Kyrin's A/N : This story was originally written by Mateos a few years ago. I contacted him recently and we came to a decision that I would take over writing this story and he would collaborate with me regarding the plot and certain events. As such I've gone back and edited all ten of his original chapters. With the exception of Chapter 6, which has some minor changes, and Chapter 10, which changes drastically from the original, most of the changes are cosmetic. Regardless I hope you enjoy the story and continue until my completely original chapter starting at Chapter 11. I will be leaving the original Author Notes as well but will put them in parentheses to show the difference.


This story is inspired by the fics Harry Potter : Gaming Wizard Extraordinair by Dreetje, The Adventures Of Harry Potter, the Video Game Exploited by michelsuave, Harry Potter: The Roleplaying Game by Renrag, Harry Potter & The Game by Concept101. This is not a copy of those fics I repeat this is not a copy, but merely an inspired one.

Now the disclaimer: I don't own anything, not Harry Potter, The Gamer manga, Any and all Game references I may or may not have used.

I always liked those fics which say upfront about the romance or what not straight up, so for readers like me this is a Harry/Harem (And by Harem I mean a really big one). Harry's Harem also includes monster girls (I haven't got a way around those that are not exactly humanoid yet so they will appear later on). So if you don't like these factors sorry for wasting your time so far, everyone else please continue. Now in order for this to work, I have changed some things from canon - like Hogwarts starts at age 12 instead of 11. The rest I will tell you in later AN.

All suggestions, reviews, criticism, remarks are welcome. Let's get this thing going.)

Chapter 1

Harry Potter was a very lonely child. At the mere age of five, he had to cook and serve for his family, if one could call the Dursley's that while being called a freak or boy. At age six he was made to do all the chores around the house. He tried to please his uncle and aunt by doing a good job, but recognition or compassion never came. He was starved and beaten if he did anything wrong or did his freakish things, though they never said what the thing was. Until going to school at age seven he thought his name was freak. Boy, that was one of the most humiliating days in his life and a painful one too. When his relatives heard of what happened he got beaten by his uncle with a belt for the first time and was starved for a week, which after going through so much he realized he will never be part of their family and he was unwanted and unloved. Suffice to say he learned his lesson and his self-preservation kicked in. At least he would be safe at school right? Guess again, his fat blob of a cousin Dudley and his gang bullied him, had quite the laugh at his expense and because of him Harry never made a friend. Anyone who talks to him was bullied by Dudley and his gang and everyone learned quickly - stay away from Harry Potter.

Seeing the kids being picked up by parents after school had him wishing for someone, an old relative, a distant cousin anyone to rescue him from the Dursley's. He wished for it every day for an entire year and finally resigned himself of his foolish dreams. Why would he be with the Dursley's if he had anyone else? He never believed his relatives about what they said about his parents. That was the only thing going for him, to live his life through this hell to finally learn what happened to them.

He was eight years old when he stumbled upon Dudley and his friend Polkis playing a video game. An RPG from the snippets he was able to hear from his hiding spot. He watched as the hero in the game was awarded points, items, treasures as he saved the princess and slayed monsters by traveling through all sorts of places. Harry quickly became enamored with it, as he continued watching he learned how to play it. He didn't become a genius or something at it just enough to know how to play it decently. Of course, it didn't matter as he will never be able to play. That night he went to bed dreaming of his life being a video game and he, its central character. He would travel through all sorts of places, dungeons, forests, castles and then save many beautiful princesses, slay monsters and so on. He slept with a smile on his face and a wonderful dream he hadn't had in a long time.

The next morning he half expected to wake up with a game window in front of him. But as usual dreams are dreams, reality is harsh and Harry by now has learned to expect the worse. He went on with his life. The only good thing that happened was on Dudley's eight birthday they left him in the house alone as Mrs. Figg was not available. This gave him an opportunity to play his cousin's video game without any repercussion after doing his chores for the day of course.

Another year has passed, Harry has become a true survivor. He was able to sneak some food into his cupboard when they tried to starve him, he was still skinny and underfed, but he managed. Wearing his cousin's old cast-offs which were one too many sizes bigger didn't help matters either. Today was the day Harry was looking forward to. He was visiting the London Museum as a part of a school excursion. His first time visiting any place other than school or his hometown.

Harry walked with wide eyes and a huge grin on his face as he marveled at the different art pieces, fossils, artifacts of old and much more. He soaked in everything. Luckily his cousin and gang were nowhere to be seen and as such, it was becoming the best day of nine years of life. Walking around the museum along with his designated group something caught his eyes. It was a stone tablet with an ancient script written on it in some unknown language. What caught his attention was that unlike the rest of the exhibitions it was not encased in glass nor was it particularly guarded either. Curious Harry went near it to examine it. As soon as he touched the stone he felt something, some ancient power sleeping, waiting. Harry became more excited because of this and started examining it more closely, running his hands through the carved script. While doing it he started thinking about his life so far, all the bad and little to no good that happened in his life, he subconsciously thought whether this power he was feeling from the stone could grant him his wish of his life being a video game and he its central character and hero. Suddenly he was hit on his back by something, he quickly turned around to see his cousin and gang coming towards him.

Harry panicked, now, because of the good time he was having so far he completely forgot about his bad lot in his life and so the always composed Harry was startled and his accidental magic kicked in. But instead of something weird happening to those around him as usual, this time his accidental magic triggered the ancient stone. The combination of his accidental magic, the magic in the stone and the power of the five ley lines beneath the London Museum triggered a world-changing super magic -The wish made by Harry was granted through these magical sources.

There was a blinding light all around Harry. He opened his eyes and stared at the blue screen in front of him incredulously.

A quest has been created.

Quest Alert!

Harry Hunting: Escape bullying

Escape Dudley and his gang before they beat you up




Gets beaten up and humiliated by Dudley and Gang


'What the hell?' Harry screamed in his mind. But instead of freaking out, with the help of his Gamer's Mind unknowingly, he quickly pushed yes and started running towards his group that has long since moved on while he was examining the stone. Harry expertly weaved through the masses and reached his group. His years of practice in escaping his cousin helped him. He moved further into the group of students to avoid any altercation.

Suddenly a new screen appeared, Harry read through it as no one was noticing him.

Quest Complete!

Harry Hunting



Harry tried to touch the screen but his hand went through it and the screen closed. Trying not to seem too shocked and surprised Harry kept quiet and moved along with his group. While his face was a picture of calm his mind was in a whirlwind of emotions. Surprise, shock, confusion, anger and finally determination. Harry always know something was different about him, what happened just before the blinding light that only he noticed was just another example of it. He started mentally going through what happened. 'I was examining the stone and was thinking about my life so far. No that's not it. What happened just before the light? I was hit by Dudley, no before that...' An epiphany hit him 'shit I was wishing my life was a video game. Is that what happened? My wish has been granted?' Harry thought incredulously 'Well only one way to find out'. Harry quietly whispered "status" so as to not attract any attention. He didn't need to as everyone was occupied by what was around them. And sure enough, a screen appeared in front of him.

Name : Harry James Potter

Race : ?

Title : Elementary Student

Level : 1

Exp : 20/100

HP : 50/50

MP : 20/20

STR : 2

VIT : 2

DEX : 3

INT : 5

WIS : 2

LUC : 3

Status Points : 0

Status : ?

Money : 0 £/0ᶃ 0ᶊ 0ᶄ

Harry Potter is the son of Lily Potter nee Evans and James Charlus Potter. His family history and past are unknown to him as his parents died when he was just a baby. Harry Potter is a ? and he wants to learn about his past and his parents.

'So it's true, my life is now a video game' Harry thought 'I am currently level 1. There is an Exp bar so I can level up by gaining Exp, probably through quests like the one I had now. Wait if my life is now a video game does that mean everyone else is an NPC ?' He quickly looked around

Steve Wilson - Teacher - Lvl 18

Rick Thompson - Guide - Lvl 17

Mary Thomas - Elementary Student - Lvl 1

Matt Murdock - Elementary Student - Lvl 4

Sue Storm - Elementary Student - Lvl 3

Sam Winkle - Elementary Student - Lvl 1

'Ha, it sure does look like it. Now let's see if the game mechanics are the same as the one I played in Dudley's game station'

Harry tapped the STR stat and a new window popped up.

STR : Strength affects how much damage you can inflict physically and using weapons. It also determines the damage reduced from parrying attacks.

'Sweet' Harry thought 'So the higher the status the stronger I get, just like in the game'. He then looked at each, one by one.

VIT : Vitality impacts your total HP and endurance. The more vitality the more damage you can take and the longer you can fight.

DEX : Dexterity allows you to dodge attacks and also increases the accuracy of your attacks. It also determines the HP recovery rate.

INT : Intelligence impacts your total MP. This also impacts on your ability to learn and memorize and the amount of magical damage you cause.

WIS : Wisdom affects how smart you are and how well you can use what you know. It also determines the MP recovery rate.

LUC : Luck affects the ability to be lucky in life. It also determines the amount and quality of loot you obtain.

Status : Throughout your life, you can acquire and unveil any number of status effect both temporary (ex: poisoned, sleepy, etc.) and permanent ones. Some permanent effects can only be gained through genetics or magical gifts while others are obtained through specific actions.

Title : You can obtain any number of titles but can actively use up to two titles at a time. Some titles gives you beneficial boons or status effects.

Harry sighed at all the information. While he hadn't really played Dudley's game all that long, he had a firm grasp of the basics of it and that was enough to figure it out most of the mechanics. Some need further observation and testing, he would cross that bridge when he gets there.

As he walked along with his group he closed the status menu for now and started checking for other menus. He uttered the word 'skills' and sure enough, another blue screen popped up.

Skills : The easiest way to obtain skills is through performing an action, you can also acquire it through skill books or by learning from a teacher or a master of that skill. You can learn an infinite number of skills. Skills vary in its complexity, but each one has to be leveled up separately, whether they be simple or hard, by using them often or through skill disk. Some skill will evolve into new/different skills as they are mastered.

Gamer's Mind - Passive - Max - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Gamer's Body - Passive - Max - Grants the user the body of a game character. After sleeping in a bed the user gets all HP, MP and all status effects restored.

Cooking - Active - Lvl 5 - Gives the ability to cook food. The higher the level the more nourishing the cooked food and lower the wastage of raw ingredients will be.

Gardening - Active - Lvl 3 - Gives the ability to grow and maintain beautiful gardens. Higher the level, higher the ability to grow garden, use fertilizers effectively etc.

'Awesome, so Gamer's Mind is what's keeping me from being freaked out by all this' Harry realized and suddenly a new window popped up.

For arriving at a logical conclusion through facts observed you have gained +1 WIS.

'Really I can increase stats like that?' Harry looked at the screen and there it was. He closed it. 'Let's check it out' and said 'Status' in his mind as he felt silly saying it aloud and thought that it didn't matter if you say it aloud or in the mind. Sure enough, the Status window appeared, but another window appeared before it.

For arriving at a logical conclusion through facts observed you have gained +1 WIS.

'Double awesome' Harry quickly closed it and looked at his status to see whether his WIS has increased by 2 or not.

Name : Harry James Potter

Race : ?

Title : Elementary Student

Level : 1

Exp : 20/100

HP : 50/50

MP : 20/20

STR : 2

VIT : 2

DEX : 3

INT : 5

WIS : 4

LUC : 3

Status Points : 0

Status : ?

Money : 0 £/ 0ᶃ 0ᶊ 0ᶄ

Harry Potter is the son of Lily Potter nee Evans and James Charlus Potter. His family history and past are unknown to him as his parents died when he was just a baby. Harry Potter is a ? and he wants to learn about his past and his parents.

Harry grinned looking at his status, his WIS has indeed increased by 2. His status was low but he didn't care one bit as he wanted to gain power by himself. Closing the status window again he thought 'So I have cooking and gardening as active skills. No surprise there. Now let's see if it has one more good thing and it may be the best thing considering the entire game scenario' with that Harry thought 'Inventory'. And to his delight, another screen opened.

Inventory : The pocket space with infinite capacity, but a limit of 100 per different item. You can store all and any of your equipment in here - books, weapons, food, clothes, items etc. To put items into the inventory simply open it and drag the item into the inventory box. To pull things out of inventory just open inventory box and pull the item out. The inventory is a stasis pocket space, meaning anything put inside will be preserved as long as it stays there.

'Yes, this is super cool' Harry's grin grew wider as he thought 'Now I have a safe storage that no one but me can access'

And so he began to put his measly items that he considered priceless to him into the inventory and watched as it was stored away. Feeling more safe and secure Harry decided to thoroughly go through his gamer ability. Before doing it Harry watched his fellow classmates and teacher to see if they have found himself staring into space or something. As he continued to watch he saw Sue Storm about to trip. He quickly grabbed her and prevented her falling. After she got steady he let go, Sue turned to him and was pensive for a moment "Thank you, for helping me" Harry smiled and replied, "No problem" with a nod she turned around to listen to the guide while Harry was staring at the new window that appeared.

Skill Created!

Socializing Lvl 1 (5%)

This is your ability to become Emo or Hero

2% chance of people interacting with you

˃ -2% due to poor clothing

Harry closed the window and realized that there are negative effects like in game as well. He gazed back at Sue storm and realized why she was pensive and didn't even smile at him. He really needed to change that, actually, he has a lot to do. Just then another window appeared.

Skill Created!

Observe Lvl 1 (10%)

By observing a target one gets information about said target

Max HP, MP and low info

Harry put his new skill to use quickly. Looking at Sue he said 'Observe'

Sue Storm - Elementary Student - Lvl 3

HP : 135/135

MP : N/A

Mrs. Storm is in your class. She likes to study a lot.

'So even if I don't know anything about her this skill gave me some info on her. That means if I level this skill up I can gather more information about a person' with that thought in mind Harry started observing on all and every person as well as the exhibition items around him. By the time the tour came to an end he had leveled up the skill by 3.

[Observe]'s Level has risen

Observe Lvl 4 (14%)

By observing a target one gets information about said target

Max HP, MP and basic info

Harry decided to see what his observe skill can do now by using 'Observe' on Sue again

Sue Storm - Elementary Student - Lvl 3

HP : 135/135

MP : N/A

Mrs. Storm is in your class. She likes to study a lot. She loves science and mathematics and wants to become a scientist.

'Ok let's put all that I learned together. I am now the main character of a game which is my life. The game mechanics are similar to the games I watched Dudley play and the one I played, but not all are the same. There are positive and negative effects to everything around you and what you do.'

For arriving at a logical conclusion through facts observed you have gained +1 WIS.

Harry closed the window and started making a mental list of what to do as he heads back to his relatives along with the other students. This has been the best day of his life and because of today, every other day from now on will be as well. Looking at the sunset through the window of the bus he smiled to himself 'A day ends as a new life begins' he quickly embraced the sweet calmness of sleep as the excitement and exhaustion of the day finally caught up to him.

Kyrin's A/N : So feel free to leave your reviews of the story, but remember that I said I only edited this part. If you don't like what we've done with this story feel free to not read it.