Alright... so a few people have probably noticed me dropping a few hints that I've been working on a super secret project... and well, for the lack of a better way to say it; here it is!
A nice little story between Kamijou Touma and Shokuhou Miskai. But what makes this notable, you might ask?
This story is a collaborative effort between me and another writer: MrQuestionMark. Half of this is written by me, the other is written by him! It's a little experiment he had been discussing for awhile and finally got the time to work on! It was decided that I was going to be the one to hold the charge of releasing this...
And now; it's time to release it upon the world!
I won't spoil how many chapters this will be, but there will be something of an afterword when everything is said and done; we have some fun stuff to talk about!
That being said, let us get on with the show!
Both of us hope you enjoy!
"…So he found himself in here overnight yet again… Good grief, that boy…"
Heaven Canceller spoke absentmindedly as he sat in his office. He had arrived for his shift as he always would and when he entered the building, he was informed by the nurses upfront that a certain someone had been admitted while he was away.
Heaven Canceller sighed and went to investigate for himself. He took the elevator up to a certain floor, and went on a short walk to a certain room.
He sighed again when he found it occupied by a certain spiky-haired teenager. It didn't take too much digging to find out why he was inside.
"Admitted around midnight…severe bruising and bleeding around the back of his head…signs of electrocution…so basically a stage lamp fell on him and he lived?" The frog-faced doctor chuckled to himself.
He laughed because this was far from the first time he had been admitted to the hospital for blunt trauma and electrocution…and it wasn't the first time that he had been admitted for both of those at once either.
"Alright… I'll be taking over for the emergency room doctor now that I'm actually here… Let's see…" He spoke as he began his work for the day. "Care log… Alright, they did that correctly… Pain medication… Ah, that's a little high; the overnighter must be new. I'll be sure to send him an e-mail informing him…"
A lot went into the medical profession, even the slightest bit of inaccuracy could be the difference between life and death.
And the end result here was…
"…Alright… Patient was carried in by… Oh my…that's a name I haven't seen in while." A small smile creeped onto the doctor's lips.
A knock came at the door.
"Come in," Heaven Canceller called out. The door slowly opened and a certain someone stepped inside.
"So… how is he?"
"Overnight emergency room screwed up; he has three hours to live."
"Your lying ability is bad and you should feel bad." This caused the frog-faced doctor to let out a chuckle.
"Sorry, but I actually just got here… come on in and close the door, Shokuhou-chan. It's been awhile."
Indeed, it was none other than one Shokuhou Misaki, the fifth-ranked Level 5, known as the Mental Out. Her long, honey-blonde hair was just as unmistakable as her star-filled eyes. She walked with a certain elegance that seemed to come naturally to her, taking a seat and setting down her handbag.
"Sorry to drop in unannounced, but I had wondered if you had a chance to give him a look-over. The overnight doctor did his best but I would like a more trusted opinion, if you don't mind." Misaki spoke candidly.
"That's fine… I'm guessing that since you're the one who brought him in, that it's likely you slept here. If I had known, I would have stopped and got some coffee for you." Heaven Canceller spoke.
"Coffee for a cute, adorable middle-school girl like me? You know that can stunt the growth of a teenager, right?"
"…And clearly that would be an issue for you, right?" The frog-faced doctor spoke.
"Not THAT kind of growth… Seriously, your pervert ability is just as high as ever, lewd doctor." Misaki replied.
"Well sorry, but when one goes under a radical physical transformation like yours… It'd be a little disheartening to find that no one noticed, don't you think?"
"…Good point. That would be disappointing… very well; I'll let you keep your last twenty years of memories then." Misaki smiled, crossing her arms under her chest triumphantly. The frog-faced doctor chuckled.
"Yes… it is quite impressive… though as much as your bust-line increases, I can't help but recall that your muscle-mass has remained unaltered… It might have even degraded… Gee, I wonder why that is… Could you be sick? Or are you a tad…lazy?" The good doctor spoke with a sheepish grin.
"Hey, you're treading into territory you will regret." Misaki didn't like the jab at her general lack of physical ability. "Besides, guys like the slender girl with a large chest look anyway."
"Excuses I see… Maybe I should send a recommendation to your teachers…"
"Do it and I'll regress your thinking ability to that of a two-year-old!" Misaki fired back.
"That is an empty threat; if you did that, I wouldn't be able to fix him up after every situation he finds himself in, you know." Heaven Canceller replied. Misaki pouted cutely before leaning back in her chair.
"…Fine, you win. You're lucky your medical ability is so high." She even let out a cute little 'hmph' at the end. The frog-faced doctor stood up.
"Alright… I think I teased you enough. It is about time for me to check up on him… It might take a while."
"Why's that?" Misaki asked.
"There are some tests we normally do when a patient suffers electrocution of this nature, and I feel that I should follow up promptly since his case was also accompanied by blunt trauma." Heaven Canceller said. "Some of our machinery was down for maintenance, and what we did have available was in use and had a waiting list attached. I'm going to look into it and see if I can get one of them up and running and put him through to make sure everything in his head is right as rain."
"…Well, as right as they can be, considering his condition…" Misaki frowned.
"Right… I haven't forgotten. Him and memories do not get along…" The frog-faced doctor rubbed his head.
"I know… he lost his memories again about a year after his incident with me." Misaki spoke. "At least he was able to make new memories of everyone else he lost… There are days where I envy that little nun that's living with him now; I don't think she understands how good she has it, you know?"
"Maybe there's a loop-hole where he will be able to remember you if you dress up as a cute nun? Maybe it applies to a nurse outfit too?" The good doctor joked.
"G-get out there and do your job, you horrible doctor!" Misaki cried out. Heaven Canceller laughed and turned to face her again.
"…Do you want to come? Maybe seeing his smiling face might cheer you up a little bit." He said. Misaki was quiet for a moment.
Her lips pursed into a sad smile.
"…No, I'll be fine. I brought him in here so he can be under your care, so that's good enough for me. If he makes it to you, no matter what happens, he'll survive." Misaki replied. The good doctor frowned.
He could only watch from the sidelines, but he knew quite a bit about her situation.
As one could tell, the girl known as Shokuhou Misaki was hopelessly in love with a single boy, Kamijou Touma; the very one currently lying in a hospital bed.
However, due to incident where said Kamijou Touma was protecting Misaki from a group known as Deadlock, who were attempting to attack her, Touma suffered major blows all over his body that led to a severe and steady loss of blood, and if it continued, he would have invariably died.
And to make matters worse, the EMT's responding to the incident wouldn't be able to operate on his injuries without some kind of anesthetic, but using that so would cause his already low blood levels to drop even further; it seemed that the unlucky Kamijou's fate was sealed.
But… there was one option. Shokuhou Misaki managed to use her ability to cut off Touma's sense of pain, allowing the EMTs to work, and managed to do so long enough to allow them to save him from certain death. But the cost was high.
This act, although it saved Kamijou Touma's life, caused a collapse of a portion of his brain in direct relation to Shokuhou Misaki. All memories he had of her were permanently lost, and while his short-term memory was fine, his long-term memory would forever be unable to record memories related to the honey-blonde girl.
She was hopelessly in love with a boy who could never remember her.
The room was quiet for a moment.
"…Sorry, my timing ability is horrible, but is there any news on any possible remedies…?" Misaki asked.
"…Well, underground rumors in the medical fields say there is a memory implanting device called a Testament. In theory, it might be able to jumpstart the collapsed side of his brain with electrical stimulation, but…"
"…Considering his already bad condition, with a complete memory wipe not long ago…?"
"Yeah; results could be tragic if even one thing went wrong. It could go from just a collapse centered around you to a complete mental annihilation." The good doctor shook his head. "Even if it has chance at working, as a doctor, I can't recommend it."
"…Oh well," Misaki spoke. "That's fine; best not to risk it over little ol' me. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I took away all of his chances at life just to satisfy my own selfish desire. It's just that… Last night felt really similar to back then… So I'm a little… uncomfortable, I suppose."
"I assume you were there for most of it then." The doctor asked.
"…He was off on one of his little adventures again. The kind that gets admitted here on a weekly basis." Misaki smiled lightly. "We just so happened to cross paths, and when I found out that a group was targeting him specifically… Well; even if he can't remember me I just couldn't help myself and decided to tag along."
"Sounds like that was the best choice. Who knows what could have happened if he was alone."
"…Right, he owes me then!" Misaki perked up with a smile. "The first thing I'm going to do if he remembers me some day is make him take me out on a date!" The honey-blond girl giggled. "Not that I'd let him pay of course."
"…Call me old fashioned, but it's not much of a date if the guy doesn't pay." Heaven Canceller replied.
"Just the opportunity to spend time with him is all I want, that's all. Everything else is just extra fluff." Misaki replied. "…What part of go off and work on fixing him didn't you understand? Or is your socializing ability so high you have to talk with a cute girl?"
"Nah, you just seemed like you wanted to talk is all." The frog-faced doctor replied. "I'm not the best psychiatrist, but I can still listen to people's complaints; that's the least I can do as a doctor, after all."
Misaki giggled lightly. The good doctor reached for the door to his office, but appeared to remember something and walked back to his desk.
He shut down his computer. Misaki pouted.
"Come on… I just wanted one little peak!"
"Can't let you do that; you do remember that I am a doctor first, right?" Heaven Canceller replied. "Wait here; if anyone asks, just tell them to call me, alright?"
And so the good doctor was gone, leaving the honey-blonde girl alone for a time. Her delicate hands drifted down to her handbag and pulled out her cell phone.
Too concerned with the fate of Kamijou Touma, she shut off her phone to prevent people from trying to contact her and possibly getting in the way.
And now that she had turned it back on, her phone was being flooded with messages. It was a school week after all, and Misaki's absence could not possibly go unnoticed by her clique. Those in her personal circle flooded her phone with messages of concern, asking where she was and if she was ok.
Her response was simple.
"I am fine. I am tending to an associate of mine who happened to be hospitalized. When I am finished, I'll return to see you all!" Misaki spoke as she typed. "And…send!"
Satisfied with answering her clique's calls of concern, she reclined in her chair with a smile.
It was heartwarming to have such genuine concern thrown her way after all.
She closed her eyes, resting her phone on her lap as she began to think to herself what she was going to do once she got the answers she wanted out of Heaven Canceller. Today was actually the last day of classes for the week; the next few days were a Japanese Holiday, and the school day was even cut in half in celebration, so she was otherwise free. Of course she'd have to come in and get the work she did miss from the short day, but otherwise she was as free as a bird.
So her mind naturally drifted towards what she would want to do. A vision of a certain someone appeared in her head, but that was quickly dismissed.
It was impossible.
Her mind continued to bounce around lightly until she fell asleep; it was likely that she had not slept very well the night prior with her mind full of concern.
She rested peacefully until the door to the office opened once again.
"A-Ah…?" Misaki's eyes snapped open. "I-I wasn't sleeping or anything! I was just r-resting my eyes! Yeah!"
"…You know, I requested several times for a cot for situations like this, but the higher ups keep turning it down, saying it'd be unprofessional." Heaven Canceller commented.
"…I can make them change their mind; I just need their names and addresses." Misaki blinked. The frog-faced doctor chuckled as he sat down in his chair. "…Alright, so I needed to recharge with my sleeping ability… how long was I out…?"
"Well… I've been gone for about an hour and a half so…around there I suppose." The doctor shrugged, turning his computer back on.
"So…how is he?" Misaki asked, watching the good doctor for his response.
"…Well, physically he's fine. A few stitches but that's par for the course with him." The doctor began. "He is awake and active…and to be honest, on the surface he seems perfectly fine, but…"
"Don't just trail off to increase dramatic tension. Just tell me." Misaki deadpanned.
"Well…it's his brainwaves." Heaven Canceller replied. "While changes to how fast or slow they move are normal over the course of the day, everyone has their own, distinct pattern to them… but our tests have shown that his have abruptly changed."
"…Changed?" Misaki frowned.
"We tested it a few times…it's probably due to the electrocution he suffered from; the extra voltage probably wreaked some havoc in his brain. It will take some time to recover fully." The doctor replied.
"So…will he be ok…?"
"It's hard to tell… But as I told you, he is functioning just fine." The good doctor smiled. "As long as he remains functioning correctly, there should be nothing else to worry about. The tests have shown that his brainwaves are slowly returning to their normal pattern, so his brain must be recovering rather well…as long as everything stays regular, he should be perfectly fine. In about say… three days or so he should be back to normal."
Misaki listened carefully, taking everything in one piece of information at a time.
She let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness… I was worried that because of the blow…and the number of them…" Misaki trailed off.
"…You're making me really curious as to what you and him got involved with, you know that?" Heaven Canceller commented with a chuckle. "I'll be keeping him here for a while to make sure everything is in order. If all is well he should be released sometime in the afternoon."
"Thank you… thank you very much." Misaki stood up. "I know that if he makes it to you he will be fine but… I'm just the kind of person who worries about people I love until I have one-hundred percent certainty…"
"People you love, huh? Working on that confession, I see." The doctor joked. Mental Out pouted.
"Well, I'm not like a certain brown-haired girl who can't get over how she feels… When the time is right, I'll wow him in such a way that I'll steal his heart with absolute certainty!" Misaki spoke proudly. "When Misaki-chan unleashes her confession ability, all boys everywhere are doomed to fall in love with her! Hohohoho!" She even fake laughed to enhance the silliness of what she was saying. The good doctor smiled.
"Optimism is good. Sometimes the best you can do is hope for the best, so I'm glad you haven't lost your spirit."
"Heh… As if I'd lose my motivation to live after everything he's done for me." Misaki replied.
"Now if only you'd apply that kind of determination to your physical education classes…"
"Really? You want to step into the realms of hell twice in one day? Clearly your bravery ability is in full swing…" Misaki replied with a sigh. "…Listen, if you find anything…"
"You'll be the first person I tell. You have my word." The Heaven Canceller. "Likely, all of his previous memories of you have been lost… But at the very least, we can work toward reviving that part of his brain so you both can start anew."
"…When I say thank you, I absolutely mean it." Misaki stated. "Even if all you're doing is giving me a little sliver of hope, you have my most sincere gratitude…"
"Think nothing of it. Healing patients is a doctor's job." The frog-faced doctor replied. "Now, you take care, alright?"
With her business taken care of, she left the hospital with the peace of mind that one Kamijou Touma would make a fully recovery. In truth, she wanted to visit him for a little while, but she had things she needed to take care of.
Besides; as much as she hated to admit it, the spiky haired teen wouldn't remember the encounter, thus any effort she put forward would be wasted.
So her first stop was Tokiwadai Middle School. Likely the hospital had informed her teachers of her situation, so she could avoid any kind of punishment, but that didn't mean she could ignore her own schoolwork.
Helping someone to the hospital and staying with them while they recover could be used as a valid excuse for missing classes, but it definitely would not work as an excuse for not doing her daily assignments.
At least she got out of PE. Silver linings, I suppose.
The next challenge; her clique. When they met the girls bombarded her with questions; what happened? Who was the person she was with? Why did she feel the need to stay personally and not send one of them to watch over him or her?
The bombardment was starting to get on her nerves. She reached into her handbag to take out a remote, but changed her mind at the last minute.
Maybe it was because 'he' was involved that she decided against using her power. Her clique remembering the situation gave her some peace of mind, regardless of how annoying their questions were; it was security that what transpired had indeed happened, and wouldn't be forgotten by at least someone. So she endured the rigorous questioning and answered what she was able.
She never did reveal whom she was with to them though, nor what had really happened the previous night. When they pressured her for answers, she instead began to look depressed and like she was on the verge of tears.
It worked like a charm too; they dropped their line of questioning almost immediately, apologizing for upsetting her.
She was fine of course, but they didn't need to know that.
Misaki commented that she was hungry and that she wanted something to eat, which shifted the topic of discussion. She and her clique were then on the move, eager to find a source of sustenance to their liking. One of the girls mentioned a place outside of the school garden that had good desserts and Mental Out was sold on the spot; her love of sweets was second to none.
They made their way over quickly and had their meal in peace, having a more normal conversation together. When their meal was finished and the girls wanted to head home, Misaki said she wanted to take a walk and asked the girls to head back without her. There was a little fuss but they eventually agreed.
So the honey-blonde girl left on her own to wander. Her travel was aimless; she simply wanted a little time to think and a casual walk alone allowed her the opportunity. She needed a little time to decompress now that her obligations had been taken care of.
"Let's see… We're in District Seven, aren't we?" Misaki looked at a public map to find her location. "He lives here… I wonder if he made it home already?"
She looked back at the map. She knew his address, not that she ever visited; it was just something she discovered upon doing a little digging a year ago. He hadn't moved from what she had been able to discover, so the information was still good.
"…Maybe it's time to head back. If I focus too much on that, I might get a little depressed."
She spoke to herself, thinking out loud. She glanced back to the map to locate the nearest bus stop and was on her way.
The streets had only a handful of people. It wasn't particularly late, which made it unusual, but she decided not to question it. The less populate the sidewalk was, the better anyway.
That's when she noticed a familiar spiky-haired teen.
Kamijou Touma was walking down the same sidewalk as her, going the opposite direction. From the paper he had in his hand, she deduced it was likely a shopping list.
He had been released and was returning back to his normal life too. The thought was both pleasant and sad at the same time.
Pleasant because it meant he was doing well, and sad because she was not involved with it.
The unlucky Kamijou's gaze was focused on his list with a dreary look; it seemed like he was dreading whatever it was he had to buy. People stayed out of his way, so he likely would have kept focused on it and not even looked up to see her.
Misaki kept her focus on him. They were getting closer, and would pass in only a few steps.
It didn't matter in the long run, but even if he wouldn't remember it, Misaki decided to greet him anyway.
Those small moments of interaction were precious to her, after all.
"Good afternoon!" Misaki spoke cheerfully.
"Oh, hey Shokuhou-san." Touma replied. He only looked up for a moment, appearing busy. He shifted back down onto his list in hand and kept walking.
So they parted with just that.
"…Eh?" Misaki stopped after only a few moments. She turned around and glanced at the spiky-haired teen. "Did…he just…?"
Stating Shokuhou Misaki's name wouldn't be uncommon under normal circumstances; she had told him when they met the previous night. He tried to push her away, so she even dropped that she was the fifth ranked Level 5 to convince him to allow her company.
But…he remembered it…?
She watched the spiky haired teen walk, shocked and confused.
Did he…actually remember? Was it her mind playing tricks on her and making her hear what she wanted to hear?
Or…did he seriously state her name?
She bit her lip, trying to figure out what to do.
If he didn't remember, chasing him down and demanding an explanation would simply embarrass her. Even if he didn't recall it, she would.
…But if he somehow did remember her…
She made her decision right there.
"H-hey, hold on a minute!" Misaki turned quickly and began chasing the unlucky Kamijou.
"Eh…? What is it? Did something happen?" Touma turned to find the honey-blonde girl running after him.
"Do…do you actually remember me…?" Misaki asked. She was a little winded from the run.
…Maybe there was something to what the doctor was saying about her, huh?
"…That's a weird question." Touma replied. "We just met last night, Shokuhou-san. Level 5's sure are temperamental…" Misaki struggled to reply, simply staring back at the unlucky Kamijou.
So…he did remember…but how?
He even remembered the bit about her being a Level 5.
But…how!? When did it happen!?
"But…it sounds like you were expecting me to forget you… That's the strange part." Touma stated.
"Eh?" Misaki panicked. She didn't have a reply for this. To be completely honest, she was expecting it to just be her mind playing a trick on her; it wouldn't have been the first time by any means.
But…here he was; his response seemed genuine… It couldn't be some elaborate ruse…could it?
Touma began to stare at Mental Out rather suspiciously.
She needed an excuse.
"A-ah! I was just worried that because of the hits to the head you took!" she finally replied. "Plus those blasts of lightning with it… I can tell that your endurance ability is top class, but I was worried that it'd all jumble or fry your brain and you'd forget all about me! Even if it was a chaotic situation, it was still our first meeting after all!"
Touma eyed her for a moment before letting out a sigh.
"…Good point, I did get beaten to a pulp…" He replied. "Not the best way I'd like to meet someone new, but what can you do? Stuff like that follows me around like a stray cat…"
Misaki sighed; he bought it. Plus, with that kind of response, it was definitely him, so she could rule out the possibility of an imposter set out to fool her, regardless of how small that possibility was.
But…how did he remember? What had changed in his mind-
It struck her; she had heard it from earlier.
"Well…it's his brainwaves… While changes to how fast or slow they move are normal over the course of the day, everyone has their own, distinct pattern to them…but our tests have shown that his have abruptly changed."
Heaven Canceller's words ringed in her mind.
Could…could that have been it? Was this sudden change in simple brainwaves enough to reactivate the collapsed portion of his mind? Hope filled her heart before it was suddenly dashed away with another memory.
"The tests have shown that his brainwaves are slowly returning to their normal pattern… In about say…three days or so he should be back to normal."
Three days…if the brainwave change was the cause for the collapsed portion of his mind suddenly reactivating, then the possibility of the collapsed portion of his brain returning to normal existed as well.
It actually seemed rather likely, taking everything into account.
So…for three days, if her assumption was correct, he would be able to remember and make memories of Shokuhou Misaki, just like anyone else. Judging from how the good doctor described it, that timer probably didn't count today… but…
"…Well, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine. It was nice talking to you, but I have to go spend the last of my money on the necessities…" Touma sighed, glancing back at the list in his hand. "So I'll see you later-"
"Wait!" Misaki called out as the unlucky Kamijou turned to leave.
"…? Is something wrong?" Touma asked. He was definitely confused.
What…was she doing? All she had was three days.
In three days, he would lose all memory of her.
He would return to normal and forget her. Nothing she did now or until then would matter.
"I…wouldn't mind joining you." Misaki stated. "I can help you carry your things! Plus, I'm a Level 5; I have plenty of money to cover for you if money is that big of an issue!"
Even still…there was just the tiniest bit of hope.
The tiniest bit of hope that she was completely wrong.
The tiniest bit of hope that the alteration to his brainwaves was unrelated.
…The tiniest bit of hope that in the chaos of that incident, a miracle had occurred.
"Eh? You don't have to…besides, you probably have better things to do than to just hang around this unlucky Kamijou." Touma replied. "Plus, having a girl pay for a guy is kinda…"
"D-don't worry about a thing!" Misaki replied quickly. "Life for a Level 0 is awfully hard, right? You have to do what you need to do to survive, right? You really took a beating last night, so I don't mind lending a hand exchange since I walked away unscathed."
"I mean… if you really want, I suppose I really can't stop you…" Touma rubbed his neck.
"I just have…one little request after we deliver the goods back to your home… Will you hear me out?" Misaki asked.
"Eh…? I…guess?" Touma sighed. He knew there was a catch to all of this; having help to carry his goods and pay for it all was too good to be true.
It just wasn't what he was expected.
"I would like to restart our meeting, if you don't mind." The honey-blonde girl stated.
"That's…all?" Touma blinked.
"Yes… It would be horrible to think that the first time we met was due to those terrible people…don't you think?" Misaki replied. "I actually have some places I'd like to visit…but it would be awkward to go to alone…but I think going together would be wonderful… What do you say? Do you want to keep me company for a little while?"
Touma's face began to flush red. It was clear how his mind interpreted that, which caused the Mental Out to giggle. The unlucky Kamijou seemed to shake this off though, rubbing his head after.
Misaki theorized that Touma likely had the thought of "Nah, there's no way she means it like that…" or something similar…
Oh how little he knew…
"I…don't mind I guess. You are helping me out… I have to make sure I get my shopping done first, alright? I'll be bitten if I don't…" Touma replied.
"Of course; that is what I meant. Your cautious ability is rather strong, I see." Misaki smiled. "Well! Lead the way! Don't worry, I'll be right behind you!"
And so Shokuhou Misaki's three-day paradise began.
But… how would it end?
Only time would tell.
And there you have it! The start of a rather interesting situation, don't you think?
Not a whole else to really say. The ideal goal is a chapter up once a week until it's completed.
I hope you all enjoyed. Review at your leisure; we both enjoy feedback.
Have a good day, my friends! And MrQuestionMark's Too!
ArmoredCoreNineBall, your friendly (not)robotic (not)overlord (possibly)person who occasionally writes things.