"Calm down." He told Archie.

"I am calm." Archie replied, his voice shaky.

"Tell me a funny story or something." He soothed, gently nudging the ginger as they walked toward Archie's back door.

"Are you sure you want to do this here?" Archie asked, pausing at the door.

"I want you to be comfortable and feel safe. That's why we're going to do it in your room. I'm sure you'll be more relaxed there. Now, tell me a story." He insisted, walking through the door as Archie held it open for him.

"Well…" he paused, grinning, "When I was playing with your toys, my dad walked in on me."

"What?" he came to an abrupt halt, turning around and facing him full on.

"More specifically, I was actually licking the head of the largest dildo when he came in. I had my tongue on it and just kept it there as Dad looked from my mouth to the dildo."

"No." he was stunned, and extremely turned on.

"Yeah." He grinned, closing and locking the door behind him. "He just gave me a look, then closed the door and walked away. The next morning though…he asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about."

"Like if you love cock or something?" Kevin reached down and pressed his hand against Archie's crotch.

"Not in so many words." He said, then "pull me out dude."

Smirking, he shook his head and tuned away. From behind, he heard a growl of frustration. Ignoring him, he walked through the kitchen and into the hallway with the stairway on the left and turned. Expecting to see his friend, he was surprised when he wasn't behind him. The sound of footsteps came from the left. Shifting his gaze, he watched as Archie hurried into the living and walked toward him. Assuming they were alone, he faced the ginger.

Archie paused and looked at him with interest. After a moment, Archie moved forward and pressed against him. Kevin moaned as he felt how hard Archie was as they grinded. Opening his mouth, he pressed his tongue into his friends. Arms enclosed him as they shuffled backward. His heel hit the bottom of the stairs. Abruptly, he was sitting on the third step. Grinning even more, Archie shuffled forward and actually straddled him. Pulling away, Kevin looked down at Archie's tented jeans.

Automatically, he reached down and unzipped his friend. Wearing boxer briefs, a wet spot was forming on them. Twisting his hand a little more, he awkwardly used his fingers and fished out his friends cock through the opening of his underwear. Though the foreskin still covered the head, precum was seeping and pooling in the fold of the skin. Bending his head down, he was just able to poke his tongue into it. Archie groaned, his hand pressing against Kevin's head to keep him in place. Thrusting upward, the folds of the opening of the boxer briefs kept the foreskin in place while the head continued to erupt. Fully exposed, the pink head throbbed.

"I love cock so much." Kevin muttered, pulling away just a bit to take in more of the view.

"Really?" Archie chuckled, "I hadn't noticed."

Looking up, Kevin bit his lip as the redhead continued to grin at him. Grunting, Archie pushed himself to his feet. Leaning back, his mouth was at the same height as the prize in front of him. Opening his mouth, he let Archie thrust inside. Making sure to keep his teeth covered, he used his tongue and swirled around the head. Dipping his tongue into the piss slit, the salty flavor made him shiver.

Below, he was painfully hard. Hoping to relieve the pressure, he rearranged his dick so it lay flat against his groin. Catching the movement, Archie squatted a bit and reached around his left thigh. Kevin's breath hitched as the hand gave his prick a squeeze. Letting out a reluctant sigh, Archie stepped back and looked down at his crotch. Placing a hand on the step beside his ass, Archie used the other and unzipped him, then undid the top button. His fly popped open, and his dick was released.

Going commando, his crotch was completely visible. Tilting his head, Archie studied his groin. His fingers reached down and scratched the skin under his growing bush. The last time he had trimmed below was three or four weeks ago. Before that, he still had a decent amount of hair, now it looked like a forest by comparison. Black and straight, his pubes poked out everywhere. Looking pleased, Archie winked, then went down on him.

"Oh!" he gasped, unprepared for the hot wetness.

"Feel good?" the ginger asked, pulling up just a bit.

Not bothering to reply, he placed his hand on his friends' head and shoved him back down. Archie chuckled around his length as he began to bob his head. Biting his lip, Kevin stared up at the ceiling. Lifting his hips into the air, he thrusted passed his friends lips. His friend was so much better at sucking his cock then he had been weeks ago. Proud of him, Kevin decided he'd let Archie top him before they switched positions. As he felt a building tension below, he removed his hand from Archie's head, turned around and crawled up the stairs without a backward glance.

"Anxious?" Called the redhead.

"You have no idea." He grunted, rising to his feet at the top of the stairs.

He'd been dreaming about losing his virginity, well…topping virginity to Archie for a while. Every night the past week he had searched porn sites and watched as many videos with redheads he could find to jerk off to. Faced with the real thing, he hoped it would be worth the wait.

Making his way to Archie's bedroom, he pulled at his shirt while trying to kick his shoes off with hard kicks. Hearing laughter, he knew he must look pathetic. Brushing off the amusement, he was able to finally kick his left show off. The shoe sailed through the air and hit the door at the end of the hall. Though the door was partially open, the force of the shoe caused it to open all the way. Cringing, he glanced back and noticed his friend had halted. Feeling his ears turn red, he came to a stop as well.

"Sorry." He said in a low and soft voice.

"S'ok dude." Archie said, coming to stand right behind him.

"I'm just…nervous." He explained as they entered his room.

"I get it. I'm a bit apprehensive too. I mean…I'm sure having you inside me is going to be so different than the toys you gave me." His voice sounded uncertain.

Looking around the room, he remarked that this was one of the very few times he'd been there. Dark green walls, a large rounded rug, a desk, bookshelves, etc. The sound of a click startled him enough to look around. Archie ignored him, walking over to the window that faced Betty's house and closing the curtains. As he walked to the window that faced the front yard, he noticed Archie's dick still poking out of his jeans. Grinning, Kevin shimmied his jeans to the floor while dropping his shirt next to his feet. The room went dark as the window was blocked out.

It was so dark, he could no longer see his friend. A shadow moved in front of him, along with soft footsteps. A large and warm hand was planted on his chest. Freezing, he waited as another hand dropped onto his shoulder. The hand slid to the side until it gripped the back of his neck. Kevin moved forward even as pressure was applied to his neck. Archie's mouth pressed against his own. They breathed together, standing in the dark.

"Touch me." Archie whispered, tilting his head to the side.

"Okay." He breathed back as a tongue wet his ear.

Groaning, he reached down and automatically and easily unbuttoned Archie's jeans. Without a word, his hand pushed at the waist line and the jeans fell. He grinned as he gripped his friend's throbbing member. Giving a grunt and moan into his ear, Archie shuddered. Another hand gripped his own dick, making him jump. Wanting to move things along, Kevin dropped to his knees and took Archie into his mouth.

"Fuck." Came a soft moan.

Yanking the boxer briefs down, Kevin knew Archie was completely nude now. Kevin bobbed on his friends dick, while using one hand to slide up his belly. Coming to a halt, he smirked around Archie's cock as there was a grunt from above, and suddenly Archie's abs became hard. Lifting the dick into a more upright position, Kevin tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips and mouth to the underside of the shaft. Moving down, he felt the hairs poking out of Archie's nuts tickling his chin.

Dropping even lower, he used his tongue to slather the sweaty nut sac in front of him. He inhaled, loving the scent. Sliding his hand up the back side of the gingers leg, he came to a halt with his palm on Archie's ass cheek. Smooth and perfectly round, he slid into the crack and felt his fingers tangle into the brambled hair surrounding his taint. Working his thump further, if felt the puckered entrance. Stiffening, Archie panted as Kevin pushed his thumb into him.

"I want you to go bareback Kev." Archie whispered so softly, Kevin could barely hear him.

"No complaints here." He said, leaning back and staring up, even though he couldn't see his friends' face.

"Come on." Archie said, voice tight.

Kevin felt Archie pulling him forward. Rising, he went over to the bed and sat down. Feeling reluctant, Kevin scooted all the way onto the bed. Joining him, Archie grabbed him by the left arm and forced him onto his back. Head resting on Archie's pillow, he waited as his friend climbed atop him. Dropping, Archie lined up their dick and began to thrust. Loving the friction, he grunted and rutted just as hard. Breathing hard, he opened his mouth and lifted his head. Archie met his mouth and their tongues fought.

Already, he felt his body growing hot and excited faster than he planned. After a moment, Archie pulled back and turned completely around. Now in a sixty-nine position, Archie went down on him. Letting out a loud moan, Kevin moved his head over and took Archie's cock into his mouth as well. Reaching his arms up and around, he began to squeeze and work his fingers into circles onto the soft flesh. Slowing, Kevin pushed his friend down until he could no longer reach his dick.

"Turn on the lamp on. It's on my bedside table." Archie instructed.

Pulling his right hand away, he reached around in the dark until he found the table. There was a click and suddenly he was looking at pale white skin, with dark red hairs covering the crack between his friends' ass cheeks. Loving the sight, he leaned in and kept pushing his tongue deeper into the crevasse until it was so slick that his saliva was leaking out of the bottom of the crack and sliding onto Archie's hanging nuts. Finally, his tongue pressed inside the tight hole.

"Feels so good Kev." Archie's voice sounded shaky.

"God…" he marveled, tilting his head to the right and nipping at Archie's skin.

"Hey!" his friend yelped but sounded more turned on than ever.

Using his hands, he pried the cheeks apart, exposing the hole even more. Slowly, he worked his index finger as deep as it could go. Moving it around, he finally felt the nub of muscle he was searching for. Pressing on it, his friend let out a loud groan that sounded primal. Working another finger inside, he massaged the walls inside the tight ass. Though he didn't press as hard on the prostate, he moved his fingers in circles, while using his pinky to stretch the rim out.

After a few moments, he suddenly realized that Archie was no longer sucking him. giving a cough, he thrust his hips up. Immediately, he let out another moan as Archie once more licked at his dick. The tongue pressed into his piss slit, while a hand gripped his thigh. Satisfied, Kevin returned to the task at hand…or at fingers. Feeling a poke at his own hole, he grunted. After hearing a tiny chuckle, he lifted his hand and gave his friend a hard slap on the ass.

"Jesus dude!" he said, "Do it again."

Snorting, his nose landed on Archie's wet and slippery hole. Still chuckling, he gave Archie's rump another slap, then slid his tongue back into his hole. His friends' tongue made it's way down the underside of his shaft and took in Kevin's nuts. Letting out a gasp, he loved it when his nuts were played with. A spark of electricity shot through his body as he felt that little nub of pleasure prodded. There was a chuckle, then pressure built on that spot again. Knowing if this continued, he was going to cum, he scooted up the bedding until he was sitting upright looking down at Archie's hole.

"Hey." Archie whined, turning his head so they could make eye contact.

"So, "he paused, leaning forward a bit and spitting at the puckered opening, "You wanna do me first stud?"

"No Kev." Said Archie seriously, pulling away and turning around to face him, "This is all about you. I won't be topping you at all tonight. You're gunna fuck me bud. You're gunna shoot your load into my ass. I'm gunna be so tight for you dude. How long do you think you'll last?" he wriggled his eyebrows, advancing on him.

"Um.." his voice quavered, caught off guard as Archie crawled atop him.

Archie reached between them and gripped Kevin's dick. Kevin felt Archie press their pricks together. Lifting his head, Kevin met Archie's lips as the began to grind together. Kevin could feel how easily his friends dick slid against his skin. The foreskin made movements so much more fluid, and he loved it. Still kissing, he reached down between them and gripped the gingers dick. Archie paused and grinned into his mouth as Kevin rolled the foreskin of the head of his dick. Pressing both heads together, he rolled the foreskin back up until it enclosed both heads.

"This feels amazing." He breathed, reveling in the confined heat.

"Just wait till it's in my ass." Archie chuckled, biting Kevin's lower lip.

"I wanna try now." His voice shook with anticipation.

Giving a nod, Archie pushed himself into a sitting position. Bouncing across his bed, he pulled open the drawer to his bedside table. Pulling out a little bottle, he handed it to Kevin. Taking it, he popped open the top and dribbled it down on his dick. Working it into a lather, he handed it back to his friend. Reaching out, Archie pumped his shaft while reaching behind him and pressing something to his hole. Giving a nod, Kevin waited as his friend crawled back on top of him.

"G-gunna try to sit on you first." Archie stuttered.

"Relax." Kevin soothed, reaching up and cupped his cheek.

Taking a deep breath, his friend nodded and reached behind him. Kevin felt Archie's fingers close around his hard cock. Looking away from Archie's eyes, he watched the scene below. Archie's uncut cock pulsed as it arced upward in a slight curve. Red pubes covered the groin so thoroughly he couldn't even see the pale skin underneath. Hairs also sprouted from the nuts sac, which was actually shriveled a bit.

The head of his dick pushed into his friends' ass cheeks. The saliva he had used to loosen up Archie's hole was pressed against his length. Standing straight up, his cock pressed at something hot and tight. Archie's faced turned red as he took a few quick breaths. Finally looking up, Kevin caught his friends eye and held his gaze. Smiling slightly, Archie started to lower himself. Tight heat surrounded the head of his cock as it slid passed the opening.

"Oh my god." Kevin breathed with short and rapid breaths as the feeling of heat began to spread down the length of his shaft.

"It's…" Archie began, his face looking surprised, "not too bad."

"You've been using my toys on your hole…haven't you?" he grinned.

Blushing, the ginger gave a nod.

"You wanna feel my cum inside you?" he asked, feeling the need to talk dirty.

"I want you to fill me up Kev." He groaned and hissed as he finally bottomed out.

"So fucking tight." Kevin shivered, then began to lift his hips.

"Hold on!" Archie gasped, placing a hand on Kevin's chest. "Let me get used to it."

Ignoring him, he thrusted up again, though not as fast. The gingers' eyes widened as Kevin began to pump. Seeing the face he was making, he felt guilty and ashamed. Coming to a halt, he waited. There was no chance of him going soft, no matter how long he would have to remain motionless. Hoping to pass the time anyway, he once more looked at Archie's dick, which had softened. The size was much smaller than he expected. Smirking, he looked up at his friend.

"I'm a grower I guess." He shrugged, then pushed himself up.

"You ever messed around with Jughead?" he asked completely out of the blue.

"What?" Archie snorted, looking highly amused.

"Just wondering…you've been friends forever…there must have been times it could have happened."

"No…I haven't messed around with him. You're the only guy I've been with." He said, leaning down.

"Oh. What's he packing?" he asked, starting to increase his thrusts.

"Are we really talking about this…or are you going to fuck me?" he challenged, dropping down hard.

"Shit." Kevin closed his eyes, loving how Archie's hole clamped so tightly around his cock.

"Let's change positions." Archie suggested, rocking his body to the right.

"I assume he's cut like me." Kevin turned his body to the side.

Archie smirked at him triumphantly as he leaned in close, "He's uncut."

"No fucking way!?" he exclaimed as Archie turned around.

Now facing away from him, Archie, pushed his ass back toward him. Shaking, Kevin scooted closer. Gripping his cock, he held it straight out and pushed it between Archie's ass cheeks. The head slid right back inside his friend. Once more heat gripped his rod. Pressing his chest against Archie's back, he quickly resumed thrusting. Unhappy with the limited movement, he growled and pulled away.

"Wha-"Archie began, but was cut off as Kevin used his wrestling skills to maneuver him onto his hands and knees.

"Gunna pound your ass like the bitch you are." He growled menacingly.

"The fuck?" Archie grunted as Kevin reentered him.

"Shut up." Kevin hissed, gripping the gingers hips tightly.

"This might sound odd, but that's really hot…" he said in a surprised voice.

"Quiet" he slapped Archie's ass harshly.

Thrusting desperately, the sound of slapping echoed around the room. Whimpering, Archie looked back at him. Unable to help himself, Kevin pulled all the way out, then slammed back in. Yelping, his friends actually lifted his ass a bit higher. Their eyes met as Archie began to push back as Kevin thrusted forward. Below, he felt a tug in his gut. Tilting forward, he leaned down and kissed Archie's neck. As he began to pull back, he looked at the still open bedside table drawer. The large eight-inch blue dildo he had leant Archie was visible.

"Hold on." He said, stretching his body forward and pulled at the dildo.

"Yes." Archie chuckled.

"Quiet!" he growled, yanking Archie's head back by his hair.

Placing the dildo on the bedding below his friend, he reached under and gripped Archie's cock. Slowly, he began to stroke the uncut dick. Archie moaned, thrusting his body forward. Kevin went back to pounding into his friend like before. Again, he felt tension building. Worried he was about to pass the point of no return, he slowed. Reaching down, his fingers brushed against the dildo under Archie. Picking it up, he placed it right against his friends dick. Kevin gripped Archie harder, and pumped him even faster.

"Gunna…" Archie warned, his body shaking.

A spray of hot liquid splattered his hands. Pushing the head of Archie's cock against the dildo, he was sure it was getting covered. After a last shutter, his friend came to a halt. Releasing his hold, he brought the dildo up and was pleased to see white seed covered it. Leaning forward, he aimed the cum covered dildo at Archie's mouth and pushed it in. Taking as much as he could, the redhead's mouth was full of the cum covered toy. Grinning, he looked at his messy hands. Placing them on Archie's hips, he clamped down and went back to his assault on his friend's ass.

"Shit dude…" Kevin shouted, losing it.

Panting and grunting, he felt his cum explode inside Archie's ass. Totally wore out, he collapsed atop his friend. The orgasm was the best he had ever experienced. Lazily, he looked at the redhead. Archie grinned and pulled the dildo out of his mouth with a wink. Kevin yanked it away. Falling back, his own dick slid out of Archie's ass. Aiming the dildo at his friends' ass, he pushed it inside. Archie hissed and looked back. Pulling it back out, Kevin was pleased to see quite a bit of his seed covered the head. With a nod, Kevin handed the dildo back to Archie. Shrugging, the redhead licked the cum off the dildo.

***The End***