Sorry it's been sooo long since I've updated! But don't worry - I'm back!!!! On with the story!

Chapter 20


Miranda heard her best friend's unsteady voice on the other end of the phone line.

"Lizzie, what's wrong? My mom's out for a little bit, so I can use the phone till she gets back. What happened? Are you okay?

Lizzie took a shaky breath. When she opened her mouth, the events of the day just started pouring out like a waterfall. "MeandMattbecamefriendstodaythankGodbecauseyouweren'tthereandGordo'sbeingweirdandEthanbrokehislegsonowhecan'tbeintheshowandGordo'sDemetriusnowandIthinkhe'smadatmebutIdon'tknowwhywehadsuchagreatnightlastnightwellIdidwellwefellasleepbackstagethat'swhyweweresolatetothedancelastnightandhelookedashappyasIwaswhenwewokeupbuthtat'snotimportantwhenIgottothedanceyouwerebeingdraggedoutsoididn'tgettotalktoyouandnowyou'resuspendedandgroundedandIhavenoonetotalktoexceptforMattandLarryandIneedyoutocomeback!!!!!"

Miranda blinked. This was nothing new with Lizzie. She just needed a few seconds to process everything her friend had just said-wait a minute!

"Did you say Gordo is Demetrius now?!?!"

Lizzie nodded, even though Miranda couldn't see her. "And I think he's mad at me and I don't know why!" she wailed.

"Lizzie, back up a bit. Did you say you two were backstage, sleeping together the entire time yesterday?"

Lizzie bit her lip. She could feel the color rising in her cheeks. "Uhh...yeah."

Miranda grinned. Her friends could be so dumb sometimes. But it was okay - she was always there to push them in the right direction. "Well, did you ask Gordo if something was wrong?"

"I couldn't. Mr. Dig wouldn't leave us alone for more than 20 seconds - he wanted to make sure Gordo was rehearsing his lines with me. Oh! I haven't even called Ethan yet to see how he's feeling! And I have to go over to Gordo's house in an hour!"

Miranda was puzzled at this. "If Gordo's mad at you, why would he invite you over?"

"He didn't. Mr. Dig did." Lizzie realized how weird that sounded. "He wants us to practice everyday as much as possible. So I'm going to eat dinner at my house, then go over there for a couple of hours."

"Ohhhhh. I see," Miranda grinned to herself for the second time during the conversation. It would only be a matter of time. Just then, Miranda got a beep. "Lizzie, I've got another call."

"That's okay," Lizzie said, "I'm gonna go call Ethan quick, anyway. See how he's doing. Thanks, Randa. I just need to vent a bit. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Hopefully," remembering that her best friend was still grounded until Wednesday, when her suspension would be up. Geez! It was only Saturday evening!!! How was she going to last this long without Miranda?!?! Especially the way things had been going? She hung up the phone and began to dial Ethan's number.

Meanwhile, Miranda answered the incoming call. She didn't even need to look at the caller ID. "Hey, Gordo."

"Lizz-ay, I missed your gorgeous voice," Ethan crooned into the phone.

"Oh Ethan, what happened?" Lizzie didn't feel like acknowledging his first comment.

"Well, I was practicing a killer new move on my board. It's called the Stairwinder. So I was winding up and down my stairs when KA-BLAM! I'm not winding no more. Good thing Rosa the maid didn't leave yet. She drove me to the hospital and they gave me this stellar cast. It's blue and the doctor gave me this rad pen so people can sign it. How cool is that?"

Lizzie had to smile at his naivete. "Really coo, Ethan. How do you feel?"

"Alright. I'm just chillin' in my bed right now. Hey, Lizzie? Would know...wanna come over or something? You can sign my cast. I'd like you to be the first one. That is, if you're not busy," he added hastily. He then promptly dropped the phone (due to his nervous, sweaty hands) and Lizzie could hear him fumbling around for the phone, then heard a giant THUD, then a yelp. She gasped, but then heard a muffled voice.

"Lizzie? You still there?"

Lizzie heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm here, Ethan. What happened?"

"Well, I dropped the phone, then tried to reach it, then fell out of my bed and landed on the dog. No biggie. So...what do you say? You wanna chill for a bit? It would make me feel a lot better to see you."

Lizzie looked at the clock. She didn't have to be at Gordo's for another 40 minutes. "Sure, Ethan. But I can't stay long. I'll see you in a few, okay" And with that, she hung up grabbed her coat and a banana, and left for the Crafts' house. It was only a ten minute walk. And only 5 minutes or so from Gordo's house.