Disclaimer! I don't anything, Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. Lemon Warning!

Chapter 4 Ten Fathoms Deep, On The Road To Hell

"Come with me to the sitting room, I shall think awhile on what you've said. We may as well be comfortable when we talk this over."

Narcissa smirked and winked suggestively at the younger wizard, making no move to cover herself.

"Am I imagining things or is Lady Malfoy actually coming on to me?"

Bill grinned at Narcissa before following her lead through the manor. Bill seated himself on a blood red leather recliner while Narcissa, still naked sat herself in the middle of a large black leather sofa facing him.

"Would you like a drink?" Narcissa asked, holding a bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum up for Bill to inspect. Bill had never had muggle alcohol preferring Butterbeer and Firewhiskey. Staring at the bottle for a few moments he decided it wouldnt hurt to try something new and readily agreed. Narcissa conjured a pair of glasses and poured them each a generous measure.

Harry and Bellatrix awoke to hear Narcissa yelling at someone downstairs, and quickly dressed themselves before heading to Narcissa's aide. Finding her in the main sitting room seemingly deep in thought, a redheaded man sitting across from her in equal silence. As Narcissa thought over what information had been given to her, Bill looked over to the open doorway and saw the undead couple. Harry wore only a pair of dark green sweatpants while Bellatrix wore a crimson silk nightshirt that hung halfway to her knees.

It wasn't Harry's muscular bare torso and arms or Bellatrix's flawless skin that grabbed his attention. Bill was shocked by their appearance in general. The ashen gray skin and eyes void of life, only torment visible in the pained haunted expression on their faces. As Bill looked on his undead brother in all but blood he noticed Harry's arm wrapped protectively around the waist of the ebony haired witch beside him. Bill was sure he'd caught Harry's eye but the revenants said nothing, having realised Narcissa was in no danger.

As Bill waited for Narcissa to come to a decision he thought back on all that had happened over the last two years. They had fought this war for the light trying to free the wizarding world from the terror that was Voldemort. In the end was it worth all that it had cost them? Bill no longer thought so and worse yet this war was far from over.

At last Narcissa came to a conclusion, looking up from her seat on the leather sofa she faced Bill, "I've decided." She began, "That you can help me, as a special forces Auror you have many useful contacts and special permissions from the ministry, do you not?"

Bill nodded the affirmative. Narcissa flashed him a positively predatory grin before turning to address the revenants. "Harry dear, you and Bella may return to your rest, we shall have a busy day tomorrow."

The couple nodded before returning to their room. Narcissa watched them depart, when they were gone she turned back to Bill, mind made up she locked eyes with him before speaking.

An hour and several glasses of rum later. Bill had told Narcissa everything he could think of that was of any significance regarding the Orders most recent missions. Though she hid it well, The Lady Malfoy was shocked to see and hear the iron in Bill's eyes and the hatred in his voice as he spoke his displeasure of Dumbledore. As far as Bill was concerned the old fool of a headmaster was to blame for Charlie's death.

"So there I was, fighting a damned Manticore out in the streets of magical Madrid. Dozens of panicking wizards and witches running around screaming, as the Spanish Aurors show up trying to run crowd control. Two of them tried to help me, but the Manticore cut them down quickly. Somehow I managed to cut it's tail off with an overpowered slashing hex before I assumed my animagus form and locked my jaws around its face and held on long enough to suffocate it."

Narcissa's eyes widened in horror as Bill finished his story. But she did not interrupt him.

"It wasnt an easy fight. bastard took most of my left arm and my right eye. What really pissed me off is that I didn't manage to recover my brothers body."

Narcissa made up her mind, in the days ahead she would need as many allies as she could get. It didn't hurt that the young redhead was good looking either.

"I have two conditions for you, before I commit to accepting your help. The first is that you will not reveal your knowledge of my whereabouts or the existance of Harry and Bellatrix. It must be kept secret that they are revenants."

Bill nodded before calmly speaking "I agree to this condition." He hadn't planned on betraying Narcissa anyways. Bill allowed Narcissa to continue, thinking her second condition couldn't be unreasonable.

Narcissa again flashed him that predatory grin. "Take me to bed and make love to me."

Bill grinned and lifting the attractive older woman off the sofa, he carried her bridal style to the room she indicated and placed her on the bed. On a sudden impulse he retrieved the muggle radio that he'd charmed and tuned it until he found the song he was looking for.

"Countless years ago while lost in barren seas. There whispered murmurs of a bloody mutiny. We took up arms and slew the officers of rank. And with swords drawn, made the Captain walk the plank."With a smirk Bill divested himself of his clothing and joined Narcissa on the bed. It seemed it had been too long for both of them.

"And as he fell down to the depths, he swore a deadly curse. As sure as Hell's my final fate, you'll all soon die or worse. Now as we stand before the gallows, waiting for the end. I'll say these final words my friend..."He entered Narcissa missionary style, placing his good arm beneath her neck. Narcissa threw her legs over his shoulders, showing off her flexibility and moaning fitfully as he began pleasuring her.

"At sunrise we'll all dance the hempen jigg. So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig. The curse of Captain Morgan has led us to this fate. So have no fear and don't look back the afterlife awaits."

As Bill finished up some time later, his last thoughts before falling asleep with Narcissa spooning him were that war was Hell and here he was ten fathoms deep in it. The war was only just beginning.

(Note) The above lyrics are from the Alestorm song "The Curse Of Captain Morgan. The lyrics are the property of Alestorm, not mine.