagi, to do as you please. Just remember, your fireplace has Floo access to any place in the castle not blocked by privacy. There are wards you can set to keep yourself separate, but in times of emergency they are over-ridden. I will have houselves bring you up dinner, as I have a feeling you will be otherwise occupied to come to the Great Hall. Have a good day, Miss Tsukino." And before Usagi could get a word in edgewise, the Headmaster was already out the doorway.
The portrait closed on Usagi's surprised face and left only Albus's wrinkled visage to gaze at the previously white canvas. Colored lines had begun to bleed across the fabric in patterns yet unshaped.
"Well. Seems as though she might be a bit more than I had hoped for. This could be very good for Mr. Potter...or..." he trailed off. "Of course not. Maybe Minerva is right and I am being a silly old man." Shaking his bearded head, he jovially walked off.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It's late and I figured you'd want a chapter rather than a lengthy A/N, so...I promise to give my gratitude in the next chapter. Which hopefully won't take a year to complete. :)
Chapter: 3 - I pray the Lord
Author: Sera Luanma
Disclaimer: I won't repeat myself. I feel it lowers my intelligence.
A/N: Good Goddess did this take a while. I finally managed to brainfart enough out to -hopefully- make a coherent chapter. I know for a fact this chapter will raise some questions, so review away and I'll try to answer them in the next author's notes. Remember, I cater to your whims.
There was a scream and a blaze of light from the boy, now a man, who had lain his head on his lover's body. The woman's husband stood slightly to the side, eyes burning brightly crimson in his rage and grief. The sobbing man turned to the other, emotions a roiling cloud in his eyes.
"This is all your fault!" he screamed at the unmoving figure. "You killed her! You let her die by YOUR foolishness! Your spell that-" the man had had enough. Tom Riddle, most often known as Lord Voldemort stepped forward and swung a right hook at Harry Potter, savior of the Wizarding world. His voice was a low, menacing growl.
"You think I loved her any less than you?! My desire for power was nothing, NOTHING, when she came back to me! Everything I did after her return was to protect her! I would have given my fucking LIFE for her! How dare you, a CHILD, chastise me on my actions! It was both of our spells that killed her! I have nothing left but killing you now that she is gone! But I made a promise...and even that last pleasure is denied from me. Harold James Potter, know this; if we ever meet again, I will make sure it will be for the very last time." Leaning down, Voldemort plucked a single glowing feather from his wife's wing before striding off, leaving a devastated Gryffindor behind. He didn't catch Harry's final coherent words mixed in with his sobs.
"...but would you kill our children too?"
When Draco Malfoy finally managed to drag himself to the site of the final show-down, he could only place a hand for comfort on the shaking shoulder of the mourner clutching a still-smiling body to him.
Harry had chosen his outfit carefully, using all spells to create it out of base materials. And even though the research on the spells themselves had taken an eternity, Harry was exceptionally pleased with the results. The sixth year boys had already trekked down to the Great Hall for the dance, but Harry was going to be fashionably late to enhance the effect of his outfit, probably the only thing he could thank his dreams for. Toweling off from his shower, Harry turned to the mirror and place a wand to the damp mane of hair, muttering an incantation and watching his locks lengthen and curl to his waist before uttering the finite incanteum. Quickly braiding it, he turned next to the repairing of his eyes. After many hours in a medical/magical report, The-Boy-Who-Was-Optically-Challenged found the repairing spell for his near-sightedness. Carefully removing his glasses, he raised the wand and pointed it at his mirror image, a loop and swish later found the spell bouncing back from the reflective surface and hitting him straight in the eyes. Blinking a few times to clear the moisture, Harry spared a brief moment to marvel at his clear vision without the hassle of lenses.
Only one more bodily transformation to go. Sighing as he already felt the drain of previous magic, Harry flexed his shoulder quickly and reached inside himself for that area that animagus training spoke of. supposedly, a TRUE magical being could harness the energy of the abyss where the animal forms resided and transmute into many forms. Pulling forth only some of the massive force he could feel, Harry envisioned great black wings. Stifling a scream, he felt the tearing of the skin and elongation of muscles that told him it was working. When the pain finally subsided into a dull ache, Harry mustered up the ability to rise to his feet - he didn't remember falling - and downing a Pepper-up Potion. Extraordinary new appendages now extended from his shoulder blades and brushed the stones of the floor. It was an odd feeling, Harry decided, to feel the cold stones with both feet and now something else.
Ignoring the mirror's exclamations, he shook loose the ornate black leggings with silver ties up the side and slipped them on. A midnight colored open robe with arcane etchings that shimmered in the hemming followed, care being taken to slip the specially designed robe over his wings and extend them through the slits in the back. There was only two final touches. Reading an imported comic called 'Tenchi Muyou' had given him the idea for battle markings that he carefully applied with a temporary tattooing spell, commonly used for children and festivals. But what made the vision complete was the mark he etched on him forehead. For there, darkly humming, was the gleaming crescent moon he saw in his dreams.
Smiling slightly at the overall effect, Harry glided down the stairs and into the Common Room and out the portrait hole. Moving swiftly, he heard the faint sounds of music that grew to a crescendo as he reached the doors to the Great Hall. Smirking slightly, he thrust them open and heard them hit the walls with a solid 'thud'. Movement stopped and the dull roar inside the room dropped to the level the band was playing at, unknowing of the disturbance. Moving forward, Harry saw a flash of gold and aimed for Hermione's stunning Cleopatra outfit, Ron standing as Marc Antony by her side. Whispers and comments flew as he finally gained their side. Ron let out a low whistle.
"Bloody hell, mate. That's some outfit. You may even win first prize with it." Hermione quickly hugged him, but pulled back after feeling the brush of feathers and moving muscle. Her shocked eyes met his placid ones.
"Harry...those are real!" Unthinkingly blurting it out, she only realized her mistake when the whispers got louder and people began to crowd around to try and touch the angelic additions. Harry's expression closed off and almost seemed to glare at his friends, but of course, that wouldn't be possible since he was the Golden Boy of Gryffindor tower.
"Of course they are, Herms. You don't think I would get prosthetics simply for a Halloween dance, do you? It's a temporary potion." Brushing off the whole situation seemed to calm down the crowd with the explanation it was nothing more than something learned in Snape's classroom. But Hermione still didn't seemed satisfied. Seeing the hard eyes belaying the boredom of his expression, she decided not to press the issue...for now. The music seemed to dim as people once again began talking and moving about. Looking around, Harry did a double-take when he noticed Malfoy giving him a once-over. Meeting the paler boy's eyes, Draco smirked, but Harry got the last laugh at the expression on his face when Harry matched the Slytherin expression.
Though, he got a shock when Malfoy wandered over. Harry attempted to clear his throat, but gave up and just let his jaw hang. Malfoy's silver hair had also lengthened, but only till it brushed his shoulders. It seemed to contrast perfectly with the crimson leather pants and black open-front robes he had donned for the occasion, leaving his pale chest bare. Small horns sprouted from his scalp and a demonic looking black tail swished back and forth behind him when he walked.
"You know, I should have thought of that excuse earlier, but luckily, no one thought to question my new...'additions'." His pale eyes narrowed at the pseudo-angel. "The Shisei Theory was disregarded by most of the Wizarding world, but those with true powers know that anything is possible with magic. Tell me, where did you come by the applications for it?"
Darting a glance at the people around him and seeing that they seemed to be paying a little too much attention to the duo, probably due to the lack of insults and fists, Harry leaned in till he was speaking right by the shell of Draco's ear. "As you seem to already know, there is no applications written for the Shisei theorem. It is still called a hypothesis, but we have felt the power and used it. Why do you play games, Malfoy?"
Draco's eyes glittered in the light of the floating candles. "Games? I don't play those with you. Would you give me this dance?" While Harry just stared in confusion at the subject change, Draco took the opportunity to drag him onto the dance floor for the fast paced techno song playing while the band took a breather. Harry just stood stock-still for a moment while his wings shifted nervously. Draco's movements were as fluid as a cat's when he wrapped himself sinuously around the taller boy. "Let's give the rumor mill something to fuss with." Harry relaxed. This was something he knew how to deal with; Malfoy trying to make an ass out of him. Well, this time, Harry would show him. Letting his body fall into the music, he began to sway and twist, twining around the Slytherin as he likewise slid around the Gryffindor. A space cleared around the two while they continued, caught up in the beat and each other and heedless of the stares and whispers.
Ron was about to pull out his sword and ram it through Malfoy's black heart - plastic or not - when Hermione grabbed his arm, eyes serious. "They're up to something. Give Harry some space, he'll come to us later." Turning the freckled face to her, she smiled. "Besides, shouldn't you be dancing with your girlfriend?" Ron gave a mischievous smile that melted Hermione's bones and he swept her close, both dancing to their own tune.
Harry caught the other boy's gaze and was about to say something when the Great Hall's doors once again slammed forward to herald another occupant. This time, the music also stopped when the dancing did. Harry, confused by the sudden break from his thoughts, turned to the door and strained to see who had interrupted the festivities. When he did, Draco barely managed to keep his feet as the dark boy straightened and dropped his arms. Frowning, Malfoy also turned to see what the commotion was about, disturbing his efforts at being the center of attention.
A woman had stepped forth from the shadows and entered the Great Hall. Slowly walking down the aisle of students parting before her, she reached Dumbledore at the head of the room and nodded her head at him. But what surprised everyone, staff included, was when the wizened Headmaster stood and gave her a deep bow, staying there until she gripped his shoulder and drew him up. She embraced him. "Headmaster."
"My dear Usagi, call me Albus." Both their eyes twinkled at the reactions of the mass of students and professors milling around. Her silver hair was up in the customary odango and her crescent moon shone faintly in the candlelight. The pure white dress encasing her form was reminiscent of her previous life's outfit. /Amusing, I dressed up as myself./ The only difference was the white opera gloves to cover the mark on her wrist and the serpent wrapped around her body. "I suppose it might be time?" Turning he motioned with his wand and everyone fell quiet. "I am pleased to introduce the new addition to the staff to begin teaching next semester's class on Symbolism and Applications; Professor Tsukino." When every eye was trained on her, Usagi gracefully inclined her head. Dumbledore started up the music again and sat with the young woman to discuss the teaching position.
Hermione turned to Ron, eyes shining. "A new class! On Symbolism, no less. I hope I can sign up for next semester. Maybe their will be a year limit? I hope it's not just for seventh years...And what a coincidence that she came to Hogwarts on Halloween!" Ron just pressed a hand to his forehead and dragged his girlfriend to the table set up for snacks. And they said he had a one-track mind.
Students were still whispering while the stunningly beautiful woman conversed with the Headmaster, watching as he stood up and offered an arm in a courtly gesture. Her laugh was sent ringing around the room as Dumbledore twirled moved the young woman where he would, completely ignoring the classic waltz begin played. All the while keeping up a lively discourse. Usagi found herself forgetting that this was the man responsible for her beloved's death years ago.
"...and Severus, my dear, you should watch for. He tends to be moody and prone to dark humor." Catching the tail end of what the older man was informing her on, she nodded and gave a smile.
"Ah, that's never bothered me. Secretly, half of the stuff passes over my head anyways."
A hearty chuckle, broken by an increase in the hissing from the uniquely colored Lancehead.
"I hope your familiar isn't dizzy from all the turns?"
"Not at all! Sinister just doesn't like all the unfamiliar people. He tries to protect me as much as possible."
"As a good friend should in these days. But don't worry about the staff or the students, you'll get to know them over the course of your teaching."
All too soon, the dance ended and the aging wizard gave a deep bow which Usagi replied to with a curtsey. "I think I'll mingle before I take my leave of your wonderful establishment." Moving through the crowds, Usagi stopped suddenly when her gaze lit upon the piercing emerald stare directed her way. Nodding to him, Usagi adjusted her gloves and felt an unfamiliar feeling of apprehension curl through her as the Boy-Who-Lived approached. Eyes focused on her forehead, Harry bowed almost mockingly and took her onto the dance floor for a fast-paced wizarding dance with complicated footwork. Usagi had read up on traditional dancing before coming, so was able to focus her mind on other things while her body worked.
"I don't think it's a happy accident that you're also bearing a crescent moon?" he hissed.
"Well, you certainly don't seem happy about it, Mr. Potter."
"Why should I be when you keep me from sleeping and concentrating?! I don't even know you!"
Draco, watching from the sidelines, was pleased to note the rising tension between the only two dancers on the floor. Smirking to himself, he bet Harry would have an even harder time keeping a straight head when she left, making him all the more susceptible to his plans.
"And why do I keep you from sleeping? You aren't having...naughty thoughts, are you?" He snarled at her humor. "Or perhaps visions?"
"Yes, damn you! And you know it! Who are you?!"
"I am Tsukino Usagi, born in Japan, also known as Princess Serenity from the Silver Millennium. And if I find that has leaked out to become general knowledge, I'll Obliviate you so hard, you'll be wetting your pants again." Too stunned by her revelation to react to the threat, Harry didn't notice when the song became a slow ballad. Moving closer to Harry, she reached arms around him and he automatically reciprocated. "Harry, I know this seems a shock, but it's true. I...was there on the night your parents died. Your mother was very noble, but she didn't leave you that scar." Usagi reached up and moved a finger down the one in question. "It's the mark of a different kind of bond. If your precious Dumbledore cannot answer what it is...the owls all know where I stay." Parting from the almost familiarity of his grip, she gave a gallant sweep of skirts and moved along. Harry saw her occasionally in the arms of others and had to ignore the stab of jealously that rose up in him. He didn't even know why he was feeling this way! He just met her...didn't he?
But one thing was certain, he'd find out the mystery of the silver-haired goddess if it killed him!
Severus Snape, voted snarkiest man in Hogwarts, was startled out of his thoughts of the new 'recruit' by the sharp pain in his arm. Too used to the feeling to let the pain show on his face, Snape glanced around quickly for Dumbledore. Seeing the old man, he nodded slowly and raised his left hand like he was going to wave, then swept out of the room, much to the relief of the others around him. Before he could make a clean get-away, the object of his previous musings stepped in front of him. "Severus Snape, may I speak to you a moment?"
"Make it brief."
She tilted her head a fraction and the smile slipped off her face, replaced by a blank mask. "When I start next semester, if I find you have done anything out of the ordinary to Harry Potter, I will personally hold you accountable. And you don't want me to bring to light some not-so-ancient history, do you?" With a last glance, Usagi moved back into the Great Hall, leaving the Deatheater to stare after her till another throb of agony brought him to his senses. Moving out of the school and to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Snape slipped into the shadows and apparated away, still reeling over the threat of exposure.
/But, how did she know? What could make her speak so confidently?/
He found himself at the edge of some dark castle deep in the Carpathians, the new base since Voldemort's last defeat at Riddle Mansion when aurors stormed the place. Striding towards the large entryway, Snape could feel the touch of darkness moving past him, tasting his skin and continuing on. He steeped inside and was led into hell.
Men hung from the walls in various states of undress, some with lacerations, some burned beyond all recognition, and a few untouched except for the blank look in their glazed eyes as the followed his trek into the vaulted chambers.
"Wellll...If it isn't my loyal follower, Severus. How delightful for us to be graced with your presence." Snape ignored the heavy sarcasm and swept his robes out in a bow to his Lord.
"You have Summoned me, my Lord?"
"Yes. I am hearing rumors that Potter is severely distracted in school, and vulnerable. Lucius's boy tells me he craves affection, yet doesn't want to be touched. How is it that you have failed to report on something that could be of use TO MY PLANS?!" Chains made a distinct clank as their occupants shifted to the fury in Voldemort's voice.
"My Lord, I have not noticed this vulnerability. In class and in the halls, he is the same annoying Golden Child he has always made himself out to be." Voldemort contemplated this and leaned back in his throne.
"Perhaps you are not the appropriate tool to make use of these changes. After all, he is a teenage boy with...emotional...issues that could be helped along with the right...bait. Yessss...maybe I have been too hasty in my anger." He steepled his fingers and pinned Snape with his gaze. "Do you have anything of use to report to me?"
"My Lord, there is a new professor coming to Hogwarts to teach on Symbolism. There is something about her that disturbs me with how she threatened me over Potter's safety-"
"Another little Order groupie is of no concern of mine. Now leave my sight."
"Of course, my Lord."
Snape swept out of the room, barely managing to keep his fury under wraps. He didn't know why Dumbledore made him do this. No useful information ever came out of it, and Snape was treated as less than human in his meetings with Voldemort. He was about to reveal the new professor had an aura of suppressed power around her, but at Voldemort's condescending tone, kept the tidbit to himself. He would find a way to use it at a later date. As it was, Snape would be happy to be rid of the sinister place.
"Sinister, explain to me again why we must do this?"
"Quit your whining and look attentive. When Dumbledore comes in, you must beseech him for rooms in the castle."
Right at the snake's last hiss, the Headmaster walked into the room with a cheery grin. Sitting, he picked up a candy jar and offered Usagi a piece. "Lemondrop? They're my favorites."
"Sure." Usagi popped one in her mouth and instantly felt more at ease. Slightly suspicious of the candies, she looked at Dumbledore with narrow eyes. "Spells on the candy? Unique."
"Ahhh...but don't muggles come up with the more interesting pills?"
Usagi glared for a moment before relaxing. "What I wanted to talk to you about was if there were accommodations in the castle I could reside in. It would be much less of a strain than apparating from a house to the grounds every morning. It would also help me become more familiar with the grounds and the faculty."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he seemed to seriously consider her request. "Of course, my dear. You don't honestly think the entire staff lives off campus during the year, do you? I did happen to set aside a suite when you wrote back to me. If you would care to follow me?" The aging man rose and strode down the stairwell, Usagi tripping on the hem of her robe to catch up.
They passed the entrance to the Gryffindor tower and took a small hallway off to the right, stopping in front of a blank portrait. "Will you do the honors, Miss Tsukino, and set a password?"
Usagi knew no matter what she set, the Headmaster would be able to get in she spoke the first word in her mind. "Chosen."
The portrait swung open and neither noticed the beginnings of lines forming on the blank canvas. Stepping into the room, Usagi turned to look at the Headmaster.
"The rooms are all yours, Usagi, to do as you please. Just remember, your fireplace has Floo access to any place in the castle not blocked by privacy. There are wards you can set to keep yourself separate, but in times of emergency they are over-ridden. I will have houselves bring you up dinner, as I have a feeling you will be otherwise occupied to come to the Great Hall. Have a good day, Miss Tsukino." And before Usagi could get a word in edgewise, the Headmaster was already out the doorway.
The portrait closed on Usagi's surprised face and left only Albus's wrinkled visage to gaze at the previously white canvas. Colored lines had begun to bleed across the fabric in patterns yet unshaped.
"Well. Seems as though she might be a bit more than I had hoped for. This could be very good for Mr. Potter...or..." he trailed off. "Of course not. Maybe Minerva is right and I am being a silly old man." Shaking his bearded head, he jovially walked off.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It's late and I figured you'd want a chapter rather than a lengthy A/N, so...I promise to give my gratitude in the next chapter. Which hopefully won't take a year to complete. :)