Hello and welcome to my first FF, I've thought about this concept for years, but it's took a long time for me to come up with inspiration. I've been inspired by countless works of fiction and my own imagination. Simply, you might make some connections to other works of fiction like Berserk and Star Wars. But mostly these will be simply cosmetic references. I will warn you though, I'm an amateur and this story will be edgy at some points while possibly cringy at other points. I might need some advice on certain things. This story will have a lot of adult themes and have a central romance. I welcome any feedback or criticisms, if you have any suggestions, feel free to PM me.
"I don't own any of the series I write FF of. I only own my OC's and my unique aspects added to the story. All credit of Rwby goes to RoosterTeeth."
Volume I: The Beginning:
Prologue: The Dark Swordsman.
The sun descended into the horizon as a seventeen-year-old boy walked the cobblestone road. He was dressed in a hooded black leather trench coat with a a armored chest piece, fingerless gloves, blue jeans and black leather jackboots. He had a bastard sword strapped to his back and throwing knives strapped to his sides on his belt.
The ever increasing darkness of the approaching night did not scare him, nor did the dark hallowed woods around him. He was...many things. Some would say hero, others a murderer. He couldn't deny either of those accusations. He had took a profession in ridding the world of scum. From bandits to the White Fang.
He was near the next village, a sign that said "Lamplight" pointed down the road. He was needing rest, for he had walked ten miles since the last village. He was also in need of food and water, he hadn't ate since yesterday. At the end of the road he could see a light, one that with every click of his boots turned into a town. The village had wooden walls and a gate, there were guards standing on the walls. One of them hailed the boy.
"Good timing stranger, we were about to close the gates for tonight. The Grimm are about to ravage through the woods and hunt for anything that moves." The Guard says, "You saved me the trouble of opening the gate again." The hooded boy was indifferent, he just walked straight into the town of Lamplight. The Guard just scoffed at his rudeness "Cunt."
The boy walked for what appeared to be a tavern. It had "Shady" written all over it. There were drunk men out front and they joked about crude things. The boy just walked in and bared witness to a den of promiscuity: there were harlots sitting on stinky men laps and thugs sat in the booths in the corner. A few workers from a nearby mine sat drinking whisky together singing hardy songs. The boy made his way to a counter to get a drink. The bartender and the innkeeper, a man in his mid thirties, looked at the mysterious boy clad in black.
"What do you want boy?" He asked. The boy looked up at him with Crimson eyes.
"Water." The boy said with soft but hard voice. The bartender grabbed a glass and a pitch of water and fulfilled his request. The boy took it and gulped it down. The bartender looked at him, observing him. His face had a scar that went up from his right cheek to and slashed upwards to the forehead, narrowly missing his right eye (like Kylo Ren's scar, face only). His complexion was pale and his face stern. His eyes told the story of a troubled soul, but his eyebrows showed hate.
"So kid, what's your name?" He asked curiously.
"Umbra Redson." The boy answered.
"Well, why is it a teenage boy like you is traveling all by himself?" He inquired. Umbra shot him a murderous stare.
"I'm seventeen, I'm old enough to take care of myself." He said rudely, "How do you even know I'm a teenager anyway oldman." The bartender smiled, surprisingly calm despite the boys brashness.
"In this job, you learn to read people." The two were distracted when a girl screamed. Three men were harassing a girl with a tray; the girl was the Bartender's daughter. "Sarah!" The Bartender screamed, his neutral behavior shattered, got out from behind the counter and went up to them, Umbra got up and followed. "You Bastards, get out of my bar!" Sarah saw him and dropped the tray.
"Dad!-" was all she could say before the main man, a hairy thug with a long rugged beard named Dar, grabbed her and held a machete against her throat.
"Pretty girl you got here John, me and me boys are going to have some fun with her..." He said with a thick voice. The whole debacle caught the entire Inns attention. One miner was getting up until his buddies grab him back down. John was mad, but worried, all he had was Sarah since his wife's death.
"Let her go Dar, she's not even eighteen!" John pleaded. Dar and his crew smiled pervertedly.
"Hey, the younger they are..." This cause everyone in the bar to recoil in disgust. Umbra had rage in his eyes. People wanted to do something, even other thugs, but Dar and his crew were members of a nearby bandit enclave. Fearing retribution, they did nothing.
"Let her go, she's my daughter damn it!" John said desperately. Dar laughed cruelly.
"I will-after we have some fun tonight. Me and me boys are going to walk out of here and no one's going to do a thing about it." He said while pulling the girl closer to him. "And don't bother to try and get your asshat Guards to stop us, you know that if one of our crew is killed or jailed, we burn this place to the ground!" Dar licked Sarah's cheek, "Don't worry, we'll try and get you an grandchild, just don't expect to find out the father!" Shadow couldn't stand it any longer and walked forward, causing everyone to look at him. "Stand back or I cut this whores neck!" Putting the blade deep against her throat.
"Let the girl go and fight me like a man." Umbra challenged, pointing at him. Dar was furious at this stranger, no one in two-years had challenged him like that, in this village no less. He took his machete and pointed at Umbra with it.
"Who in Oums name are you!?" He asked fiercely. Umbra smiled.
"You're death." Dar was took aback with his two goons.
"Do you have any idea who we are punk!"
"Dead men."
At this, Dar threw Sarah away and charged forward with his machete. As Sarah ran towards her dad, she saw Umbra, he had no fear on his face. Dar was about to cut the boy when suddenly Umbra grabbed his sword from his back and slung it in a side slash, cleaving him at the waist. His dying face was one of shock. Umbra's sword had a black hilt and crossguard, a red blade with black runes carved into it and a weird violent crimson glow with red sparks covering it.
Goon number one attacked Umbra with his axe but was dodged and cleaved in two from underneath his left arm and straight out of his right shoulder. Goon number three was about to stab him but was impaled through the throat by his sword, severing his skull from his spine. With a quick slash, his head fell off. Everyone was shocked at the fast, merciless brutality that had commenced in front of them. Umbra just swung the blood off his red blade and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Asked John tense, broken and afraid. Umbra looked back to him.
"To kill the rest."
Chapter 1:To catch a Killer.
Beacon Academy was experiencing a regular day of classes. It had been a good three weeks of the beginning of the school year, teams had been set and friendships forged. Currently, two teams of destiny sat at their desks dumbfounded at the endless lectures given by old, but kind man named Professor Port. The two teams were composed of colorful individuals: Team RWBY had Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long. Team JNPR had Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren. They were bored, little did they know things were about to get exciting. Their scrolls beeped simultaneously, causing all eight to look at their scrolls and the class to look at them.
"Report to my office immediately for an special mission." Was what they read.
"A mission?" Said Weiss, "For first years?" Then it came to her, maybe Ozpin is testing-
"A Mission!" Bellowed Ruby, "This is going to be awesome! Are we hunting Beowolves? Defending a village? Escorting treasur-"
"Miss Rose, what is the meaning of this disruption?" Asked Professor Port, slightly mad to be interrupted while telling one of his exciting tales. Ruby tensed up and replied nervously.
"My team got a message that we've got a mission and to report to Mr.Ozpin's office..." Jaune spoke next while raising his hand.
"My team also got message like that!" This caused the eight teens to look at each other curiously. Mr.Port was skeptical.
"Why would the Headmaster want to send first years on a mission?" He gestured toward them, "In fact, if that was true, why haven't I received-" His scroll dinged, he pulled it out and looked at it. He read what had to say and looked up. "It's been confirmed, I suggest you eight to make haste to Ozpin's office." With that they rushed across campus to the spiraling tower. When they all boarded the elevator, they started a conversation.
"So, does anyone know what Ozpin wants?" Jaune asked his friends, Blake answered him.
"It's possible that we might be sent out to deal with grim. I don't really know why he'd choose us, those missions are usually referred to more senior students..." She rubbed her head.
"It's obvious!" Weiss chimed in, "Ozpin wants to test us, we're probably going to be tasked with something important only we could do." She was vivid at the prospect of her skills being acknowledged. "He sees our teams potential, or at least, the few with potential..." Yang just chuckled.
"Whatever it is, I just hope it's fun." She said. Nora shook her hands in the air.
"Maybe, just maybe. We're task with getting pancakes for the school!" She screamed. Ren just face palmed. Before anyone could speak more, the elevator dinged, signaling that it had reached the top.
Ozpin's Office, two minutes earlier.
Ozpin sat at his desk looking at files, and footage of a enigmatic boy. He had been researching about this boy for about year in his spare time. His focus was disrupted by voice of woman.
"Ozpin!" Said Glynda Goodwitch, a stern and fierce lady.
"This is a job for hunters, not for children." She said full of fury, "This is dangerous and irresponsible!" He remained calm despite the situation.
"Glynda, please, I have a plan." She wasn't going to have it.
"Sending a bunch of first years after a murderer is stupid!" Not once in the years that she knew Ozpin did she show wrath that she did on this day.
"Listen, this is part of my plan-" Ozpin couldn't finish his sentence as the Elevator door opened. Eight students that Ozpin think are promising came out of it. One of them, Ruby Rose, who he found out about from a robbery she thwarted, came forth.
"You wanted to see us sir?" She asked. He smiled at his students.
"Yes, I have a mission for you all of great importance to me." He said, " I need you all to find someone for me, a boy." They all were puzzled at this.
"Who?" Asked Pyrrha Nikos.
"I don't really know his name, only nicknames." He answered.
"What are his nicknames?" Blake asked, thinking about an old accomplice.
"People have been calling him three things: The Dark Swordsman, the Shadow and the Reaper." These nicknames made the two teams shiver for a moment. Some of them had heard tales about this boy. Ruby and Yang had heard of a boy who had cleared a entire heard of Grimm by himself. Pyrrha had heard tales of a avatar of the God of war wandering the roads of remnant looking for worthy foes. Blake had a heard tales about the Reaper, a evil spirit that hunted down White Fang members with no remorse. Ren and Nora heard of a boy who took out an entire gang in Mistral. Weiss had heard of a boy who took to robbing her family company's Dust shipments.
"Whoa, those names sound hardcore." Jaune said childlike, "Why are you wanting us to go after him?"
"Because, this kid is wanted for murder and theft..."
"Oh..." Jaune felt like a idiot.
"Sir, we're just Huntresses and Huntsmen in training. We're not ready to deal with a murderer." Said Weiss, a little terrified.
"Don't worry, I don't think he would hurt you all." Ozpin reassured them.
"What makes you say that?" Asked Ren.
"Because it doesn't match the patterns of the boy." He said, "From what I could scrap up in the last year of investigation, this boy helps people and kills criminals." This made Weiss feel a less nervous but she still wasn't excited. "But that doesn't excuse murder, I want you all to find him and bring him to me. Miss Goodwitch will be your supervisor on this mission." Ruby raise her hand. "Yes Ms.Rose?"
"Professor, what does he look like?" She ask curiously. He gave them all a serious stren look.
"I was able to acquire footage from a month ago, but it is graphic and disturbing." They all froze for a moment. "Do you want to see it?" He asked hesitantly.
"Yes." Ruby answered. Yang look at her sister and her hand her shoulder.
"Ar-are you sure?" She asked her little sister.
"It is extremely advantageous to know what we can of our target." Ren reasoned. Ruby looked at her sister and nodded.
"We have to grow up sometime and it would be nice to know what fighting style this boy uses." Ruby told her sister.
"Ok," Ozpin said as he was pulling something up on a screen. "This footage was taken at a village called Golden Grove." The Screen turn on to show a camera being held by someone watching the boy. He was walking through the middle of town without a care in the world. Then a man in a black and blue outfit step out of an alleyway with men in similar colors. The boy and man start speaking to each other but the camera man is to far pick it up. Then a goon in the same colors starts to walk up behind him.
"That man is going to attack him!" Ruby said in realization. But then in a quick twirl the hooded boy in black unsheathed his sword and decapitated him and stabbed the man in front of him. This shocked the students as well Miss Goodwitch. Then the Boy dispatch two more goons in a slashed that caused their guts to fall out. The students closed their eyes and Jaune puked into a garbage can. Ozpin stopped the footage and turned of the screen.
"That boy killed them in cold blood!" Weiss said horrified. Ozpin gave his students a sad look.
"I'm sorry you all saw that, it's horrible to see people die. But I suppose that it's better to have a expectation of what you're dealing with. You all should get ready and meet me at the Bullhead." With that they all left. When team RWBY got back to their dorm, they conversed as they got ready.
"That boy is a Psychopath, how are we going to deal with him?" Weiss said to her team, Blake looked at her while filling her bag of stuff for the trip.
"Maybe we set a trap for him." She suggested, Ruby looked back to them.
"That's what those men in the alleyway tried..." Yang patted her sister on the back.
"I have a better idea." She said to the two cheerily, "We act scared and afraid and then, boom, I knock him out with Ember Celica and we tie him up with Blake's bow and take him in." Weiss was aggravated.
"How can you be so cheerful at a time like this, we're dealing with a killer, not Grimm." She bursted out. Yang eyes flashed red.
"I'm just trying to lighten up the mood." The two girls were about to clash when Ruby got between the two.
"Guys, we got to calm down, we're a team. Professor Ozpin is counting on us to capture this boy." She looked at her partner and sister. Weiss seemed to calm herself down and Yangs eyes turned back to their usual violent color. The team packed their bags and headed out onto the trip that will diverge the lines of destiny.
Bandit camp, the night before the office meeting.
Umbra sat breathing heavily. Blood covered him and his sword. The whole bandit camp was aflame, the walls of it were covered in blood. He heard Grimm in the distance, they sensed the negative and dark emotions of him. He just laughed, wolves to the slaughter.
At the hangar, aboard the Bullhead.
"You'll all be heading towards the mountains in the south east, that is where his last sighting was a day ago in the town of Lamplight. Remember, you have three days. Good luck students, I have faith in you." With that Ozpin left the door. The two teams and teacher sat as the Bullhead lifted off into the sky. Glynda had some words to say.
"Remember, this is not a field trip, this is a capture mission. Our one and only goal is to capture or subdue this Dark Swordsman." Jaune was a little nervous, more so than the others. He didn't sneak into Beacon to fight murderers, but Grimm. Heck, he couldn't even fight properly to begin with. Pyrrha couldn't help but notice his fidgeting.
"Jaune, it's gonna be okay," She said while putting a hand on his shoulder, "We all have each others backs." Jaune was reassured by Pyrrha's words.
"Ok, I'm just concerned about our mission. I mean, we are facing a dangerous person, not Grimm. I can't even fight well. I won't lie, I'm afraid." He spoke honestly to her. Pyrrha felt sad at Jaune's fears.
"Don't worry, together we will prevail." As Jaune and Pyrrha continued talking, others were discussing plans and ideas.
"I don't know how he was able to slice through their auras like it was nothing," Weiss told Blake, they were trying to find out the boy's weaknesses.
"Could it be his sword. I know some metals, especially redsteel can cut through aura with enough force. In fact, his blade did look red." This brought up memories of Him and that day on the train...
"It could be I suppose, but to me it looked like he was forcing the blade through with speed." Said Ruby who was looking at a weapon magazine. She lifted her head and rubbed her chin, "Could It be simply that the Bandits didn't even have their Auras unlocked?"
"Whatever he does, it doesn't matter, he's going down. We're going to bring him home tied to the outside of the Bullhead like a trophy." Yang said nonchalantly. Weiss just wish that they were doing anything else imaginable than hunt this dangerous killer. She rubbed her face and looked out the window. She didn't know if she was ready to deal with something, someone like this.
Lamplight, overhead in the Bullhead.
"Wow, this town looks old." Said Yang as she looked out the window as the Bullhead descended. Blake rubbed her chin to recall something.
"I remember reading once that Lamplight was a town of great importance, it was a key trading post back before the advent of flying transportation." She gestured out the window, "Now it's just a thieves den and a small mining town." As it neared the ground, Glynda told them what they're looking for.
"All right, we are going to speak to some people about the boy and we're going to probably stay at the Inn tonight." She told them. As they walked out of the Bullhead, there was a small crowd surrounding the entrance. A man with a long beard and a cane stood there welcoming them.
"Welcome, welcome to Lamplight!" He gestured, "We've been expecting you." The two teams looked confused while Goodwitch rubbed her chin.
"How did you know we were coming?" She asked him with a stern look. He just smiled at her while gesturing with his free hand.
"Because, we received a message from a mister Ozpin that you would be arriving." He raised his hand in the air. "I'm Mayor Quartz." The students were puzzled by his cheeky nature.
"Professor Glynda Goodwitch, me and my students are looking for a teenage boy in a black hooded trench coat with a sword strapped to his back." With this the villagers were whispering stuff to one another.
"Oh, that lad." He said with all the glee going away from his voice. "I don't really know anything about him, but you all might want to ask Eric the Gatekeeper and John, the owner of our Inn. They were the only ones who really know much about him." The Mayor wished them luck and headed back to his home as fast as he could. As the Bullhead started to lift up into the sky and fly back to Beacon, the Group headed toward the south gate. The village was old and looked shady. People glared at the Hunters, not used to seeing such colorful characters.
They were met by a man walking down the steps of the wall, a gun in hand. He had a thin stubble and a baseball cap on, his face was greasy and he stank. He was chewing a piece of gum and grinned at the group. He leaned against the wall he was so used to be guarding. The teens just looked disgusted by the man while miss Goodwitch walk towards him.
"Well howdy there strangers." He gestured towards them with his free hand. "So what do you want? A history of this shit town? A few stories about idiots running to the gates with scores of Grimm on their ass? How I've heard idiots being rip apart in the woods one time? How once-" Professor Goodwitch interrupted him.
"We heard you saw a boy yesterday who wore a hooded black trench coat and carried a sword on his back." Eric paused, his grin faded and became an nervous scowl. He scratched his thin beard and thought about his encounter with that kid. He was very thankful that the boy didn't hear him on that night.
"Yeah, I did. What do you want to know about it?" He said calmly with a hint of aggression. Glynda expression turned to aggravation.
"We need to know details of the kids appearance, actions and behavior." She told him, "This boy is wanted for Murder."
"I figured as much..." He said looking to the ground while rubbing the back of his head.
"Why?" Goodwitch asked Him. The man gave her a serious look.
"Because he killed three men in our bar and wiped out an entire bandit camp not too far from here." This made the Huntresses and Huntsmen eyes bulge. Miss Goodwitch regained her composure and continued.
"Tell us your experience with him." She said in a serious voice. He just sighed.
"I was just on duty that night. We were about to close the gate but I saw a figure in the distance, it was this boy walking." Eric scratch his cheek and went on, "This boy finally reached our backwater town and walked straight in. I tried to make conversation but this boy ignored me."
"I wonder why..." Weiss thought.
"Well kiddies, I have no more info, go bother people at our Inn." He rudely left back to his post. Miss Goodwitch turned towards the Inn, the teens followed her.
"I hope this next guy is not such a sleeze ball like that guy." Yang says to her team. Blake nodded her head in agreement.
"He stank horribly." She added. When the two teams and teacher entered the Inn, they felt a dozen eyes fall on them. Glynda utilized this silence to announce why they were there.
"Hello everyone, we are looking for a boy in his late teens with a sword strapped to his back and wears a hood." At this the people in the bar began whispering and chatting. The Innkeeper and Bartender, John Berry, beckon them to come with him. They followed.
"I'll tell you what you want to know." He lead the nine investigators to a table in his own quarters. After everything got seated, he had a question. "So, who even are you all."
"We're students from Beacon Academy on a mission with our teacher Sir." Ruby told him. He just laughed.
"So your the guys they sent after that boy, really? I thought they would send a team of full fledge Huntsmen." This offended the teens, especially Weiss who about yelled at the man and would have if not for her teammates covering her mouth from speaking. "If I hurt any of your all feelings, I'm sorry. It's just this boy is no easy person to capture." Just then another person entered the room, it was Sarah.
"Who are these people Dad?" She asked with genuine curiosity. The man's expression turn sad.
"Sarah, this is about the boy..." Sarah's face turn mad.
"You all should leave him alone, he is a hero!" She savagely told them, "So what if he killed them and their disgusting gang! He did more in two hours than our entire town in my life!" She shook her fist at the nine people, "You all are nothing but cowards! Hunters are phonies, that only come around to help if there's something major to do with the Grimm or the Kingdom, but bandits! They'll let them terrorize as long there not far from your pristine and elite cities."
"Sarah!" John yelled at his daughter to stop. She looked at him with scorn.
"You, traitor! He saved me while you were begging them to not to hurt me. He is a true man, no wonder Mom died!" She left the room stomping. John just rubbed his face with his hands. The Huntress and Hunters in training were shocked at the fierceness of the girl.
"Geez, what's her problem?" Yang asked the man. He looked at her with tired eyes.
"The boy your looking for saved her from some local thugs who want-" John stuttered a little "Wanted to have their way with her." The Teens and Teacher gasped at this .
"That's awful!" Blake said sorrowfully.
"The worst part is that I couldn't help her, the people were linked to the Bandits." He looked at Blake, "If I did anything, they would have burned this town to ashes."
"What stopped them?" Miss Goodwitch said regaining her composure for another time. The had a blank look on his face.
"That boy, he killed them all." He then looked to them, "There was something to him, something not natural." Then he looked down wide eyed, "His sword was pulsating with raw power, I could had almost heard dark whispers echoing form it the brief moments that I saw it." He started shaking a little, "That boy, he's a monster. Save my daughter or not, he slaughtered those men in seconds, not hesitating." This rekindled the fear of the two teams.
Jaune started to shake a little, forgetting the boy's image on the video and imagining a demon in black hooded robes and a pulsating red greatsword that could slash armies to pieces. Right then though Pyrrha, who was sitting beside him put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes, sparking calmness and determination in him.
"Sir, can you tell us what happened in full detail?" Goodwitch said to put everyone back on track.
"Yeah, it all started yesterday, when the boy walked through the door." Everyone paid attention, "I was serving drinks at the counter when this boy dressed in a black trench coat with a hood on sat at the counter. I asked him what he wanted and he just said: Water. As if that was the only thing that mattered in the world. Before I went and got him a glass I decided to ask him his name, it is Umbra Redson." Weiss just scoffed at this reveal.
"That's generic." She said with a uptight tone. Her teammates shushed her.
"I saw his face, it was the most pitiful and angry look I ever saw, there was a scar that went from his right side of his face to the left side of his forehead, narrowly missing his right eye." He then traced his figure across his face."I then asked him why was a teen boy wandering the back roads of Remnant and he gave me the most spiteful look I ever received." He grabbed a cup of water right by him and took a drink, "He said that he was seventeen and he could take care of himself. But before continuing the conversation, we heard my daughter scream."
Everyone was on the edge of their seats. "It was Dar Thranton, a local no good thug with bandit ties. They then put an knife to her throat and threatened our entire town if we did something. I-I couldn't do anything, I didn't want to be the cause of death for this town. But then, that boy, that Shadow came forth. He challenged them and taunted them, causing Dar to throw my daughter away and charge him. In what seemed like seconds, he cut the man in half at the waist. Then, in under an minute, he killed the other two. I was amazed and disturbed."
"What happened next?" Glynda Goodwitch asked him.
"He left, to kill all the Bandits. He succeeded. I didn't see him again, but there was a girl that was apparently held by the bandits that saw all that he did." This made the nine intrigued.
"Where is this girl I might ask?" Goodwitch asked him.
"At our clinic. When your all done, I'll let you stay for free here tonight." He said getting up and leaving the room. As everyone got up, Ruby asked Professor Goodwitch a question.
"Um...Miss Goodwitch?" She struggled to spit it out.
"Yes Miss Rose?"
"Why did Mr. Ozpin send us specifically to get this boy, really?" Glynda just sighed.
"Because he thinks this boy won't kill us, that he'll surrender. All because he does "good deeds" and doesn't hurt "people". I've never really questioned the Headmaster before, it just seems stupid or suicidal to send first years out to do this. I know he thinks just because most of you are young and innocent that will somehow pacify this boy. I don't know why this Umbra Redson is so important to him, but I guess my bias has clouded my judgement."
Ruby and everyone else thought on these words. Was it going to be easy to apprehend this boy or will it be a suicide mission?
Lamplight Clinic.
As the Investigators entered the Clinic, they were met by a small framed man, he had a calm demeanor. He smiled at them. "Hello there," He said to them, "Is there something wrong?"
"Sir, we're here to talk to a girl who was rescued from a Bandit camp last night." Pyrrha told him. The man's face was one of realization.
"Oh, that poor lass. I can't imagine that sort of mental trauma would do to a person." He said, "She's been sleeping ever since she got here, I had to be careful not to wake her as I checked for wounds. She had some seriously infected cuts. Luckily, I was able to clean and sanitized the wounds." He looked at them with a wide-eyed look for a moment. "You should've seen the Lad who brought her here. There was blood running of him like rain in a storm." This made the students uncomfortable.
"Can we talk to her?" Ruby said to the man. He gave her a smile he only ever gave to his own daughter.
"Sure, just make sure to be nice to her and don't stress her out." He told them, "This has been a stressful day for the girl as it is." They entered the room where the girl was asleep. She had deep black hair and a scarred body. She hadn't been fortunate to have an aura activated when she was with the bandits. The teens stood there unsure of what to do, then Miss Goodwitch walked forth and rubbed the girls maimed forehead.
"Dear, wake up." She said. This almost woke up the girl immediately. She jolted up, her face of shock, of horror.
"Who are?! Why are you here?!" She said with primal fear. She tried to scoot back as far as she could. The Professor tried to calm the girl by explaining to her why they were there.
"Dear, we're here to help you." She said as she put a hand on the girls shoulder. "I'm Miss Goodwitch, what's your name?" The girl's erratic behavior ceased and she started to relax.
"I'm Sally." She said with a dead voice. Glynda looked closely at the girl. She was someone who had gone through numerous horrors, apparent by the gashes and scars that littered her side skin. Her eyes were green and told the story of someone who had seen the worst of humanity. "What do you want?
Glynda was took off guard with the spiteful tone of that question.
"Well, Sally, we heard you were saved by a boy from a bandit camp. We are doing an investigation into the whole matter." Sally thought for a moment.
"So you want to know my story?" She asked the nine people. Glynda nodded. The teens got ready to listen to another story, some of them leaned against the walls of the room. Glynda sat on the girls bed, looking attentively. "last week, I think, I was with my mother at our farm. We were tending to our crops when ten men came to our farm. We knew who they were: Bandits looking for a farm to give some food or face all of it being taken. My mother and father tried to appease them, but one of them saw me. A foul man with long Orange hair. He told my parents to include me in the deal." Gasps was the response to this form the Huntsmen and Huntresses in training.
"My Father, being the man he was, tried to shoot the man with his shotgun. But the man was hardly hurt from it, it was like it deflected." Realization came to all nine people's minds. Aura, the man who was shot had it. "Those monsters killed them right after that. I ran as fast as I could, but that man, that demon catched me. I was chained and took back to their home." She was on the verge of tears, "That man called himself Dilan the Defiler. He and all those who were with him, they, they..." She started to cry, "They did this to me!" Sally started to convulse.
"They tortured me, they beat me, they cut me, they used me!" She was wailing, everyone else was horrified to she this, to hear this. To know that such evil existed. "They did this to me, and they laughed. They laughed and laughed at my suffering. Oh if they could hear my laughter when that boy came! " Her wailing turned into a dark chuckle. "Oh, if they could've heard me when they fell dead to the ground!" Glynda, despite saddened by the girls story, knew that they had to move on.
"Sally," She said, pulling a hand on her shoulder. "Tell us about the boy." Sally have her a crazed ear to ear grin.
"Oh I'll tell you about him, about my savior! Of how he killed those men! Of how he killed them all!"
Authors Note
Well that was my first chapter of my first FF. I hope that I did the Characters Justice. Please tell me if I portrayed them wrong. My goal is to make the ultimate Antihero. This story will go along side the story of the show. There will be certain new arcs of the story involving Umbra. The only other OCs will be people from Umbra's past and some Antagonists. There will be no Lemons, but there will be Violence. Some scenes will be more bloody than in the show. Please tell me if it surpasses M. Umbra is a very troubled individual with a lot of reasons for the way he acts. Can you guess what his past is?
If you enjoyed this Cringy and overly Edgy story, please leave a review and smash that favorite button! If you hate this story or chapter and want to crucify me, please leave a review and tell me what I did wrong so I may improve upon it. After all, this is my first story.