A Purpose Found

Pairing; TroyXHayden(ToothlessXHiccup)

Rating; M for Mature

Disclaimer; I do not own anything HTTYD related! Or any songs I may or may not use!

Character List;
Hayden Haddock
as Hiccup
Spencer & Vivian Haddock as Stoick and Valka
Gabriel Forger as Gobber
Troy Raseri as Toothless
Dustin & Rachel Raseri as Toothless's Parents
Cole Raseri as Toothless's Brother
Avery Hofferson as Astrid
Shane Jorgenson as Snotlout
Fisher Ingerman as Fishlegs
Rylee & Tyler Thorston as Ruffnut and Tuffnut
Hailey & Drew Bazirk as Heather and Dagur
Theodore Meatsen as Thuggory
Chelsea Boggs as Camicazi
Ethan Trapp as Eret
Donovon Bludvist as Drago
Kristopher Hunters as Krogan
Ryan & Vincent Grimborn as Ryker and Viggo
Asvora Solvig as OC[Belongs to XCrimson . MelodyX]
Jannike Fredrikson as OC[Belongs to harrypanther]
Eira Solveig as OC[Belongs to RavenStorm020]
Harry Andersen as OC[Belongs to Nightstar Fury]
Andrew Kingsley as OC[Belongs to Nightstar Fury]
Nicole Fury as Nightstar Fury[Belongs to Nightstar Fury]
Madison Flinter as Meatlug
Willow Spears as Windshear
Sonny Stones as Shattermaster
Seymour Wilde as Sleuther
Stacy Avia as Stormfly
Harvey Burnall as Hookfang
Kody Nyght as Killer[Thuggory's Dragon from the HTTYD Books]
Tucker Wayver as Thornado
Brian Gassur as Barf
Blake Sparks as Belch
Grant Lazzi as Grump
Skullcrusher as Self[Spencer's Siberian Husky]
Cloudjumper as Self[Vivian's Chocolate Labrador]
Sharpshot as Self[Hayden's Munchkin Cat]


=Normal POV=

(October 7, 2018; Sunday-12:30 pm)

An eighteen-year-old male with shaggy auburn hair and emerald green eyes sat alone in his bedroom. The young man's knees were pulled up to his chest with his arms wrapped around tightly; burying his face to muffle the crying and hide the tears that were slipping down his face.

'I have nothing left,' the upset teenager whimpered. 'No friends, no job, my parents hate me, and now, I'm about to be homeless. Gods, how did it go so wrong?' he cried harder, sniffling. 'I-I can't do this anymore,' He honestly couldn't. The teenager lifted his head to wipe his eyes free of tears, and then coughed a few times. His emerald green eyes fell on the desk where his High School diploma sat and read his name; Hayden Haddock. That was only three months ago when he graduated, and everything had gone horribly since. 'They would all be happier with you gone, Hayden. You mean nothing to anyone,' the male, Hayden, thought to himself. Without wasting more time, Hayden got off the bed and slipped his shoes on. Afterward, Hayden wrote a small note and wrapped it around some money. Hayden set it on his desk along with his cell phone before leaving his bedroom.

Hayden made his way upstairs and through the kitchen, then down the hall to his father's home office. Hayden went to the desk and unlocked the safe. Opening the door, Hayden saw the gun resting on a stack of papers and folders. Hayden lifted the weapon and looked at it before giving the nod of approval, shortly after Hayden left the office, completely forgetting to shut the door and relock the safe. Without anything else except his wallet on him, Hayden left the house through the front door where his parents, who were in the backyard grilling up hotdogs and cheeseburgers for lunch, wouldn't see him.

. . .

(Ten Minutes Later)

Wearing his oversized hoodie that had an inner pocket to conceal the gun, Hayden had his hands stuffed into he jeans while walking down the sidewalk to the park. The entire time, Hayden remained silent while thinking back on everything that had happened.

=Hayden's POV=

How is that my life could not have been better three months ago? I had my parents, my Godfather, my friends, and a decent paying job. Now, everything is gone. Had I done something wrong to deserve this? I suppose it didn't matter anymore. I have nothing anymore, and I am nothing to anyone. Why should I even try? I shouldn't, and I won't. If everyone wants to abandon and toss me aside, then why am I still here? All of this started after High School graduation, which happened on June 16, 2018. The first situation occurred when I was walking through town after having dinner with my friends. This guy was abusing his girlfriend, so I stepped in to help out. The man didn't like it and attacked me. The cops showed, and I was taken home in a cruiser. The officers told my parents that I got off with a warning. They were disappointed in me for fighting, and involving myself. And the girl never informed police I was protecting her. The second incident was that I got into a car accident with my mother's car, but it hadn't been my fault, though, it was labeled that way because the other driver left the scene. No surprise that I got more disappointment from my folks. I guess it wasn't so bad; few instances where I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yeah, I was wrong about that assumption. My now ex-friends cornered me at home on one of the days I didn't have work, and they went off on me about apparently posting bad things about them on my social media page. I tried to tell them that I had no idea what they were talking about, but none of them listened, so they said our friendship was over and then left. I found out later on that my profile got hacked, and someone posted all that in my name. My former friends refused to hear me out, so it never resolved. The next situation took place during Mid-August; walking home from work since my parents wouldn't let me use their vehicles, I got shoved into a wall by some street thugs and beat up on. Cops showed up, and I ended up in handcuffs, thank the Gods I wasn't charged, but it got worse when my dad had to come down to the station to get me out of the holding cell. This was the night my parents seemed to lose all respect they had for me, and we began having a rocky relationship. The final two events happened today and were me losing my job over a money discrepancy, which could have been proved false if my former boss had checked the cameras, but he refused. After getting home, my parents demanded I start paying rent to them; $200.00 a week since I was an adult and could help out the household. The problem was that I just lost my job and my dad was giving me two weeks to pay everything, or I was out. I told them that, and they said it wasn't their problem.

As I said, I've lost everything, and I've got nothing left to live for. I was going to go to the park and shoot myself in the head. No notes, no goodbyes; just end it all.

"Hayden?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked back to see my old friends at the entrance of the park; it looked like they were leaving. The one who spoke was Avery Hofferson, blond hair, and blue eyes. The rest of the former gang is Fisher Ingerman; blond hair and green eyes. Hailey Bazirk; dark brown with green, then her older brother, Drew Bazirk with red hair and green eyes. There was also the twins; Rylee and Tyler Thorston; both blond hair and blue eyes. Finally, there was my cousin, Shane Jorgenson; brown with blue eyes. We had all been friends since Kindergarten, having lived on Berk, our home island all our lives. Berk was just one island out of many in this Archipelago. The main island was Archia Isle, but around it was the others. Berk, Outcast, Meathead, Visithug, Berserker, Peaceable, Bog-Burglar, Hysteria, Shivering Shores, Quiets, Murderous, Bashem, Ljos Haven, which stands for Light Haven, and then Eyja Nott, roughly translated to the Island Of Night.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I retorted coldly.

"Uh, we were your friends," Tyler stated.

"Tch. Yeah. Keyword in the sentence was were. Now, you're just people I don't know because my friends should have known I would never talk shit about them, and they would have let me explain that my profile was hacked. But whatever, right? Why am I telling you all this? You don't know me, remember?" I scoffed.

"You expect us to believe you got hacked, and someone else posted all those things?" Shane huffed.

"It does seem far-fetched, but possible," Fisher put a finger up.

"Believe whatever the fuck you want," I turned my head from them, but I heard their shocked reactions. It wasn't like me to get so cold. "I don't care anymore; you made your choice, and I have made mine. Goodbye," I remarked before turning away from them and continuing to walk.

"Where are you going?" Hailey wondered.

"Why do you care?" I glanced back.

"Because you look like you've been crying," Rylee mentioned.

"Maybe I was. Again; why do you care?" I asked.

"We still care," Avery mumbled.

"And I can see how much it bothered you to have to say that," I said sarcastically. "Spare me the bullshit. Hate me; go ahead. Every fucking body else does!" the group took a step back, surprised. "I don't have friends. I don't have a job. My parents have lost all respect for me. And you know, I've just stopped caring about everything. I said goodbye. You don't need to worry about me, now just leave me alone!" I ran away from them as fast as I could. I felt the tears starting to form, and I didn't want them to see that.

. . .

[The Cove]

(1 pm)

I reached one place I knew I could die in peace. The Cove below the Raven Point Park; it was a more private area, and mostly abandoned now that schools were back in session. The Cove had large rocks to climb, a small pond, some caves, picnic tables, trees. And there was nobody here. I'm sure the gun going off would catch some attention, but by then; it'll be too late. No one would be able to save me. No one can save me. As soon as I knew I was in the clear; I dropped to my knees and cried. I didn't know what else to do but that. I lost every one of my friends, even my cousin! I didn't have a job anymore, so there went going to college; mainly because my parents wanted me to pay rent to them. What did I have? Nothing. What reason did I have to keep living? None. Tears continued streaming from my eyes and down my cheeks as I pulled the gun out of my hoodie's inside pocket. I stared at it for a few moments while sniffling; then I checked the clip before putting it back into the weapon. I pulled the top back to load a bullet in the chamber.

"Nobody will care; they already don't," I told myself as I raised the gun up and placed the barrel to the left side of my head, then moved my finger to where it needed to be. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared to pull the trigger.

"Stop! Don't do it!" a voice from behind called.