Here it is, the final one shot in this collection. I'm not done here, just done with this collection. Turns out a lot of people stop reading after my third fic here so I'm just going to start uploading them individually. Much love to all that have stuck through!

I may be working on a story ;)


Flora smiled as she trailed her eyes over her backyard. Normally the space was barren, with the exception of the many trees and vines that hung about. But today there were banners strung between the trees, and children swung upon those very vines.

She could only watch as Sky, Stella and Brandon frantically chased after their young ones, a mixture of fury and humor dancing upon their features.

"Nina, you get back here right now!" Stella shouted in what Flora assumed was supposed to be an attempt at being assertive, but the small giggle she emitted had shattered any hope that she would strike fear in her daughter.

"But mommy, we're having so much fun!" The little blonde, a near perfect replica of Stella squealed as she evaded capture from her father.

Nina ran, narrowly missing Justin as he appeared from behind a tree, "Dad! I'm over here!" The boy called, smirking as Sky shook his head.

"If you disappear again, I'll send your mum on you!" Sky taunted, slowly turning towards his redheaded wife, "One," He counted, "Two…"

"Okay!" He exclaimed, laughter in his eyes, "Just don't tell mum!"

Sky laughed and brought his son under his arms into a headlock.

"I've never been more content to have a newborn than in this exact moment," Musa stated, looking over at the havoc Nina was giving her parents as she shoved yet another sugary snack into her mouth.

"I too, can relate to that statement," Tecna replied, rubbing her temples, "I'm losing energy just by looking at them!"

"You want to talk about being tired?" Aisha began, "Try being nine months pregnant with triplets!"

The girls winced in sympathy for Aisha, who absentmindedly stroked her baby bump.

"Don't worry girls," Bloom said, leaning in close so that no one could hear her, "Once they become ten, you make sure they forge a bond with their dad and then you can just let him have all the fun."

"We all heard that!" Riven exclaimed from his position at the barbecue, beer in hand as he looked disapprovingly at the girls who had occupied the only table on the veranda.

"How long until lunch is ready, dear?" Musa asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, ask the master chef over here."

"Okay then Helia, how long until lunch?"

"Just waiting for the buns to come out of the oven, then we are all good to go." Helia responded, sending a look over his shoulder before returning back to the hot plate in front of him.

Aisha let out a small laugh before slyly commenting, "I wish he would just put a bun in the oven."

The girls looked at Aisha, flabbergasted.

"What!" She exclaimed, "I've practically filled my quota in one pregnancy, little miss Flora over here is practically still wearing her chastity belt!"

Helia's cough was not subtle.

"Would you like to say something…" Aisha took her time, "Helia?"

"No, nothing at all."

"As I thought."

"I mean come on, though," Stella began, joining the table and therefore the conversation,"I thought for sure you guys would be the ones popping out kids first!"

"We're still on this subject?" Flora deadpanned.

"I know what your saying Stella," Bloom gushed, following Stella's previous actions and pulling a seat over, "I mean, you guys fell head over heels-"

"-Oh I didn't think that was the reason they would have kids first!" Musa interrupted.

"Is my opinion still relevant in this conversation?" Flora chimed in, only to be ignored again.

"I know!" Aisha joined in on the fun, "I mean, Flora was the queen of pregnancy scares!"

"I'm sorry," Nabu turned his head, making the other guys also join the conversation, "What did you just say?"

"Oh here we go," Flora sighed.

"That's right ladies and gentleman!" Musa began, "Little miss innocent, Flora Knightly, had like ten pregnancy scares during high school!"

"Okay, I did not have that many-" Flora tried to help the situation.

Helia, finding a sadistic amount of joy from seeing his wife squirm decided to help out, "-Yeah guys, it was definitely more than that!"

"Oh my god!" Bloom started, "Remember how in the spare bathroom we had to keep a toiletry bag full of pregnancy tests?"

Aisha cackled, "Oh- Oh I had forgotten about that."

"Why are we just hearing about this now?" Sky asked, at some point he had left his son and joined the conversation.

"Because it would be really weird for us to tell you that we all know Flora's ovulation period off by heart in case of emergency?" Bloom provided.


"What I want to know is how you guys managed to find a time and a place for all of this…" Brandon's gaze trailed off to see if Nina was in ear shot."Canoodling."

"You do realise Helia's uncle is the headmaster of Red Fountain right?" Flora provided.

"Yeah," Brandon started before his eyes lit up in recognition, "Oh...My...God, Helia Knightly pulled rank to get laid."

Stella coughed and sent a look to the backyard.

"Oh yeah, Helia pulled rank to…" Brandon struggled to fill in the blank.

"Canoodle?" Flora provided.

"Canoodle. Helia Knightly pulled rank to canoodle."

"Yet again I must ask, why did none of us know about any of this?" Sky asked.

"We knew," Aisha supplied.

"Yes, because you knew about the potential pregnancies… but about Helia pulling rank-," Nabu began.

"You can't seriously be that naive can you?" Flora asked, "Helia wasn't the only one pulling rank, there was some hard rank pulling that I had to do."

Flora squinted her eyes, "Wait- that didn't sound right"

"When did you ever pull rank?" Stella asked, raising an eyebrow.

Flora went to answer, event went as far as opening her mouth before she clamped it shut again. "Oh no, I'm not talking about my love life in my backyard whilst your children are playing just a few meters away."

"The library, the potions lab, the classroom, the janitors closet and the staff room," Helia listed, placing a hand to his chin in thought, "I feel like I'm missing something here… Oh, how could I forget about the garden?"

Everyone looked at Flora, shocked. "This really shouldn't come as a surprise."

"Okay, for the sake of everyone here, I am not going to erase that conversation and knowledge out of my mind," Timmy began.

"But I still don't understand why you haven't popped a kid out yet," Riven commented, raising an eyebrow.

"We don't have a reason!" Flora responded, at the same time Helia replied with, "Flora doesn't want kids."

The brunete sent a look at her husband who at least had the decency to look sheepish, and he quickly vanished into the house.

"Why? The kids love you!" Bloom replies.

Flora sighed at the dig into her private life for what felt like the hundredth time, responding, "It's not that I don't want them at all, it's just that right now I don't feel like a mother position is calling me. Maybe next year?"

Bloom nodded, "Fair enough."

Helia reappeared, fresh buns stacked on a plate in his hand. "Lunch time!"

Flora smiled and stood up, "Sorry to all of my pregnant and breastfeeding friends, but I have an earthen chardonnay bottle calling my name! Any takers?"

Blooms throws her hands up, "You know that's my favourite wine!"

"Then have some, dink enough for me too," Aisha prompts.

"Sky and I are trying again, I don't want to risk anything," Bloom huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well in that case-," Sky begins but is interrupted by Bloom.

"If I can't have it, neither can you!"

Which started a chain reaction ending with only Helia being the only other one at the table able to drink.

"So…" Flora trailed, "Want a glass."


Returning with a bottle and two glasses, the married couple toast each other with smiles on their faces.

"To no kids!" They cheer, laughter in their eyes.