5ttttt I own nothing recognizable to the Harry Potter series just the changes that I have made. I hope you enjoy
Harry Potter was small, jumpy, rarely looked people in the eyes, quiet, shy. He was extremely bright, one of the brightest Ravenclaw students in the school.
This of course angered all the other Ravenclaws. The house of the bright never liked when someone was smarter than them. He was quiet. Shy. A perfect target for all houses and if Flitwick had to guess he'd say he as the most bullied and beaten down student at Hogwarts and there was nothing he could do about it.
Worse it wasn't even just the students who seemed to have a pick on the first year. He had enough when Harry got another group of detentions from Snape for doing absolutely nothing wrong. No one in the class could tell him why the 12-year-old got two weeks of detention.
Flitwick had enough and before the next teachers meeting began he made a vow to speak up and do something about the abuse to his student. It was near the end of the meeting when he finally chose to speak up about the severe problem his student faced. "Severus, let me make myself perfectly clear. If you don't leave Harry Potter alone, I am going to go to the board of governors and no matter who your friends are I will have you removed."
Everyone was taken back by the diminutive professor's sudden exclamation. "Excuse me," Snape demanded angrily.
"You heard me," Flitwick said coldly not willing to stand down on this, not when he feared for his students sanity. "Leave my Ravenclaw alone. He is not his father and he doesn't need you bullying him. He has it hard enough as it is."
Albus spoke up trying to head off the situation, "surely..."
"Don't," Flitwick said not letting it go or the headmaster to defend the Slytherin head of house. "He is bullying my students and I am sick and tired of it."
"He is arrogant just like his father," Snape stated.
The Ravenclaw head of house wondered how no one could see the truth. Only in looks did Harry resemble his father who was confident, outgoing and popular. "Merlin look at him," Flitwick demanded. "Where's the arrogance when he is too afraid to look someone in the eyes? You are looking at him and seeing James. Look at what's in front of your face. He is not James Potter. I'll admit, James potter tended to be a bully. Except his son is the victim not the perpetrator. Let it go or I will make sure you are never near that boy again."
'The victim," Sprout asked.
Flitwick through up his arms in exasperation. "How can you not see it. The Gryffindor's pick on him because he is so meek and mild. The Slytherins see an easy target as well. The Ravenclaws are angry because he's one of the smartest in the year and he won't or can't fight back against the entirety of the school since I've given some of your puffs detentions for mocking him. He is not his father. Yes, his father was arrogant. Have you ever seen him show off? Hell, has he ever even raised his hand to answer a question because he has the answers he's just too afraid to say them. Look at him for five minutes and besides his appearance, tell me you can see James Potter in him at all. He has got enough students bullying him, I won't let a member of the staff do it as well. What did you take the ten points for yesterday? What did he do worthy of the 15 you took the day before? What did he do to get two weeks of detention? Why did you take a total of 55 points the week before? the 60 the week before that. leave him alone."
Snape sneered but now the rest of the staff was looking angry since as Flitwick said they knew him not to be arrogant or a trouble maker. Nothing should have taken that many points. "Answer the question," McGonagall ordered him. "what did Mr. Potter do to get the detentions and point loss?"
His answers were far from acceptable to the rest of the staff.