Disclaimer: I don't own the song lyrics quoted.
Thanks to Mom and Kim R. for their ideas.
Sharona clicked her pocket mirror shut and shoved it back in her purse. Well, here goes! she thought gleefully as she raised her fist to the white paint.
But the door flew open before she even had the chance to knock.
"You're here!" Adrian cried, all atwitter.
His date emitted a nervous laugh. "Hi, Adrian."
"Come in, come in!" the detective ardently beckoned her inside.
"Happy to see me?"
Though it didn't seem possible, Adrian's smile broadened. "You have no idea," he stated, closing the door behind her. "You look-You look beautiful."
Sharona smiled as well, her cheeks coloring a bit. "That's what Benjy said."
"I like that boy more and more every day."
"So, let me get a look at you."
Monk held his arms out, and Sharona gave him the once over, nodding with approval.
"Not bad, not bad. However, I would like to make one little adjustment," she informed him, moving closer.
"What are you doing, Sharona? I spent so much time on that," Adrian complained as her fingers loosened his perfectly knotted necktie.
"And I appreciate your effort," she responded, flinging the tie onto a nearby table.
Next, she went to work on his shirt, undoing the first three buttons.
When she was finished, she stood back and admired her handiwork. "There. Much better. I like to see a little skin. And if you took that off, I could see a lot more," she added, gently flicking the fabric of his undershirt.
"I'll be right back," Monk announced, grabbing the discarded tie and fleeing.
"Don't you dare put that back on!" the guest called after him.
Once he had regained his composure, Adrian came back into the foyer.
"These are for you," he told her, handing over two small, round boxes, one pink, one purple. "I wasn't sure if you liked dark chocolate or light chocolate, so I bought one of each."
To express her appreciation, Sharona pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Uh, there's something else. It's in here." Adrian reached into his right breast pocket, and when his fingers reappeared, a thick black piece of string was dangling from them. Through it were seven white, square beads, with the letters of her name spelled out in black paint. And between each letter was a tiny red heart. "Some kids were making them at the candy store," her date explained. "The beads are clean, though. I used a wipe to pick them up."
"I love it, Adrian!" Sharona exclaimed, setting down the candy boxes and extending her hand.
Despite her obvious pleasure, Adrian suddenly felt ashamed at his choice of gift. "No, it's stupid, Sharona. You don't want this," he said, dropping it back into his pocket.
"What are you talking about, Adrian? I said I loved it!"
The detective shook his head in protest. "But it's cheap a-and meaningless. I should've gotten you something better. I'm sorry, Sharona. I-"
But Sharona didn't want to hear anymore of his nonsense. "Adrian, shut-up and put the damn thing on me, okay?" his companion commanded, turning her back to him and sweeping her hair to the side.
Adrian silently complied. When he was through, Sharona faced him again and looked down at the necklace, running her fingers over the beads. "See? That looks great, doesn't it?"
"It doesn't match your dress."
"I can take the dress off," the blonde offered. "Not that you don't already know what's underneath it, but . . ."
Adrian gulped. If he didn't leave the room at once, there would most certainly be a re-enactment of the previous morning's incident. "Uh, uh, there's one last thing," he stammered, dashing out of the room a second time.
When he returned, Monk was carrying another box, only this one was rectangular and much bigger. He presented it to her. "After I wrote that message, I had to throw the rest out. So, this is a replacement."
"Cereal. Wow. This is the best present I've ever gotten. I'm speechless," she giggled.
"That's a first."
"So, are you ready? Or is there more? Milk, perhaps?"
"I'm saving that for the second date," Adrian teased.
"Ooh, a second date. We haven't even started our first. What if it's lousy?"
"It won't be," he declared with confidence. "I have a good feeling about tonight."
"Me, too."
As he held the door open for Sharona, Monk inquired, "Where's your jacket?"
"I didn't bring one. I figured I wouldn't need it . . . since I have you to keep me warm."
"I think I can handle that."
Sharona fiddled with the dials on the car stereo. "There's this really great show where people call in and dedicate love songs. I haven't listened to it in awhile, though. I don't remember the exact station."
"102.3," Adrian informed her.
Sharona turned to that station. "Yep, that's the one."
"Hi. You're on the air," said the pleasant voice of the female host.
"Um, hi, I'm, um . . . Am I really on the air?"
"Sharona, isn't that . . .?"
"Shh, shh."
"Yes, you are. What's your name, young man?" the woman inquired.
Sharona was aghast. If Adrian hadn't shouted red light, her surprise may have earned her a traffic ticket. Or worse, a car accident.
". . . so, my mom and her boss are on their first date. When she told me about it, I was really happy. Mr. Monk is a little weird, but he's so cool. Oh, wait. I just said his last name. Is that bad?"
"Mr. Monk as in Detective Monk?"
"You know him?"
"I've seen him on the news. He's brilliant. Your mom works for him?"
"Yeah. She used to be his nurse, then she was his assistant, and now, she's his girlfriend. I've wanted them to get together for awhile, but my mom kept quitting all the time, so I didn't think it was gonna happen. But, then again, she always came crawling back. So, I knew there had to be something going on between them."
"Wow. So, what song would you like me to play for them?"
"Uh, I'm not really sure. I don't know much about love songs."
"That's all right. I think I know the perfect song."
While Benjy and the host bid their good-byes, Sharona let out the scoff that she had been saving. "'Came crawling back!'" she cried.
Adrian chuckled. "It's just an expression."
A second later, the DJ's choice of music began wafting through the speakers.
How do I get through a night without you?
If I had to live without you,
What kind of life would that be?
Oh, I need you in my arms, need you to hold.
You're my world, my heart, my soul.
If you ever leave, baby, you would take away everything good in my life . . .
Adrian reached his hand out and began stroking Sharona's arm. His date kept her eyes on the road, hoping he wouldn't notice the tears forming. She smiled to herself, relishing in the sentimentality of the moment. I think I'll give Benjy that raise in his allowance he's been asking for, his mother decided.
The couple stepped up to the podium and were cheerfully greeted by a short, middle-aged man. "Good evening! Two?"
"Yeah. We have a reservation, actually."
The host's smile abruptly disappeared. "Fleming," he stated, making no attempt to hide his disgust. With a steely glare, he ripped a yellow square of paper off the podium's surface and handed it to her. "Your Post-It note, Ma'am. Perhaps you'd like to keep it as a souvenir."
Sharona fought to maintain a sweet disposition. "I would, thank you. That is so thoughtful."
"Follow her," the host commanded, motioning to the woman beside him who was holding two menus.
As Ms. Fleming passed, the man muttered an obscenity under his breath.
Instead of putting him in his place, however, Sharona decided to let it slide. She was determined to not let anything or anybody ruin her evening.
"Why was that man so rude to you?" Adrian wondered, pulling his chair closer to the table.
"Oh. He, um, he asked me out the last time I was here, and I turned him down."
"Ah . . . How long ago were you here? He didn't recognize you right away."
"Nothing gets past you, does it? He's pissed off because I made him give me a reservation," Sharona confessed. "They don't take reservations here, but I was persistent. Now, he's acting like I threw his whole life off course or something. The jerk even called me a bitch."
This last piece of news infuriated Adrian. "He what!"
"Oh, don't worry. I'm gonna call the manager tomorrow and report him. Then he'll really have a reason to hate me," she declared, a diabolical grin spreading onto her shimmering lips. "So, let's just forget about it for now, okay?"
After perusing her menu and deciding on a dish, Sharona set it down and focused her attention on the man across from her. "Let's get acquainted," she suggested.
"But . . . don't we already know each other?"
"Yeah, but pretend like we don't," the blonde replied, smoothing the hemline of her dress. Clearing her throat, she inquired, "So, Adrian, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm a detective," Monk played along.
"Oh, yeah?" Sharona feigned fascination. "Small world. I work for – with - a detective.
"Is that so?" Adrian queried, folding his hands atop the tablecloth. "Is he . . . any good?"
"The best."
"We both want the veal," Sharona told the waiter. "And, uh, we want all the side dishes on the side."
"On separate plates," Monk interjected, for the sake of clarity.
The pair looked up at their server expectantly, anticipating the dirty look. But instead they received a polite smile. "That's exactly how I order my food."
"I like him," Adrian declared when the man had walked away. "But you didn't have to do that for me."
"Yes, I did. I wanna get accustomed to your world."
Her date chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know how to respond to that. I think I'll just, um, change the subject. So . . . how's your wrist?"
"Much better. It only hurt when I took the splint off in the shower. You know what that means, don't you?"
"That you were on my mind all day. Remember how I said yesterday that it doesn't hurt when I think of you?"
"Yeah," he replied, beaming.
"Well, you're very therapeutic."
Their conversation was cut short by someone's energetic shout of woohoo! Onstage, next to a television set, stood a bubbly young woman. "Hey, everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Karen, the queen of Karaoke! Yeah! Now, I know you're all ready to have a good time, so let's get started!"
The queen of Karaoke held up a black binder. "In here is a list of all the songs we have. Who wants it first?"
Sharona's arm shot up.
"All right! We have a taker!" Bouncing over to their table, Karen handed the binder to the customer. "When you find a song you like, just come right up onstage and let me know! Okay?"
"Okay! Thanks!"
Adrian's companion began rifling through the book, a song already in mind. "You asked for it, Adrian. I'm gonna sing. Just for you," she informed him, responding to his inevitable question. "Yes! They have it!" Without any trepidation, Sharona bolted from her chair and rushed onto the stage.
"Whoa! You're fast!" the vivacious young woman exclaimed. Leaning in, Sharona whispered the title of the song. "Great choice!" Moments later, the television monitor was set to go. "Just let me know when you're ready."
Adrian's date stepped up to the microphone and adjusted it to her height. As she scanned the crowd, she suddenly felt a pang of nervousness. But she was determined to go through with it. "Um, I-I'd like to dedicate this song to someone very special. He's sitting right over there." Sharona extended her left index finger to the man she had left alone at their table. All eyes were soon on the detective, who smiled awkwardly and gave a little wave.
The timid blond smiled, waiting for the patrons to turn their attention back to her. When they did, she nodded to the young woman, and the title of the song flashed on the monitor.
Taking a deep breath, Sharona silently prayed that her debut performance would run smoothly.
Late at night when all the world is sleeping,
I stay up and think of you.
And I wish on a star that somewhere you are
Thinking of me, too.
'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight,
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight.
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room, dreaming about you and me . . .
The world around Adrian Monk seemed to vanish as he stared at Sharona, listening intently. He was absolutely mesmerized. Benjy had said that his mother had a great voice. In Mr. Monk's opinion, though, that was the understatement of the century.
Not long after she started singing, the butterflies flew out of her stomach. She was afraid they would return if she looked at Adrian, so she focused entirely on the monitor in front of her.
But halfway through the song, she at last tore her eyes from the blue screen and met Adrian's gaze. To her surprise, she didn't falter. Instead, she simply found herself pouring more emotion into the song.
Late at night when all the world is sleeping,
I stay up and think of you.
And I still can't believe that you came up to me
And said: 'I love you'.
I love you, too.
Now I'm dreaming with you tonight,
Till tomorrow, and for all of my life.
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room, dreaming with you endlessly . . .
As the final notes floated through the air, every single person in the restaurant, with the exception of Adrian, who was still in a trance, jumped to his or her feet. A thunderous round of applause rewarded the talented songstress.
"Take a bow!" someone yelled.
Sharona did what was requested of her, then quickly ran off the stage and back to her table. This didn't stop the applause, however, nor the repeated demands for an encore.
Thrilled, but nevertheless very embarrassed, the beet-red blonde buried her face in her hands and waited for the cheering to die down.
When it did at last, she raised her head to find the detective still turned toward the stage, his eyes as large as saucers. "Adrian? Adrian, I'm over here." She clapped her hands. "Hello? Adrian?" This strategy proved fruitless, so she decided to attempt a different tactic. Standing, she moved behind him and dipped her fingers into his water glass, extracting an ice cube. She then slipped her hand beneath his collar and dropped the cold square down her date's back. If this doesn't snap him out of it, nothing will.
Fortunately, the ice did the trick. With a yelp, Adrian flew out of his chair and began wriggling around.
As much as she didn't want it to, laughter erupted from Sharona's throat, and she quickly covered her mouth.
All eyes were again on Adrian, only this time they were accompanied by raised brows.
He never did succeed in ousting the ice cube; it melted before he could accomplish the arduous task. Adrian did, however, manage to calm down, but not without Sharona's assistance.
"Are you okay?" she asked, staving off the last remaining giggles.
"I-I-I think so. I'm just a little cold."
"You should be. I dropped an ice cube down your back," she explained, passing him a napkin.
"Because I couldn't get your attention! It's like you were in another world. You must have been on Planet Monk."
"I hope the floors aren't too sticky," Adrian remarked as he got out of the vehicle.
His date smiled and offered her hand. "I see you're back to your old self."
Walking up to the ticket booth, Sharona was surprised when the male half of the duo pulled out his wallet and paid for not only his ticket, but for hers as well. He had already picked up the bill for dinner; she hadn't expected him to pay for anything else.
Even more shocking was that Adrian forked over the two dollars and fifty cents necessary to purchase a bag of gummy bears.
"You have to eat some of these," Sharona insisted as they entered theater number four.
"That's what you think," he teased.
"Oh, hey, look! It's like a love seat!" In the last row were two single seats fused together, with no armrest dividing them.
The pair settled into their seats, Adrian with his arm around his date, hugging her close.
"Ooh. Nice and cozy," she commented, tearing her package of candy open. She dislodged a squishy green bear from a clump and held it up to Adrian's mouth. "Here."
Making a disgusted face, the detective shook his head, keeping his mouth closed.
Sharona waved the bear in front of him. "Come on! They're good!"
"Then you eat them. You can have them all."
The lights went down then, and Adrian, without thinking, breathed a sigh of relief. The instant he did so, the bear and Sharona's fingers were inside his mouth.
"Eat it!" the woman at his side demanded, giggling. "Or I'll never sing for you again!"
He was trapped. Reluctantly, and with an even greater expression of repulsion, he sucked the bear out from between her thumb and forefinger and coaxed it down his esophagus.
"Good, huh?"
Gradually, Monk's grimace transformed into a smile. "Not bad."
"What's not bad, the bear or my fingers?"
Two hours and one empty bag of gummy bears later, the cuddling couple rose from their seats.
"That was a really good movie," Sharona stated, dropping the package into the trash.
"Yeah, except for that one scene."
"Which scene?"
"When the gardener was trimming the grass. At least ten blades were longer than the rest."
"God, Adrian. Well, I guess we won't be seeing that film again. So, what now? Want to, uh, go for a romantic walk on the beach?"
"Sure, I'd like that."
At some point during their moonlight stroll, the couple stopped to gaze at the twinkling dots scattered across the navy blue sky.
"You know what's been bothering me?" Sharona spoke up. "That thing you said to me the other day."
"What thing?"
"'I feel okay when you're around'. You've said that before, but for the life of me, I can't remember when."
"You were on a date with Carl, and I interrupted you," Adrian recalled, as if this had taken place the previous day. "You said: 'Two's company, three's a crowd. Monk hates crowds, don't you?' And, I said-"
"'I feel okay when you're around,'" she completed his sentence. "Damn. You never forget anything. Oh, my God. Isn't that what I said right after?"
Adrian nodded. He decided against bringing up the fact that that was one of many nights she had quit on him. Instead, he said nothing as he stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his nose in her soft hair.
Giggling, Sharona turned to look at him, but something stole away her attention. "Oh, my God! A shooting star! I get to make a wish!"
"A shooting star isn't a star," the detective informed his date. "It's actually a meteor."
"Doesn't mean I can't still make a wish, does it?" the blonde scoffed. Lowering her lids, she placed her hands over his, a surge of happiness rushing through her. But Sharona's joy was put on hold when she realized how late it was. "Damn it. Adrian, we have to go."
Regretfully, he released her. "Is the date over?"
"No, not yet," she assured her companion. To herself, Sharona added, Not until I get my wish.
Without warning, Adrian reached down and gathered Sharona into his arms, just like he had done two days earlier. He carried her up the walk, setting her down when they reached the stoop of his apartment building.
"So, um, I guess this is good-night," he supposed, clearly disheartened.
Sharona stepped forward. "What? That's all I get? Just 'good night'?" she pouted.
"Well, what kind of man do you think I am, Sharona?" Monk chaffed. "After all, it is only the first date. I wouldn't want to give you the wrong idea about me."
"I already know what kind of man you are," the blonde replied, her gaze focused on his mouth. "What I don't know is what kind of kisser you are."
Slanting her head sideways, Sharona closed her eyes and lightly pressed her lips to his. When she sensed him relaxing as opposed to tensing up, she deepened the kiss.
The sensation Monk obtained was remarkable, a feeling he had been deprived of for too long. Closing his own eyes, he cupped her face in his hands and intensified their embrace.
After what seemed like an eternity, the lip-locked pair broke apart, both gasping for air.
"Do-Do you-Do you want to . . . come up? Um, out? Do you want to come out - uh, go out? Do you want to go out with me . . . tomorrow?"
"Nice save," Sharona quipped, sliding her fingers between his. She could tell that he felt a little ashamed at what he had implied. "I accept both offers, but I think we'd better take a rain check on the first one. Even if I could stay, I really don't think we're ready for that yet."
"You're right," her date agreed.
"Oh, I got my wish."
"What was it?"
"That you would kiss me. On the lips."
Adrian brushed a curl out of her eyes. "So, what's the verdict? What kind of kisser am I?" he asked, confident that her answer would please him.
"Hmm. Well, my answer to that question is exactly the same as my answer to your other question, about what kind of man I think you are."
"And that answer would be?"
"That answer would be . . . incredible. You're incredible, Adrian. Absolutely incredible."
"You know, I made a wish, too," he informed her, drawing Sharona closer.
"Yeah? What for?"
"Us. For us to always be together."
An elated smile illuminated Sharona's face. "I think that can be arranged."
"That's What Friends are For" written by Carole Bayer Sager and Burt Bacharach
"How Do I Live" written by Diane Warren "Dreaming of You" written by Franne Golde and Tom Snow