A Purpose Found

Pairing; TroyXHayden(ToothlessXHiccup)

Rating; M for Mature

Disclaimer; I do not own anything HTTYD related! Or any songs I may or may not use!


{Normal POV}

(Sunday, December 24, 2023-5:45 pm)

[Troy & Hayden's Home]

It had been a pleasant surprise that Thanksgiving turned out to be placement day for the kids that Troy and Hayden were adopting. Gerald explained that there was an emergency with the couple that was fostering them until the adoption was finalized, so he thought to just give the children to Troy and Hayden, and he was going to handle all the paperwork after the holiday was over. It worked out well, and as Troy and Hayden believed; everything fell into place that they got a phone call about the five kids, and the same day, they had their offer on the house accepted. So, that night before Thanksgiving dinner; Troy and Hayden helped get the children settled into their new home while friends and family downstairs sat in shock of the information, but overall happiness for Hayden and Troy starting a family together. The layout of the bedrooms on the second floor of the home was simple. The master bedroom was at the top of the stairs, with its own bathroom. Next to that room was a small office, which had been converted into a nursery for Nicholas. After that was another bedroom where Kristen was residing. The space after hers was another bathroom, then one more bedroom for Ashley. Zackary and Dylan were sharing a room across the hall from the bathroom.

Troy did not resign his contract for military service, instead; he went to Isle of Berk Guard. It was like active duty, only specified to the one island. Troy would still have Weekend Warrior Training, back the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of every month, and the bonus bit; Troy could come home every night after 6 pm. The adoption was finalized as of December 15, 2023. All five kids were officially Raseri's now, but no one in the family knew the adoption was closed. It would be a surprise come Christmas time. Troy and Hayden took care of getting Kristen, Ashley, Dylan, and Zachary registered for school because in the Archipelago; Kindergarten was from ages three to six, then on to first grade. So Kristen would go into Year One, as it was referred to as come September. Little Nicholas was enrolled in daycare. Thankfully, all this got taken care of right away and now, all there was left to do was enjoy life. Everyone else was doing fine in their lives too. Tonight, everyone was getting together for Christmas Eve since others had different plans for the big day tomorrow. Gabriel, Spencer, Vivian, Dustin, Rachel, Cole, Rosanna, Evelina, Simon, Shane, and Felicia would be attending Hayden's and Troy's Christmas, but not the rest. They might get together later, but it wasn't confirmed yet.

"So, how is things with all the kids?" Vivian asked gently.

"Indescribable," Hayden laughed a bit.

"They keep us busy, but we wouldn't change it for the world," Troy added while holding Nicholas in his lap and arms. Ashley, Kristen, Zackary, and Dylan were on the floor playing contently with Evelina, who was the same age as Ashley.

"Well, I'm glad you two are so happy," Hailey smiled, leaning into Fisher. "Can we have this many?"

"How about we get married first, and find a place to live? Then we can worry about kids," Fisher chuckled a little.

"It's amazing how well everything worked out in your favor," Theodore mentioned.

"Yeah, it's always like that for us," Hayden laid his head on Troy's shoulder. There was a knock on the door as the two blinked at one another. Troy answered it and became confused.

"Commander Bludvist? Cody? Inferno?" Troy asked, surprised to see them all there. Well, Willow, Theodore, and Ethan were already over, but the rest?

"Can we come in?" Cody asked.

"Sure. I guess it's a good thing we have a big house then," Hayden mentioned as everyone filed in. "What brings you all by?" he wondered.

"Well, we have a gift for you two," Cody stated with a smile.

"Us?" Troy and Hayden questioned. Donovan handed Troy a folder.

"Your transfer to Isle of Berk Guard is complete. You report in January," Donovan informed. "Sad to see you go, Sergeant, but we know you want to be home more for your new family,"

"Aye, sir. Thank you," Troy replied.

"And for you, Hayden…I'm going to need you to go change into your Dress A," Donovan instructed. Hayden blinked.

"But I'm not a Marine anymore…And that's for huge events," Hayden reminded.

"Just do as your told boy," Donovan rolled his eyes. Hayden handed Nicholas to Troy, then he went upstairs to change.

. . .

Five minutes later, Hayden returned in his formal attire. "Attention!" Donovan called. As if nothing ever changed and Hayden was still a Marine; he snapped into position. Cody lifted a black box; it was flat. Donovan opened the case and pulled out a medal. "Second Lieutenant Hayden Raseri; for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty, you are at this moment awarded the Barbaric Archipelago's highest and most prestigious decoration. The Medal of Honor," Hayden's eyes widened, so did a lot of others. Donovan placed the object around Hayden's neck, then pinned the badge representing the same thing over the left pocket. "Congratulations, son," Hayden shook Donovan's hand, but he didn't understand why he was getting this.

"I, uh, I don't get why I have this?" Hayden asked finally.

"You might remember your efforts overseas to free not only yourself but many other members of our military and Afghan friendlies from an enemy stronghold, and single-handedly capturing a high priority target, which ended the fighting in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan," Cody smiled.

"Wait a minute; you did what?" Troy asked quickly.

"Hayden completed Operation; Free Kandahar; the level ten, Special Ops mission to capture a target leading attacks in Kandahar, Afghanistan. And he did it by himself after escaping that compound," Donovan smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Troy inquired.

"I wasn't allowed to," Hayden informed softly. "This is the reason why I didn't return to the base with the others. I tracked down those who evacuated the leader from the enemy station, then captured the guy we'd been after. I got help from friendlies to return to the outpost with the target. I saw them leaving when I broke out; I couldn't risk all that work going to waste by losing the man, so I went after him myself,"

"I told you some time ago, Troy, that your husband was a hero," Donovan chuckled. "Hayden risked his life to find that base on every mission, and he ended up MIA and POW for five weeks. Even after escaping, he went above and beyond the call of duty to locate the target and bring him in regardless of his own injuries. Hayden is a hero, and now everyone else will know it too," he motioned to the medal around Hayden's neck. Hayden couldn't believe it. "So, how are you doing on everything, lad?"

"Better than I was back in June," Hayden admitted.

"I can see that. Buying a house, adopting all these adorable children? Go you, man," Harry smiled.

"Hey, Hayden…Did you ever finish that song?" Avery wondered.

"Which one? I finished two in the last few months," Hayden asked.

"The tell your heart to beat again one," Willow mentioned.

"Yep, finished that and remastered another one that I dedicated to Troy," Hayden smiled.

"I want to hear them!" Troy exclaimed.

"Do I have to do it right now?" Hayden inquired.

"Yes," Troy chuckled.

"Fine," Hayden mumbled as he went upstairs to change, again, then return downstairs. Hayden plugged his phone into the stereo system, the located the song. "Alright, this one is Tell Your Heart To Beat Again," the music started soft, like a piano. (Song is Tell Your Heart To Beat Again by Danny Gokey!)

"You're shattered like you've never been before. The life you knew, in a thousand pieces on the floor. And words fall short in times like these when this world drags you to your knees. You think you're never gonna get back to the you that used to be…" Hayden began lightly, taking a breath.

"Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in. Let the shadows fall away, step into the light of grace. Yesterday's a closing door; you don't live there anymore. Say goodbye to where you've been, and tell your heart to beat again," there was more piano and a little drumming before Hayden started again.

"Beginnings. Just let that word wash over you. It's alright now. Love's healing hands have pulled you through. So get back up, take step one. Leave the darkness, feel the sun. Because your story is far from over and your journey's just begun," the song was beautiful, and Troy loved that Hayden used it to remind himself not to fall when things went wrong or didn't work out. To remember to get back up and keep moving forward, leaving the past behind you.

"Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in. Let the shadows fall away, step into the light of grace. Yesterday's a closing door; you don't live there anymore. Say goodbye to where you've been, and tell your heart to beat again." Hayden took another breath as the music picked up a little. "Let every heartbreak and every scar be a picture that reminds you, who has carried you this far. Because love sees farther than you ever could. In this moment, Heaven's working everything for your good…"

"Tell your heart to beat again. Close your eyes and breathe it in. Let the shadows fall away, step into the light of grace. Yesterday's a closing door; you don't live there anymore. Say goodbye to where you've been, and tell your heart to beat again! Your heart to beat again! Beat again…Oh, so tell your heart to beat again," Hayden finished as the music faded off. Members of Inferno began clapping, then everyone else.

Troy kissed Hayden, leaving him blushing afterward. "Proud of you for how far you've come since we met," Troy informed.

"Well, it's all thanks to you that I got this far. Remember that I'd be dead if not for you following me that day in the park," Hayden laid his head on Troy's chest, closing his eyes.

"No, you wouldn't be. I told you, Hayden; you wouldn't have done it because all of this was supposed to happen. We met at a very particular time for a very specific reason. I was meant to save you, and we're destined to be together," Troy chuckled, kissing him again. "Now, how about that other song that you dedicated to me?"

"Well, it was one I wrote when we couldn't decide on a wedding song. I figured as a last resort I'd make something. It's called I Just Want You because no matter what situation we're in; you're the one I want beside me to get through it," Hayden enlightened. Troy let go of him, nodding, and a little excited to hear it. Hayden found the song, and let it start. (Song is I Just Want You by Cole Swindell. I might have changed the lyrics just a little bit, but I thought it fit for Hayden and Troy.)

"When I've been gone. When I'm right here. The minute my eyes open in the morning. Out on some highway, or pulling in the driveway. Clear blue skies or when it's thunder-storming. My mind just can't escape you. The first time I touched you, that's when I knew…"

"I want you to trust me. I want you to love me. I want you to need me like I'm something you can't lose. I want you to save me. I want you to crave me. Even when I can't find my way to you. If you ever once doubt anything I'm about, all it ever comes down to…Is I just want you…"

"When you get rattled. When you're coming all unraveled. When you're holding everything together for me. The way that you reveal me. The way that you feel me. The way you know I'm holding something inside. Don't know what time has for us, but as long as I'm here; one thing I'm sure of!"

"I want you to trust me. I want you to love me. I want you to need me like I'm something you can't lose. I want you to save me. I want you to crave me. Even when I can't find my way to you. If you everyone once down anything I'm about, all it ever comes down to…Is I just want you! Yeah, I just want you!" more music as Troy handed Nicholas to his brother, then pulled Hayden closed, dancing with him.

"I want you to trust me. I want you to love me. I want you to need me like I'm something you can't lose. I want you to save me. I want you to crave me. Even when I can't find my way to you. If you ever once doubt anything I'm about, all it ever comes down to…Is I just want you…Yes, I do. I just want you…" Troy and Hayden finished together, then kissed again.

"We're adopting that as our wedding song, hope you know. You should have shown it to me; I love it!" Troy exclaimed. Hayden nodded, smiling a bit. Another song started playing, but neither of them paid any mind to it. "So tell me, babe. After everything since we've met; this everything you ever wanted?"

"It is, but through it all…I found one other thing I was desperately looking for," Hayden confessed.

"And what's what, Love?" Troy inquired.

"A purpose," Hayden admitted as Troy smiled wider. "That's what you told me the day we met; that I couldn't give up my life or I wouldn't find it. All this is what I'm living for. As you've continued to tell me, and just minutes ago said too; we met for at a time where I didn't know why I was still here because I felt like no one wanted me around anymore. You came into my life and changed everything. I didn't have to find my purpose because you gave it to me. My mission is to keep living and moving forward no matter what tries to knock me down. I'm supposed to get up and continue on with the people who support, care about and love me at my side. So you and everyone else in this room is my purpose. Friend, son, cousin, nephew, godson, son-in-law, brother-in-law, father, and husband. This is who I am, and where I'm meant to be,"

"About time you realized that," Troy wrapped his arms around Hayden's waist and kissed him passionately. It didn't take very long for a simple kiss to become much more. In the background, Hayden's song from a while back began playing. Every time that you wake up breathing. Every that when you close your eyes. Every day that your heart keeps beating. There's purpose for your life. So don't give up. Don't lay down. Just hold on. Don't quit now. Every breath that you take has meaning. You are here for a reason.

The kiss ended soon after as Kristen, Dylan, Zackary, and Ashley wandered to stand with their parents. Cold handed Nicholas back to Troy as the family just stood there smiling in front of the Christmas tree. "I love you, Troy,"

"I love you too, Hayden," Troy replied.

"And we love all of you," Both said to their kids and the surrounding guests.

Hayden leaned into his husband, the man who made it possible. 'I'm here for a reason, and all this is it. This is my purpose.' he thought.

~A/N; And so ends A Purpose Found. Not sure what I have coming next, but you know I'll do my best not to disappoint! Thank you for the continued support. -Nightstar Fury