Hey guys so i am unfortunately putting this story to the wayside. I for the life of me cannot even begin to get over this dang writer's block for this story. I am not entirely sure if it is because of things in life or because i have more ideas pertaining to my other story that is causing this lag in my muse for this story.
This however does not mean I have given up on it, it just means that for now at least this story is on Hiatus. As much fun as i have had in writing what i have so far, until the time comes that i can get back into the story i must take a break from it and just focus on my other story.
I want to thank each and everyone of you who have followed/fav'd and reviewed this story. I have had such a brilliant reception to this story that it quite frankly makes everything worth while including taking this hiatus i just hope that all of you will be waiting for me to get back to this story when the time is right.
Again thank you to everyone for your support!