Idea- an older Taylor has her family die in an accident, caught in a cape fight between a few members of the Triumvirate and the Slaughterhouse 9, she doesn't trigger, instead she obsesses with becoming skilled enough, while staying human, to take down Capes.
Lung Battle
Breath in, a breath out, a steadying of the scope. Between the crosshairs, a bulky asian man with a bare tattooed chest was waving his clenched fists, a half dozen asian goons in ABB colors standing at rapt attention.
A quick check on the PRT file laying on the roof next to me, a quick confirmation of the mans identity, civilian name, Kenta, cape name Lung.
A cheek coming to rest against the cool metal and plastic as focus is cast back on the large asian figure just over 500 meters downrange.
Breath in. Breath out.
The crosshairs came to rest on Lungs head, corrections for wind, distance, bullet weight and spin, target movement.
Breath in. Breath out.
A finger on the trigger, and as the breath finally leaves, a finger pulls on the trigger and the rifle jumps, a thundering crack, and Lung fell, his skull disintegrating in a spray of red mist, white shards of bone, and pink brain matter.
Breath in, breath out.
Move to the next target, shoot, breath, move, breath shoot.
Rinse and repeat until every target is down,
Reported time until Lung regenerates from shot to the head, 47 seconds, advance from rooftop to rooftop, take the time and shoot.
Run, shoot, run, shoot, until Lung is less the six feet away. Let the rifle fall to one side, hanging by its strap, draw a heavy pistol and continue to walk forward.
Check Lungs current regeneration progress.
Currently approximately 50% and rising. Reach into a pouch, withdraw ampules of Sulfuric acid and drop them at whats left of Lungs slowly regenerating head. According to most popular theories on regeneration, the concentrated acid would destroy enough of the molecular bonds that allowed for regeneration.
Breath in. Breath out.
Scene Break
The Undersiders looked on in awe, they watched an older woman stand up from her position kneeling over Lungs nearly decapitated corpse, an acrid smelling smoke rising form whatever the severe looking woman.
As she walked closer, more detail was revealed, her face, youthful, her eyes weathered and experienced, brown hair cropped tight against her skull, the severe looking teen was wearing black BDU's and a bullet proof vest, on that vest, was a fanged skull, painted in white that seemed to glare with hate and menace at any who could see it.
Slung at her side was a long rifle, and at her hip, a huge, silvered semi-automatic pistol.
Tattletale gazed at figure, her eyes twitching madly taking the other women's every feature.
It was Grue who asked,
"Who are you?"
The woman just snorted as she checked the pulses of her other victims. She straightened up, her scarred arms bulging, the skull on her bullet proof vest glaring.
"Me? I'm the Punisher."