The Remnant System







The galaxy is full of mysteries and all sorts of happenings, some wonderful, others tragic. Thousands, if not, tens of thousands of planets orbiting a bright centre in a gigantic swirling formation all tie the galaxy together in a series of events and conflicts within several star systems to determine its fate. One of these star systems happens to be a collection of different worlds which still plays a huge part in the history of the galaxy.

Enter the system of Remnant; a diverse group of planets of different people and lifestyles, yet interconnected by a mutual understanding of culture and history. Every planet and moon orbited a large sun in the middle, pretty much like any other star system in the galaxy, simply known as Remnant. Of course, a sun was made of nothing more than gas and plasma energy and cannot look like a piece of anything. So why do the people of the system call it Remnant?

To answer that, we'd have to go back many eons ago, right before civilization even existed in the system. Back then, what became the multiple planets and moons that made up the Remnant system used to be one gigantic planet. Barren, devoid of life and completely hostile, no one would ever call this place home, not even the most durable or enduring of beings. This titanic rock ball was in itself its own system, with no other neighbouring planets near it.

Then, that all changed. The planet was ruptured by an unknown catalytic event that shattered the planet with an impact so massive that the entire body of the planet was completely broken apart into thousands of even pieces. Soon, over time, these chunks of rocks, combined with the natural processes of the emptiness of space, formed new smaller bodies. The largest of these became the planets that would be the very worlds that the people of Remnant reside in today. Other pieces transformed into all sorts of other natural satellites, mainly the moons that surround the planets, or small fields of asteroids that are littered throughout the system.

It took another few thousand years for the system to be colonized by travellers from all corners of the galaxy, with different stories of each mass settlement for each planet. Eventually, the star system became a thriving home for millions, making a living out of anything they could possibly do or get. Once civilization progressed, exploration and exploitation of the system soon gave way to a new booming cycle of development in technology, navigation and more, opening the doors to galactic trade and communication with other worlds throughout the known stars. When centuries of research were conducted, we are now sure of what had become of our home and for that reason, we call this somewhat fractured yet hospitable sector of the galaxy, Remnant.

After much change over the centuries, the many worlds of Remnant became intertwined in the combination of political, economic and societal aspects that eventually led to several of them to join much larger organizations in the galaxy, most notably the Galactic Republic. Through hardship and achievements, we began to prosper in our mutual grounds, interacting with the rest of the galaxy and giving our contributions to each major milestone of the Republic and more. Today, we stand at the very crossroads of different star systems, sharing good partnerships and alliances, as well as beneficial trade relations with hundreds of worlds, establishing ourselves in a web of galactic propotions.

However, we were not without our conflicts. Like much of the galaxy, Remnant itself was no stranger to war. Our ancestors had fought countless threats from within our city walls to even outside the system itself. Yet, with our perseverance and unity, we stood the test of time. We survived pirates, corrupt corporations, rival star systems, and even Mandalorian hordes. But what is perhaps the greatest conflict of all in Remnant history was the war that nearly tore us all apart. A civil war that changed the way we live today.

The War of Remnant, or simply known as the Great War, saw brothers and sisters fighting each other to the death, burning down entire cities and destroying many lives. The war was so violent, so cruel that our own aspects of life and purity were almost forgotten. Planets soon became battlegrounds and it even got the larger organizations such as the Republic involved. However, once we realized how dreadful the situation was for our worlds, we began to finally see the error of our ways. How our war nearly destroyed the fabrics of our civilizations. It was finally then that peace was finally restored when we learnt to look past our differences and conflicts and embrace each other as one again.

After the war, Remnant began a systematic turn of events, that no more shall personal interests or lust for power and riches conquer our thoughts again. From that day forth, we have learnt to solve disputes and fights at the negotiations table. In the meantime, mass recovery efforts have now paved the way for a rebirth in cultural and spiritual symbolism, to show that we are united under one system. Under one name.

We are now once again a large, prosperous system that has now integrated itself into the everyday basis of evolution of our very galaxy. As we continue to take the threats and problems together, the system of Remnant shall persevere for many more millennia to come.

Unfortunately, as I write this report as of now, we are about to meet yet another crisis at our midst. Much has changed since the Great War, and even with peace between our worlds, the events elsewhere in the galaxy are starting to cause the deterioration of the alliance between Remnant's worlds. In response to the growing threat of separation and divided opinions and ambitions, our once strong understanding has now become a cesspool for chaos and conflict once again. Only time will tell if we'll ever come out on top from this, but one thing was for certain…

We are about to enter a new conflict; one that would engulf the entire galaxy in flames, and things would never be the same again and Remnant was going to be one of many centres for the conflict to spread and destroy. As my old friend, Master Yoda, told me just a few hours ago…

"Begun… the Clone War has…"

Despite the recent troubling state of affairs, we have to remember that Remnant is still just a star system. What really goes on is within every world and the relations between them that affect what goes on in Remnant. It's a big place to travel and live in, and every world within the system has its very own story to tell with the people and their everyday lives to show for it. Thus, I have conducted a series of further reports to properly delve into each and every one of our worlds, detailing how they came to be and what events had transpired them to evolve to what they are now and what they had done to make Remnant one of the major thriving forces of the galaxy before we start pointing fingers at each other for what might happen to the system. I shall present the first of these worlds. One of which I am given the very honour of representing in the Senate today. My very own home planet.

I shall elaborate on our planet, Vale's history in my next report…