Ash Ketchum and his friends were all sitting in the classroom discussing their new lesson. Today Lillie just returned to school after they saved her mother Lusamine from the Ultra Beasts with the help of Nebby who evolved into solgaleo, The legendary pokemon of Alola. Solgaleo vanished after they came back and Ash missed him. He was taking care of solgaleo when he was a cosmog. his first form and the name rotom gave him. Ash was leaning on the rails to the school. Pikachu and greninja came over to their trainer. Greninja returned to him when he was returning home from school. Squishy was with him because he was going back to Bonnie. "The red vines have been extinguished. We thank you Ash for lending us Greninja" He remembered Squishy telling him. His other alola pokemon litten, lycanroc, rowlet and his newest capture jangmo-o joined them. He caught jangmo-o while trying to reach the Alter of the Sun and completted the trial earning the Dragonium-Z. Ash was looking at the Solganium-Z Crystal in his hand.

'Pika, Pikapi?' asked Pikachu rubbing his cheek on his trainers face.

'I didn't get a chance to say thank you or goodbye' said Ash looking at the crystal. He wondered where nebby was now. he felt another pair of hands that are very soft on his. He looked into the eyes of Lillie. another thing that happened while ash was attending alola. He was helping Lillie get over her fear of touching pokemon. one day ash asked her out and she accepted. ever since then they have been dating with Gladions approval. "you miss Nebby dont you" she asked.

"Yeah," He said softly.

Lillie smiled at him before she kissed his cheek. "No need to worry, Nebby probably misses you too Ash,'' She said. Snowy was right beside her. Soon the lesson began and after class ash returned home to kukuis house. Ash was feeding his pokemon when Kukui and Burnet walked in. "Ash, can we talk to you" Kukui said to him. Burnet closed the door.

'Sure professor, what is it?" asked Ash walking over to them. He knew that kukui and burnet have been dating for at least several months.

"Well, were getting married" said Burnet showing him a ring. Ash was speechless as was the pokemon. 'wow professor congrats" said Ash hugging them. Little did they know that a pair of blue eyes was watching them. Pikachus ears twitched and he looked at the window. he saw nothing before he resumed cheering with the other pokemon. The next day at the pokemon school Ash told his friends everything.

"AWW" exclaimed the girls with hearteyes. Kiawe and Sophocles rolled their eyes at the girls. They too was happy for their teacher.

'Wheres the wedding at?" asked Mallow.

"They're doing no wedding, there just going to city hall" said Ash which made the girls heads drop as they moped. They returned to their seats. "Wait, we should do something,lets set up a wedding for them" said Mallow with an idea. Kukui was the best teacher ever and he deserves a wedding.

"Great idea Mallow," said Ash before he asked. "but how are we going to do this?"

"Ill get my dad to help cater," said Mallow

"well handle the invites and find the guests" said Lillie. Kiawe and Lana nodded to help her.

"Ill go ask Principal Oak to see if he can be the priest" said Sophocles. Kukui came in and began the lesson. it was a lecture on battle techniques and styles used by Coordinators, After the lesson. Ash and Sophocles went to asked principal oak if he would be the priest. He accepted and was happy for his colleague. The gang invited everyone they knew on Melemele island including Kahuna Hala and brought his family. , Lusamine and her staff. Ash even invited his mom and professor Oak to the wedding. He even brought along bulbasaur who needed a vacation. They set up for the wedding after Kukui went to sleep. Burnet was let in on the surpirse. The next morning after getting Burnet in her wedding dress. Ash went downstairs and he along with his pokemon was ready to wake him up. "Hey professor wake up" said Ash

Kukui looked at him with one eye opened. "Ash you know there is no school today." he said still a bit tired before he rolled back on his side again. Lycanroc and Kukui's rockruff took that as their cue and and they started to lick him until he fell out of bed. 'Okay okay i'm up" said Kukui. Ash walked up the stairs 'I have a surprise for you" He said with a smirk. Kukui walked up the stairs and he saw Burnet in her wedding dress. He blinked twice before a smile came on his face. "you shouldn't be surprised yet Kukui" said Burnet. He walked outside and he saw everyone waiting on them. He was shocked to see a ceremony set up. "Is this for us?" he asked

"Yes from your wonderful students." said Burnet and Kukui had a big smile on his face. Litten was on the shoulder of the old lady that used to feed him fruit. Kukui went and got himself dressed in his grey tuxedo and they walked outside to the beach. DJ Leo played the wedding march song as everyone looked at them. Komola rang the bell as the march started. Kukui and Burnet walked down the path with locked elbows/ Everyone smiled as the two reach the Alter. Munchlax and braviary stayed with their trainers. Samson began "We are here today to celebrate the union of Kukui and Burnet" Samson began to talk for a while with some pokemon puns thown in. He said "do you Kukui take Burnet as your Wife to care for her until sickness or Death" asked Samson

"I do" said Kukui

"And do you Burnet, take Kukui to be your wedded husband to care for him. sickness or death" said Samson

"I do" said Burnet. Ash very nervous walked over with the rings. Kukui and Burnet each placed a ring on their fingers. "As me, Samson Oak as the witness, I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride" said Samson.

Kukui and Burnet looked at each other before they kisses. Everybody clapped happy for the new couple. The party began with everyone eating, dancing, playing and having a fun time. Kukui had a picture taken with the men and Burnet the same with all the girls.. Ash and Lillie danced together having the time of their lives. Delia and Lusamine looked at each other. "Looks like were going to be seeing each other more in the future" Delia said happy that her son found the one he was looking for.

"Yes, Hes a good boy and if it wasn't for him. Lillie would still be afraid to touch pokemon," said Lusamine watching her daughter be happy with Ash.

Kukui and burnet cut the cake. Lusamine pulled Ash and the gang aside. Faba apologized for how he acted. Lusamine showed the gang the residue of the wormhole and prediced that Ultra Beasts will keep coming back. She thanked the gang since they was able to battle nihilego. UB-01 symbiote and save her from the ultra beast. Professor Oak was recording the data on nihilego. Lusamine asked the gang to form the Ultra Guardians. a team dedicated to fighting ultra beasts, catching them or to send them back through the wormhole. The entire gang agreed even Lillie. Burnet tossed the bouquet and Olivia caught it. Ash smiled at his pokemon until they all heard "LA-LEON!" Ash and the gang saw solgaleo leaping across the sky heading right for them. "Solgaleo" said Ash happy before he ran to the edge of the water. The others catched up to him. "Amazing, so thats a Solgaleo" said Samual . solgaleo descended before he landed in front of them. The gang was happy to see him again as the gang all hugged the sunne pokemon. Solgaleo gave Ash a big wet kiss with his tongue. "We missed you too, right buddy?" Ash asked Pikachu

"Cha" said Pikachu sitting on nebby's back with snowy, steene, togedemaru and popplio.

The other pokemon came to greet Nebby and he joined the festival. soon all the guests started left exept for Kukui, Burnet, Delia, Samson,Samual, Lusamine and her staff. Solgaleo was in front of ash. The sun was starting to set. The gangs pokemon was beside their trainers. "So what are you going to do now Solgaleo?" he asked. Nebby opened his mouth to reveal a pokeball. He set it down before he used his nose to roll it at him. Ash was taken back as was the others. "Solgaleo you want to come along with us?" asked Ash picking up the pokeball.

"Leo" purred Solgaleo with a smile on his face. It was clear nebby missed him too. Ash picked up the pokeball and held it out to him. Solgaleo touched the pokeball with his nose as he was sucked in. He didn't resist being caught by him. Ash smiled widely before he did his pose "I just caught Solgaleo!"

"Pi-Pikachu!" cheered pikachu. "No way you just caught a legendary pokemon!" shouted Rotom. Ash said "come on out Nebby" . Nebby appeared in a flash rght in front of him with a big smile. Ash pulled out Nebbys favorite food and he poured it into a bowl as the lion ate with a big smile. The classmates came over with their pokemon welcoming back Nebby. "Ash my boy, I can't beleive that you just caught a legendary pokemon" said Professor Oak shocked.

"Yeah and hes now apart of our family" said Ash as Nebby nuzzled his face. Kukui and Burnet was going on their honeymoon. He gave the classmates two weeks off to enjoy a bit of a break from school. They already left by limo. Ash was in deep thought about something. Lillie noticed her boyfriend was thinking. "Hey Ash what are you thinking about?" she asked.

"Well I've been thinking about my other pokemon and friends who i met along my journey. I want to get them all back. Professor Kukui told me that he is bulding a league for Alola, and if im going to win it. I need to get back my friends and use all my pokemon." Ash said with a serious face. The classmates looked at him and they knew that he was being serious.

"Well my boy, How about i start by giving you in increase to how many pokemon you can carry," said Professor Oak which made Ash look at him with a big smile. "Really Professor that would be great" said Ash. "First ill start by going back though Kanto and work my way to Kalos. i might even catch some new pokemon."

"wait Ash, Let us come with you" Lillie pleaded.

'Just think of all the data i can collect" said Rotom

"Yeah, it sounds like a lot of fun" said Sophocles.

"Count me in too" said Kiawe. Lana and Mallow also wanted to come. Mimo asked her brother if she can come. Their parents said it would be alright just as long as She would stay close to Kiawe. The classmates went home real quick to pack up some camping gear. Lillie made sure not to go overboard with the food or clothes. Thirty minutes later after recalling all their pokemon. The gang was at the airport boarding the plane with Delia and Samual. The plane took off from Alola and headed straight for Kanto. The flight was about Sixteen hours. The plane landed in Vermillion City about Seven a.m. An hour later did their taxi arrived in Pallet Town. "We're home buddy" Ash said to pikachu. Bulbasaur was also out in his arms. The van stopped and the gang unpacked their things. After telling his mom that he was going to see his pokemon. The classmates headed for the lab. Ash knocked on the door and Tracy answered it. "Ash, glad to see your back." said Tracy.

"Good to see you Tracy." said Ash "im here to see my pokemon."

"Sure, There all outside enjoying this nice day." said Tracy,

"Thanks Tracy," said Ash as the group came to the back of the ranch where all the pokemon that lived there roam. Bulbasaur used a solerbeam signal to summon all of Ash's pokemon. a large shadow came down as a charizard landed and roared. "whoa ash you have a Charizard?" Said Kiawe. "Yeah i sure do, Charizard its good to see you buddy"

Charizard gave him a thumbs up, not his usual flamethrower because Lillie was standing next to him. "We had a rough start, but he is one of my oldest and strongest pokemon." Charizard demonstrated with a flamethrower to the sky. A large splash was heard as a large filler crab came onto the land. "Kingler how you doing bud?" said Ash. Kingler crooked happy to see ash again. Rotom scanned him "Kingler, The Pincer Pokemon and the evolved form of Krabby. Kinglers large pincers has immensly strong claws used to crush objects"

"Wow your Kingler looks strong Ash" said Lana. Kingler demonstraded by using his pincers to snap a log in half. "Such strenght" said Mallow. His thirty tauros came running to them but one stomp from charizard made them stop. "Thanks pal" said Ash rubbing the head tauros. "how you doing Tauros." Another heavy footstep was heard as snorlax came over to him. "You have a Snorlax?" asked Sophocles.

'Yeah i caught him at the Orange Islands." said Ash as snorlax hugged his trainer. Muk appeared and gave his trainer a big hug making the gang laugh. "Alright guys i want you to meet my friends, Kiawe, Sophocles, Lana, Mallow and Lillie, my girlfriend" said Ash. his kanto pokemon was shocked their trainer had a girlfriend. Charizard approached her first and she was a bit scared. Charizard gave her a big lick with his tongue. Bulbasaur used his vines to shake her hand. Snorlax waved at her. They greeted the other classmates the same,

"So this is all of your Kanto Pokemon Ash?" asked mallow.

"No, There are others," said Ash. Thats when they all heard a sucking sound followed by a slap. The alolans saw a blue beetle pokemon sucking the sap out of bulbasaurs bulb. Rotom not seeing the pokemon took a picture before he scanned it. "Heracross, the Single horn Pokemon, Using the sharp claws on its feet, it generates enough firepower to throw an opponet with amazing force."

"Whoa thats a fighting and bug type." said Mallow amazed. Ash help his Heracross up. "Oh Heracross, when will you ever stop?"

Heracross chuckled a bit while rubbing his head before he hugged his trainer very happy to see him. "Good yo see you too Heracross."

Thats when he was tackled by a cream colored dinosaur with a leaf on its head. "Bayleaf im happy to see you too" said Ash as bayleaf nuzzled him. "Bay" she got off him as rotom took a picture and scanned her. "Bayleaf, the Leaf Pokémon. The evolved form of Chikorita. Bayleaf emits a spicy aroma from the leaves around its neck and its Razor Leaf is extremely powerful."

"A grass type, what a cutie!" said Mallow with hearteyes. Another pokemon came to them. it was a mole like pokemon. "Qui!" said Quilava. Rotom scanned him "Quilava, the Volcano Pokémon, and the evolved form of Cyndaquil. Quilava intimidates foes with its flame's heat, and when ready to battle, the fire burns with more strength)

"Quilava how you doing, you look great" said Ash petting his head. Quilava smiled and once ash moved his hand did he demonstrate his flames. He did a flip several times. "Aw hes so cute" said mimo.

"And he's a fire type" said kiawe. The gang soon heard splashing as a blue alligater danced on the water. Lana said "a Totodile, wow this is the first time ive ever seen one." Rotom scanned him as well. " Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon. Its highly developed jaw is so powerful, it can crush practically anything. Trainers beware: this Pokémon loves to use its teeth."

Totodile finished his dance and did a bow. They all laughed since totodile loves to dance. Ash just smiled and he said, "Totodile it great to see you again buddy." Totodile did his little dance again and jump into Ash lap and looked very happy to see him again. The girls just giggle liking totodile.

Soon another shadow, but one much small was overhead all. Landing was a golden and red owl. It was rotating his head around. Rotom scanned to let the classmates know about it.

'Noctowl, the Owl Pokémon, and the evolved form of Hoothoot. Noctowl's eyes have a special power that allows it to see in the faintest light, as if it was the middle of the day. Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound in flight.'

Rotom took a picture of the shiny pokemon, Lillie gasped in surprise and she said, "Ash you have a shiny Pokemon!" Ash smiled , "Yea, Noctowl here is my own shiny I got, but he very strong and been a big help too." he said

Noctowl held his wings out and hooted out. Then something was rolling to the group. When it arrived, it uncurled itself to reveal it was an armor elephant. Rotom scanned this pokemon as well.

'Donphan, the Armor Pokémon. Donphan has razor sharp tusks, armor-like skin, and enormous power. Donphan's favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts rolling, this Pokémon can't stop very easily.'

"Donphan buddy it great to see you again," said Ash. Donphan was very happy and raised his truck up and down. The classmates look to the new Pokemon and said, "So these are all the Pokemon you caught in Johto." asked Sophocles

Ash nodded and said, "Yea, this is all of them. Thought if I think about it I should have caught a few more too." All of his Johto pokemon looked at him, "Guys i want you to meet my friends from Alola, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Lana and Lillie my Girfriend."

His johto pokemon looked shocked that ash had a mate. Even bayleaf was happy for her human. She nuzzled Lillie while totodile did a dance around her. quilava, heracross, noctowl waved at her. Now they was waiting for the hoemn pokemon. They greeted the others the same way. Another shadow from above appeared above all and was a bit bigger then noctowl. Landing in front of them was a blue bird with red and white on its body and cried out with its wings rise. Rotom scanned the bird.

'Swellow, the Swallow Pokémon. Swellow uses its impressive divebomber speed and its large talons to capture its prey. Swellow flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by Swellow's clawed feet, preventing escape. Swellow is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other's wings.'

"Swellow buddy how you doing?" asked Ash. Swellow rise his wing again and cried out and was very happy to see Ash again too. Next to appear was sceptile out of the tree that everyone was here. His twig was in his mouth. Rotom scanned him as well. Sceptile, the Forest Pokémon, and the evolved form of Grovyle. The seeds growing on Sceptile's back are brimming with vitamins that can revitalize trees.

"wow you have a Sceptile, I always wanted one for myself" said Mallow looking at the grass type.

"Yeah, Sceptile is one of my strongest pokemon. He along with Pikachu and Charizard was able to defeat a Legendary Pokemon." said Ash. Sceptile smirked standing next to charizard. The class was shocked that Ash manage to defeat legendary pokemon. A spalsh of water was heard as a red lobster like pokemon came out. "Cor,Corphish!"said Corphish tackling Ash happy to see him.

"A Corphish so cute" said Lana holding Popplio. Rotom scanned Corphish. Corphish, the Ruffian Pokemon. Corphish lives anywhere, adapting to its surroundings, its pincers hold on tightly when it catches prey. Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it comes to food—it will eat anything. This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water.'

"Corphish Corphish!" Ash just laugh and said, "Ok, Ok! I got it Corphish. I've miss you very much to." Corphish jump of Ash to let him sit up. "you Corphish has a very excited personality. " said Mimo.

Ash just rubbed his head and look to see Corphish and Kingler shaking claw. "Yeah, he does. Seems like both him and Kingler have become great friends too." the gang saw two more Pokemon were coming over. One was running and the other was floating. Luckily they both stop and didn't tackle into Ash like bayleaf and corphish did.

The first was an orange tortoise with a black shell with red holes. The second was a large face with black rock covered in ice and had blue eyes and two black horns.. Rotom took a picture before he scanned them, "Torkoal, the Coal Pokémon. Torkoal burns coal within its body to produce energy. As a defense, Torkoal is able to release smoke from its nostrils and its back to confuse enemies. Torkoal digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.'

'Glalie, the Face Pokémon. Glalie has a tempered ice body that doesn't melt even under a direct flame. It can freeze vapors in the air instantly. Glalie has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor of ice. This Pokémon has the ability to freeze moisture in the atmosphere into any shape it desires.'

"Torkoal and Glalie it great to see you both again," said Ash. Glalie floated up and down with a smile on his face and very happy to see Ash again. Torkoal cried out very happy and unleashed a cloud of smoke all over Ash, The class, and the Pokemon.

"Well thats new," said Kiawe covered in soot.

"Yeah, Hes a bit emotional but hes still a very strong pokemon" said Ash. Torkoal lowered his head saying sorry. "Its no trouble at all Torkoal" said Mimo petting the turtles head. The hoemn pokemon looked at their trainer. "Guys these are my friends from Alola. Kiawe, Mallow, Lana, Sophocles, and Lillie my girlfriend."

The Hoemn pokemon was shocked their human had a mate. but all were happy to meet Lillie and greeted her. Swellow rise his wings and cried out in greeting her. Sceptile smiled and nodded to her. Corphish looked at her before he waved. Glalie just floated with a smile.

Finally torkoal cried out all happy and released smoke over everyone again. Lillie and the Alolans all just wiped it off.

"It nice to meet a nice Pokemon like you too Torkoal," said Lillie petting Torkoal who smiled. Ash look to the side to see his mother Deila arrived to watch too with Professor Oak. Now they were wait for more of Ash Pokemon to arrive now. another shadow appeared over all. This one was large then Swellow. Land was another bird, thought this one was large and was grayish-brown with a red-tipped, black crest extends over its heads. Rotom scanned to learn who this is after he took a picture.

'Staraptor, the Predator Pokémon. Staraptor has an aggressive temperament and will bravely attack enemies that are far bigger than itself. Staraptor's ferocious nature means that it has no problem challenging much larger opponents. The muscles in its wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon.'

"Hmm looks like someone enjoys catching a flying type of each region," said Sophocles elbowing Ash on his side in a playful way. Ash just had to chuckle at that is it was true. Ash smiled at the sinnoh bird. he said, "Staraptor great to see you again buddy. Looking strong like always."

Staraptor held his wings out and cried out in joy see Ash again too. Swellow came over to staraptor and both did a wing high five. Ash was happy to see them became good friends, Since both like to race each other. Noctowl was just not into it and more mature to do racing. Loud footsteps was soon heard as two more pokemon headed for them. the first pokemon the alolans saw was a huge tortoise with a tree on its large shell. Also ride on the tortoise's shell was a primate with a large flame on its head. Ash look very happy, while they were coming over. Rotom took a picture before he scanned them. Torterra, the Continent Pokémon. Its large back and sanitary nature offer an ideal place for smaller Pokémon to build their nests.'

'Infernape, the Flame Pokémon and the evolved form of Monferno. Infernape's fiery crown reflects its fiery nature, and its speed is unmatched. Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by none in terms of quickness. It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style.'

"Torterra and Infernape is great to see the both of you again," said Ash waved to the two. they both arrive to the large group of Pokemon. Infernape jumped off torterra and gave Ash a hug missing him. Kiawe wondered how many fire type pokemon did ash own.

"Bulb Bulbasaur!" said Bulbasaur coming over to torterra. "Torterra!" said Torterra. "Seem like the both of you become great friends," said Ash.

"Indeed they have and been a big help keep the Pokemon here out of trouble," said Oak. "Seems like your Torterra is very similar to Bulbasaur in many way. Bulbasaur keep the peace around here, but when he has trouble with more large Pokemon then him, Torterra come in and help out."

"Is that so? I'm happy the both of you are keeping the peace here," said Ash. Both grass Pokemon smiled happy and felt proud too.

Charizard landed over and roar to infernape. both fist bump each other, which Ash was glad both fire type were good friends. Which didn't surprised Ash at all because both had similar past have a trainer that abandon them, at least Ash knew Paul redeemed himself. Another splash was heard as a orange weasel pokemon with serious face came out of the water. Rotom scanned him. "

Buizel, the Sea Weasel Pokémon. It stores air in the sacs on its neck and uses them as flotation devices, and swims by spinning its two tails like a propeller. It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and pokes its head out of the water to see what is going on.'

Ash knelt down to Buizel and said, "Great to see you again. You look strong and ready for battle like always huh?" Buizel rise one of his arm up and nodded called out really hope to battle again. Lana was amazed to how many water types he owned. Another shadow appeared over them. The gang looked up however this one was not in that shape of a bird. The Alolans, Ash, and the Pokemon look up to see a blue-purple vampire bat mix with a scorpion was coming down and aiming itself at Ash.

"Gliscor!" it called out. Ash was a bit worry and he said, "Oh No! Not again!" Then gliscor land down right on top of Ash all happy to see him again. Lillie was a bit worry, since the heavy Pokemon was on Ash with his legs the only part of him showing from under Gliscor and twitching. Many of Ash's Pokemon sweat drop and Rotom scanned him.

".Gliscor, the Fang Scorp Pokémon, and the evolved form of Gligar. It watches its prey as it hangs from trees by its tail and attacks from above when it sees the chance.'

Gliscor got off Ash so he can sit up. "Gliscor buddy it great to see you, but need to try to stop doing that please." Gliscor rubbed the back of his head and did his trademark smirk with his tongue out and winking too. "so this is all of your Sinnoh Pokemon Ash?" asked Mallow.

"Actually there is suppose to be one more? Have you guys seen him?" asked Ash. Ash was a bit surprised at them. Then he felt someone poke his legs and he look down and pikachu and he said, "Did you just poke me now Pikachu?"

Pikachu tiled his head to the side in confusion and shook his head. Ash rise a eyebrow and look to Lillie only to feel someone poking his again. This time Ash look around to find a hole in the ground. Then all the sudden jump out was a small land shark the bit him on the head.

Ash yelled out and ran around with the pokemon on his head. All of the pokemon sweatdropped at him. Rotom quickly scanned him. "Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon. Gible once lived in the tropics, and to avoid cold it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat. It nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls. It pounces to catch prey that stray too close.'

Gible let go of Ash's head and just stood their was a blank look with his jaw hang open and his arm out. The alolans blinked at the weird little gible, while Ash was twitching on the ground in a bit of pain. Pikachu, bayleaf, and several others that were close to Ash were worry about their trainer.

Lucky Ash recovered and was Ok. He sat up and said, "Gible still the same as alway huh little buddy?" "Gible Gible Gible!" Gible smiled and this time jump in Ash's arm. Ash hug gible and was happy to see him too alway, since gible missed Ash very much too. "Are you alright Ash?" Lillie asked him.

"Oh yeah, Gible just loves to bite things." said Ash putting gible down. All of the sinnoh pokemon looked at the people behind Ash with curiousity. "Okay gang, These are my friends from Alola. Kiawe and his sister Mimo, Lana, Mallow, Sophocles, and Lillie My girlfriend" said Ash. The sinnoh pokemon never thought ash would get a mate. Staraptor held his wing out and cried out to greet Lillie like most of the bird Pokemon. Torterra moved to Lillie and greeted her too. He smiled at her. Infernape approached her too and smiled to Lillie too. Even gave her a hug, which she didn't mind at all. She like Ash's Pokemon and all were very kind. Next buizel stood before Lillie with his arm cross. He was look at her serious, which made the girl a bit nervous about buizel. After a bit, Buizel smiled and waved to her happy. Lillie just smiled back just happy that buizel has a kind side.

Gliscor bounce of his tail and did his smile and wink with his tongue out to Lillie. She could help to giggle and give gliscor a hug, which he return one too. She looked at gible. The land shark just stood there with his arms out and mouth open look at her with a blank look. Lillie knelt down to his level and she said, "Hello there, its nice to meet you Gible." "Gible Gible!" He just nodded, but still didn't change his expression at all, which make her confused.

Then gible leap at Lillie to bit on her head, but Ash grabbed him before she could bit on her head. Gible just smiled happy and laugh, while Ash just sighed and the alolans breathed out in relief. They greeted the others the same way

"Wow Ash you sure have alot of pokemon" said Mallow petting Torterra. "Here comes my pokemon i caught in Unova." said Ash. A new shadow from above appeared and come down. Landing was a gamebird which was dark gray with lighter gray markings. Rotom took a picture before he scanned her. "'Unfezant, the Proud Pokémon and the evolved form of Tranquill. Female Unfezant's flying skills surpass that of male Unfezant.'

"Wow Ash, Yours is a female,I read about them in a book." said Lillie. Unfezant chirped before she landed beside her brother flying types. They all wing fived. Another splash was heard as a otter pokemon with a scalchop on its chest came out of the water. He was happy to see Ash. "Osha, Oshawott" said the otter. Lana squealed "how cute," Rotom scanned him. "Oshawott, the Sea Otter Pokémon. Oshawott attacks and defends using the scalchop that can be removed from its stomach. It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing.'

"Osha Oshawott!" Oshawott jumping up and down excited to see Ash again. He knelt down and patted oshawott on the head and said, "Great to see you again too Oshawott. You look strong and good."

Oshawott just smiled more and even blushed a litte. He walked over to totodile and buizel and they all high fived. The alolans saw that all of ashs pokemon acted as a big family. Two more Pokemon were coming over to the large group. The first was a orange and black pig stand on two feet. The second was a green small snake with a cream underside, slender arms, tiny feet, and palmate leaf tail.

The two come to the group. The pig was very happy, while the snake with calm and cool with a small smile too. Rotom scanned them after taking a picture. "Pignite, the Fire Pig Pokémon. Pignite moves faster when its internal flame becomes more intense. This also occurs when it gets angry. Pignite's food converts into fuel for the flame that burns in its stomach, and when fuel burns in its stomach, its speed increases. When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke.'

'Snivy, the Grass Snake Pokémon. Cool, calm, and collected, Snivy uses photosynthesis to collect energy with the leaf on its tail. Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands.'

Ash stood and said, "Pignite it great to see you again too. How have you been buddy?" Pignite smiled out happy and let out a bit of fire out of his nose. He when over to charizard and infernape. Pignite fist bump with both to show he was great friend with them too. Ash wasn't surprised because all had a trainer that left them, so why wouldn't the fire starters get along very well.

"Snivy Snivy!" She smiled still look calm. Ash kneed down to her and said, "Snivy how have you been. Everything going well here?" Snivy nodded and still had her rare smile on her face. Two more pokemon came running to them. When the both got to the group the alolans look at the pokemon they never seen before . One was a bipedal lizard with yellow skin around its legs that resembled trousers. Second was a green and yellow bipedal insectoid Pokemon.

Both look very happy to see Ash and he was happy to see them too. Rotom took a picture before he scanned them. "Scraggy, the Shedding Pokémon. The lower half of Scraggy's body is covered by a tough rubbery skin and when someone makes eye contact it responds with Headbutt. Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce damage by defensively pulling its skin up to its neck. Proud of its sturdy skull, it suddenly headbutts everything, but its weight makes it unstable, too.'

'Leavanny, the Nurturing Pokémon and the evolved form of Swadloon. When Leavanny finds a small Pokémon it makes clothing for it with its arm cutters, using leaves and sticky silk. Using sticky threads that come from its mouth, it makes clothes for Sewaddle by sewing leaves together.'

Ash still on his knees said, "Scraggy how are you doing buddy?" Scraggy used Headbutt on Ash's head, but not to hard. Ash just smirked has he rubbed his forehead, while Scraggy smiled very happy to see Ash back.

Ash notice some of his Pokemon look at bit annoyed, but he must now why. Scraggy must of used Headbutt on everyone not care about the size different at all. Ash couldn't help to see that a bit like Scraggy doing something like the to charizard. Just would make charizard confused seeing a little Pokemon like scraggy using Headbutt on him, but does nothing at all in the end.

Ash stood and look to Leavanny and he said, "Hello again, it great to see you again and look strong too." Leavanny held his arm out and smiled very happy to see Ash was back too.

Leavanny move over and stood next to heracross. Ash believe the two become good friend too. After all both of them were bug types.

One more splash was hear from the lake end to the group. Appearing was a big amphibious blue toad with no arms. Rotom was having a field day with all the new pokemon as he scanned "Palpitoad, the Vibration Pokémon. Palpitoad can live both underwater and on dry land. It captures prey by using its long sticky tongue. When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they can make waves in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land.'

Ash when over to and patted palpitoad on the head. "Good to see you again too buddy. How things been here?" Palpitoad croaked out happy.

He then walk over and stood with kingler and corphish. Seems that palpitoad became friends with both of them. Which was what Ash thought and it was true too.

Finally two more Pokemon were coming to the large group. They were the remaining member of Ash's unova team. Rotom was quite surprised to see Ash caught many Pokemon in Unova and look at the two as they arrived to the group.

First was a blue rock Pokemon with an array of red crystals on it. Second was a maroon crocodile wearing sunglasses with a white stomach and black strips. The alolans was shocked to how many pokemon he caught in Unova. rotom scanned them. "

'Boldore, the Ore Pokémon and the evolved form of Roggenrola. Because Boldore cannot contain its massive energy, orange crystals form on its body. They glow when Boldore's energy overflows.'

''Krookodile, the Intimidation Pokémon and the evolved form of Krokorok. Krookodile can see faraway objects as if through binoculars. Its jaws are strong enough to crush a car.'

Ash smiled again and was happy to see them both. "Boldore and Krookodile it great to see the both again!" Both of the Pokemon were very happy to see Ash too.

Boldore nuzzled himself again Ash, while getting petted. Ash gave krookodile a hug and he return it. Krookodile then when to charizard, and sceptile and fist bump them too, since they were friends and three of my power house and love to battle too."wow ash so many pokemon" said Sophocles."Noi, Noivern!" Three more flying type pokemon landed right near. The first was a red hawk like pokemon. The second was a masked wrestler like pokemon with wings and the third was a draconic batlike pokemon. Rotom scanned them after taking a picture. "Talonflame, the Scorching Pokémon and the evolved form of Fletchinder. During an intense battle, Talonflame expels embers from gaps between its feathers. It reaches speeds of more than three-hundred miles per hour chasing prey."

"Hawlucha, the Wrestling Pokémon. Possessing an artistic way of executing its moves, Hawlucha takes great pride in their elegance"

"Noivern, the Sound Wave Pokémon. The ultrasonic waves Noivern releases from its ears are powerful enough to crush a boulder."

All three of them was happy to see Ash again. Noivern bit lightly on his head. Talonflame chriped and hawlucha did a few dance moves. "Wow Ash, are these the pokemon you caught from Kalos?" asked Kiawe.

'yeah but there is more." said Ash remembering Goodra. Talonflame landed next to Charizard and the other flying types. Noivern and Gible was playing with each other. Hawlucha was beside Scraggy. The kalos and unova Pokemon looked at the alolans with curiousity. "Guys i want you to meet my friends from Alola. Kiawe and his sister Mimo, Lana, Mallow, Sophocles and Lillie my girfriend" like all his other pokemon, They too was shocked their human found a mate. Unfezant and talonflame waved their wings over their chests before they bowed to Lillie. Noivern walked over and shook his claws in her hand happy. Pignite hugged her which she returned. was all of ashs pokemon very kind. Snivy studied Lillie for a moment before she extended her vines and lillie shook it. Krookodile studdied her and she commented on his glasses which made the croc happy. she rubbed boldores head and picked up scraggy. He lightly headbutted her not to hard. Palpitoad jumped from his spot. Leavanny smiled too and he held his arms out and then bowed too. They greeted the others the same way.

Lillie giggled. "you have so many pokemon Ash."

"now let us introduce to you our pokemon, Turtonator, Marowak come on out!" said Kiawe releasing turtonator and marowak. charizard, krookodile. infernape, and sceptile could tell turtonator was strong. They all greeted the fire/dragon type with a fist bump. Marowak could tell these pokemon was strong. Lana said "Popplio come on out and say hello to Ashs pokemon."

"you too Steene" said Mallow

"Chargibug, Togedemaru come out and say hello" said Sophocles.

"Snowy you too" said Lillie. The rest of the alolans pokemon appeared. Snowy made friends with all of ashs pokemon and was now climbing on torterra with charjibug and togedemaru. Steene was socializing with Ash's grass type. Oshawott had Hearteyes when he saw Popplio. He walked over to the sea lion. Popplio turned her head away not even interested. Oshawott had his head down sad. The gang sweatdropped at the otter. Ash looked at his pokemon. "you guys ready to meet my Alola Pokemon?"

All of his pokemon gave out their cry wanting to meet their new family members. Ash first brought out Greninjas pokeball. "I have an old friend from Kalos who came to find me in Alola. Greninja i choose you!." Greninja appeared in a flash. 'Greninja Ninja!" He stood like a ninja and look around at all the Pokemon he never seen. The kalos pokemon welcomed back greninja happy to see him again

"Everyone this is Greninja," said Ash. "Greninja meet all my other Pokemon from my previous adventure thought other regions."

Greninja bowed to everyone and waved to them. totodile, and oshawott come over and greeted greninja to a fellow water starter like them. Greninja smiled and shook hands/claws with each of them too and couldn't wait to get to know them too.

Kingler, corphish, buizel and palpitoad come over next and greeted their fellow water type too. Greninja talk to them a bit too and was happy to met so many other water type Ash had and could wait to know them better too.

Charizard, sceptile, infernape, and krookodile look at Greninja with interested. They could see he was strong like them and would be good to be part of their group, since they needed a water type.

"Alright Rowlet come on out!" shouted Ash opening his bag to reveal rowlet sleeping. The gang anime fell while the pokemon sweatdropped. "Hes still sleeping Zzzt" said Rotom.

Steene used her scent to wake up rowlet. Rowlet woke up to the scent and headed straight for the grass type thinking its food. Steene used Double-slap to hit him into a tree. The pokemon winced exept for the alola pokemon. rowlet now awake flew and perched himself on Ashs shoulder. "Rowlet , say hello to my other pokemon. Guys this is Rowlet, My first pokemon I caught in Alola. Hes a grass and flying type."

"Row,Rowlet" chirped Rowlet before he flew to the pokemon. The grass type and flying types welcomed their new friend. Ash tossed his second pokeball and lycanroc appeared. Bulbasaur remembered lycanroc the last time he was here and greeted him. "Lycanroc saw hello to my other pokemon i caught from the other regions" said Ash. Lycanroc greeted his new friends and he got along with boldore sicne they was both rock types. Ash then sent out litten. The fire cat appeared with a smile. "Litten this is all my pther pokemon friends. Guys this is Litten a fire type."

All of Ash's fire type pokemon welcomed litten into their family. Litten got along with them really quick. Ash then sent out jangmo-o and he became fast friends with noivern and gible. "and finally Nebby come on out!"

His pokeball opened and Nebby appeared with a loud thud. He was taller than the pokemon.. "Leo!" Nebby roared. The other pokemon could tell that this was a powerful pokemon. "Wow i never seen a pokemon like that before" said Tracy starting to sketch in his book. "Its called Solgaleo Tracy, A legendary pokemon from Alola." said professor oak. All of the pokemon looked at nebby. Ash manage to catch a legendary pokemon. Nebby made friends with all the pokemon. The alolans was happy that their pokemon was making friends with Ashs. Ash decided to tell his pokemon everything. "Okay guys can i have your attention."

All of the pokemon turned to him. "You guys know that i am attending school in Alola. But i learned that this year. There holding their first ever league, and this time its going to take all of us to win it. We could have won kalos if i used you guys as well as my kalos team. I know that i may not be the best trainer not letting you guys battle but i plan to rectify that mistake" said Ash. His pokemon shook their heads not agreeing with him being a bad trainer. "So what i plan to do is get back all of our friends that we made." Bulbasaur smiled at the thought that he would be seeing squirtle again. He was curious to the bracelet ash was wearing and he pointed to it. Ash saw that all of his pokemon minus the alola team was curious about the rings. 'These are called Z-Rings. Trainers in Alola use these awesome moves called Z-Moves and there so powerful."

"Ash why not show them a Z-move" said Kiawe.

"Great idea Kiawe." said Ash. he inserted Electrium-Z into the slot and pikachu stood in front of him. Turtonator was in front of Kiawe. He began to dance with turtonator doing the fire type pose. Ash and pikachu did the electric pose. They was aiming at two targets. ."My full body and soul, burns with the red hot flames of Akala Island" said Kiawe finishing the pose. Turtonator and Pikachu was full of Z-power.

"Inferno Overdrive!" shouted Kiawe.

"Gigavolt Havoc Pikachu!" said Ash. turtonator lauched Inferno Overdrive and pikachu fired Gigavolt Havoc at the targets. Both cause an explosion destroying the targets. "What power, this is the first time ive seen a Z-move" said Professor Oak. All of Ash's pokemon was shocked to the power of the z-moves. They all wanted to learn to use z-moves. "Another thing i learn when i traveled in Kalos is that there are some pokemon who can go beyond their final forms. They call it mega evoultion.."

"Thats right, Charizard, Venasaur,,Blastoise, Garchomp. Glalie, Pidgeot, Lucario, Steelix, Gyaradoes, and Sceptile are the ones i know that can mega evolve." Said Lillie listing several pokemon who can mega evolve. Bulbasaur was shocked to hear that and nodded. perhaps its time to change. Charizard, heracross, glalie and scpetile looked eager to try out mega evoluton. "what else do you plan to do on your break my boy?" asked professor oak.

"I want to trade all my Tauros exept for the leader. I want to get new pokemon and train them." said Ash. The leader nodded not minding at all. Delia smiled knowing that her Ash was going back to make things right with his pokemon, "Are you leaving now Ash?" asked Delia.

"No, well head out tomorrow. I want to spend some time with you mom" said Ash. That made Delia smile and the gang spent the rest of the day with the pokemon at the Oak Corral. Kiawe found the same rapidash he rode on. Mallow found her friend vileplume. Lillie and Snowy made friends with a wild clefairy. Sophocles and his pokemon played with a kanto raichu. Lana and popplio was playing with the same dewgong the last time they was here. Ash spent some time with his mother inside the lab. Nebby although was now solgaleo still played with the pokemon. The small pokemon climbed on his back and he didn't mind. That night at the Ketchum Residence. Delia made them all a big dinner. Professor Oak studied nebby and the other alola pokemon. Ash let the girls crash in his room and the boys camped out in the living room. Tomorrow he would be making back the promises he broke with his old friends and maybe catch some new friends.

AN: okay this story i wanted to do ever since i saw episode 55 of Sun and Moon. Nebby returns to Ash and offically become his pokemon. Im thinking of letting the Nihilego that attack Lillie when she was six appear and Lillie catches it. What pokemon do you want Ash's friends to catch.