The darkness was blinding.


Stretching, he climbed out of bed. His blue and tan pelt soaked from sweat and ruffled from tossing and turning.

He heard people scrambling, his sister's voice as someone picked him up and put him back in the rickety bed.

He groaned and sat up. "Wh... Where am I..? It's dark..." he heard whispers and steps, a hand on his red one.

"Bro?" It was Unikitty. She sounded worried as he tightened his grip on her hand. "Sis? Where are we? I can't see."

She gulped and he heard more footsteps. He heard Dr. Fox and Hawkidile talking about something, but he couldn't make it out.

"Sis..?" He could hear Unikitty's shaking breaths, gulps for air.

"What do you last remember?" He heard Dr. Fox ask. "Uh.. I was trying to go somewhere...? I don't remember..." he sighed. "I'm sorry..."

Unikitty hugged him and gulped- he was guessing she was holding back tears- and she whimpered. He groaned again and wiped his eyes, only to flinch and hiss in pain.

Something was wrong with his eyes.

He began to panic as he felt Hawkidile's gloved hand on his other hand and Dr. Fox's small hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Someone was clearly crying around him as Dr. Fox wiped the sticky fur around his face.

He heard someone breath in, scared of something as he felt a hand gently try to pry one of his eyes open.

It burned like hell and he let out a cry, but it opened, letting his friends see the extent of the wound.

His soft, chocolate brown eyes were faded, a dull, light brown now. The fur that were once around his eyes were burnt away, leaving the scarred skin open to the air and for the others to see.

He heard Unikitty choke back a sob, so he gently rubbed her hand to calm her.

He felt tired again, so he yawned, wiping his eyes. "So.. Tired.." he whimpered, curling up on the bed.