My original works of fiction are out. I've posted them to royalroadl. There are two of them but I can't do both of them and this story at the same time. Follow whichever one you find to be more interesting so I can know which to do. I will continue this story regardless of which of the two is chosen so don't worry about that (though I'll have to reread dialogue about Mare and Aura in order to write them properly and looking for those will be annoying). My username on royalroadl is KleptoCat.

This website doesn't allow me to post links but you can type royalroadl with the dot com after and then put /profile/81108 after that to find my profile. Or you can just go to the website click "Member List" and use the search bar to search my username. Either one should work. You can find my stories on my profile page by clicking the "Fictions" button on the left hand side. Sorry I can't post the link, it would make this thing a lot easier. I would appreciate it a lot if you guys would spend some of your time looking at my new stories! You don't have to follow any of them if you don't like them, just make sure you give them a good read. Thanks!

Part 19

Ainz's surroundings temporarily distorted as he teleported from Nazarick to the Lizardmen village. When his surroundings had once again come into focus, he found himself in the neatly kept building the Lizardmen had built around the portal connecting Nazarick to the village. The few Lizardmen who were there on cleaning duty bowed nervously to Ainz.

Ainz motioned to one of them, "You there."

The Lizardman flinched before hastily responding, "Y-yes?"

"Do you know where Cocytus is? I have something of vital importance to discuss with him."

"H-he should be with Zenberu in the swamps northeast from here."

"Very well. Thank you." Ainz swept his cloak around him as he strode out of the building. He muttered a 「Fly」spell before taking off into the air. Trees and swampland stretched out before him as he rose higher and higher. Eventually, he saw the telltale glare of sunlight reflecting off Cocytus' shell. It only took him mere seconds to travel the large distance between them. When he landed, Cocytus, who had noticed Ainz's presence as Ainz had approached, was already in his warrior salute with his weapon firmly planted in the swampy earth he had been wading in. Zenberu followed in suit soon after as he saw Ainz land in front of Cocytus.

"Your. Majesty. Why. Have. You. Graced. Me. With. Your. Presence?" Cocytus' gravelly voice resonated throughout Ainz's bones.

"The Slane Theocracy has moved in to attack the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"That. Imprudent. Kingdom? What. Do. You. Wish. For. Me. To. Do. My. Majesty?"

"I thought of an idea as I was preparing for battle. If I do recall, you mentioned something about how the Lizardmen may prove to foster stronger warriors in time? How long has it been? A half a year? How about a test of their improved strength? Not only that, how about a test of their loyalty which was your primary goal?"

"You. Wish. For. Them. To. Fight. The. Slane. Theocracy?"

"Yes. However, they will not be alone. I'll keep an army of undead composed of Death Knights and Soul Eaters hidden behind the city. I'll send them in if the enemy appears to be more than the Lizardmen can handle. I merely wish to test their loyalty and if they have improved any in their skills during this time. Though it wasn't your primary goal to prepare the Lizardmen for battle, I desire to see if the Lizardmen have any more use rather than a group for experimentation for loyalty. You did have such high praise for them after all."

"If. This. Is. What. You. Wish. Then. It. Will. Be. Done."

Ainz frowned. I really wish I had more input than just blunt agreement. "Do you have any issues with this plan? I won't be offended if you have any questions about it."

For a moment the only noise which could be heard was the deep breathing of Cocytus. Finally, he responded. "I. Do. Not. Have. Any. Major. Objections. To. This. Plan. I. Find. It. An. Excellent. Plan. However. I. Have. Questions."

"If you have questions then you may ask them."

"Why. Are. You. Testing. The. Lizardmen. Against. An. Unknown. Enemy? Could. We. Not. Use. Your. Undead. As. A. Safer. Test? Or. Perhaps. Local. Monsters? The. Slane. Theocracy. Is. Unknown. To. Us."

"Umu… That would not test their loyalty, though. None of these enemies will put their lives on the line unless I purposely let my undead kill them. And that would be… Detrimental to our experiment."

"Local. Monsters. May. Be. More. Dangerous. Than. You. Believe. To. Lower. Leveled. Creatures. Like. Lizardmen."

He has a point I suppose. I am expecting too much from the Lizardmen. "Cocytus, you offer a valid point. I have changed my mind. You may contin-" Ainz paused as he felt Albedo contact him through telepathy. "Excuse me a moment Cocytus." He walked several feet away before receiving the telepathy. "Albedo, why have you contacted me?"

"I'm deeply sorry for interrupting your activities my majesty, but Demiurge asked me to contact you. He wishes for you to know that the placement of the Lizardman army may be due to change. New information suggests that the Slane Theocracy is not sending in their full army."

Wait what? Lizardman army? Was a Lizardman army part of the plan? Was I inadvertently following the plan? I just wanted to see how things were coming along on Cocytus' end. Why didn't Demiurge tell me of this part of the plan? Did he find it self-evident? Or was it too specific of information? What other things did he leave out? And what's this about the Slane Theocracy sending only part of their army in? Ainz felt a panic which was growing all too familiar well up inside of him. "Er, thank you Albedo. This information is helpful. I will alter my plans as I see fit."

"There is no need to thank me your majesty."

Ainz felt Albedo's presence leave his mind. He sighed. Things just keep getting more complicated. He glanced at the patiently waiting Cocytus, frozen in his salute as he awaited Ainz. Oh God. What should I tell him now? Didn't I just tell him that I changed my mind? Ainz walked back to address Cocytus. "Well... I have just received information to sway my decision Cocytus. The Lizardmen will fight the Slane Theocracy. It is of vital importance to the plan."

"If. That. Is. What. You. Decree. Your. Majesty. I. Cannot. Question. Your. Wisdom. When. It. Comes. To. These. Subjects. However. I. Wish. To. Know. If. The. Slane. Theocracy. Is. Too. Strong. And. The. Lizardmen. And. Undead. In. The. Army. Are. In. Danger. Of. Complete. Destruction. Will. You. Intervene?"

"Umu..." What was the plan again? Does it matter when I appear? Was I even told when I should appear? Er… Ainz felt the unwavering eyes of Cocytus upon him as he struggled to muddle his way through the plan with what information he was given. In an attempt to buy some time, Ainz tried to steer the topic away from the question. "Do you doubt the powers of my undead?"

A cloud of freezing air billowed out of Cocytus' mouth at the very mention of this. "I. Would. Not. Insult. Your. Majesty. Like. That. But. One. Should. Plan. For. The. Worst. Of. Circumstances. And. In. Those. Circumstances. How. Many. Lizardmen. Losses. Are. Acceptable. To. You?"

Ainz felt like crawling into his ribcage. Why is he so persistent on this topic? I need to change the topic. Change it before I seriously mess up again. Ainz cleared his throat "Why is it that you care so much about this?"

"The. Lizardmen. Population. Is. Low. From. Their. Battle. With. Us. Any. Further. Extensive. Losses. May. Threaten. Extinction. How. Many. Losses. Are. Acceptable?"

Ainz screamed internally as Cocytus showed no sign of stopping his questioning. I take back my previous statement. Independence is fine when I know what's going on, but I would very much like blunt agreement right now. "Would it be so bad for that to happen? I think the experimentation with ruling without terror is nearly finished with the Lizardmen. We have many more subjects to apply such an experiment on now don't we?"

Cocytus paused before answering, "I. Do. Not. Wish. For. Them. To. Die."

"Why is that?"

"They. Have. Great. Use."

"What use?"

"They… They... "Cocytus fell into silence as he attempted to justify himself. Finally he reluctantly said, "They. Have. A. Great. Warrior. Spirit. Which. I. Respect."

Ainz felt a flood of relief at those words. This is an area I know how to navigate. "If I do remember correctly, that was your justification for keeping them alive last time was it not? And it was not enough to convince me. Surely there must be another reason now?"

"I. Am. Sorry. To. Disappoint. My. Majesty. But. That. Is. All. I. Implore. You. To. Protect. The. Lizardmen." Cocytus bowed his head in apology.

Ainz held his hand up. "No that's fine. Your justification is lackluster, though, so I cannot guarantee that any Lizardmen will make it back. The costs of ensuring so would outweigh the benefits. I will, however, allow you to accompany the Lizardmen. In this way, you can protect their lives somewhat." This is a half-measure. I'm not sure if Demiurge wants these Lizardmen to survive the battle or not. Hopefully this doesn't mess up anything too important.

"I. Am. Honored. By. Your. Kindness." Cocytus knelt to one knee out of obeisance.

"Now, are those all the questions you had to ask?"

"That. Is. Correct."

Thank God. "Then begin assembling an army of Lizardmen. I will leave it to you to decide a suitable number of troops. Send them to the…" What did Albedo say? The placement would be due to change? What does that even mean? Why couldn't you have just told me a location? "To the… South of E-Rantel when they are gathered. Due to the plan I will be hidden using high tiered invisibility magic behind E-Rantel so I will not be able to assist you immediately if things go badly. However, Aura and Mare will be present nearby so they will be able to assist you."

"Aura. And. Mare? Surely. This. Is. Too. Much? A. Human. Kingdom. Like. That. Shouldn't. Pose. Any. Threat."

"Er, one should plan for the worst of circumstances, or did you forget your own words?" Didn't you say that you were done with questions? I'm seriously lost here, please don't ask any more.

"I. Did. Not. Forget. But. Three. Floor. Guardians. And. Your. Majesty. Himself. Is. Surely…"

"It is according to my plan Cocytus. I cannot explain the full extent of it to you right now, but rest assured that the choices I make are reasonable."

"I. Did. Not. Mean. To. Question. Your. Majesty. I. Apologize."

"There is no need to apologize. It's good that you begin to think for yourself." At least, that's what I used to think. Ainz glanced at the sun. "I'm afraid it's time for me to leave."

"Farewell. Your. Majesty."

Ainz took off into the air once again and ascended until Cocytus had turned into a blue speck. As he made his way to E-Rantel he felt anxiety fill his body. That was a bit dicey. Hopefully nothing I said will come back to bite me later...