When I started playing ARMS, Ninjara and Min Min immediately became my favorites and sure enough I started pairing them together. I've been wanting to write a story about them for a while and I'm glad I can finally start.

Disclaimer: I do not own ARMS, ARMS is property of Nintendo.

Min Min ran as fast as she could, her now equipped dragon arms flailing about as she ran downhill.

Despite her exhaustion from work, she was determined to get at least one round of training in that day.

"Only five more minutes until the center closes, if I can get in before then, I can get one session started before I have to leave." Min Min figured.

Min Min saw the building in her line of view, drawing closer and closer as she picked up the pace.

As Min Min happily reached the door, her hopes were dashed as the door wouldn't open.

She pulled on the handle, only to find that it wouldn't budge.

The door had been locked.

Min Min peered inside, seeing the place had been emptied and the lights off.

"They closed up early to prepare for renovations." She heard someone say.

Min Min spun around to address whoever it was, surprised to see it was Ninjara.

"Great." Min Min responded, sarcastically.

"Are you alright?" Ninjara asked, seeing that she was a bit frustrated.

Min Min was slightly taken aback by this.

She had barely heard Ninjara ever speak, let alone take an interest in anyone.

"Yeah, I'm alright, It's just been a long day." Min Min said, with a sigh.

Ninjara nodded, understanding completely.

"If you want, you can practice with me." Ninjara offered.

Min Min was once again surprised by him, but smiled and agreed to face off against him.

Both walked away from each other, creating a good distance between them and both took their fighting stances.

Min Min initiated a countdown and at the sound of her saying start, they began their match.

It didn't take long for either one of them to start their strategies, however, from Ninjara's perspective, something seemed off.

"What's going on, she seems…different?" Ninjara thought.

Even with his focus on other matters, Ninjara still managed to win against her.

As Min Min tried to catch her breath, Ninjara approached her.

"I shouldn't have won, that easily, what's going on with you?" Ninjara asked.

"There's no need to be rude." Min Min retorted.

"My apologies, I was just showing my concern." Ninjara added.

Min Min looked at him, seeing that he was genuinely curious about her.

"I've been trying to improve on my combat skills, when I'm in the ring, I'm great with long ranged attacks, especially with my dragon arms." Min Min said.

"But when my opponent gets close to me, I can barely defend myself." Min Min told him.

"I wanted to practice and improve on close combat, that way in my next match, I'll be ready for anything." Min Min concluded.

Ninjara nodded and changed his equipped arms to help her up.

"Well then, you're going to need more than just practice, you're going to need experience." Ninjara told her.

"Yeah, especially if I'm going up against heavy competition." Min Min said.

"I'd be willing to help train you." Ninjara offered.

"W-what?" Min Min stuttered.

"I said I'd be willing to help you in this particular field of fighting, if you want that is." Ninjara explained.

Min Min was surprised once more.

Ninjara was also a rival when it came to competition, and yet he was willing to help her improve.

Ninjara was fearsome in the ring, and although he was more of a speed and stealth based fighter, he could hold his own when it came down to close range.

"Uh, sure, I'd like that." Min Min said.

"Cool, we'll start tomorrow, meet me at the park after your shift." Ninjara told her.

"Okay." Min Min said.

With that, Ninjara left.

Min Min stood there for a moment, thinking over everything that had just happened.

The silent fighter, who had previously interacted with no one, just offered to train her.

"This might actually be fun, I get to hang out with someone outside of the ring, I get to enjoy the park and I get to spend time with a cute fighter." Min Min thought over, stopping in her tracks as she noticed that last thought she'd had.

"Cute?!" Min Min thought, blushing nervously.