After an accident during the Interhigh, Hinata Shouyou, a girl as cheerful as the sun, has no other option but to leave the female voleyball team for two months. As she became depressed, her coach encourages her to become a temporal manager for the male team in order to clear her head. There she will make strong bonds with everyone, especially with the stoic Kageyama Tobio, who teaches her what he can and also learns from her: will it evolve into something more than friendship?



All Hinata Shouyou could think in that precise moment was the fact that her team has just won the Interhigh after a fierce match with Aoba Josai, still standing on her possition as middle blocker, she let out a sigh of relief. It was all over now, all the effort she made since she joined the voleyball team seemed worthy, it was the first time she won a tournament with a team by her side, she had to greet them properly even if she felt like she could cry from happiness! After cleaning her sweat from her face, she turned around with the biggest smile. However, big was the surprise when none of her teammates were smiling back, instead they all had a preocupied look and some where shedding tears.

What are they doing standing there? We just won! They must be shocked, those silly girls. Anyways, I better go and congratulate them! –Hinata thought still smiling from ear to ear.

Inmediately after the first step she made to approach them, she felt an inmeasurable pain in her left arm and when she looked down to see how big the wound was, Hinata couldn't even utter word. Her forearm had swollen twice its size and her wrist had several bruises. The first one to make a move was the captain Michimiya Yui, who ran to Hinata and gently guided her to the infirmary. Yui had to keep a strong face in order to let know Hinata there was nothing to worry about, even if it was, she just kept asking how Hinata felt and telling her what a clumsy girl she was jokingly. The finally arrived, and before leaving her with the doctor, Yui gave Hinata a soft hug and told her everything would be alright and that she and the girls would be waiting for her at the bus. The doctor didn't seemed as shocked as her teammates when he looked at her wound, as he probably had dealt with way worse situations. After ten minutes of writing on his notepad, the doctor looked and Hinata in the eyes and explained the situation.

–You will probably be able to play voleyball in two weeks from now– with that, the readhead's eyes brighted with hope that quickly vanished– However, you shouldn't practice for more than 30 minutes, at least for the first month, consequently, official matchs and even trainings are forbidden. Even if the wounds are from the elbow down, if you do not heal properly it can affect the whole arm. Luckily you will not need a cast or muscle theraphy, you are really fortunate, miss– the doctor explained with the calmest look he could– don't worry, I will explain your coach you won't be playing for Karasuno for two months, I am sure she will understand—

Two months. Two months! There is no way I can leave the team for that long. We just won Interhigh! We are just starting to get big! We...– Hinata's eyes started ti get watery, why did she have to lose everything she worked for after she was one step closer to success. WHY. She was afraid, she was afraid her team wouldn't be her team anymore, what if they forget about her, what if they improve so much she can't keep on their level when she recovers from the injury. What if they started to hate her for leaving at such crucial time. But what worried her the most was the fact that she had to leave the sport she loved, all due to her irresposability. Shoyou was a voleyball freak and she knew it, in what was she going to spend her time in if she wasn't with her team? Suddenly, the door opened and a tall brunnette woman with a stern look step into the room.

–Coach...– Hinata replied while cleaning her tears.

–I am glad you came quickly coach Park, I was just explaining the situation to miss Hinata. To sum up, she has to rest from high-demanding physical activities for two months, voleyball matches are not an exception.

–I see, well there is nothing we can do, right? Doctor, could you please write down the list of medicines Hinata will need, we are in a bit of a hurry.

With that the doctor went to another room, leaving the two ladies alone in silence, which Hinata inmediately broke. She started to apologize to the tall woman and expressed her all her preocupations.

–Hinata, you don't have to worry. Do you know what happened today? After long time, Karasuno's team faced victory again, the wingless crows were able to fly again. And I must admit that you played a pretty big part of it, that is why you don't have to worry, we will not let you go so easily. If we need to wait two months to get our ultimate decoy back, we will. And you better not leave us too– concluded with a motherly smile, and soon they went to the bus to celebrate their vistory with he rest of the girls.

The club practices returned to normality on Monday, and Hinata went too, of course, as the coach told her she could keep her company in case she wanted to see her friends training. However, it wasn't long until coach Park and the girls noticed the sulky face Hinata wore during the whole week of "training", it made them wonder why would she come to the gym everyday instead of resting at home. It was probably because the redhead was afraid she would lose her team? or maybe she was happy with just being near voleyball, even if it ached her hearth. Yui couldn't bear to look at her like that every afternoon, so after thinking differents "solutions", she thought the best solution was to make her a temporary manager, so it would keep her busy AND near voleyball, but she knew making Hinata the manager of the team would probably sadden her more. So, after thinking a lot, the face of Daichi came to her mind, and remembered he told her days ago about how they got a new manager who probably has just started her training. She knew he would agree if Yui asked him, and he would definitely help her convince coach Ukai. Then, feeling proudly of her plan, she asked coach Park for her permission, and the latter agreed instantly, in hopes of helping Hinata overcome her depression.

On Saturday night Shouyou received a phone call from her captain, who excitelly told her she could begin as a temporary manager on Monday, and even could practice a bit with the male team if the coach agreed. "Thank you Yui! I won't let you down! I will show the male team what we are capable of!", replied Hinata. After hanging up the phone, she started to look up in internet what do the manager do in a school team, since she hadn't really thought it through. She just knew she would get to learn a lot, a change of airs wouldn't make her any bad.

The awaited day came, as usual, Hinata woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning, took a shower, put on her skirt with solid black stockings ,so it wouldn't be a problem if she jumped for whatever reason, and the school blazer with a light hoodie beneath. The only thing left was her hair, as always, it was a tiring duty because of the lenght, that reached her waist, and the rebellious yet silky nature of it. After the incident at Interhigh, her mother was the one who brushed it and put it into a high ponytail since it was kind of tiresome with current state of her wrist. However, that morning her mother left early to run some errands with her little sister, Natsu. So the only Hinata could do was brush it to keep it straight enough for the rest of the day, and luckily she would meet someone who could tie her hair. A look at the mirror was enough to confirm her good appearance, and after having breakfast, Hinata rushed to school in her bicycle.

The day passed normally, and it was finally time for club activities, for Hinata it meant her first day as the temporary manager of the male voleyball team. As every afternoon, she put on her shorts and voleyball shoes, with the difference being the long sleeved shirt she was wearing instead of the usual team t-shirt she wore for trainings, and of course her loose hair too.

The gym wasn't far, so she arrived early without getting lost. "Well, this is it", the readhead thought while standing in front of the door and grabbing the handle, "I'm so nervous! What if they are a bunch of delincuents! or worse, they could be some stuck-up boys. And if they don't like me? I am even wearing voleyball shorts and I just noticed all managers wear loose pants, what a shame! Maybe they will think I am an exhibicionist! Ahh! And my hair is loose, it won't be long until it is messy again, I should've kept the ponytail Eliza made. I better go back with the girls and come back tomorrow." Hinata quickly turned around, hoping to run and hide herself, but instead her face bumped an sturdy chest.

–The girl's gym is on the east wing– said a tall black-haired with a vissible frown on his face who was standing behind her.

Seeing her only exit blocked, Hinata had no other option but to make her debut that day– I am actually looking for this gym, my name is Shouyou Hinata and I will be your temporary manager!– However, when she was finished with her presentation she noticed the black-haired had left her talking alone. "How rude! I wonder how he gets along with his team with that personality!". Just when she stepped into the gym to confront him, she was caught off-guard by the team captain, Daichi, who greeted her properly and introduced her to the other managers and then to the rest of the team.

–Nice to meet you! My name is Shouyou Hinata and I belong to the female voleyball, but I will be your temporary manager for two months, so please take care of me!

The boys replied her presentation with small applauses, the loudest ones being from Tanaka and Nishinoya, who were talking about finally being an elite team by having three girl managers.

–Hinata, I heard you guys won the Interhigh, well done!– said a silver haired, "His name was... Koushi! Sugawara Koushi! Eliza told me about him, the refreshing boy of the team, he IS in fact", Hinata thought.

–Thanks! Though it isn't like we won because of me, all of us did our best.

–Shouyou! In which position do you play?– this time the question was from a boy almost of her height with spiky black hair and a single blond lock, Hinata remembered her name, Nishinoya Yu.

–Middle blocker– Hinata felt her cheeks go a little warm from the stares of astonishment of the boys– but I am more like a bait for the rival's defense, "The ultimate decoy", that's what my coach likes to call me– explained while scratching the back of head and wearing her signature smile, leaving the second-years on the verge of tears.

–How can you be a middle blocker while being so short?– asked Kageyama bluntly, breaking the mood and getting death stares from both of his excited sempais.

–That's something I get asked a lot actually, people usually think I am the libero. I am short, yes, but I can jump pretty high, and I am fast too. I can't show you right now, but I am pretty sure you will be quite surprised!– replied Hinata with a smirk.

After the presentations, Shimizu spend the afternoon teaching them their duties, and when they finished the just sat down and watch the boys practice. Hinata soon bonded with both girls, Yachi was shy but cheerful, so the went along easily, and Shimizu was elegant and feminine, and Hinata took her as her role model and even started calling her teacher.

–Wow! the team is pretty good –Hinata exclaimed excitedly as they watched a practice match– all the position are pretty well covered, and the setter, Kageyama, was it? Even if I'm not fond of his personality, he always make clean tosses, it's like he demands someone to recieve it no matter what.

–All of that is true, but... I am afraid the have a major trust problem– Shimizu said with a sigh– the second years and third years have been together long enough to be more than teammates, but the first years – Hinata looked at the direction Shimizu was looking, and to her surprise, Kageyama was arguing with another first-year with glasses and blond hair, they were son stopped by Tanaka– that is the main reason why we lost at the Interhigh, if the team can't play well together, even a single point is difficult.

Three days passed quickly, and Hinata consequently got bored from watching quarrels instead of the "learning sessions" Yui promised her. Hinata concluded that if she wasn't learning, it was time they would learn from her. Since it was just half-hour of practice left, she politely asked Ukai if she could join for a bit, and he agreed as long as she doesn't overwork herself. Hinata quickly went to Daichi, who explained briefly they were currently practicing spikes with the setters, Sugawara and Kageyama, and because it was Kageyama's turn, he told Hinata she could wait until Sugawara was up. "It's allright, I do this kind of practice all the time". When it was her turn, Kageyama was quite surprised to see her getting on position and was unsure of how to toss at her, he didn't know if girls received at the same strengh as boys, or even the speed, so he just tossed in the same way he would toss at Nishinoya. "Shit, it is too short" Kageyama thought, already preparing himself for another lost ball. However, when he looked up he saw something he definitely did not see coming: Hinata jumping as if she had wings and extending her arm enough to reach the ball as if it was a part of her body.

The sound of the ball scoring was what made Kageyama wake up, it was odd, to say at least, that someone managed to hit a ball he set for the first time. "You should trust your team more, Kageyama! It's ussually the spikers who rely on the setter, but you have to know you can rely on us too if you mess up!", Hinata said while going back to the benches so the another person could spike this time.

-One more time!- Kageyama demanded to the redhead, surprising her, as he approached with a scary face. Daichi tried to stop him at first, since the training was supposed to be with the whole team, one after another, but Sugawara grabbed his arm and explained that maybe this was better for Kageyama as it would help him to trust more. No one from the team objected, so it soon became a training session exclusively for Kageyama and Hinata with everyone as their public. After their 15th try, he got used to her spikes and began tossing more precisely, and Hinata decided it was time to do something new. "Kageyama, I want you to throw me the ball before I reach the maximun height, don't worry, I'll be there". Ten tosses later, the whole gym grew silent. Not only they saw a perfect set combined with Hinata's speed, that itself was like a flash-spike, but the girl did it while closing her eyes.

–That was awesome! Way better than I expected!– she said while jumping.

–Hinata– the captain asked dumbfounded– how could you trust Kageyama with all you have?

–Well, if the spikers don't show they can't trust the setter, he won't have a reason to do so.

–It would be awesome to try it a match, you truly form an odd pair!– exclaimed Tanaka.

–It's not like it is something I can do during a match, since it could fail. It is more an excercise we do to familiarize with a setter. When I first arrived at the female team I had to do that over and over again until I trusted 100% my setter.

After their "lesson" finished, Hinata started to pick up the balls and putting the gym in order, since it was her duty as a manager and both Shimizu and Yachi had to leave early. When she was already half done, Kageyama finally finished to do a small training by himself and turned around to find Hinata sweeping the gym. He stared at her back for a while, thinking whether to help her or not, as a way to thank her. Unconsciously, he walked to her and grabbed one of her shoulders. But it wasn't like something he was used to, instead of stiff shoulders, he was touching something delicate and thin, instead of seeing the back of a head with short hair, the person in front of him had a long ponytail. "So, did you enjoy training with me or what?", asked Hinata surprised from seeing him, but as always talking with a excited voice. That's when Kageyama lost it, seeing those big brown eyes and long eyelashes, her delicate factions yet strong together, and mainly her being so small compared to him. He couldn't help but blush and just managed to utter "kn-nff-nice".

–Oh, it seems the king has finally realized Hinata is a girl. Good job, it is probably the first time you have talked with one for more than a minute, after all– said Tsukishima, who was already leaving to the dressers, with a smug face.

–Eh!? That's quite rude Kageyama! Well, at least that means you were treating me like an equal in all senses, so it isn't that bad I guess, hehe– replied the redhead with a bright smile and squinty eyes– Anyway, do you mind helping me tidy up the gym?, if you do so I will practice with you tomorrow too! And the day after tomorrow! Also, it's already kind of late, and it would be dangerous for a girl to walk alone, so today you will have the honor to walk me home!

–You lucky bastard!– yelled an angry Tanaka, who was already clean and leaving.

Kageyama just nodded in agreement with a small blush, after all, he felt in debt. He thought this would be a one time thing, what he didn't know is that it would become a daily routine, one that he would enjoy each time more.

(A/N) Hello! This is my first time writing a Haikyuu fic, so please leave a comment or something to know if I should continue or not. This is like an introductory chapter, so I'm really sorry if it doesn't have romance (it has if you squint your eyes enough!) but I promise the will! Thanks!