Okay, guys, this is the final chapter with all the comfort that I know you wanted to see ;) Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed, and to my guest reviewers I can't reply to as well!
Chapter Five
It wasn't far to the bunker from the warehouse; likely Lucifer had planned on making a trip there at some point. Jack shuddered with the thought of what might have happened if he hadn't been able to stop his father, to overpower him like he had.
His father.
Jack closed his eyes against the splitting headache that still assaulted him as he leaned against the passenger seat window of the Impala, the cool glass doing little to help, but at least it didn't feel too bad.
"Hey, you doing okay, kid?" Dean's gruff concern came suddenly, startling him enough to open his eyes and glance over at the elder Winchester who was casting a sidelong glance at him.
"I—I think I'll be fine," Jack said softly, even that making him wince.
"Well, you can rest up when we get back to the bunker," Dean told him, then glanced over his shoulder. "Cas?"
Sam had swapped his usual seat up front with Jack so he could start patching Castiel up on their drive. Jack felt sickness wash up inside of his already tremulous stomach as images of Lucifer torturing the angel flashed through his mind again.
"I'll live," Castiel grunted.
"That's not what I asked," Dean snapped, worry tinting his voice.
Castiel hissed as Sam did something that obviously caused him pain.
"Sorry," Sam replied. "I don't think there's anything…vital. Just…you'll be able to heal eventually, right Cas? If we help patch you up?"
Cas grunted. "Eventually."
Dean shook his head and Jack closed his eyes again, trying to focus on not throwing up in Dean's car. Even though the elder Winchester had warmed up to him, he didn't think that would endear him to Dean at all.
But another choked off moan from Castiel in the backseat and Sam's soft curse of horror as one of Castiel's worse wounds was obviously discovered had Jack's stomach flipping and he groaned, already reaching for the door handle. "Stop," he moaned. "Dean, stop."
"Whoa!" Dean cried and slammed on the brakes as Jack yanked the door open and practically fell out the door as the Impala came to an abrupt stop. Before he knew it he was on his hands and knees, retching. He'd never done this before, and he never wanted to do it again. It felt awful.
"Hey, hey, easy," Dean said and Jack felt an arm wrap around his chest, keeping him from collapsing with his trembling arms. Jack's stomach heaved a few more times before he finally fell limp, letting Dean take his weight.
"Okay, kid, you're all right now," Dean said, patting his back a few times. "Let's get you back in the car."
Jack allowed Dean to practically lift him back into the Impala where he collapsed against the seat, wiping his mouth. The disgusting taste of bile mixed with blood from his nose assaulted him and he nearly gagged again.
"Here," Sam handed him a bottle of water from the backseat and Jack took it and opened it with shaky hands, sipping gratefully. He spit out the door to rinse his mouth and then took another sip, swallowing it tentatively.
"Are you okay, Jack?" Castiel asked softly.
Jack took a long moment to answer, then finally admitted, "No."
There was silence in the car as Dean reached past Jack to close the door and then put the Impala in drive again and continued on the last stretch to the bunker.
By the time they got there, Jack's stomach wanted to rebel again, but he somehow kept from throwing up until they got inside and then he ran to the bathroom, leaving Sam and Dean to help Castiel inside. He heard Sam calling to him, but he simply slammed the bathroom door and collapsed on his knees by the toilet. His head was spinning as well as splitting now from his mad dash, and it just made his stomach roll more. He retched up bile until he had nothing left and then collapsed, back pressed against the sink, tears streaming down his face.
"Jack!" Sam cried and Dean turned to watch the nephillim rush up the stairs into the bunker the instant he parked the Impala in the garage.
Sam scrambled from the backseat but Dean held up a hand. "He probably just needs to throw up again. He was looking kind of green."
Sam swallowed hard. "We need to make sure he's all right."
"I know, and we will, but I need your help getting Cas to his room first."
"I'm fine," Cas tried to protest, already attempting to ease himself up and open his door.
"Uh, yeah, I don't think so," Dean said and hurried around the car just in time to stop the stubborn angel from sprawling on the concrete face first. "Dude, you just got tortured by Lucifer." He didn't miss the flinch from Sam as he said that. "You're not fine."
Castiel sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. "Fine," he grunted. "As long as someone goes to check on Jack."
"I'll go," Sam said and bent down to help Dean lift Cas from the backseat. "But I'll help you get to your room first."
Cas was barely able to bite back the groan as the brothers set him on his feet. Sam and Dean both had to support him as carefully as possible, conscious of all his wounds. Sam had cleaned most of the blood from Cas' skin, and taped gauze over the worst wounds but it just allowed Dean to see just how many wounds Cas had suffered at his demented fallen brother's hands. And now the poor kid had been dragged into it too. But he supposed the small blessing was that Jack would probably not be likely to ever want to join Lucifer's side after this. Not that Dean thought he would before hand. Well—at least not after getting to know the kid.
"We need to heighten the warding here," Cas grunted as they made their way through the bunker. "Lucifer knows where we are and we know he can get in here."
Dean glanced at Sam and his brother swallowed hard. "I'll look into it tonight."
"I can give you sigils. You just have to put them up," Cas told him. "I just don't want…"
"I know," Dean said quickly. Lucifer invading their home just when they thought they were safe was the last thing he wanted too.
"I know Jack may seem strong but he is so young," Cas said softly, sadly. "He should be learning how to use his powers, not having to protect the people who are supposed to be watching over him."
Dean heard the bitterness in Cas' voice and he glanced at Sam. They were in the dormitory ward now, nearly to Cas' room.
"I'm gonna go check on Jack," Sam said.
"Thank you," Cas said, relaxing slightly.
Dean shifted Cas' weight to support him fully and they made it the last few yards to his door. Dean eased Cas down onto the side of the bed and hurried to get the first aid things and a change of comfortable clothes from his room. When he came back, he saw Cas bent over his knees, face in his hands.
"Hey, you good?" Dean asked him.
"I can't believe I let this happen," Cas groaned. "I should never have gone to inquire into Heaven. It was a trap."
"Yeah, not surprised," Dean muttered. "But how did Lucifer come into all this?"
"Apparently he got out of the alternate universe and just happened to find me. Really though, the angels were going to use me the same way; to get Jack to do what they wanted from him."
Dean frowned as he began to help Cas out of his bloody, torn clothes. They'd left his new trench coat in the Impala but Cas wouldn't be needing it for a little bit probably. "Cas, you can't blame yourself for this."
"But it's my job to look after him. Kelly asked me to watch over him; Jack even chose me before he was born. And first I was dead, and then he ran away, and now it seems I'm only putting him in more danger than he would be in already!"
"He's gonna be okay, Cas," Dean tried to assure him. "The kid might have gone through a trauma, but he's tough."
"That's not the point!" Cas snapped. "The point is I'm supposed to be looking after him and I'm failing. I'm a terrible guardian."
"No you're not," Dean said, as he started to lay out the medical supplies. "You've looked after Sam and me for years."
Cas gave him a wry look. "Yes, and both of you have died multiple times under my watchful eye."
Dean shrugged. "Maybe. But that wasn't really your fault, and you were always there when we needed you and that's what really matters."
Cas bit his lip and looked down at his hands.
"Besides," Dean went on. "He has a family who cares about him. You know how many times that's helped me come back from the edge?"
Cas finally looked up again and nodded. "Me too. I just…I hope he doesn't blame himself."
"Well, if he does, we'll fix that," Dean said matter-of-factly as he opened a new package of gauze and finished setting up all the medical supplies. "But right now, let's get you patched up. You can't help the kid if you're bleeding all over the place."
Cas nodded reluctantly, but allowed Dean to start taking care of his wounds. But the hunter didn't miss the anxious glances Cas kept sending toward the hallway.
Jack didn't know how long he had been sitting there on the bathroom floor, tears sliding down his face, before there was a knock on the door.
It was Sam, and Jack wasn't sure if he wanted him to go away or if he wanted him to stay. He was so confused right now. He didn't know what to feel. He didn't know who he was. He choked on another sob.
Sam made the decision for him and opened the door, slipping into the room. A look of concern washed over his face as he saw Jack sitting there, and he crouched in front of the nephillim.
"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked softly.
Jack shook his head, wrapping his arms around his knees. "I don't know…I can't…everything is…"
Sam gave him a soft, sympathetic smile. "I know. Trust me. You're feeling lost, maybe. Not sure of who you are. But, Jack, just remember that those aren't the things that really matter. The things that matter are family. The fact that we're here for you, no matter what."
He sniffed as Sam's hand settled on his shoulder and gave a comforting squeeze. "I never wanted to meet him. I wish he had been lost in that other dimension forever," Jack whispered.
Sam nodded. "I understand. I did too." He shifted and sat down cross-legged in front of Jack. "Look, Jack, I don't know what Lucifer said to you, what he tried to tell you, but I do know how he can be. He manipulates, and he gets under your skin. And he scares the crap out of you. But to be fair, I think you scared the crap out of him too. Lucifer doesn't just run away like that."
Jack sniffed again, remembering the look in Lucifer's—in his father's—eyes as he had stopped him that last time. Perhaps there had been fear there. "But I'm still his son," he whispered, voicing his true fear. "What if I…what if I'm not any different?"
"Jack, stop," Sam cut in firmly. "You know that's not true. Today proved that. You fought Lucifer off to save us and none of us were hurt in the process. You're getting a lot better at using your powers. And look, you said it yourself. Lucifer might be your father in name, but we're your family, right? That's all that matters."
Jack sagged a little, Sam's words of assurance loosening something inside of him that had been knotted up.
Sam stood with a grunt, probably stiff from being thrown around by Lucifer, and grabbed a washcloth, running it under warm water. He then crouched back down and without a word, gripped Jack's chin gently and started to wash the dried blood off his face, where it had caked on his upper lip and in the insides of his ears. Jack hadn't even realized he had been bleeding there until now. The nephillim allowed Sam to do this, not even having the energy to do it himself, and really, rather liking the caring touches Sam offered; it made him feel like he was wanted, that he was important to someone, and not just as a pawn in a game. When the hunter had finished that he got a first aid kit out and began to carefully salve and bandage the burns on Jack's wrists from the manacles.
When he was done, Sam stood and reached down. "You ready to go get some rest now?" he asked.
Jack, whose head was still splitting, decided that was a good idea. "Yes," he said, taking Sam's proffered hands. "But I…I want to see Cas first."
Sam smiled and nodded. "I'm sure he'd like to see you too. Dean's just patching him up now."
Jack felt a wave of dizziness wash over him as Sam pulled him to his feet and wondered how long the effects of Lucifer's tortures would last. Sam steadied him with a hand on his back.
"You okay?" he asked gently.
"I think I can make it to the dormitory," Jack replied. At least he hoped he could. But he paused and looked up at Sam again. "Sam…I'm sorry for what Lucifer did to you."
Sam looked uncomfortable for a moment, but then he shook his head. "Jack…don't ever think you're responsible for that."
"I know I'm not, it happened before I was born," the nephillim said matter-of-factly. "But I'm still sorry. Even the small glimpse of him I got…I can only imagine how horrible it was for you."
Sam swallowed hard, and jerked his head in a nod, looking down. Jack felt suddenly bad for bringing up something so painful. He reached out and touched Sam's arm a little awkwardly, still figuring out human mannerisms.
"Sam, thank you. For…for not giving up on me."
Sam's eyes dampened and he gave a wavering smile. "It's the least I could do. I know how hard it is when… when no one believes in you. I just want you to know, Jack, that, I'll always have faith in you."
Jack felt a little warmth enter his chest at that and he tried to smile, but his eyes just got wet again instead. Sam noticed and smiled wider. "Come here."
He pulled Jack into an embrace, holding him tightly for several long seconds. Jack gripped back just as tightly, enjoying the warm, safe feeling of being in the arms of someone who truly cared for you. Family.
It felt like home.
Sam pulled back eventually though, and cleared his throat, sniffing. "Come on, let's go see Cas."
Castiel was propped against the pillows on his bed while Dean finished bandaging his wounds. They would heal eventually now that he no longer had the cuffs on, but with his low grace, and the fact they were all the product of an angel blade, it might be a couple days before he was really back to himself. He gritted his teeth and tried not to protest as Dean finished up suturing the wound in his stomach. That, the stab wound in Castiel's thigh, and the initial stab wound in his shoulder the angels had left him with were bad enough to warrant stitches.
"Last one," Dean murmured as if to himself as he tied off the thread and snipped it. Castiel breathed a silent sigh of relief and slumped back a little more as Dean taped pads of gauze over the last few wounds.
"Thank you," Castiel told him tiredly.
"No problem," Dean said. "You just rest, okay?" He began to put the medical things away, silent, but Castiel could tell there was something resting on his shoulders.
"You don't think the kid's really hurt do you?" Dean finally asked. "With that bleeding out the ears crap."
Castiel glanced toward the door, wondering how Jack was doing and hoping Sam was able to help him. "He's strong," he said decidedly. "But I don't think the psychical injuries are the problem. He'll need time to process all of this emotionally."
Dean nodded and was silent for another long moment before he said, "So, if Lucifer got out of the alternate dimension…where does that leave Mom?"
Castiel nodded, knowing this topic was going to come up eventually. "Lucifer said she was still alive." He saw some relief cause Dean's shoulders to loosen, and added, "Dean we'll find a way to get her back."
"I know," Dean said and cleared his throat. "But right now we gotta get you and Jack back on your feet, right?" He grabbed a long-sleeved shirt he had brought in earlier with the pair of sweatpants Castiel had already put on and shook it out. "Here, this will be more comfortable."
Castiel let Dean help him get the shirt over his head and the loose, soft fabric did feel better than his normal clothes would have on his injuries. Obviously, his shirt was ruined and he had no way of fixing it until he recovered. Although he might just let Dean throw it away. He could get a new one. At least he only had the one hole to repair in his new coat.
While Dean started to clean up the medical supplies Castiel reached over to his side table where there was a pad of paper and took that and a pencil into his lap, beginning to work up a couple of protective sigils they could add to the bunker to make sure Lucifer wasn't able to get in.
The door to his room, which had already been ajar, creaked the rest of the way open now and Sam stepped in, ushering Jack along with him. Castiel's heart ached as he saw the boy shuffle into the room. Jack looked exhausted, and though he had cleaned up and put on fresh clothes his eyes were still so dark underneath they looked bruised, and the pupils were slightly bloodshot. Not to mention hollowed out by his ordeal.
"Jack," Castiel greeted, smiling slightly. "How are you feeling?"
The young nephillim came into the room and slumped heavily on the side of Castiel's bed. "I'm…I still have a headache."
"You should rest," Castiel told him firmly.
Jack nodded, but didn't move. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Lucifer…"
Castiel stopped him swiftly, not wanting the boy to go there again. "I'll be all right with a little rest. You will be too, I'm sure."
Castiel noticed Sam and Dean leaving the room, saying something about making food and coffee. Castiel figured they were really giving him and Jack a moment alone.
"Castiel…I…I don't know what to do," Jack said helplessly, pulling his knees up to his chest and sitting against the headboard beside Castiel. "Seeing my father…he's still out there. What if he hurts more people? What if he hurts you or Sam and Dean again to get to me? What if he gets his powers back and I can't fight him off the next time?"
Castiel truly felt for the boy, knowing that he felt like he had the world on his shoulders, but he reached out and rested a hand gently on Jack's arm, right above his bandaged wrist. "Jack, listen to me. This is nothing that we haven't gone through time and again. We have defeated Lucifer before, we can do it again. I'm not saying he won't try anything—in fact, it's undoubtable we'll be seeing him again before long. But you know you don't have to do this alone. You have us, and we are always going to be there to support you, Jack, and give you the help you need. When we beat Lucifer again, we'll do it together, just like we always do. There's no reason you have to be afraid."
"But he got into my head before," Jack said, pressing a hand worriedly to his aching forehead. "What if he does that again?"
Castiel shifted slightly, a thought occurring to him as he reached out to settle his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Do you trust me?" he asked, looking the nephillim in the eye.
Jack stared at him with guileless eyes. "Of course."
Castiel nodded. "This will only hurt for a second."
He pressed two fingers to Jack's forehead and exerted what little strength he had left. Jack gasped, squeezing his eyes shut with a wince, but it was over in a second and Castiel slumped back against the pillows, even more drained than he had been before, but counting it worth it.
"What was that?" Jack asked.
"I gave you a protective sigil," Castiel told him. "Sam and Dean have similar ones inscribed on their ribs, but this one will keep Lucifer out of your mind."
Jack looked awed, and grateful, but then he frowned. "What about you? Can you still contact me?"
Castiel smiled. "If you want to let me in, then I will be able to."
Jack nodded slightly and was silent for a long moment looking down at his hands and picking at the bandages on his wrists.
Castiel watched him, not liking the pensive look between the boy's brows. "Jack, are you all right?"
Jack shrugged and finally turned to Castiel again. "Castiel, Lucifer said…he said you and him shared a vessel once. What did he mean?"
Castiel closed his eyes, and shook his head. "It was…a mistake. I thought he could help us defeat the Darkness, that he was the only way but…I was the one who let him out of the Cage again, gave him use of my vessel on a split second stupid decision. All of this, the fact he's here now instead of rotting in Hell, it's all my fault." Jack watched him, as Castiel finally turned back at the boy and offered him a soft look. "But then I look at you, and I realize that sometimes even the worst decisions can bring some good."
Jack's expression changed to warm gratitude, if not with a little skepticism. "You really think so?"
Castiel smiled fully then. "I know so. Your being here, your existence, has finally made my decision, my mistake, worth something." His voice wavered slightly with the emotion he truly felt at that declaration. He hadn't realized how true that was until this very moment.
"I'm glad you and Sam and Dean are my family," Jack whispered.
Castiel smiled at him again. "Me too, Jack."
When Sam and Dean returned later, to see if their angel and nephillim wanted anything to eat or drink, they instead found both of them fast asleep. Even Cas dozing against his pillows with Jack curled up beside him, head resting on the angel's shoulder as Cas tucked one arm protectively around the young nephillim.
The two brothers shared a fond look and went to grab some blankets and drape them over the two before they left Cas and Jack to rest and hopefully recharge. Lucifer may still be out there, but at that moment, the only thing that mattered was that their family was back together again. They were going to find Mom, and they were going to defeat Lucifer once and for all, and they were going to do it together.
So since I haven't finished my next story, it might be a couple weeks before I start posting something again, unless I do a one shot in between, which I might. Thanks again for reading!