The forests and mountains surrounding Zootopia are lush with life and greenery that is a stark contrast to the towers of metal and glass and the varying intense landscapes that make up the actual city itself. No climate walls, no weather controllers, and no sprinklers. Just pure Mother Nature with all her boons and gifts. The land is left untamed to allow citizens easy access to terrain that isn't the artificially organized jungles and neighborhood covered meadows of the city in the case that some mammal needs an escape from the city and has even been made a national park so that rangers could be hired to ensure the safety of both the land and those that visit it.

With the outer communities and farmlands having to go further out to settle, it is easier for most to take a train ride into the city for both passenger and cargo purposes. There are roads for the occasional automobile and cargo that cannot be trusted to left on a passenger filled train, but such instances are quite rare.

Which is why any mammal who might be within eyesight would have their interest peaked to see not just one, but three vehicles in a convoy making their way down the roads surrounding Zootopia towards the city. At a glance the vehicles might seem normal if not a little on the fancy side. But a glance does not reveal the armor plating surrounding each one and the bulletproof tinted glass that makes up the windows. Any witness might guess that the passengers are mammals that are so important that they require their own guard convoy to move them from place to place. And their guess would be half correct, because the individuals being transported are indeed extremely important. But what they would not have guessed is that instead of being mammals, most of the passengers are reptiles save for a couple.

In the middle car sat a serpent, a crocodile, and a monitor lizard. The crocodile is at the wheel with the serpent wrapped around himself in the front passenger seat and the monitor lizard is seemingly resting in one of the back seats. Each one is wearing a hand tailored black and white suit, with armored vests underneath. A holster with a tail friendly sleek pistol in it is visible on the serpent while the crocodile has his own holster and handgun hidden under his suit. The monitor lizard is seemingly unarmed with no signs of a concealed weapon on him. The interior of the vehicle is large and clean with a mini bar that none of the occupants have seemed to helped themselves to. An eerie silence has fallen over the trio that has been present for however long, none of them moving a muscle save for the course corrections of the crocodile at the wheel and the occasional tongue flick of the serpent and the monitor lizard. Both the crocodile and the serpent are alert, constantly scanning the environment for anything that might cause alarm while the monitor lizard has his eyes closed and his snout pointed downwards. The crocodile is the one to break the silence with a booming and deep voice.

"Are you still with us boss, or did you finally become so at peace that your heart accidently stopped? Because if you did, Sammy owes me ten bucks." he declares while chuckling at his own joke. The serpent does his best to perform a facepalm with his tail while sighing at the apparently terrible inside joke.

Without even looking up or opening his eyes, the monitor lizard gives his response with a slow and authoritative voice. "How many times have I told you not to call me boss anymore? I haven't been your superior or the one to pay you in almost a decade. You're a government agent now and I am just the one you all are assigned to. And as for your jest at my expense, I am still breathing and more than ready to put you in your place."

The crocodile's chuckle and smirk upgrades to a full-blown belly laugh, slightly affecting the trajectory of the vehicle. "Legally yeah, we don't work for you anymore. But that doesn't mean you're not 'el jefe' anymore. We've all been through Hell and back together, and whether you like it or not you're stuck with us."

"The endearment does not bother me. But what does is the fact that I am an ambassador now and you are my assigned agents. I do not want others hearing you calling me your boss and getting any hints at what our pasts might be. I had enough trouble moving beyond my previous occupation and do not want anymore issues simply because you are loose lipped and do not acknowledge those around us that might hear you." the monitor lizard responds, finally looking up and leaving his trance state.

The serpent enters the conversation with an amused smirk on his face, speaking over the laughing crocodile "Your annoyance is why he does it sir. A good whack to the head would remind him that it is not a good idea to provoke you. Hopefully it would also knock him unconscious and we would have several hours of blissful silence. "

Before either of the other passengers can respond to him, the crackling of the radio on the dash signals one of the other vehicles contacting their own vehicle.

"Whatever joke you made this time Rico, you better can it." comes over a feminine voice "I can see you swerving from the laughter and I don't want our ETA delayed because we had to pull one of the transport vehicles out of a ditch."

"The nerve Sammy. How could you accuse me of such a thing?" the crocodile overdramatically exclaims while placing one of his hands over his heart in an offended manner, as if the owner of the voice could see him through the tinted glass.

"Because the boss doesn't tell jokes and Cyrus' jokes are terrible." responds the voice over the radio.

"My sense of humor is quite exquisite. It is not my fault I prefer a higher sense of comedy!" the serpent exclaims in actual offense compared to the crocodile's fake offense.

"There he goes again, putting the 'king' in king cobra." the crocodile gets in between his renewed laughing fit. The serpent lets out a menacing hiss that only seems to provoke the crocodile's laughing even more. Meanwhile the monitor lizard has once again closed his eyes and lowered his head. But this time it is out of annoyance from another one if his bodyguards referring to him as their boss and their comical banter.

"What's our ETA anyway Sammy? We must be getting close since we've been driving for hours." asks the crocodile once he finally regains his composure.

"ETA 20 minutes until we arrive at Zootopia's mainland, crossing city limits right about now. Eyes up people, this is either going to be a vacation or a warzone depending on how they react to our dear ambassador and us." responds the voice in a professional manner.

"Here's hoping for a little bit of warzone. We haven't seen any action in a damn long time and I'm feeling rusty." pipes in another voice over the radio.

"None of that Kima." the crocodile quickly remarks in a serious tone "We need this diplomatic mission to go well if we want relations with Zootopia to improve to the point that borders can be opened, and any aggression is gonna make it a lot harder for things to go well. Also, the boss will skin and tan you himself if you mess this up for Saurrex and his kids."

"Hey I'm not looking to start any fights. Enjoying the sights and trying some of their liquor sounds fun to me. But if any of those mammals starts something, I'm gonna make sure to be the one to end it."

No one responds to that and a deathly silence falls over all three vehicles. They all want the mission to go well and bring the two nations closer together. But none of them are oblivious to the fact that the situation could get ugly quickly, and the ambassador needs to be protected at all costs. The mission failing and relations not improving would be one thing. But his death, him being who he is, could lead to unexpected escalations between the already tense nations. Even if it means the deaths of some aggressing mammals, ambassador Lendys Sunda must be protected at all costs. Not that he would make it easy for them to end his life short. He had his old reputation for a reason after all.

As Lendys stares at his phones screen saver thinking of the three other monitor lizards in the picture standing next to him in it, he thinks to himself "I promise you that this city will be safe for the both of you. And if it is not, then I will make it so. This I swear as your father."

hidden off the side of the road in the overgrowth, a lone jaguar sits observing the convoy

"Scout-01 reporting in, targets are entering city limits now in three vehicles. No eyes on the VIP yet. Regrouping with team and awaiting further orders."