Groaning and struggling with a painful headache, Mewtwo awoke in an unfamiliar forest. He wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious... or where he was, for that matter. Did I teleport there? he wondered, trying to remember how and why he came to this place. Much to his surprise, he couldn't remember.Amnesia maybe? The effects should have ended by now. Strange.

Closing his eyes, he attempted to teleport himself back to his lair in Cerulean Cave, but nothing happened. Blaming it on his confused state, Mewtwo focused and tried again, for no result.

How unusual, the genetic experiment mused, as he observed his surroundings in search for an explanation. From the looks of the weapons he could see stabbed into some of the trees, this area was either the site of a small battle or a training ground. Maybe the local humans do not have many Pokémon to fight for them? To rely on weapons, they must be helpless on their own. Did I fought them and used Amnesia to increase my chances of winning?He shrugged. As if humans could fight me.

The experimental Pokémon decided to investigate the area, and eventually found the entrance to some kind of town or village. It had unusually high walls for a settlement of its size, and lacking in buildings. It looks like a fortress. Did I teleported to a primitive land, far away from Kanto?

Normally, having little interest in humans and no desire to be captured by trainers or to cross Team Rocket's path ever again, Mewtwo avoided cities and human settlements. Today, he would make an exception. Visiting this town could refresh his memory, or at least give him an vague idea where he was. Using a cloak he stole from some shop to hide his features, Mewtwo discreetly used his powers to mentally block people's suspicions. Even with a cloak, he was quite unusual, and he had to avoid questions. To everyone, he was simply a normal human nothing short of average.

Walking around the city, Mewtwo was surprised to see no Pokémon accompanying the people walking around in the town, and no belts of Pokéballs. Many of them wore headbands with a symbol on them resembling a spiral with a point at the bottom-right corner. Scanning people's mind with telepathy provided some answers. Firstly, the town was called Konoha, located on a continent he couldn't picture himself. He had already seen world maps, and no landmass matched the people's thoughts.

Secondly, they didn't have Pokémon because they didn't even know what they were.

Either I am dreaming, or in another world. Is someone using Dream Eater on me?

"Stay away from that boy. He's nothing but trouble."

His thoughts were suddenly disrupted when he heard a woman whispering something strange to her two children. A boy of about seven or eight with spiky blonde hair and unusual marks resembling whiskers on his cheeks passed the other way, sighed sadly, and continued walking.

Intrigued, Mewtwo used his psychic powers to delve into the boy's mind. The kid had to have done something to deserve such treatment, and he was curious what. He was immediately startled upon realizing there were two minds within this child. I thought only a Dodrio or a Magneton had that problem? Is he possessed by a Ghost-Type? he wondered.

After a closer telepathic examination, he realized only one mind belonged to the boy. He was an orphan, Naruto Uzumaki, and for some reason nearly everyone he had met seemed to deliberately ignore or mistreat him. The Hokage, the village's leader, had given him an apartment and a place in some sort of academy, but other than that, nearly everyone else treated him as if he was some kind of criminal, and the boy had no idea why.

He wanted to be the Hokage so everyone would have to respect him and look up to him.

Shaking his head in a mix of pity and sadness, the mind reader attempted to dwelve into the second mind next, which proved to be a far more difficult task. Either a Psychic or a Ghost, Mewtwo decided, persisting, no one else could-

Mewtwo suddenly found himself in a vast room, where the floor was flooded. One wall was replaced with a vast caged door, with a seal on its center. Inside the cage? The biggest Ninetails he had ever seen. Even bigger than a Wailord, and obviously more ferocious than even Rayquaza. The fur was orange, however, and it didn't have the psychic feel of Fire-Types. In fact, Mewtwo had no idea which type it was.

The mind reader suddenly realized it wasn't a Ninetails... the creature simply had the appearance of one.

"What are you?" Mewtwo asked, more to himself than the beast.

"I could ask you the very same question," the fake Ninetails replied, sounding both intrigued and annoyed. "I have never seen your kind before, and it appears that you are far more powerful than any of those disgusting humans. A new specie? Or maybe mankind once again screwed up and tried to play gods?"

"My name is Mewtwo," the Genetic Pokémon spoke, disturbed by the monster's insight. Was it another experiment? Anyway, the sheer malice emanating from the thing didn't mesh well with the Psychic. Whatever the monster was, it was obviously malevolent. "And that is all you need to know".

The beast behind the bars laughed, a red glow emanating out from its eyes. The monster's bloodlust gave Mewtwo the chills.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mewtwo. I have the feeling we will meet again... and I will enjoy devouring you whole."

Suddenly, the monster's killing intent skyrocketed, triggering a flashback. The Psychic was in his cave, fighting against two other Pokémon. The first was Moltres, a golden birdlike creature with a flaming crest and wings, and its partner a black and silver being with seven red eyes... Registeel.

Back in the street, Mewtwo groaned. He needed to somehow gather more of that creature's energy in order to remember more, he was sure of it. But how? A Masterball? No, he wasn't that sadistic. And he had the feeling this blonde was a human Pokéball on his own. Must be why everyone keep their distance with him, Mewtwo realized, these people must hate this beast. Seeing its malevolence, I can guess why.

... the boy. The boy was the key.

"Your name is Naruto, right?" he asked the boy.

"Who, me?", said the boy, looking somewhat surprised. Since nobody safe the Hokage and the owners of a restaurant ever talked to him without insults, Mewtwo could understand his reaction. He even looked eager. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Who are you?"

"That is not important", said Mewtwo. "I have an offer for you".

"An offer?" Naruto asked. "What kind of offer?"

"You would be my student", Mewtwo explained. If he could keep a being of such evil contained, he had to have some psychic abilities. Developing his potential might be the key to understand his situation. Beside, he had nothing else to do, and he knew what it was to be alone and feared at birth.

Mewtwo had seen a kindred spirit, and even if he had some reluctance, he felt compelled to lend the boy a hand.

"I could teach you techniques this world has never seen before. Enough to command the respect of your classmates, no doubt." Hook, line and sinker.

Naruto's eyes lit up. "Really?" he asked with eagerness.

"Meet me at..." he scanned the boy's mind, finding the name of his favorite restaurant. "Ichiraku ramen, after your classes tomorrow... if you accept my offer", said Mewtwo, before teleporting away.

Obviously, if seeing that couldn't convince the boy, then Mewtwo didn't know what to do.

The next day, Naruto arrived at Ichiraku as the cloaked stranger had instructed, and a few minutes later, by which time Naruto had already eaten two bowls of ramen, the stranger suddenly materialized... right next to the blonde.

He had to learn that. That would be so cool.

"You're late," Naruto couldn't help but say, immediately regretting his words. It's the only guy willing to teach me, don't screw it up you idiot!

"I left enough time so that you could have your meal," the stranger shrugged, before placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

The next second, they had left Ichiraku for an unusual room with various bizarre machines stacked all around them.

"So, are you ready to begin training? I'm not going to be soft on you."

"I sure am! Believe it!" Naruto answered enthusiastically, before suddenly realizing the guy had a tail. And grey skin.

The stranger dropped the cloak to reveal the most bizarre creature Naruto had ever seen. He was a light grayish humanoid, with a long purple tail. He had three fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot and two freaky ears. A cord ran out from the back of his head into his back.

"Wh-what are you?" asked Naruto in surprise.

"My name," the creature locked eyes with him, "is Mewtwo"

Adrogoz' Notes: I feel this first chapter, having already been rewritten (by me and others) is fine as-is. Bit of a cheat for a rewrite, but the coming chapters will be improved