New technology is not good or evil I aand that of itself. It's all about how people choose to use it. - David Wong

Sleepless Night I

She stared at the ceiling. It was probably her tenth try but she she was failing at making herself fall asleep. Maybe she shouldn't have taken that nap...sighing she rubbed her eyes. No, she defiantly wanted to sleep, but her mind wasn't having any of that. Glancing over at her side table, she grabbed her phone.

2:37 am.

Well, fuck.

Squinting at the screen, she lowered the brightness of her phone and checked her Facebook. Everyone was asleep. So she checked her Instagram. Once again, everyone was asleep. All the good night posts were up with the sleepy emojis.

"Mmmmmm..." She groaned.

She knew Lee was probably fast asleep, so there was no point in texting him. Plus he had posted one of his good night paragraphs that gave a rundown of his day and what the plan was for tomorrow. Gaara was up, but she didn't want to text him...the girls were asleep...who did that leave? Going to her messages, she typed in a greeting.

Within a few seconds she get a reply.

"What are you still doing up?"

Tenten blinked. So, she thought. He was up after all. She typed a reply.

"I was just about to head to sleep. Shouldn't you be knocked out?"

It wasn't like she had planned anything to do the next day.

"Have you tried tea?"

She huffed.

"Don't be lazy, Tenten."

The tea would just make her have to use the bathroom. Plus making it would be a hassle since she would have to try not to wake her parents.

"Fine. Have you tried to meditate?"

Rolling her eyes, Tenten typed her reply.

"Well, I'm not sure what to tell you."

She blinked for a moment. He wasn't much help but...

"I suppose I could stay up with you. I have nothing planned for tomorrow either."

She smiled a bit. But then what should they talk about?

"Well, what did you do today?"

Tenten hummed as she typed. In the morning she got her nails done with her mother, then she went out to lunch. Just to go home and take a nice nap for two hours.

"That nap screwed you over. As great as they are you take very long ones."

Tenten's eyebrow twitched; yeah, he would know. She would take naps at his house whenever she came over, but she was able to fall asleep later on.

"I ran some errands for my mother. My father came back from overseas so we went out to dinner and that was it."

Tenten twirled a braid. That would explain why he hadn't answered her all day.


Her fingers hovered over the keys. This was that silence where she had to carry on the conversation. Very typical, actually, Neji wasn't one to engage in conversation unless she initiates it first or he had to speak to her about something important. Comfortable silence was enough for the Hyuga, but that made texting him a bit boring and Tenten was trying to get him ono the habit of carrying on a text conversation whenever she didn't feel like calling him. Hmmm...

"Did you study?"

Tenten blinked.

"For finals?"

Scoffing, she replied. Ever since she mysteriously passed math, all her other classes have been nothing but essays and projects. He obviously didn't need to study since he observed everything the first time. That made her irritated just thinking about it.

"You know you can ask for my help. It's not like I'm gonna charge you like the others."

Correction, she thought. He'd only charge of he had some mutual feeling about the other, or someone he considered a friend like Naruto or Lee. But if you didn't fit into those catagories, he won't give you the time of day. For her, though, being his best friend had its perks.

"You sure? You know I don't mind cause it's you."

Tenten smiled. His soft side is showing and she liked it.

"It is not. I'm just being nice"

She replied. His answer was a bit delayed.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I am lucky that you 'put up with me'. I suppose to safe to say I'm lucky to have you as well."

She grinned. Then yawned. She liked where this was going.

"Don't you have cheer practice tomorrow?"

Tenten scoffed. She did but-

"Maybe you should try to sleep. Coffee can only do but so much."

Mr. Know it all... She thought. Instead of texting him back, she opened Snap Chat and turned on her lamp.

She received a snap back from him within seconds.

"So we re snapping now huh?" He had put with a picture of his book.

Tenten adjusted herself so she looked somewhat presentable under her lamp light.

"The braids look good on you." He had replied with a picture of himself looking down into the camera.

She smiled and quickly fixed her face. Think cute, she thought. Think cute.

"You look tired." Was the reply.

Damnit. So much for trying to be cute. She sent her reply.

"Don't pout at me, you're the one who can't sleep."

She grinned. True, very true. But she enjoyed how he would react to her faces. Tenten knew she was very expressive. And he was the one who sat there and felt with them.

"Starting to look tired." The caption said over a stoic face.

Oh that face. All the girl cooed over that face and she never understood why; he looked way more attractive when he smiled. She sent her reply with her cheeks puffed up.

"Turn off your lamp."

So she did; and snapped herself in the dark.

"Smart ass, close your eyes." He snapped back.

And so she did.

After a few moments her phone buzzed. He had snapped her again to see if she was still awake. But since she didn't reply, he guessed that she was finally out.

When Tenten woke up, she saw his snap along with a text of good night. Stretching, she swung her legs over and stood. Before heading to the bathroom she texted him:

"Good morning, Neji."