Marth and Roy on the High Seas

Authors: Xan and Vallen

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: The characters of Super Smash Brothers Melee do not belong to us. We just use them for our pleasure. However, the character Trave is purely original, and does belong to us. That is all!

Warnings: Um… Not many. No yaoi!! *sniffle* Mild violence, semi-slavery stuff (^_^), pirates… Tee-hee.

Feedback: Please? We love having feedback/comments almost as much as writing… Almost.


Vallen: I do confess that this story is not as well written as our others. We don't spend that much time on it nor do we plan things out as thoroughly- We admit that. We just enjoyed the idea of Marth and Roy on a pirate ship… And went with that. ^^;; It's supposed to be somewhat light-hearted… But I suppose that it's more of an adventure. Also, Merry Christmas!

Xan:  Yeeeeeah…. Boy we haven't updated in a while, have we?  Especially this one.  Wow.  Anyways, like Vallen said, this isn't our best fic, but we do like it and we hope you do too!  *waves*  Happy holidays!

Announcement: To FnK2 readers… The story has been put on pause, but we shouldn't keep you waiting for too much longer. Thank you for being patient.

Roy snuck out into the kitchen, where he found Bowser and a few other pirates hanging around the kitchen. By the looks of it, they were all drinking quite heavily.

          "Oh look, it's the boy…" One laughed, pointing at Roy, causing Bowser to turn around and spot him.

          "Ah, you want the hard stuff now? Hold on a minute…" The lizard-dinosaur turned to a barrel and un-corked it, pouring its contents into a large flask.

          "Could I have Marth's too?"

          The cook stared at Roy in surprise, but kept pouring.

          "If you want. But with your size, you might pass out after all this!" The pirates burst out into laughter, chortling and snickering.

          "Thank you…" Roy said, bowed, and walked out to the helm where Fox McCloud was. Luckily, the helmsman was bored.

          The cabin boy walked up to him carefully, handling the alcohol.

          "Say Fox… You like rum, don't 'cha?" He asked.

          "It's pirate's nectar; of course I do," Fox answered absently, staring out at the ocean. The mate didn't really talk to the cabin boys (except to give orders), so this was a strange meeting.

          "Well… I figure I'm going to be stuck on this ship and become a pirate, so I'd better learn to drink like one. Will you share this with me?" The boy held up the full flask of rum.

          Fox eyed it for a moment. This kid didn't know what he was giving away.

          "Hand it over. It's cool to swig it, like this." Once he had gotten the flask from Roy, he took several long gulps, tipping his head back. He now wiped his mouth after making a satisfied noise. "Now you."

          The cabin boy took it and imitated the helmsman, feeling the liquid burn down his throat as he swallowed. His eyes widened, filled with water, and he blinked in surprise, coughing loudly.

          "I… Didn't get it right. You do it again." Roy pretended to watch interestedly while cheering. Fox would be drunk in no time considering how much he was drinking per gulp. "If I pass out… you have to finish it- Marth will make fun of me if I don't finish the bottle," he lied. Marth would never do something like that, but Fox didn't know it.

          In fact, the fox-man chuckled and took more swigs, then gave it back to Roy. They drank like that for a while until the young boy suddenly fell over, landing on the deck with a soft thud.

          Fox rolled his eyes and wobbled on his feet a bit.

          "Cap'n Traaaaaaave!" He shouted loudly. "Get your boy outta my wheelhouse!"

          The captain stomped out a minute later, looking quite annoyed.

          "What is this?" He poked Roy with the toe of his boot. "He's out cold."

          "He wanted me t'show him to t'drink. It's his fault he passed out," Fox answered, trying to hide the fact that he was drunk from his captain.

          "Tch." Trave grabbed Roy's wrist with one gloved hand, dragging him along and muttering about how he shouldn't have to stoop so low as to baby-sit his own cabin boys. He walked below, to their nest, and found Marth lying there. "He's your problem, Pet."

          Marth caught Roy as the captain yanked him over, and pulled him into a more comfortable position. He refused to look up at Trave.

          "Thank you, Master."

          Trave stalked off after narrowing his eyes at Marth slightly. Once he was gone, Roy opened his eyes slowly, looking around at his familiar surroundings. The young boy's cheeks were flushed a bit, and as he turned to look at Marth, he let out a small hiccup.

          Marth bit his lip, but couldn't hide a smile.

          "I hope you're not drunk. It would be a pity for you to fall out of the lifeboat after all my hard work."

          The smaller boy hiccupped again and shook his head to clear it.

          "Hey, no teasing. I did it, didn't I?" He mumbled. "Fox's so drunk he had to hide it from Trave. I could tell that he was masking it… Oh, and remind me not to drink alcohol again – It does weird things."

          "Good. You're too young to drink anyways." Marth rubbed his eyes. "When do you think we'll run aground anyways?"

          "I don't really know… Probably soon. It's dark and Fox can't tell by eyesight, so he'll have to use the maps which are impossible to read when you're drun-n-n-n-k." There were a series of shudders as the whole ship jerked. It was scraping the razor-sharp coral reef.

          The two boys were roughly jostled and nearly knocked right out of the hammock.

          "That's our cue," Marth remarked.

          "I'll go up to the crow's nest and see which direction we'll have to swim!" Roy cried, scampering off.

          There were many shouts and other noises, indicating that lots of the pirates, probably the whole crew, were moving on deck. They were probably all drunk as well. Trave's voice was distinctive, yelling furiously at the mates, and mostly Fox.

          Marth slunk in the shadows on deck, creeping towards where the ship's lifeboats were kept. Luckily for him, none of the crew had noticed him.

          "C'mon Roy…" He muttered anxiously, waiting for his companion.

          "Marth!" Trave yelled from wherever he was. "Get up here!"

          At that moment, Roy scampered back, panting heavily. His eyes were wide and his chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath.

          "He saw me! I don't think we're going to have time to get out a lifeboat!"

          Trave lurched over to them, his hands outstretched. But there was something not quite right- The captain fell to the deck and they could see a cutlass sticking from his back.

          The first mate Sheik walked up calmly while his eyes were as hard as stone.

          "Go, you don't have that much time." Indeed, the ship was sinking with awkward movements and taking on more water every minute. Sheik glanced at the lifeboats, and then back to Trave. "I seem to recall some rule about a captain going down with his ship."

          Marth stared at Sheik and Trave for a moment before scrambling across the deck to the lifeboat. Frantically, he clawed at the ropes that tied it to the deck, but years of exposure to the salt, wind and water had made the knots as solid and impenetrable as an iron ball. He let out a yell of frustration. His left hand was useless and he didn't have a blade to cut the ropes with.

          "Roy, we have to jump!" He shouted to his younger companion.

          Roy glanced at the water.

          "But what about the undertow and the coral?!" The boy shouted back over the din of chaos. "I can't swim very well!"

          "Just jump." Sheik's voice called to them. "You'll get sucked under with the ship if you stay aboard." With that said, he was gone.

          Marth climbed up onto the ship's rail, pulling Roy up with him. The vessel was listing dangerously, soon to sink. Most of the crew had escaped by now.

          "Roy, don't let go of me!" Marth told him, grabbing his hand tightly. "And swim as hard as you can, okay?"

          Roy nodded, squeezing Marth's hand. Marth looked down at the churning black water, took a deep breath, and jumped.

          The water closed over their heads and Marth kicked as hard as he could, ever conscious of Roy's hand in his.

          'Please let us live through this,' he prayed.

          The auburn-haired boy shut his eyes against the wet darkness that engulfed him and clenched Marth's hand tighter. His lungs burned, but he trusted in Marth… They came up to the surface, gasping for air.

          "That way, Marth!" Roy cried, trying to point in the direction they could swim without drowning himself. The only thing was that the swells were getting bigger and the wind was picking up.

          A determined light filled Marth's eyes and he began to paddle as hard as he could against the powerful current, the pull of the sinking boat. His eyes burned from all the salt water, but he had to push through this. An uneasy feeling gnawed at him and he looked back to see a huge wave rising up behind him. His eyes widened; there was no time to avoid it.

          "Hold your breath!" Marth shouted, pulling Roy closer to him.

          Then the wave hit, the foamy crest white as bared fangs. Marth felt the air be knocked out of him and his body being pounded as if by a hundred hammers. None of Trave's beatings had hurt this much. He couldn't breathe and despite how hard he fought it, the world went black.

          Roy was vaguely aware of a heavy weight upon his body as he tried to find his way through the darkness. He knew he was lying down, somewhere soft, but strangely grainy… Was he dead? Then a wave of a cold and wet mass crashed upon him and the boy choked. Suddenly it was bright and he was able to open his eyes. He squinted and stared up at a cloudless blue sky.

          It occurred to him that the weight was indeed a person… Marth? Disjointedly, he pushed his friend away and tried to sit up.

          "Marth…" Roy croaked, reaching out shakily. He felt like a drowned rat (or at least what one would feel like), a comparison which probably wasn't all untrue. Parts of his body throbbed painfully and he had no doubts that he had hit some of the reef. He blinked through the sting of salt water in his eyes and reached for Marth again, coughing.

          Marth's head felt like a blacksmith's anvil, his eyelids like lead weights. His stomach churned violently as if the storm was brewing in it too. He rolled over and gagged, spewing a large amount of seawater. Having done this, he lay back and sucked in a huge lung-full of fresh air.

          "Roy…" He coughed. "Are you alright?"

          "I think so… I hurt all over… Where are we?" Roy answered, pushing himself up shakily. The sun was blinding, but he bowed his head and spotted his arms. They were covered in multiple deep scrapes, along with his chest and legs, from the coral. Undoubtedly Marth was the same.

          "We're on Delfino Island… I think. It was on the map." Marth stood unsteadily. His head was rapidly clearing and he could think rationally now. "Roy, we didn't happen to form a plan any further than 'get-off-the-ship,' did we?"

          Roy thought a minute, and then moaned as he tried to stand up.

          "I don't think so… That's bad, isn't it?"


Xan:  Hee hee…  This is a cute story.  Marth-chama and Roy-chan are so adorable.  ^^  Ennyways, hopefully this (and everything else) will be updated more frequently in the future!  Again, happy holidays!

Vallen:  [Wasn't available for end comments!]