Re: The Cost

Summary: The cost to save the loved ones is immense. If you were to choose, will you choose the memory with them? Or will you save their fragile life even if the memory with them is gone for good? No matter what we choose, the consequences will haunt us forever….

(a/n): Oh~~~ Hello guys~! I AM BACK! No… actually I was never gone :D First of all, if you are wondering whether I have abandoned the main story(Re: Beginning), do not worry. I am now writing chapter 6, planned until chapter 15. I was writing chapter 6 when this idea popped into my head. I'm scared this will be a long one too…. (Help me…) Hehe… enjoy!

P.S. This story takes place in Subaru's real world.

another P.S. this one is short but it will be longer~.

Chapter 1: Fragile

-Life is fragile. We don't need to drop them to be shattered into pieces, rather it is already prepared to be broken into shiver in our very hands.-

Rrrrrrr~(phone ringing)


"Hello Subaru. It is your mom. How are you doing?"

"I… just got up…"

"Natsuki Subaru! You should be ashamed of yourself. It is two in the afternoon!"


"I see you overslept. I can't wake you up since we are in Paris."

"Oh. I almost forgot you guys went to Paris two days ago. How is Paris?"

"Romantic. I made a lot of new friends. Oh! Speaking of which, didn't you told me that you have some meeting with your friend today?"

"Hm? Meeting? KYAAAAA! Mom I think I should hang up. I'll call you soon!"

"Yes sweetheart~"

Subaru sprang up from his cozy bed and shot into the bathroom. He has promised with Ram and Rem to go visit Emilia's place at two thirty in the afternoon. He had to move fast if he wanted to get there in time. Cursing the fact that his parents were traveling Europe and United states and weren't able to wake him up, he brushed his teeth and sprayed water on his face to shoo away the drowsiness.

'Ghaaa! Forget about the hair. There will be no difference either combed or not.'

Quickening his pace, Subaru ran toward the bus stop, the appointed place to meet with the two sisters.


Rem found Subaru 5 blocks away like a satellite raider. She ran toward him and embraced him with full power.

"Sorry for making you wait Rem. I overslept-"

Subaru stopped when he felt a glare from Ram, who was sitting at the bus stop. She looked as if she will kill him with her look.

"Pathetic, Barusu. Late in an appointment and making an excuse? I think you should learn some manners from me." Her glare said.

"Rem-rin? Yo-your nee-san looks like she is ready to kill me… let's go back to the bus stop before she makes up her mind." Subaru stuttered, totally terrified.

Hearing this Rem giggled. It was too much for her to see Subaru's cute face like this.

"Subaru-kun is so cute!" Rem blurted out, not knowing what she was saying.

"Rem? What did you said?"

"N-Nothing. Let's meet with nee-san. The bus will arrive in any minute." Rem blocked a further interrogation and hid her face in her hands.

Subaru, senseless as he is, shrugged off the topic and walked toward Ram with Rem. He was about to complain about Ram's murderous glare when he was tripped by a stray brick and fell down. It looked pretty ridiculous to Ram.


"Barusu. It is an improvement of you to bow before me. But may I pretend not to know you for a while? You are giving me a headache." Ram greeted him.

While Rem hurried to her Subaru and checked for further injuries, Ram smirked and kicked Subaru lightly.

"Stupid Barusu. There is our bus. Get in." She ordered. It was her way to inform him that the bus was coming. Subaru bolted up at her statement and dusted himself.

They got into the bus and were seated at the back. Rem clinging at Subaru's arm as usual and Ram thinking of a various ways to insult him. Subaru, on the other hand was looking around through the window.

"What now, Barusu? You look like a monkey exploring the outside world." Ram sneered, satisfied by her cool insult.

"Ouch, Ram-san. You shouldn't talk like that to people. You should learn some kindness from Rem."

Rem heard this and blushed madly. She was muttering 'Subaru-kun wants Rem as a wife~'. Mentally pushing her comment aside, Subaru continued.

"I was just wondering why that truck is here. I don't think there is any construction site that needs that."

Like he said, there was an enormous truck that looked so out of a picture.

"Who cares." Ram snorted and finished the talk."

But Subaru wasn't finished.

"Ram-san, Rem-rin. Look at that. It looks like it is running straight toward us…."

"Barusu you are seeing things-"

"No.. NONONO! Look! It won't stop!" Subaru panicked.

Ram was about to tell him to shut up but she also found the truck and fell silent. The said truck was gaining momentum by every second. The passengers stirred up indicating that they also found the truck too. The bus driver tilted his handle to avoid the truck but it was too late. The truck collided with the side of the bus, smashing its side window. This was the start of the chaos.

There were screams and groans everywhere while the bus rolled over a few times. Subaru felt his leg go numb and his forehead crack when he bumped at the front seat. His mouth tasted blood and his visions began to go blurry. He could feel something stuffed in his stomach and found out it was a metal bar that pierced his belly.

'I'm going to die…." Subaru thought blankly. It felt too unreal. He thought that severe accident happens rarely, and guessed that he will never experience one.

He looked at his side and found Rem's arm twisted into a weird angle. Ram was leaning against the wall, blood gushing out of her head.

"Why…. Do I have to see this…." Subaru cursed out loud. He was bleeding out, but it was slow enough to witness the gruesome deaths around him.

He felt the last warm blood escape his life as he was gulped by the faith of death….




Or so he thought…..

(a/n): Not bad after all? I think it was me who enjoyed writing this chapter :P Heheh…. I'll see you on the next chapter. No…. see you tomorrow when I post chapter 6 of the Re: beginning. Bye!