Maybe Six Feet Ain't So Far Down

It was by chance that Katsuki looked up, just in time to see Izuku swing his legs over the edge of the roof of their dorm. Even from the distance, Katsuki could see that forlorn expression, the furrowed eyebrows and mouth twisted in a frown. He growled, temper igniting like a hot red lava. What was that idiot thinking?!

He raced towards the dorm, brushing pass Kirishima's greeting and up the stairs. His approach was quick and silent, save for the grinding of his teeth. Creeping up behind Izuku, Katsuki reached out and grabbed his collar, hauling him back from the roof's edge.

"What the fuck are you doing, Deku?!" he shouted, throwing his childhood friend to the ground.

"What?" Izuku snapped, a rare show of quick anger. He jumped to his feet, eyes sparkling in that defiant glint that Katsuki hated with all of his heart. "Why the hell does it matter to you, Kacchan!" For once the nickname was as venomous as the way Katsuki said 'Deku'.

Katsuki sneered. Stupid Deku. He didn't think the idiot was stupid enough to even consider something like suicide. Weak.

When he said that to Izuku, Izuku stared at him for a split second. Letting out a dark and bitter bark of laughter, Izuku threw his head back in disbelief.

"I thought it would make you happy," Izuku said finally, laughter dying down. A small and bitter smile reflected on his face.

What the fuck. Why the fuck would jumping off the roof make him happy?

"After all, you're the one who told me to take a leap of faith off the roof last year."

Katsuki felt the floor drop beneath him, as if he was falling straight into pool of ice cold water. A half-forgotten memory snapped to the front of his mind. He never meant- That wasn't- But-

"That-" he choked on his words as if Deku had managed to drive a punch into his stomach.

And Deku, stupid, brilliant, happy, stubborn Deku just stared at him, features stone cold. That stupid wide smile Katsuki had always known was gone. This was so far removed from the Deku Katsuki knew.

"I don't want to deal with you today, Kacchan," Deku said. His words were sharp, cutting straight to Katsuki's core. He turned on his heel, exiting the rooftop and heading back inside.

Katsuki remained rooted in place. Those words he had thrown so foolishly at Deku's face echoed in his mind. Deku had… taken those words seriously? Had seriously considered it at one point? Was still considering it?

What would have he done if Deku had gone through with it?

He never meant- That wasn't what he intended-

Shit. What had he had done?

Everyone asked about Izuku confronting Bakugou about his behavior. Not quite what I had planned, but I hope you enjoyed it. The careless words you might say, even in jest, can hurt someone deep down.

Also, if you enjoy my writing, please consider supporting my kickstarter, Graveyard Shift: Volume 2. There's only a few days left! You can find more information at www#.#kickstarter#.#com#/#projects/1170238334/graveyard-shift-volume-2

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