Tomorrow is Elsewhere

A Star Trek TOS and oBSG Crossover Fanfic

Part 1

At the aerospace defense headquarters a scanner operator noticed a new contact on his screen. "Captain," the scanner operator called.

"What is it, Sergeant," the watch supervisor replied while stepping over to the scanner operator to look over his shoulder.

"A new contact, Sir. It just came on the screen."

"How do you read it?"

"A vehicle of some sort. It's not one of ours, sir. It doesn't even read like anything I've ever seen."

"What was the approach?"

"None, sir. It was just there, like it fell out of the sky or something."

The watch supervisor's interest increased. "Current position?"

"Directly over strategic headquarters, sir. Holding there."

"Watch the screen. Aerospace defense will want to send somebody up for a closer look." The captain stepped over to a communications terminal and made a call. A minute later a squadron of interceptors was launched.


"Captain's log, Stardate 3113.2. We were en-route to Starbase Nine for resupply when a black star of high gravitational attraction began to drag us toward it. It required all warp power in reverse to pull us away from the star. But, like snapping a rubber band, the breakaway sent us plunging through space, out of control, to stop here, wherever we are."


Enterprise's crew were recovering from their wild ride to the unknown. Captain Kirk picked himself up off the deck of the bridge and moved to sit back down in the center seat. "Mister Spock," he called while regaining his composure.

"Except for secondary systems, everything is out, sir," Spock replied. "We're on impulse power only."

"Auxiliaries," Kirk asked.

"If Mister Scott is still with us, auxiliaries should be on momentarily," Spock replied while noticing that Lieutenant Uhura had remained sitting on the floor next to her console. "Are you all right, Lieutenant," he asked while helping her up and into her chair. The bridge crew looked around as power was restored by engineering. "Mister Scott is still with us," Spock announced.

Kirk pressed the inter-craft switch on the arm of his center seat. "This is the Captain. Damage control parties on all decks, check in. All departments tie in with the record computer. Report casualties and operational readiness to the First Officer. Kirk out." After turning off the inter-craft he turned to address the communications station. "Lieutenant Uhura, contact Starfleet Control. I want them alerted to the position of that black star that's in the area of Starbase Nine."

"Yes, sir," she replied still slightly shaken from the recent rough ride. Spock continued to monitor his computer and science instruments.

"Captain, Casualty reports indicate only minor injuries. Engineering reports warp engines non-operational. Mister Scott overrode the automatic helm setting and is holding us in orbit on impulse power."

"Orbit where," Kirk asked.

"Unknown, Captain," Spock said while turning back to his instruments. "The breakaway threw us an indeterminate distance through space. I'm calculating our position using standard astronomical references. I'll have an approximate location in a moment. Currently we're in orbit above a class M planet."

"Screen on," Kirk ordered.

Spock rose from his chair to look into his scanner hood. "We are too low in the planet's atmosphere to retain this orbit, Captain. Engineering reports we have sufficient impulse power to achieve escape velocity. However, this is an inhabited planet. I'm detecting multiple orbital platforms and vehicles in orbit around us. Life signs are…human." Heads turned momentarily toward Spock with his latest announcement.

"Give us some altitude, Mister Sulu," Kirk ordered. "Keep us clear of the orbital infrastructure and other craft."

"Yes, sir," Sulu replied while activating his helm controls. "Helm answering. She's sluggish, sir."

"Captain, normal Starfleet channel has nothing but static," Lieutenant Uhura reported after working at her station for a moment. "I'm getting something on another frequency, but it's not Starfleet."

"Put it on audio," Kirk ordered. "Tie in the universal translator." Again, Uhura worked her controls.

"This is Serena reporting from Caprica City outside the Chambers of the Council of the Twelve. The Council has just announced that the Cylon Empire has requested a peace conference to be held in four sectans. Count Baltar has been meeting with the Council as the Cylon representative hammering out the preliminary details. The final negotiations and an armistice is to be signed on the Star Kobol space station. Just think of it, in just a few sectans peace will be achieved between our two warring nations after a thousand yahrens of war..."

Kirk waved his hand for the audio to be cut off. Uhura immediately shut down the speaker. She then noticed another series of transmissions.

"Captain, I'm getting ground to air transmission."

"Verified," Spock announced. "Scanners report multiple small craft approaching from below us at high impulse accelerations."

"Hailing frequencies, Lieutenant," Kirk ordered.

"Hailing frequencies open, sir," she replied after activating the ship's transmitters. Kirk pressed another switch on the arm of his center seat to activate his microphone.

"This is the Starship Enterprise. We are on a peaceful mission of exploration. Please respond."