A request. Short story and chapter. No drama, or hurt/confort, simply love.

Shizuru Viola left Fukka Primary School, in hand she had her belongings, notebook and her student's homework, she saw her students raise their hand and greet her, she brightly smiled. She went to the gate and saw a biker leaning against her two-wheeled vehicle. Her arms crossed against her chest, her eyes were lost in the horizon, her long hair fluttered in the wind. She put the bluish waterfall haired back in her ear and then, met the bloody gaze of the professor. The beautiful stranger approached the chestnut who was astonished. Was she an older sister of one of her students? The bluette was probably in her twenties. She was very beautiful and attracted a lot of attention.

"Fujino sensei ... can I ... talk to you ... for a moment ...?" The young woman with extremely bright green eyes nervously stuttered. The professor seemed to recognize this person, she was strangely familiar, and yet she could not put a name on her interlocutor. She had named her sensei? So, she knew her.

"Ara, of course miss, I'm listening to you."

"Right here?" The shy woman squeaked increasingly troubled as she saw that there was a small audience, students watched them closely as parents.

"Maybe you want to talk privately?" The young beauty with emeralds eyed shook her head vigorously as a sign of affirmation. She saw that her interlocutor was very busy, she immediately courteously took all the stuff of the tea drinker who wanted to take back her property, but the young woman kept firmly the books against her.

"Do you want me to accompany you? Or you want to take my bike? "

"That's won't be necessary... I thought we were going to the park, which is very close to the school. First, I wanted to put my things in my car." The dark beauty nodded and followed the crimson professor.

Our protagonists were at the park after making a detour to Viola's car. Shizuru sat on a bench and waited for the young woman to talk to her. She was standing, just in front of her, she was still anxious.

"I ... I ..."

"Yes? Don't be so nervous, I won't eat you." Viola gently laughed, carefully observing her interlocutor.

"I don't mind."


"I mean…er…You ... you ... do you ... remember me?" The tea drinker took a pensive pose, she noticed the red radiance of the brunette's cheeks, she carefully inspected her from top to bottom. An image crossed her mind, blue bunches, a stuffed dog ... she radiantly smiled at snatches of memories of the past:

"Natsuki? Natsuki Kuga? Class A? A little rebellious but so adorable? Who followed me everywhere and who kept blushing when I spoke to her? You were a very studious student, certainly, one of my favorite students." The named radiated with joy that her teacher could recognize her after all these years, she was very happy.

"Yes, yes it's me Shizuru sensei!"

"Ara, Natsuki is no longer a child now, she has become very beautiful." Natsuki immediately flushed.

"Just like you, you are even more beautiful than in my memories. "

"Natsuki always knows how to compliment me, it has not changed over time. " The teacher declared in a teasing tone, she softly laughed. She had in her class Natsuki for three years. The dark beauty kept complimenting her, telling her that she was beautiful, that she wanted to go out with her, she offered her gifts from the six-year-olds, noodle necklace, drawings, apples, flowers. Already at a young age, she was a great romantic, she even wrote her a poem. She always remembered it, it was just adorable when she told herself the words.

Sensei, you are the most beautiful woman that exist,

I will marry you when I will be bigger

We will be happy together

I love you.

Shizuru admired the features of her former student, it was so nostalgic, the years had passed, she had grown old. Natsuki had dropped something on the ground that rolled towards the chestnut creature. The object gently struck the end of her shoe.

"I think it's belong to you ... " Viola commented, bending down to take the object between her white fingers.

"No, it's belong to you ... you ... I know it's not nothing much now ... but I'm going to save money and work more to offer you something more beautiful for you ... it's just a sort of token ...I just hope you will like it."

"Ara?" Shizuru saw that she had a gray ring in her hand that was shining under the light of day, she looked again at her interlocutor who was in front of her and stared intently at her. Shizuru could not help but blushed by the depth of the jade gaze. "In the past, you said you would become my fiancée if I was older ... today I'm twenty years old. I come to proclaim the promise you gave me to be mine. » The statement shocked the teacher, she did not expect her interlocutor to take seriously the so-called promise that she had accepted when she was a child, she remembered that Natsuki kept proclaiming that she was going to marry her, she begged for an answer from her, so to not hurt her innocent feelings, she said yes, later. She thought Kuga would have forget on this little love child, she would have simply forgotten about her, but she was completely mistaken. "I'm still in love with you ... Shizuru ... do you want to be my girlfriend?"