Author Note: In this story it will show Lincoln's real mental state and how he really feels all the time.
I hope you will enjoy this Story and what I also can confirm there will be some new Stories and chapters coming up so be prepared.
But now let's begin with the Story and enjoy.
Chapter 1: The real Lincoln Loud
Lincoln stood in front of the bathroom mirror and mutters to himself. "They getting worser Lincoln. just keep it yourself okay ? Don't tell it anybody and they don't have to see it okay?" he then gets disturbed by a knock on the door. And it reveals that his sisters were standing outside waiting to do their own business.
"Come on Lincoln hurry. Me and nine other sisters want to go to the bathroom as well." Lori spoke through the door and the white-haired Boy then turns around and said. "Y-yeah just a minute. I'm already done." and turns back to the mirror. After a second he puts his "mask" on and opened the door.
"Finally." The eldest mutters and enters the bathroom and locked the door. Lincoln makes his way back to his room but suddenly he got stopped by Luna and Lucy. He glanced at them and noticed they've a worried expression on their faces and stares to their only brother. Then after a moment Luna starts to talk to him.
"Hey Lincoln are you ok bro ?" she asked gently still with this worried expression on her face.
"I-I'm good why?" he responded with a smirk. Then the two shared a look to each other and turns back to Lincoln. Then the goth girl starts to talking. "Because we both heard you crying last night and we're worried about you." Lincoln then lies to them. "Oh yeah I just hurt my... knee on my desk and it still hurts." he then chuckles a little and both of them looked confused to the loud boy but then suddenly Lucy made a blank stare behind her Bangs and let a monotos (like always) "you're a terrible liar Lincoln." voice out.
"Pfft what I'm not lying to you I never would do that to you." he said and starts to sweat and chuckle.
But then Luna makes the same expression like her little goth Sister and both of them asked him. "How about the Sadie Hawkins Dance incident ?" Lincoln's eyes widens and he sighs. "Ok yeah that was the first time but now I'm saying the truth." Lucy and Luna still didn't believe their Brother but they also don't want bothering him and "believed" him. Lincoln then smiles to them and gave both of them a kiss on their cheeks and went back to his room.
Later in Vanzilla Luna and Lucy were sitting next to each other and talks about Lincoln which sits on the Shotgun seat and had a conversation with Lori.
"Look Lucy just keep a eye on Lincoln and look what's wrong with him. Because in the last Time I feel he's not himself anymore. He spends more of his time in his room and became more quietly as usual." Luna mutters to her sister.
"I will. And should I ask Haiku, Clyde and Ronnie Anne about that ?" the goth asks her big Sister but Luna responded quickly.
"No we don't want to make things worse. And by the way were gonna make a Sister meeting tonight to talk about it." she told Lucy and the goth nods.
Then the rest of the way the were just starring to Lincoln and were thinking what's wrong with their brother.
After a few minutes Vanzilla parks on the Royal Woods Elementary School and Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa climbed out of the van and waved the five older ones back. The Vanzilla drove off and everyone splits up except Lucy she walks beside her older Brother which noticed it and he asked her.
"Lucy don't you wanna go to your morticains Club friends ?" he asked her light annoyed and look through her Bangs into her eyes.
"Yeah but Haiku is with your friends today and I wanna say hello to her." she responded to him with her monotone voice. Lincoln shrugs and went with Lucy to the group.
"Oh hey Lame-O did you have a good start in the day ?" Ronnie Anne noticed the white-haired Boy and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Eh yeah as usual right spooky?" he asks his young Sister and smiles at her. She just nodded and turns to Haiku which both of them gave a simply "Hey" to each other.
In the group were : Lincoln, Lucy, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Haiku, Tabby, Liam, Polly, Rusty, Zach, Giggles, Paige, Flat, Chrstina and Papa.
All of them were having a conversation to each other and none of them was realizing that a red-haired Boy with a green/white Sleeve and his gang were starring at the Boy with the orange Poloshirt.
The Gang walks towards the Group and began to smile to each other. After that Chandler pushed Lincoln to the ground and he and the others starts to laughing. "Good Morning Linky. Did you sleep well little jerk ?" Chandler dirty asked him and starts laughing again.
While Clyde, Rusty and Haiku help Lincoln to stand up Ronnie Anne and Papa went to the red-haired boy.
"Dude what the fuck is your problem man? leave him alone!" The Hispanic Girl curses at Chandler and before he could say something Papa interrupt him. "Yeah man just leave us alone and fuck off you jerk." Chandler then steps near them and starts talking.
"Why should I take some orders from a Fat Boy and a Lady?" that makes Ronnie Anne more angrier and she balls her Hand into a fist. Chandler continued. "Anyway that's up between me and your retarded, albino Boy over there."
Lincoln could feel the anger inside him and his heart begins to pump faster. He starts to breath heavily but he could calm himself back again. Tabby, Haiku, Lucy and Clyde notice it and their shared worried expression to each other. Chandler walks up to Lincoln and trapped him by his collar and whistles to him. "See you at Lunch you Loser." and pushed him away and the red-haired Boy and his passes them and laughed.
Then the group went to Lincoln and they see how full hatred he looks to Chandler and his Gang. They all looks to each other and were worried about their friend/brother even Lucy and Haiku showed a worried expression on their faces. Lincoln then looks around and sees that everyone were looking at him even his twin sister and Lucy which shows him that worried expression. Lincoln then looks to his friends and sees how Ronnie and Papa also looked mad to the red-haired Boy.
The Loud Boy wanted to say something and opens his mouth but he got interrupted by the Bell. And everyone entered the Building. He then stands up and walks inside the building without even look or to say goodbye to them. He just walks with his eyes widend away.
During the lesson Ronalda, Clyde, Rusty, Zach, and Liam couldn't pay attention to what their teacher explains to them. They were starring to their white-haired Lincoln who still was absent looking on the table. They were still worried about him and wanted to help him and his bully problem.
After a moment Lincoln suddenly raises his Hands and Agnes noticed it and picked him. "Can I go to the Bathroom please ?" he asked her still looks down to the Table. Mrs. Johnson notices it and simply answered "yeah just hurry okay ?". He then walks absent out of the classroom and closes the door behind him. Inside the Classroom Mrs. Johnson asks the Class why he acts like that today and some students explained the incident from early with Chandler and told everything.
Mrs. Johnson then looks shocked to her students and couldn't believe what they've said to her. She then begins to shush her Class as she notice the white-haired Boy at the door and everyone noticed it too. And were quiet.
The door opens and a tearfully Lincoln with a light black eye stumbles inside the room and everyone eyes widens. "Lincoln what happened ?" Agnes and Ronnie Anne asked him shocked. Lincoln said nothing and washed up the tears from his cheeks. he then turns to the Class and spoke up. "I..It-it's n-nothing I-i just slipped out." he responded to them and sits down on his Table and avoid to look at his Class or even his friends.
Lunch Time
It was Lunch time and all students were siting in the Cafeteria and join their Lunch. Everyone except one. The Group were sitting around a table and try to comfort the Loud Boy. Even the Twins, Lisa and Lucy heard of it and were joining the table.
"Linky ? are you okay ?" Lola asks shyly and hugs her brother. Lincoln was still absent and everything he could hear was the sound in his ear when you're under water and he also heard all those insults and pain he suffered. Clyde then speaks up to him.
"Buddy. you haven't touched your Lunch. Come on let's eat something." but Lincoln still looks on his Tray and tumbles a bit.
Chandler just entered the Cafeteria with his gang and searched for their "albino victim" and found him with his friends. He then smiles and makes his way towards the group and suddenly stops as all of them stood in front of Lincoln and looked annoyed and angered the Gang. The Gang and his leader starts to laughing and it got everyones attention. "What the fuck guys? Are you now his Bodyguards and playing President of the Losers States ?" And the Gang and some of the students laughed but then interrupted their laughs and sees how Lana shows her Wrench the Gang. Chandler looked at her and turns back to his guys and orders them to grap the group. And they did.
All were screaming and trying to free themselves but then got punched in the face to shut up. Lincoln notices it and sees that they also did to Lola, Lana, Lucy and Lisa. The Twins and the toddler starts to cry and four were beating up Papa and Clyde.
Lincoln wants to help them but got punched by Chandler (again) and he fell to the ground. "I think I have to show you some manners after everything Loser." the red-haired Boy said to the Loud Boy and kicked him in the Rips and he laughs again.
The other Students were shocked and no-one couldn't move. All were just standing and starring to the Action.
"Ah come on Lincoln get up and fight like a man or do have my guys to kick you and your friends butt ?" the boy with the green/white sleeve screamed to him who tearfully sees how the gang beats up Clyde and Papa, sexual assaulted the girls and slaps his sisters. Lincoln couldn't believe that is really happening in the middle of the Cafeteria in front of everyone. "This must be a dream please Linc wake up." he thought to himself and got kicked again by Chandler.
After that Chandler takes the Loud Boy by his collar again and sees blood coming out of Lincoln mouth. He laughed hysterically and punched him again and this time Lincoln's feeling comes up again. He can feel his blood begins to boil his hands were shaking and this ringing in the ear comes again and this time Lincoln never felt so angry in his Life and breaths heavily.
He than takes the Porch from the Table and stabs Chandler on his shoulder and the red-haired Boy screams in pain and got punched in the face with a food tray. Now everyone were shocked of Lincolns activity and starred to the thousand yard starred, rage fully Lincoln who still bleed out of his mouth. The Gang members then got away from their victims and tries to attack the the Loud boy.
Lincoln was surrounded by the Boys and all of them had weapons in their hands. Lincoln just smiles and waved his hands to show them to come up to him. Then on of them runs towards Lincoln but got kicked against his knee which breaks to the other side and he cried in pain.
Then the next one with two porks in his Left Hands tried to punch him but Lincoln could dodge and punch him into the stomach which made the other to vomit on the floor. Then the white-haired Boy rips on porks out of his Hand and stabs the Boy into the stomach. Everyone GASP and started to run away and screaming.
After a few punching and broken Bones and even beats so hard one broke his jaw. Lincoln suddenly went to Chandler who's still lying on the floor in pain.
The loud boy graps him by the throat and mutters madly. "You wanna see how I fight like a man ?" and punch the red-haired boy some many times and still don't stop. A few teethes flow out, the left eye swell and even the pupil squint. his completely face was swollen and Lincoln didn't even noticed that he passed out and slowy stops.
He removes himself and calms himself down and looks to his Hands. They were bloody and even his right hand is sprained from the beatings. "That feels good." he thought loud to himself and looks back to Chandler and the others who were suffering in Pain or were also passed out. He then looks on the floor and notice some Blood splatter, a vomit puddle and some Lunch.
Lincoln then feels he still bleeds from his lips but also on his head. But suddenly he hears a wimper behind him and he turns around and sees his Sisters and all his friends were looking with shocking/scaredy expression against him. Lola, Lana and Lisa whimpers and looked scared towards their Brother. Lincoln also sees Lucy and Haiku starring at him in with eyes widened. Clyde and Ronnie Anne were avoiding eye contact such as Cristina, Giggles and Liam. the others had the same expression as Haiku and Lucy.
Lincoln looks at everyone and notice some bruises and sees Clyde and Papa where also bleeding from the mouth and had nosebleed and Papa has a broken nose. the white-haired Boy stands up and shyly walks towards his friends and sister but they took some steps back and the three Toddlers were starting to cry and hug each other.
The Loud boy begins to tear and looks down to his bloody hands who then got dripped by sweat and tears. At this time the Security and the Principal rushed into the empty Cafeteria and looked to the group and suddenly stops and began to gasp and sees the Loud Boy over the bad hurtly gang. The Principal then looks to Lincoln's friends and notice the bruises and the shocking expressions on their faces. He then looks back to Lincoln who disturbing looks tearfully to everyone.
After that some students enters the Cafeteria with some Teachers and were horrified what they saw.
Lincoln then tries to speak but sobs.
"I..yo-you've all witn-essed my REAL myself."
This was Chapter one. I hope you've liked what you've read and maybe we see each other in the next Chapter.
P.S I hope I did not exaggerate with the violence just say it.
What will happen to Lincoln and will his friends and families forgive him ?
We will see in the next Chapter.