

For those of you who don't know, this is an alternate continuation from Volume 5: Chapter 8: Alone Together, where instead of Weiss going to Yang, she stayed with Ruby. This is a one-off, but let me know if you want a chapter 2 in your reviews - I've already got a couple ideas in mind.

For those of you waiting for updates to my other works, they're coming... hopefully soon.

And as always, thank you all for reading.

"Okay, calm down." Weiss tried to placate her teammate, only to remember that those were most likely not the words she should have used.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Yang shouted, her eyes blazing like fire as she swung her head around to properly face the heiress.

Weiss jumped, even though she'd been expecting the reaction. Even so, it was scarier to look into those blazing eyes than she'd remembered. Beside her, Ruby was now eyeing her sister with apprehension.

"Whoa, Yang." Ruby snapped out of her surprise and Yang quickly turned away. She was silent a moment before getting up and walking back to the inn.

"Whatever." She said, dismissing the conversation with a shrug as she left.

Silence enveloped the two girls left sitting on the sunny gravel. Each sipping their own coffee as they thought.

"I should go speak to her."

"I should go talk to her."

Both spoke at the same time, exchanging a glance and a hesitant smile before returning to their drinks.

"Or not." Ruby said, breaking her silence as she handed her empty mug back to Weiss who placed it on the tray she'd brought along with her own. "We were just her teammates. Yang was her partner. This is probably something she should work out on her own."

Weiss slowly nodded as she looked at the girl beside her. It had been months since she'd last seen the red cape that was now in tatters, and Weiss could tell its owner had grown up quickly in that short time.

"Was it something you worked through alone?" Weiss asked, thinking back on her time she'd spent in her room thinking of Ruby and her teammates and friends. Of all those who were lost at Beacon's fall.

Weiss snapped out of her thoughts as Ruby turned her head to lock eyes with her.

"I didn't." Ruby responded. She kept her gaze steady as she pulled out of one of the many pockets on her belt a stack of letters tied carefully with string. Weiss's eyes grew wide as Ruby handed the letters over, hesitating before taking one from the bottom of the stack and putting it back into her pocket. "I still haven't."

Weiss opened the first letter, finding the imprecise scroll of Ruby's handwriting.

"You wrote me letters?" Weiss asked as a sharp wedge seemed to lodge itself into her heart.

"Yup." Ruby popped the end of the word as silence descended on them.

Weiss took the time to read the first couple of letters before shaking her head and tucking them into a pocket in her skirt.

"I wish I'd thought to write you. I didn't think I'd actually see you again." Weiss admitted again to her partner. "I'm so happy that I have."

"I think I feel the same." Ruby replied.

Silence fell again as they lay back down to watch the early morning clouds pass. No sound but the slight breeze ruffling the leaves of trees could be heard as Weiss turned her head so she could look at Ruby. It still felt surreal that less than a day had passed since she'd been a prisoner, escaped with Yang, and then teleported to where she'd been reunited with the remaining members of team JNPR, Ruby, Qrow, and a kid who seemed to be possessed by Ozpin's ghost.

"Everything alright?" Ruby asked quietly as she turned to find Weiss looking at her.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Weiss asked in an equally hushed tone. "We're actually here, together now, aren't we?"

"It's kind of hard to believe, isn't it?" Ruby asked with a small smile. "I'm still a bit shocked that you came in with Uncle Qrow last night."

"To be fair, yesterday was a bit of a blur." Weiss replied. "I almost couldn't let go of you during that hug at the door…. And now I'm sounding sappy, and stupid."

"I didn't want to let go either." Ruby replied.

Weiss hesitated, noticing the way Ruby's lips were parted just enough for her to find them enticing. It was an aspect of herself she'd never investigated with these tendencies to notice things about Ruby, a part that left a tightening in her chest and a tickle in her throat.

"And if we didn't?" Weiss asked, hearing her voice almost humming with her emotion. "What would have happened then?"

"Then, I'd have said welcome home." Ruby replied quietly, her words now ghosting across Weiss's lips. "Welcome home, Weiss. I missed you."

Weiss nodded as she swallowed. "I came as soon as I could, Ruby. I'm home."

With that, Weiss closed her eyes and moved the fraction of an inch she needed to. Ruby's lips were soft like clouds, sweet like candy and warm like the sun on a clear afternoon. Ruby's arm gently wrapped around Weiss' waist as they simply lay on the gravel, enjoying the taste of their first kiss. Weiss felt a light hum come from Ruby's chest as they slowly moved their lips against each other. The kiss wasn't adventurous, but it was a step off of chaste, with Ruby and herself both taking turns to lick at each others' lips. Weiss could feel her chest exploding in the best possible way as Ruby angled her head slightly more as she continued their relaxed game.

Alas, Ruby pulled away moments later, her cheeks flushed as she looked away from Weiss. "Heh, sorry… that was… whoa…"

"Yes, well… nothing to apologize for…." Weiss agreed, for once at a loss for words.

"D-do you wanna maybe go into town with me?" Ruby asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence as they continued their embrace. Weiss felt her blush spread down her neck as she willed the words she wanted to say from her mouth.

"M-maybe… we can stay in?" Weiss asked hesitantly, feeling her face blush. "Maybe cuddle, and… talk?"

"I'd like that, Weiss." Came Ruby's reply instantly.

With a smile, Weiss reclaimed Ruby's lips, enjoying the sensation of Ruby's slight movements as she reciprocated. Ruby let out a long, low moan as she broke away. Weiss finally understood what had been on the letter Ruby'd reclaimed and smiled as she settled into Ruby's strong arms.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Weiss confessed, without knowing whether or not it was true. All she knew was that it was at the dance that she'd felt the first flip of her stomach as she noticed Ruby missing. And now with Ruby in her arms, she finally felt she'd be able to relax even if there was a fight ahead.

"I've missed you so much, Weiss." Ruby mumbled into her ear. "I think I might be in love with you."

"I think I might be in love with you, as well." The words shocked Weiss, but even as she said them she knew they were true. "I know I've said this already, but I'm really happy I was able to find you again."