The sunshine through the sheer curtains warmed the side of his face and he smiled slightly from his dreams. This was what he enjoyed; laying in bed, the sun on his back and pretending that he was anywhere and anyone else. He was far away from England in his mind, laying on a beach out in the sun and watching the waves crash against the sand. It was blissful serendipity where he ended up in his dreams but they always had to come to an end. The small smile that had been etched on his face fell and his eyes popped open when he heard the distinct sound of someone knocking on his bedroom door. He groaned and moved his arm over his face trying to hide from the sound.

"Prince Trevelyan?" a female voice called. He rolled his eyes. His maid Gretchen was here to bring his breakfast to him before Taylor came in to help him dress and then finally, his mother would come in with his schedule for the day. Every day was the same; like clockwork. Never any spontaneity, never a change in the days plan. He tried to ignore the sound of Gretchen's knocks for as long as possible, his mind somehow thinking that if he didn't reply she would eventually go away. Of course, this was never the case.

"Your Highness?" she knocked louder this time. He slowly sat up knowing that he had no choice in the matter. If only he had been born into any other family; if only he could have just one day to himself. Just one day to be a normal man instead of a prisoner in his own home.

"Yes, yes, leave it by the door," he called angrily. He stood from the bed in just a pair of white pyjama bottoms. He pulled on a burgundy robe and went to collect his breakfast from the door. After Taylor had come in to help him dress and his slight stubble had been perfectly groomed he went over to the mirror to take a look at himself. He was handsome, he knew that much. Very handsome, rich and powerful. What man wouldn't want that? a life of privilege and gold. Never having to worry about money or paying the bills. It was almost unthinkable that a man of such wealth and fortune could look so sad but his eyes conveyed his hidden sorrows. His smiles were forced and hollow; his words rehearsed and unfeeling.

"Good morning son," his mother said, opening his door and closing it behind her. His father had been in Israel on tour for the past month so he had been completely taking over all royal duties which he hated but was used to by now.

"Hello mother," he nodded, going to stand over by his window. He could see people walking around by the palace gates. A young couple who had gone out for a morning stroll in the bitterly cold weather, wrapped up in coats and scarves with their hands clasped together. He could see in the distance a man walking along with his dog and a woman with a stroller sweeping down the street. He wondered what it would be like to have a choice in what you'd like to do for the day; to be able to do as you wished, when you wished, how you wished. He wondered what it would be like to get up at midday; to be able to stay cooped up in the library all day with a good book and relax. He wondered how it would be to be free; to live outside the title he was trapped in.

"Today's timetable," she started, clearing her throat and sitting down on the end of his bed. Christian rolled his eyes, his back facing her. His mother didn't understand his feelings. She didn't see the pain behind his eyes or in his words.

She turned the page of the scheduel she had in her hands, "you have a meeting with the Ambassador in 30 minutes followed by lunch with the King and Queen of Spain. This afternoon you have two royal visits and then late on tonight, your father has organised another ball with potential suitors invited. You really do need to try this time Christian, you know that you need to find yourself a wife if you ever want to rule this country," Christian sighed.

His mother had made his father organised a number of these balls for him in the hopes that he would pick a wife among the guests. The women who attended were very beautiful, shooting him smiles and flirting with him mercilessly but he knew it was all fake. They wanted to be royalty, they didn't want him. He'd decided long ago that he couldn't just settle for anyone. He didn't want to marry a woman who only cared about the title. His mother had married his father for that very reason and now, she was as miserable as could be; Christian didn't want that for himself. He was sure that somewhere out there was a woman who he could spend his life with and who would love him and make him happy. At least he hoped there was.

"Yes mother," he sighed. He knew there was no point in arguing with her when it came to his daily routine, she never listened to him. All she cared about was Prince Trevelyan the future monarch, never Christian, her son. His mother had never wanted to be Queen so made sure she was never known as that. She was Lady Grace Grey and preferred to look after her home and son than do any of the Royal business.

His day was long and boring. A charade of fake smiles and laughs. He lost count of the amount of people he shook hands with. His meeting with the ambassador was long and boring; his lunch with the King and Queen of Spain was a myriad of polite conversation that didn't delight him too much. He was quiet; even quieter than usual. By the time of the ball, he could barely manage a smile any longer, his hands were clenched at his side in frustration and his lips were upturned in annoyance. His mother was gripping his arm, smiling and waving as they walked into the full room of his potential matches. His eyes scrutinised the room of women. None of them looked in the least bit fun; all big gowns and fluttering eyes but no one that caught his eye as a genuine match for himself. Once again, he was forced to be polite, kissing hands and introducing himself to more people than he could count. Later on that night, he found himself alone outside nursing a scotch. He didn't know how he'd managed to escape but he felt trapped in the ball room and needed some air; some time to think. He was on his third scotch of the night and felt a little light headed now. He heard footsteps crunching the immaculate lawn behind him and then a hand on his shoulder.

"You can't hide out here all night Christian, you need to find yourself a wife. Do you know how many phone calls your father had to make to get all of these women to come today? they're of the highest fortune and so..." he managed to drown her voice out, the scotch sending his mind into a gentle buzz. None of the women appealed to him. They were all far too quiet, barely daring to speak to him, eyes downcast as though asking for his approval and judgement. He wanted someone he could laugh with; converse with.

"I'm going to bed mother," he said, starting to turn back from where he'd been stood and walk in the direction of the ball.

"It's still early Christian, come back inside, Lady Leila Hunt was speaking of you so highly, I think you ..."

"Mother please, I'm not feeling great, I want to go to bed," Grace sighed.

"Yes, all right then, I'll have Taylor walk you up there," it was infuriating to him that he couldn't even walk from the outhouse where the ballroom was held to his own bedroom without a guard. He followed his guard up to his room and heard the door lock behind him as Taylor left. On more than one occasion he'd threatened to leave so his mother had insisted he be locked in at night. He was a prisoner and no one ever heard his cries for help.

Running his fingers through his hair he stared out into the dark, cold night from his bedroom window and wondered what a free man would be doing right now. He wondered what it would be like to have friends, a family and a job. He wondered what it would be like to have meaning to his life other than to serve his country. He looked down from the sky and onto the ground wondering how high the drop was to the grounds at the bottom of the castle.

It was a stupid thought; he knew that. The drop itself would hurt; it was at least 30 feet and then what would he do? wander around the streets all night? he had no friends to stay out, he didn't know anyone outside the castle walls. He didn't even have any money; he didn't need it, everything he ever wanted he only had to ask for. It was a stupid fleeting idea to jump, one that usually only stayed for a second in his mind before he would climb into bed and prepare himself for the next day of being the heir to the throne.

But tonight was different. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol going to his head or the thought of waking up tomorrow in this castle but he was seriously considering the jump. He opened the window and climbed up onto the ledge. There were bushes and shrubs below his window. He closed his eyes, let out a deep breath and jumped.

Pain. That was all he felt. He whimpered at the pain not to cry out in case he alerted any guards. The bushes scratched his face and arms as he got up, his foot hurt from the awkward landing and his back had hit something hard but other than that, he was alive. He dusted himself off, now looking more of a vagabond than an aristocrat and peered around the grounds.

There were guards at the gate but he couldn't see any in his direct vicinity. This gave him one chance to run and if he was lucky, no one would spot him as he darted over the wall. He prepared himself for a moment, gingerly stepping from one foot to the other as the nerves spiked through him before taking off into the night. He reached the wall and hauled himself up and over it before anyone had even noticed. The streets were deserted and the cold night stabbed at him through his thin jacket. He was free; finally free. He smiled to himself, and ran off down the street.

Soon the weather got a little too much for him and his foot started to ache as he trudged along the concrete. He found himself sitting down an alleyway near some bins and rubbish, his jacket tugged tightly around him trying to ward off the biting wind. He told himself it was worth it; that the chill surrounding him and the pain was worth it for one night of freedom. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't see a figure stop at the top of the alley when she saw him. He only noticed that there was anyone there when she was right in front of him. Instinctively, he tried to cover his face, hoping that whoever the person was wouldn't recognise him.

"Your Highness?" too late. He didn't look up at the woman who had spoken to him. He continued to cover his face.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" a gentle voice asked, concern evident in her tone. He sighed in defeat. She knew it was him, there was no use. His charade was over. He'd been free for 5 minutes and now he was a man in shackles once more.

"I'm fine," he said softly, trying to keep his tone neutral.

"Sir, do you need help getting back to the castle?" she asked softly.

"No I..." he looked up and his words faltered. All he could see was a beautiful face, plump lips, and the most gentle blue eyes he had ever seen. If he hadn't been sitting down already, he'd have probably fallen to his knees at the sight of beauty before him.

"Your highness, your face," she gasped. He reluctantly moved his gaze from her eyes and dabbed at his face with his fingers to feel blood. The biting air had numbed his face so he no longer felt the sting.

"Please let me help you back to the palace," the young woman asked.

"I'm not going back to the palace!" his tone was a little harsher than he anticipated and he swallowed, his face softening when he saw her take a step back and bite her lip nervously. She was so beautiful.

"I apologize, I didn't mean to shout, I'd rather stay out here and freeze to death than head back there," Christian said with finality in his voice.

"Well, you can't stay out here all night," the woman said carefully, her eyebrows furrowed as she surveyed him.

"I have nowhere else to go," Christian sighed, rubbing his hands together to bring some form of warmth to them. He was sleepy now, the alcohol still potent in his system.

"You can come to my house and I can fix you up, I can't leave you here all night, you'll freeze to death! it's only a few minutes away," Christian looked into the beautiful kind eyes of the women before him. She was offering him a smile and her hand to go along with her kind offer and he'd never felt more grateful to anyone in his life. No one had every done anything for him out of the kindness in their hearts before, only for their own benefits. This angel had come to him at his lowest moment and restored his faith in humanity.

"What is your name?" he asked, taking her hand in his and pulling himself from the ground, keeping her small hand clasped in his when she tried to pull away. It felt so right to hold her hand.

"Anastasia, your Highness, Anastasia Steele but my friends call me Ana," he smiled, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

"Nice to meet you Anastasia," she giggled softly and he thought it to be the most incredible sound he'd ever heard.

"So would you come back with me?" she asked.

"I'd be honoured," he smiled. His foot aching under his weight and he hobbled along the street. She giggled when he stumbled a little, trying to stifle it with her hand that she'd retracted from his hold and he wondered if it was possible to fall in love with someone at first sight. She was so different from anyone he'd ever met before and as he walked beside her, he felt warm and fuzzy despite the biting weather.

"You look like you need a doctor," she said, a little more relaxed around him than she had been before.

"I took a bit of a tumble," he shrugged. "It's not too bad, just hurts a little when I walk on it,"

"I'll see if I can find you some ice when we get inside," Ana said. "I warn you Your Highness, my home isn't very grand," she smiled looking up at him apologetically. He frowned wondering if that's what she thought of him as. Some spoilt aristocrat who was going to judge her on the state of her home and how much money she had. He really hoped she didn't think that badly of him. For some reason, he really cared what she thought of him. He'd never felt he needed to work for someone's approval before but with Ana, he was willing to do just about anything to gain approval.

"Ana you could live in a barn for all I care, I'm very much grateful to you for your kindness," he flashed her a smile and she blushed and giggled nervously. He decided in that moment that making this woman giggle would be all he endeavoured to do for the rest of his life.

"It's just down here," Ana said, turning down a street of small brick houses. The streets were deserted, no one out at this time of night. He wondered why Ana was out at this time but before he could ask her, she was opening the gate and pushing open the door allowing him inside and then slamming it shut and locking it to ward off the weather. Her ground floor flat was small and pretty just like her.

It comprised of a little kitchen, a bathroom, a sitting room and a bedroom all on one floor. It was nothing like what he was used to but Christian could imagine himself living like this. He could imagine coming home after a days hard work and sitting with Ana on the couch whilst they chatted about their day. He could imagine them cooking in the small kitchen... well, he could imagine her teaching him to cook anyway, he'd never been allowed near the kitchen, and then them eating together. He could imagine her round with his child, he could imagine a normal life with her. What was this woman doing to him?

But just as he let his fantasies start rolling through his head two words brought him crashing back down to earth.

"Your highness?" he whipped his head around, realising he'd been staring into space and watched as blue eyes surveyed him worriedly, "are you alright?" she asked gently.

"Sorry, I got a little lost in my own mind there," Christian chuckled, "Please, call me Christian, I can't stand that title," she looked a little perplexed by his request obviously not expecting him to ask for his real name to be used but after a moment she smiled, an infectious grin which was then reflected onto his face. It was amazing to really smile for once. Not a forced fake smile put on for the public or his mother, but a proper smile that made his eyes light up and crinkle at the edges.

"Okay, Christian," she giggled and his smile widened even further hearing his name curl on her tongue, "do you want to take a seat?" she asked, pointing over to the couch. Christian nodded and went to sit down.

"Can I get you a drink?" Ana asked, heading into the kitchen. He could see the top of her head slightly as he bent down to reach into a cupboard and then she popped up again looking at him from over the kitchen counter with a smile on her face. Their eyes locked for a moment, grey to blue but she looked away quickly, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Yes please, Anastasia," she watched as he sat back on the couch, his head lolling against the cushion and his eyes closing. He was clearly tired and stressed. He was nothing like she imagined him to be. She thought the handsome prince would be cold and aloof but he was anything but. When she saw him sitting in the cold she couldn't believe her eyes. He intrigued her more than anyone she'd ever known. He fascinated her not to mention the way his grey eyes and handsome smile made her feel.

She wanted to find out when he'd run away from the castle, she wanted to find out everything about him but at the same time, she was cautious. Surely the palace would find out he was missing soon. And then they'd send guards and soldiers far and wide. What would happen if they found him here? would she be jailed for kidnap? he'd come here of his own volition but would that matter?

Shaking her head to get rid of her wayward thoughts she made him a glass of piping hot tea asking him how he liked it before sitting beside him on the couch with her own mug. He took a sip and moaned the taste.

"You are full of talents Anastasia," he praised and she smiled at him.

"I have been told I make a great cup of tea,"

"Well I believe whoever told you is a great judge of tea and talents," she giggled and took a sip of her own drink, "my sister used to tell me that anyone who can make a good cup of tea would be a friend for life," she hummed her affirmation settling back against the couch a little to get comfier. She knew she should be careful. Maybe she shouldn't be sitting so close. He was the future monarch of the country and she was sitting next to him and chatting to him like he was an old friend but she couldn't help feel at ease in his presence and he didn't seem to mind.

"You're sister seems very smart," Christian's expression fell and his eyes popped open, relaxation gone from his features. Ana sat up too, alarmed, wondering what she'd said wrong. She waiting for him to speak, to move, to do anything but instead he moved a hand to brush through his hair turning it into an unruly mess.

"I haven't seen her in months. She's not allowed visitors that often, her course is strict and visitation days are few and far between but I always go when she tells me I can. She was my only friend and my mother sent her off to France to go to a boarding school, I miss her dreadfully," Ana wanted so much to take her hand in his, to rub his arm or wrap her arms around him and take away the pain but she knew that would be crossing a line. She couldn't stop her body moving a little closer to him.

"Christian? C..can I ask you a question?" Ana asked. Her curiosity was getting the best of her, she wanted to know more about the Prince sitting on her couch, sipping tea and looking so sad and forlorn. He turned to face her, smiling although his eyes were sad and vacant.

"Of course," he nodded.

"Why.. why did you run away tonight?" he snorted, throwing himself back on the couch and tugged at his hair.

"You have no idea what its like, no one does," he sighed. Ana decided not to comment and to let him continue, "You can walk out of your home Ana, you can go out and do whatever you want with your day. You could go for a walk in the sunshine, meet up with your friends, go out to work, go shopping or even sleep all day. I don't have that freedom. I have a set routine down to the minute from when I wake up to when I go to bed. I'm a prisoner. Do you know something. You're the first person beside my mother that I've spoken to for more than a minute for years. I just needed a day; a night of freedom. I just needed to see that there was a world out there beyond the walls of the palace,"

Ana didn't say anything for a while and Christian opened his eyes to look at her. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders from saying the words he'd been bottling up. Nobody listened to him. Nobody ever let him speak but he'd just opened up to a stranger; a beautiful stranger with eyes that pierced his very soul. She was gazing at him in awe, her fingers fidgeting with the bottom of her dress like she was trying to distract herself from doing something. He looked away from her and sighed taking her silence as a bad judgement on his character.

"I know it must seem ridiculous that someone with my privilege in life could be unhappy with it and I'm not ungrateful but I..." he stopped suddenly when a small hand brushed over the top of his as it lay in his lap. Electricity and warmth flew through his veins making him feel more alive than ever. His eyes found hers and he didn't see the judgement he feared, only understanding and acceptance.

"I can understand. Everyone expects you to devote your life to the country and that's a huge sacrifice. I couldn't imagine not being able to go out and do what I want. Thank you for telling me that," she went to remove her hand but he clasped it between his own, squeezing it like it was his lifeline.

"I've never had anyone to tell before, no ones ever treated me like a man instead of a Prince," he shrugged sheepishly. She smiled and curled up, her knee touching his as she got comfy on the couch. Her scent was all around him and he was drowning in her.

"What do you think you're going to do now? when they realise you're missing?" Ana asked softly. He was distracted by her knee touching his wondering what it would be like to have her completely curled up in his arms but her question brought him back to reality.

"I have no idea to be honest, it was a fleeting decision that I didn't think through properly. I dreamt of it every night but I never believed i'd actually do it. If you hadn't come I'd have probably frozen to death on the streets. I can't go back Ana, not now that I've met you, not now that I know there's so much out here," he sighed. She shivered at his words. 'Not now that i've met you.' She wondered what he meant by that.

"Won't they come looking for you?" Christian sighed.

"Yes, all the kings horse and men will be out looking for me come morning and for once in my life, I don't care. Besides, they won't announce it to the public in case it causes a panic; you know what the media is like. So I'll only have to answer to my mother really.. although, that thought isn't much better." He smiled at his new friend leaning back against the cushion so he could face her.

"Enough about me though, I want to learn more about the woman who saved me from being frozen to death." Ana blushed at the turn of conversation. She didn't like talking about herself, prefering to hear more about Christian.

"Well... there's not much to know," she shrugged shyly.

"Nonsense," he smiled, taking her hand in his again and squeezing it in encouragement causing her eyes to look down to where they met. "I want to know everything. What do you do for a living, what are your family and friends like? what do you like to do for a living? do you have a boyfriend?" she glanced up at him at the latter question and his eyes glistened in mirth. She giggled and looked at him.

"Okay, well I work as a journalist, my best friend Kate is probably the person i'm closest to, she lives around the corner from me. My Dad is amazing, he's called Ray and he works on the oil rigs most of the year so i miss him a lot. I don't speak to my mother much, she divorced Ray a few years back and we haven't spoke since. I don't have any brothers or sisters and no, I don't have a boyfriend." She giggled when he grinned in delght at her final answer. She knew all along that was the one he was most interested in but decided to make him wait for her answer.

"Thank you for telling me about yourself Anastasia." He said, his voice like warm honey to her ears.

"Thank you for listening." She smiled.

"You know, I was wondering earlier, what were you doing out so late?" he asked, stroking his thumb across her knuckles. It was as though they'd known each other for years, not mere hours. For once in his life he was a normal man and he loved it.

"Oh well, I was actually coming back from Kate's house, her brother Ethan was home for the weekend so we had dinner together and I was walking back when i noticed you."

"I'm very glad you did." He smiled, squeezing her hand. She was about to reply but was unable to supress a yawn showing just how exhausted she was from the day.

"You're tired Anastasia, you should sleep, I'll leave you in peace," she frowned as he let go of her hand and went to stand up but was stopped when she grabbed his arm.

"You're not going anywhere." She frowned before realising what she'd said, "unless of course you want to leave, I just thought you wouldn't want to go out in that weather again, and I have a couch you can sleep on and blankets." She said, shyly.

"Thank you Ana, I wasn't sure if I'd be welcome to stay."

"Of course you're welcome to Christian, we're friends now."

"Friends," Christian repeated the word as though it was foreign on his tongue. He'd never had a friend before and couldn't help the beaming smile that erupted on his face at the prospect of having Anastasia as his friend.

"Yes friends." She giggled, "and friends don't let each other go out into freezing cold weather with nowhere to go." he nodded.

"I'll fetch you a blanket." She said getting up from the couch. He followed her with his eyes as she left the room, her hips swaying and her hair flowing down her back. God he wanted her. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted anything. She was perfect; absolutly perfect in every way. She treated him as her equal, not as a Royal. She was kind, gentle, funny. She was everything he'd ever wanted wrapped up in a beautiful woman with eyes like the ocean.

If he were a normal man he could have a life with her. He could marry her and create a family with her and life happily every after. But the reality was that he wasn't. Royal blood pumped through his veins and no one would ever accept him wanting to marry a 'commoner'. Once again, life got in the way.

"Here you are," her sing song voice and smile came walzing through the door instantly brightening the room and his somber thoughts like a ray of sunshine. She handed him a blanket and a spare pillow. She went into the kitchen taking their mugs with her to be washed whilst he took off his suit jacket and his smart leather shoes which had been scuffed from his jump wincing when he tried to pull it off.

"Are you alright, is it still hurting you?" Ana asked from the kitchen, eyeing him worriedly as his face contorted in pain. He plastered on one of his infamous fake smiles but she wasn't buying it. She might have been the first person in his life to ever see through the façade he'd been using all his life and break down the walls surrounding his title.

"I'll get you some ice," she came out a moment later with a bag of peas and a tea towel to wrap around them. She reached for his foot, instantly retracting her hand when he winced.

"Sorry, just be gentle," he said. She put the bag of peas on his foot and he sighed as the cold food set to work numbing the pain.

"Will you be alright?" Ana asked suddenly. Grey eyes met worried blue ones and he knew she wasn't just talking about his foot. She was talking about tomorrow or the next day or whenever he was forced to go back to the castle and retain his duties as a monarch.

"After meeting you Anastasia, yes," he smiled.

AN - For some reason fanfiction decided to delete the first chapter so I've re-uploaded. I watched Roman Holiday last week and came up with an idea for a story involving our favourite characters. I've also set myself a small challenge with this story and that is no mobile phone's because that's too easy ;) and I don't want to take too much away from the plot. Please let me know what you think of the first chapter.