Finding the lunchroom wasn't hard- the teens all flooded to the cafeteria, allowing me to find the area easily.

With Buffalo lunchbox in tow, I searched the giant room for Dr. Fox- finding her sitting at a table in the corner, alone.

I slid next to her, smiling. "Heya, Dr. Fox!" I chirped, opening up my lunchbox as she smiled and said hello back.

She had a normal plate of lunchroom food already- a cheeseburger, mashed potatoes, a pile of corn and a chocolate chip cookie. It didn't look bad, compared to what other schools have- especially not to my old school's lunchroom food.

I swung my legs as she began to talk to me about science- clearly, her favorite subject. I didn't understand half of what she was saying, due to it being mostly scientific names and chemicals, but I definitely did understand a story she told me about her bunsen burner.

Hearing intense laughs coming close, I turned around only to get smacked in the face with a black purse. Dr. Fox immediately panicked as the laughs went away, the black purse gone, although blood spattered on it. She grabbed a napkin from the table and put it against my nose.

"Ah, darn, your nose is bleeding REALLY bad! Here, lets get you to the nurse's office... pack your lunch quickly, maybe she'll let you eat in there!" Dr. Fox whimpered, standing up as I quickly packed my lunch back into my lunchbox.

Grabbing my lunchbox while I stood, I felt Dr. Fox wrap her arm into mine- to keep ahold of me, so she wouldn't loose me while I held my nose and the napkin on it.

With a sigh, you and your smaller friend made your way to the nurses office.

Aah, I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long, only just to be short! The next chapter will be out within tomorrow or maybe even tonight!