The team was in Grand Junction Colorado, working on a spree of murdered Hispanic men. The agents had landed a few hours and split up. Hotch and Rossi were going over the dump site. Morgan and Emily were talking to the victims' families. JJ was talking with the local newspapers and Reid was working at the police station on a geographical profile. The first to arrive back at the station were Hotch and Rossi and were greeted by a strange site. A teenage girl was sitting in the area they were using as a conference room reading a magazine. Reid was balancing a baby on his hip as he worked on the conference board now rotated halfway to prevent the girl from seeing anything. Reid looked up as they came over; he looked slightly guilty as he saw them then resumed a neutral expression.

"Reid what's going on?" Hotch said

"Their mother asked me to look after them for a while. The girl is Marion and the baby is my son John."

"You're son?" Rossi spoke astonishment in his voice

"Yes, isn't he handsome?" Pride clearly evident in his voice

"He is, but where is their mother?" Hotch asked

"She said she had work to do and it was too dangerous to have the children involved so she asked me to take them until the situation was resolved."

"How long is that going to take?"

" A couple of days…" Reid signaled for them to follow them

They walked across the room once they were out of earshot of the girl he continued "Ariel does this sometimes, she loves her children but her job requires her to travel. Normally she makes arrangements with friends but something unexpected came up."

"Did she say what?" Rossi asked

"No. Listen I know we're working a case, but if I didn't agree to take them she would have dumped them in a motel until she got back."

"So what is your plan, you can't work this case and look after them." Hotch said

"Marion is used to taking care of John, my plan is to get them a room and have Marion look after John until we're done for the day and then take care of him and give Marion a break."

"Alright, but if there too much of a distraction you're off the case." Hotch said

"Thank you, I….." Reid was interrupted by John crying,

Reid tried comforting John to no avail, Marion heard him and walked over to them. She took John and resumed her seat Marion reached into the duffle bag next to her pulled out a bottle and took John. With practiced ease Marion fed him and then burped him. She then settled him on her lap and resumed reading.

"Spencer I want you to take the children to the hotel and get them settled, you can work on the case from there. Rossi will give you a ride."

"Thank you."

The men walked over to Marion "Marion we're going to go to the hotel now, get your things please."

Marion nodded and stood "Hello my name is Marion, I'm sorry about this. I can look after John just fine by myself but my mom thinks I'm too young."

"Don't be moms are very protective. I'm David Rossi and that's Aaron Hotchner."

Marion shook their hands, Reid picked up her duffle bag and they left. By the time Rossi came back the rest of the team had returned. Hotch explained the situation, they had a lot of questions but Reid had given them few answers. They worked on the case for the rest of the afternoon. The rest of the agents were eager to meet the kids so Morgan called and asked if they wanted to join them for dinner.

Reid said yes and they agreed to meet at the diner that was within walking distance of the hotel. The BAU were the first to arrive and waited outside. They spotted Reid his bag at his side and John in a makeshift sling on his back. Marion walking with an athlete's grace followed; a hunting knife in her belt and another concealed knife in her boot. Reid came over and greeted his friends Marion hung back looking shy and uncertain. Emily took out John from his sling and soon both her and JJ were cooing over him. Morgan started asking about Ariel but Reid shook his head, clearly unwilling to discuss her at least in front of Marion. They went inside and sat down at a table, Marion had her back to the wall and a clear line of sight to the entrance. John was put in a high chair next to Reid. They ordered than JJ tried talking to Marion tried being the operative word.

"So Marion where did you go you grow up?"

No answer Marion was studying the room

"What do you like to do?" JJ tried again after a couple of minutes

No answer Marion was leaning over John making sure he was comfortable

"Do you like to read, play sports, watch TV?"

"I read, watch TV, exercise, I play some sports." Marion said finally speaking

"So Marion what's with the knives is hunting one of your sports?" Morgan said seeing an opening to satisfy his curiosity

"My mother has enemies; many of these enemies would not mind hurting her children to get to her."

The team looked at each other in surprise. Reid just sighed and changed the subject.

"So Marion has John said his first word yet?"

"Not yet he's only six months old."

Reid smiled "That's good I want his first word to be dada"

Marion smiled "That's not going to happen his first word is going is be Marion."

Hotch with a small smile "That would be a hard word for a baby to say."

Marion "Alright Sisa"

The whole table smiled, breaking the ice. While Marion was still taciturn she did occasionally talk. After dinner Morgan offered them a ride back to the hotel. Reid accepted and they went to the SVU's. Hotch led Marion and Reid over to one and opened the side door.

"Is Marion safe? Is that why Ariel dropped them off she was in danger?" Hotch asked in a low voice

"No, maybe I don't know Ariel keeps a lot from me." Reid replied

Their conversation was cut short by Marion getting in and strapping John into the car seat. Reid joined her and Hotch got into the driver's seat, JJ hopping into the passenger seat. When they got to the hotel Reid took out John out car seat and all. Reid said goodnight and everyone retired to their rooms. In the morning Reid left the kids at the hotel and got a ride to the station with Morgan and Rossi. He looked exhausted. JJ walked over to him;

"Hey Reid did John keep up all night."

"Marion and I were up until midnight trying to convince him to sleep. Finally Marion took him to her room."

"He missed his mother. Does Marion mind looking after John so much?"

"No, she's used to it. Ariel often used to leave him with her."

Hotch called them over and they started working on the case. Reid and Morgan went to interview several witnesses. Walking by a shop Reid ducked in for a few minutes, when Morgan questioned him but Reid didn't answer. Reid checked in on the children during lunch and found they were doing fine. During the meal the others tried to question him regarding Marion's strange statement and manner.

"Marion exaggerates, she did grow up in some rough neighborhoods and I would not be surprised to learn that Ariel has angered some people."

"It sounds like Ariel did more than anger a few people. Marion looked like she was used to defending herself." Rossi said

"She's a teenager; she's prone to be overly dramatic."

"Ariel said it was too dangerous for her children to be around her. Would her enemies use her children against her?" Hotch said

The others tried to get more answers, but to no avail. The next two days passed peacefully Marion kept her distance after the first night and stayed cooped up with John at the hotel. By the third day the case was over and they were preparing to fly out the next day. Reid came to Hotch's room at nine carrying a bottle of whiskey. He poured out two glasses handed Hotch one and quickly downed his own. Hotch waited for Reid to speak and did not touch his liquor

"Ariel called me a few minutes ago she said that something awful has happened and she needs me to take care of her children for the foreseeable future." Reid said then poured and downed another glass "Marion has John for the night." excusing his drinking

"And she can't ask anyone else?" Hotch said ignoring Reid's last comment

"Apparently I'm the safest, steadiest person she knows." Reid said pouring a third glass but only drank half

"Did she say how long? Is she going to come to DC to get them?" Hotch asked

"Yes, she asked me to take the children back with me and keep them their until she could come and get them." Reid said finishing his liquor

"Alright we'll take the kids to DC with us on the jet and go from there." Hotch said after a couple of minutes

Reid nodded and left. The next morning Hotch had informed the team and by mid morning everyone was walking to the jet

"Marion you've never been on a plane have you?" Reid asked as they walked to the plane: Marion clutching John tightly.

"No, we drove everywhere."

Reid took her hand "It's going to be okay."

They got on the plane and took off, Marion humming Led Zeplin under her breath.

After takeoff John started crying, Reid tried feeding him, singing to him, changed his diaper nothing. Hotch took him and started playing with him finally calming him down. After John fell asleep an hour and a half into the flight Reid went over to Marion who was reading a book. He gave her a box wrapped in newspaper she opened it to reveal a hunting knife: the handle was made of dyed bone and the blade of fine steel. The team saw it as she jumped to her feet and looked like she was about to hug Reid

"It's beautiful pa" a pause she calmed herself "Professor , I love it." Reid who had been smiling at her also reigned himself in changing his smile into a neutral expression and said you're welcome.

Reid returned to his seat and sat down

Morgan "Professor huh"

"I met Ariel on a college campus; she mistook me for a professor. She was so beautiful I didn't bother to correct her."

"You sly dog, you've got some moves." '

"Morgan" Hotch said with a pointed glance at Marion.

Morgan subsided and the rest of the trip passed quietly. It was Friday when the team returned. Hotch allowed Reid to finish his report on Monday and Emily drove them home.

A/N Please review, I value all comments, and every review improves my writing.