Authors note: Happy 2018 everyone! I am ready to write my Naruto Version Stories Dattebayo! Good news I can write more stories because my Wednesday job is now only for 4 hours instead of 6 hours. Yes I work from 10am to 2pm! Anyway let me know what you guys think, or you can go to my PM. I really need your opinion when you guys read a new chapter. Also if you guys can't PM me just post your idea of what you want to see in the next chapter in your review, that way I can squeeze it in for the next chapter!
Thank U NiteOwl18, skyjadeprincess & dragonist427 for following the Japanese version of this story! And thank U DiamondGuardian1 for giving this story its second review! I already PM you about it, and I'm glad you love the style I used for this story. Keep reading this story and give me good ideas that you guys want me to add in this story. Oh once this story is completely done, I will be writing a sequel to this story because I heard Sing 2 will be released on Christmas Day in 2020!
Please keep reading every word in my author notes before, and after you finish reading the chapter so you fans can know what's going to happen in the next chapter. Let me know what you guys think of my voice cast section! Because THIS IS HOW I AM GONNA BE WRITING MY Naruto Version stories! Well here is a reminder of my voice cast in this story:
1. Naruto: voiced by Junko Takeuchi
2. Iruka: voiced by Toshihiko Seki
3. Hinata: voiced by Nana Mizuki
4. Sasuke: voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama
5. Jiraiya: voiced by Hochu Otsuka
6. Biwako: voiced by Ikuko Watanabe
7. Choza: voiced by Nobuaki Fukuda
8. Mito: voiced by Noriko Miyashita
9. Hashirama: voiced by Takayuki Sugo
10. Shizune: voiced by Keiko Nemoto
11. Karin: voiced by Kanako Tojo
12. Suigetsu: voiced by Takashi Kondo
13. Hitomi: voiced by Yuko Minaguchi
14. Elder Hyuga: voiced by Unsho Ishizuka
15. Ami: voiced by Emi Kogure
16. Moegi: voiced by Noriko Shitaya
17. Jirobo: voiced by Susumu Chiba
18. Udon: voiced by Tomo Shigematsu
19. Sakura: voiced by Chie Nakamura
20. Rin: voiced by Haruhi Nanao
21. Orochimaru: voiced by Kujira
22. Kabuto: voiced by Nobutoshi Canna
Now on to the story, and enjoy reading it!
Chapter 6
We see Miss Biwako and Jiraiya bringing the piano to the stage. The piano is facing side ways of course. Now Naruto is seen sitting on a stu, he looks at Miss Biwako while being nervous. His teacher signals him to start playing the piano.
Naruto takes a deep breath and begins to play the keyboard intro to "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John. And the background atmosphere turns dark blue while head lights shine as Naruto plays the correct key notes. Shouting into the microphone Naruto sings at the top of his lungs saying, "You could never know what it's like your blood like Winter freezes just like ice. And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you. You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use...".
At the prison Asuma, Kakashi, Guy and two midget in mates shared a huge 6 bed cell as they watch the show on TV. All of them are smiling watch the mysterious performer on screen. From a bench at the back of the cell, Iruka raises his weary head to see the gang responding to the music on coming from the TV.
Naruto, "Soshite, anata wa, kono baka wa watashiwomite mo katsu koto ga dekimasendeshi omoimashita. I'm coming back again I got a taste of love in a simple way. Watashi ga mada tatte iru ma ni anata ga shiru hitsuyō ga arunaraba, anata wa tada kiesarimasu". Iruka with a headache and covering his face says to them, "What is that? Turn it down, will you". However his in mates don't hear him. Iruka gets up and says, "Yā, kikoemasendeshita ka?". But his curiosity lifts him from his bench as he says, "I said turn it-". And as he walks through the bunch of prisoners, Iruka sees Naruto performing on TV. He says in whisper, "Naruto kun?".
On screen: Naruto looks right at camera and technically right at his father. He says to the camera smiling, "Anata wa watashi ga ima made yori mo yoku tatte iru koto o shitte imasen ka. Looking like a true survivor feeling like a little kid...". At first we can't tell if Iruka is angry. Nevertheless Naruto continues saying, "Watashi wa mada kono-jikan no nochi ni tatte iru. Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind".
Iruka's eyes glisten as if seeing his son for the first time. He says to himself, "Naruto kun". But he bursts with pride saying, "It's Naruto kun! That's my son!". Shockily hearing himself say those words catches him off guard. As he remembers saying he doesn't have a son. Iruka then says with regret, "Watashi no musuko...". He looks around the cell with a sense of urgency before settling on the small barred window. Iruka sees lights shining in display at the sky, he sees that's where his son is at right now. Naruto is heard off screen saying, "Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah. Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah".
Now Iruka leaps up and swings on a ceiling pipe. His feet slam into the barred window, bang! Naruto is heard off screen saying, "Ichido watashi wa katsu koto o nozomu koto ga dekimasendeshita. Anata wa futatabi watashi o nokoshite dōro o kaishi suru. The threats you made were meant to cut me down, and if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now...".
In the warrant room, two police are watching the same TV show when the entire room shakes like bang, bang! One cop says, "Nani o?". They then run to see what's going on. A few seconds later Iruka is about to break free, but Kakashi sees the cops show up in the cell. The cop says in anger, "Hey, Hey, Hey!". Bang! Iruka smashes the bars out of the window and leaps through the hole. Kakashi, Guy, Asuma and the two midget in mates that are being hold by Kakashi and Asuma all happily cheer. Whereas the two cops look on in shock and confusion.
We then see Iruka land on the roof of a passing bus before leaping on to the roof of a building. He runs across the rooftops and into the distance.
Now Naruto is seen on stage singing incredibly into the microphone again now standing up smiling. While having his eyes closed he says, "Anata wa watashi ga ima made yori mo yoku tatte iru koto o shitte imasen ka. Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid...". We now see detail shots of Karin. As she get ready by, combing her hair into a two down ponytail. Putting lipstick on and tying her boots.
On stage Naruto sings the last of the lyrics, as he is getting exhausted. He says, "Watashi wa mada kono-jikan no nochi ni tatte iru. Picking up the pieces of my life without on my mind". He then pours every breath out saying, "Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah. Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah". The crowd goes wild, even Mito's children sing along with Naruto saying, "Yeah Yeah Yeah!". Naruto continues singing, "Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah. Watashi wa mada tatte imasu. Yeah yeah yeah".
Naruto then plays the last few key notes and the song ends. While Naruto looks at everyone in silence Jiraiya appears next to him. Jiraiya shows a hand out and says to the crowd, "Sore wa dō? Give it up for Johnny kun, folks!".
Naruto has a shock expression on his face as he sees the whole audience cheering for him. Random people were saying his nick name! While Naruto secretly admits it was better than everyone calling him by his actual name. In the crowd Hitomi has a smile on her face while clapping her hands, whereas her father smiles holding his crane in the air. Heck even Mito's children were happy saying "Johnny nii sama", and Hashirama smiles giving him as thumbs up.
Naruto turns around to see Choza making a pride fist and Mito clapping her hands. Even Hinata happily claps for him which surprised him too. However Naruto mostly saw Miss Biwako telling him to the same pose she is doing now, the pose is a crunch down straight pose. You make your arms go back while you make your right leg step back. However your body stays straight. Naruto thought it was weird pose but Miss Biwako was his teacher, and he trusts her. So he does the pose very quickly.
After that Naruto walks away going backstage as he sees his teacher handing him a towel. He takes the towel but Mito sees the sad expression on his face. Mito asks with excitement and concern while looking at him, "What's with the face? You were great, they loved you!". After finding a place to sit Naruto wipes the sweat off of him and nervously smiles. He says to Mito, "Yeah, Arigatō Mito chan". Poor Naruto now has his head down as he starts to think about his father. Because Naruto believes that Iruka still disowned him.
Surprisingly Iruka is seen caught in the glare of police chopper searchlights as he leaps across the rooftops. Iruka thinks in his mind saying with pride, "Kushina chan you were right along about our son. He really does take after you, even though you were unsure at first. Heh however I believe that our son might have gotten my temper. You said that when our son finds a dream goal that I will promise to accept it. Well now that I saw it for myself even though I wish you were here now. I finally accepted that our son is a singer, and I'm glad he takes after you Kushina chan". Iruka then jumps on a rooftop as he says, "Wait for me Naruto kun even though It's gonna give me some time to call you by your nickname ". While in the sky the helicopter pilot says, "Yōgi-sha no bijuaru ga arimasu on 16th and Grove heading South".
Meanwhile back on stage Jiraiya says to the audience, "Alright, welcome to all you newcomers! You're just in time to meet a teenager who was recently dumped by her boyfriend". Hinata's family and every adult felt bad for Karin by saying "Zen'in" in a sad way.
But Jiraiya continues with confidence to show the audience that there is hope. He says to them, "I know, right? But she's gonna chase those blues away with a song of her very own...". Backstage Hinata, Mito, Choza and Miss Biwako stare open-mouthed as Karin walks by: a technicolour punk girl carrying her guitar. Shizune cues the music. Jiraiya says before taking a leave, "Watashi ni uta no kankaku o dōnyū sa sete kudasai: Karin chan!".
Everyone applauds but just as the music starts there is a squeal of feedback and the music stops dead. Backstage Hinata, Choza, Mito and Miss Biwako all go wide eye because they see that Rin is here. Because Rin had pull the plug. Jiraiya says in shock, "Rin chan?!".
Rin angrily says to everyone present, "You are all trespassing on private property and you will leave right now". Jiraiya tries getting to her saying, "Nani? No-no-no-no, Rin chan-". Now Rin furiously looks at Jiraiya and says to him, "Min'na!".
On stage there is an awkward silence but Karin remains determined to sing her own song. She stomps her right foot on the stage. Boom! Boom! Boom! And in no time at all, Karin has the entire theater stomping along with her. Jiraiya can only watch in awe. Now she has a beat and it's all she needs to start her own song, "Set It All Free".
Karin starts singing like a exact rocker saying, "Watashi wa hi ni watashi no kokoro o oikaketa. Got burned got broken down by desire. Watashi wa tameshite mimashitaga, watashi no me no kemuri wa watashi o boyakashita mama ni shimashita. Blurry and blind picked all the pieces off the ground. Got dirt on my fingers, but that's gone now. Watashi no te no naka ni setchaku-zai o motte, watashi wa keikaku ni koshū shite iru. I'm sticking to the plan that says...". But Rin angrily tells Jiraiya, "Watashi wa keisatsu ni denwa shite iru". She then marches away as echoes of her high heel boots are heard.
Back to Karin, who responds to a tug on her guitar lead and turns to see Jiraiya holding the end of it. Her voice is heard saying, "I can do anything at all, I can do anything at all...". Jiraiya bows before plugging her guitar back in. Her guitar screams into life. The rest of the cast gasp and the crowd leap to their feet as Karin rocks out tossing Ami's sunglasses. But Rin is seen trying to get out of the audience.
Karin is seen playing her guitar while saying, "Kore wa watashi no kisu sayōnara anata wa hitori de tatsu koto ga deki, watashi ga miru koto ga dekimasu! Cuz nothing's keeping me down, gonna let it all out. Come on and say it right now right now!". However at Suigetsu's apartment, Ami turns off the TV. While Suigetsu sits stunned beside her. She says to Suigetsu in annoyance, "Urgh. Shinken ni? Kanojo wa sore hodo yoi monode wanai". Getting up from the couch Ami tosses the remote aside and leaves the room disgusted. Suigetsu while getting half hearted looks at Ami and says, "Yeah. Yeah, totally". Making sure Ami isn't around, Suigetsu waits for a second and turns the TV back on!
Back at the theater, Karin is rocking hard. She sings with emotion saying, "Kore wa watashi no dai kangeidesu! Cuz I'm here and never letting go! I can finally see it's not just a dream when you set it all free. Subete muryō, subete muryō! You set it all free!".
Karin decides to finish up in spectacular style: by getting carried away with an absolute killer guitar solo. She sings out loud saying, "Kore wa watashi no dai kangeidesu! Cuz I'm here and never letting go! I can finally see it's not just a dream when you set it all free. Subete muryō, subete muryō! You set it all free!".
Jiraiya is spellbound by Karin's performance and remains oblivious to the needles flying past him. Her needles fly like arrows past the audience and even stick into the odd nose or forehead. Heck some of her needles missed Naruto who is still sad by having his hands on his chin, while Rin gets hit by the needles.
Karin finishes with an impressive knee slide. Silence is seen. Karin tentatively opens her eyes to find the audience have hidden behind their seats. She slowly gets to her feet. Karin looks at everyone and says, "Uh... You guys okay?". Suddenly the audience erupts with applause. Moegi and her sisters run up to the stage, giggling and cheering. Moegi and her sisters say in happiness, "Karin chan! Karin chan! Karin chan!". Karin's surprise turns to delight. But Jiraiya walks on stage in a state of bewilderment - still unaware of the needles sticking out on his face.
Jiraiya says to the audience in excitement, "What about that? Hahaha! Watashitachi wa chōdo honmono no rokkusutā no tanjō o manoatari ni shita!". Luckily Karin interrupted him. She says to him while looking at him, "Sannin. You got some stuck here". She pulls the needle off his face. Jiraiya then says "ow" after feeling the pain. Backstage Miss Biwako is laughing after seeing Jiraiya get hurt by needles, but she does wave her right arm in the air for Karin. Whereas Hinata smiles by closing her arms because she enjoyed Karin's performance. But Choza smiles while shaking his body, and Mito happily smile for Karin.
Now we see Iruka who escapes the chopper searchlights by hiding behind an air conditioning unit. Once in the clear, Iruka peers out and is delighted to see that he is across the street from the theater.
Back to the stage Jiraiya says to the audience, "Kare wa segatakai kamo shirenaiga, kare no kyodaina sainō o hitei suru koto wanai. Would you please welcome to the stage, Sasuke kun!". Backstage the cast are complimenting Karin as Sasuke walks past. Mito angrily says to him in disgust, "What are you doing back here?". Sasuke looks at her with a smirk and says, "Rirakkusu, koibito. Just came back to show you bozos how it's really done. Ima kore o miru".
Sasuke takes the stage. The atmosphere turns light blue as he gets a warm applause. Because Sasuke begins singing "My Way" by the late Frank Sinatra. He sings smoothly in the microphone saying, "And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain. My friend I'll say it clear I'll state my case of which I'm certain...". Oh man Jiraiya was happily smiling seeing Sasuke sing. However Miss Biwako who was to Jiraiya's left drops her jaw, whereas Karin who is on the right of Jiraiya is shock at the arrogant jerk. Heck even Choza and Mito who are behind Jiraiya are speechless seeing the tall duck butt sing. Naruto and Hinata who are behind Choza and Mito were shock as well.
No one couldn't say anything bad about Sasuke's singing talent. Not even the audience who were all dead silent. Because the song Sasuke pick was a smooth jazz song. Sasuke while off screen says, "I've lived a life that's full. Watashi wa subete no haiu~ei o tabi shimasu. And more much more than this. Watashi wa watashi no yarikata de yatta".
Whoosh! We are brought to the nightclub. The nightclub bar is crammed with people watching the TV. Kabuto recognizes Sasuke and gag on his drink. Kabuto says out loud, "Boss! that is him - That is Sasuke kun!". Sasuke is seen on TV singing. Upon seeing Sasuke on TV, let's just say that Orochimaru was piss. He along with Kabuto and Jugo get up from their table. They run pass Sakura who is sitting lonely at the bar. She looks up to see Sasuke singing on TV, while looking worried.
Back to the stage, Sasuke is really going for it. He sings holding the microphone side ways. Backstage Naruto and the others watch quietly as Sasuke sings. But Naruto felt that the song reminded him of his father.
Sasuke is heard off screen saying, "Kōkai watashi wa ikutsu ka motte ita. Shikashi, futatabi genkyū suru ni wa amarini mo sukunai...I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption...". The 3 thugs speed toward the theater to catch Sasuke. We see Sakura speeding behind them in Sasuke's red sports car. Sakura looks worry as she thinks in her mind saying, "Sasuke kun you need to get outta there. Your in trouble and I love you too much to see you get kill. Just hang on I'm coming to save you. Just hang in there Sasuke kun". But Sasuke is heard off screen again saying, "I've planned each charted course. Each careful step along the byway. Soshite kore ijō no koto. Watashi wa watashi no yarikata de yatta".
Now back to backstage Iruka drops down into a dressing room, and pokes his head out. He while smiling catches sight of Naruto. However Iruka wonders how to get his son's attention. Iruka sees a pebble on the floor and picks it up. He throws the pebble at Naruto's head to get his attention. Naruto felt the pebble and touches the back of his head. He wonders who thrown it, and therefore he turns around to see his father. At first Naruto is shock wondering if his father will yell at him.
But seeing Iruka offering a hug in open arms and a smile on his face made Naruto happily run to him. They hug each other tightly. Naruto says to him, "I'm sorry for not being honest with you, in my mind me not standing up to you made me felt like I was a shitty bastard. I just want to live my own life without being in your shadow. I am also sorry putting you through too much stress about mom being the main topic. I just want to know if I'm like her as well. To be honest I don't want anyone to label me as that criminal's son, I just want everyone to see me for me. I completely understand if you don't want to see me anymore".
Hearing these words, made Iruka have a smile on his face. He was happy that his son was mature and now showing responsibility even if this was not how he picture it. He can tell his son got his honesty from his late mother. Sure his son was right about everything but this time he will be honest with him for now on. Iruka now vows to speak about his wife in front of his son because he felt that this what Kushina wanted. By making sure their bond isn't strained or broken. Yep it's time to say a statement that any child wants to hear from a single parent.
Letting go of his son, Iruka looks at him in the eye and says, "Watashi wa anata o totemo hokori ni omoimasu". Upon hearing those words Naruto is surprise and hugs his father again. The sound of a helicopter is too close for comfort. Iruka sees it and says, "Uh oh". This makes Naruto look up as well. Hinata and the others backstage see the helicopter too. The audience is transfixed seeing the same thing. Sasuke sings out loud, "Hai, anata ga shitteita to kakushin shite iru toki ga arimashita. When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all when there was doubt. Watashi wa sore o subete tabete hakidashita. Watashi wa sore ni subete chokumen shi, watashi wa senotakai tatte, watashi no hōhōdeshita. I love, laugh and cry. I've had my fails, my share of losing. Soshite ima, namida ga shizumaru ni tsurete. I find it all so amusing to think I did all that. Soshite, watashi wa hazukashigariyade wa nai to iu kamo shirenai. Oh, no, oh, no, not me. I did it my way".
Now Sasuke sees it now and says, "You gotta be kidding me". Feeling wind be blown at him as the microphone is standing up straight again Sasuke continues saying, "For what is a man. What has he got...". He tries to stand with the microphone but the wind is too strong. Sasuke shouts at the top of his lungs saying, "Moshi kare jishindenakereba, kare wa nani mo shite inai...". However he is blown straight up into the air by the helicopter as he says to the audience, "To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels. Kiroku ni yoreba, watashi wa dageki o uketa".
The audience gasp - fearing Sasuke to be lost. Luckily Sasuke swings back in on his microphone like Tarzan. He smile singing "And did it My Wayyyy!". The audience are on their feet. The first standing ovation. At the TV store, Inari and the other little kids watching the TV wipe the tears from their eyes. Inari then says, "That duck butt really was great". The helicopter is seen. The pilot then says, "Fu. Watashi wa yōgi-sha o miushinatte oitsumete iru". The chopper then flies away after that.
On stage Sasuke basks in all the glory. He says to the crowd while smiling, "Thank you. Thank you so much. Oh please, you're too kind really. Watashiwomite, watashi wa akaku natte imasu. Stop! I can't take it...keep it coming". But Sasuke secretly says in his mind, "Hai, watashi wa sore o watashi no yarikatadeshita!".
Backstage Iruka looks at his son. He then says to him with honestly, "Well, I better get back. They'll be wondering what happened to me. You'll visit me though, right?". Naruto happily smiles and says, "Yeah of course I will!". Hearing this makes Iruka smile as he gives Naruto two items that shock the boy. After that he touches his son's hair one last time. Iruka then says to Naruto, "See ya son". Taking a few steps back Iruka is in a dark shadow that resembles jail bars. He then begins to scale a wall. Iruka turns back to look at Naruto one last time, and laughs as he has a smile on his face. He then jump off in a distance as Naruto smiles back watching him leave.
Naruto silently thanks his father in his mind saying, "Arigato Tou chan. I promise to tell you everything for now on. Watashi no kotoba ni wa nani mo modotte inakute mo, and this time I want to introduce my new friends to you". He now looks at the two mysterious items that his father had given him. The first item was a journal that had purple written letters. The front cover red Kushina's journal. Looking inside the journal Naruto can see that his mother wrote everything about her life from childhood to adulthood, how she met his father. Heck even the final pages that she described as her final days being the hospital before she died peacefully.
The last item brought a tear in his eye as he holds a picture frame of his mother holding him as a infant in the hospital as Iruka smiles in the picture. Naruto can see that they were in a hospital room, but what shock him was that he had his father's skin tone as a infant. He was also shock to see his mother crying with a smile on his face. Now he understands the saying guys look like their moms, while girls look like their dads. After holding the items as his mementos to his mother, Naruto decides to watch the show's final act. And with that Naruto stands next to Miss Biwako.
The thugs pull up outside the theater. Trouble is brewing for a certain someone.
But Jiraiya rushes to the stage. This was his final speech to the audience. He says out loud, "Watashitachi wa kon'ya anata no tame ni saishū-tekina kōi o 1tsu! Would you please welcome to the stage for her first ever live appearance... Hinata chan!". The crowd applaud but Hinata is not in the wings. Jiraiya looks confuse and says, "Hinata chan?". He looks at Shizune and whispers to her, "Kanojo wa dete imasu ka?". Upon hearing this Shizune shrugged.
Backstage Jiraiya rushes to the changing room. He opens the curtain and sees Hinata in a beautiful purple, and blue long sleeved dress with white shoes. Jiraiya freaks out and says to her, "Hinata chan? What's wrong? Are you okay?". Hinata panics and says to him while stuttering, "I-I-I...Ugokemasen. Watashi wa kyōfudesu". Hearing this makes Jiraiya reach out to her. He says, "Give me your hand, kid".
Her hand is enormous in his huge hand. They exit frame. Jiraiya walks Hinata to the stage like the father of the bride. The impatient audience is louder than ever. Behind the curtain to the left Naruto is seen with Miss Biwako and Sasuke. While to the right of the curtain, Karin is seen with Mito and Choza. Everyone is smiling while Sasuke lays back on the rope. Naruto even gives Hinata a thumbs up, while Shizune is signaling Hinata to come out.
Hinata looks at her teacher as he says to her, "Okay, deep breaths, deep breath and remember what I told you. Utawoutau dake de mō kininarukoto wa arimasen".
Wow now the place is packed with seats! Walking on stage Hinata's grandfather shouts out, "Hinata chan! Hinata chan! Wooooo Hooooooo!". While Hitomi and Natsu hold signs up in the air. On stage Hinata whispers to herself saying, "I can do it, I can do it, okay...". But she accidentally knocks over the mic stand and it hits an crowd member in the front row. The crowd member shout out, "Ouch!". Hinata freaks out saying, "Ā! Ā, taihen mōshiwakearimasen! Ē to...". Seeing that made Jiraiya panic while Sasuke laughs at her saying, "Ha Ha Ha!".
She starts to get terrified and nervous. Hinata starts to say, "Uh,". She turns to Buster and he smiles, throws his arms open wide and says..."Utau".
And with a very timid voice, she begins to sing "Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing" by Stevie Wonder. She looks at the crowd nervously and says, "Everbody's gotta thing. But some don't know how to handle it". Hinata's family are on tenterhooks while Sasuke walks away. Hinata continues saying, "Tsuneni muda ni tewosashinoberu... Kachi no nai mono o toru. Shikashi, koto o shinpaishinaidekudasai". Now Sasuke rushes back to the wings to see Hinata for himself. While she starts to lose her shyness and says, "Don't you worry bout a thing, mama. Watashi wa anata ga sore o Chekkuauto-ji ni soba ni tatte irudarou, oh".
On stage, the beat kicks in and Hinata soars with a smile on her face! She walks on the stage saying, "They say your style and life's a drag and that you must go other places...". The audience whoops with delight! Sasuke is loving this just as much as Naruto, Miss Biwako, Jiraiya, Karin, Choza and Mito. Miss Biwako is shaking her body while Jiraiya is smiling with pride. Choza is shaking his body too while Mito is clapping her hands. Karin is whistling and Naruto is snapping his fingers. Sasuke shouts out "Un un!".
Hinata moves her left hand back and forth saying, "Just don't you feel too bad when you get fooled by smiling faces! Anata wa shiai o shinpaishinaidekudasai! Don't you worry bout a thing baby! Watashi wa anata ga sore o Chekkuauto-ji ni soba ni tatte irudarou. When you get off your trip. Don't you worry 'bout a thing, yeah. Don't you worry 'bout a thing, yeah. Come on!". However no one doesn't notice that Orochimaru grabbing Sasuke by the neck! They carry him offstage and out the door.
On the side walk Orochimaru holds Sasuke very tightly. Sasuke says to them while trying to breath, "Min'na, matte, koreijō hanasu koto wa dekimasu ka? We're all reasonable individuals here-". But Sasuke screams out, "Aaargh!" because he is about to have his head cut off by the wooden sword. Orochimaru who smirks is about to kill Sasuke for good. The thug is feeling satisfied that he is getting rid of this tall 17 year old boy. But suddenly Orochimaru is promptly hit in the stomach by a car door. Sasuke tumbles on the ground and looks up to see...his red car come skidding to a stop. And the driver is none other than Sakura. She winks at him and karate kick Orochimaru in the face. Orochimaru falls to the ground, while Sakura does the same tactic to Kabuto and Jugo.
Getting back in the car by closing her door. Sakura yells out to Sasuke saying, "Get in, quick!". Sasuke leaps into the sppedding Kabuto and Jugo try to grab them but the fall to the ground. At top speed Sasuke looks out at the distance telling Sakura in a genuine tone, "Oh, Arigatō, koibito!". While being exhausted he says, "Oh, that was close". Sakura who is driving is tire as well. She looks at him saying, "Yeah", and now looks at the road. Both of them smile while they are unaware that Orochimaru is snickering in the back of the car.
Back on stage Hinata's exuberant performance not only has the audience on their feet but the entire stage is rocking. Hinata sings so beautifully saying, "Daremoga henkō o hitsuyō to shimasu. Atarashī koto o chekku suru chansu, yeah. You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through!". Now she sings at the top of her lungs saying, "Oooh!".
But suddenly the theater backstage curtains out of no way fall down completely destroyed. It reveals the city lit up below. To be honest it's perfectly in sync with a musical crescendo. Hinata looks surprised as she turns around to see this for herself. However she turns around and smiles as the audience cheers. Hinata continues saying, "Anata wa shiai o shinpaishinaidekudasai! Don't you worry bout a thiiiing! Anata wa shiai o shinpaishinaidekudasai. Don't you worry bout a thiiiing!".
Mito's children are the first to sing along, then everyone follows. Hinata's grandfather says "Koto" while keeping his eyes close.
Even Jirobo and Udon are seen singing by saying, "Thing".
We then see Fuki and her two friends shaking their butts as they sing along singing by saying, "Koto".
Now Hinata jumps on stage saying, "Oh, Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba". Then Hinata looks at the audience with her eyes open and stands on the stage saying, "Anata wa shiai o shinpaishinaidekudasai! Don't you worry bout a thing mama! Cuz I'll be standin'! I'll be standin' for you! Ohhh Anata wa shiai o shinpaishinaidekudasai!".
The audience cheers standing up as they clap their hands or scream out loud. While Hitomi shouts out saying, "Hinata chan!". As she smiles Hinata's grandfather cries in happiness rubbing a crowd member's head. He also shouts out, "She did it!". Whereas Natsu hold up the sign of her name again. Hinata turns around to see her friends backstage cheering for her as well.
Backstage Naruto shouts "Go Hinata chan!" and does a fist in the air with his left arm. Choza and Mito happily smile in delight while Karin whistles with her left arm. Not only that Miss Biwako stands to Naruto's right and smiles too. Jiraiya tells Naruto and the others to go on stage. Naruto looks at him and heads his two items for Miss Biwako to hold on to. The cast rushes to the stage to take their bow. Jiraiya is delighted to see the scene.
On stage from left from to right. Choza, and Mito hold hands. While in the middle Hinata holds Mito's hand. Whereas Naruto holds Hinata's hand and lastly Karin holds Naruto's right hand. All four of them take a bow as everyone in the audience cheer for them. Jiraiya smiles saying out loud, "Oh Tou chan, I wish you could see this".
However he hears a piercing whistle, and looks out at the crowd to see the whistle comes from... Senju Tsunade. She is the only member of the audience looking right at him. She smiles, plucks one of Karin's needles from her hair and applauds Jiraiya. He bows to her and when he stands he is the proudest, and happiest man you ever saw.
The theater property has been sold to Tsunade while Rin walks away after making the deal. Soon after Jiraiya hugs her, then Shizune. So begins a spectacular time lapse sequence of the theater being rebuilt around them. Bricks, columns, seats and walls assembling magically to form...the new Sannin Theater in its glory.
On the front steps we find Jiraiya and many others gathered to cut the ribbon. Standing behind the ribbon from left to right are: Hitomi, Hinata, in front of them are Kiba, Unagi, Kaito and Karin. In the center front row is Miss Biwako and Jiraiya, along with Mito who is holding Caspar and Choza showing a peace sign. While Hashirama is next to Choza by handling his other children. On the top right is Shizune and her aunt Tsunade, they are next to the front doors. Next to Tsunade is Naruto while Kankuro and Hinata's grandfather stand next to him.
Jiraiya shouts out loud for everyone to hear, "Min'na junbi ga dekite iru? All humans great and small, welcome to The New Sannin Theater!". Everyone in the audience cheers. Naruto and his friends smile as Jiraiya cuts the ribbon. The camera flashes and the image freezes on the happiest group of humans you've ever seen!
Authors note: Well there you have it! Finally done with the sixth official chapter! So let me know what you guys think of the third chapter, and give me whatever ideas you guys want me to add in this story. I hope I did the whole song of My Way in correct order. I felt that the whole song needed to be added not on off parts. I only added 12 extra scenes in this chapter!
Now time to write the 3 Sing mini shorts. And I will write a sequel to this story! The three shorts will be added in this story profile!
Here's some trivia facts about Mike! He is known as "The Crooner" according to the Sing Website. Not only that he has 27 songs on his playlist if you on the Sing website. His voice actor, Seth MacFarlane, is the creator of Family Guy and co creator of American Dad. His voice actor sings a song call, Two Sleepy People that is on Mike's music playlist and he is a singer in real life. Fan reactions of him were rather negative and caused the fans to accuse Illumination for ripping off Mr. Big from Disney's Zootopia. In actuality, Mike is more based on the late Frank Sinatra. His introduction scene is the last of five (Johnny, Rosita, Ash & Meena).
His rehearsal performance of "Let's Face the Music and Dance" was the first of four. He is the only contestant who didn't show up at Eddie's pool house to cheer up Buster Moon. His final performance of "My Way" was the fourth of five. It was his performance that made Big Daddy and Johnny reunite. Mike was thought to be the main villain of the film probably due to the fact that he's arrogant, and he appears more than the bears do. Most of the fans think Mike died along with his girlfriend by getting killed by The leader of the bears while they were driving in Mike's car since they did not appear during the grand reopening of the Moon Theater.
Now here is some trivia facts about Miss Crawly! Her glass eyeball was made in China. Not only that In Love At First Sight, it reveals the reason why she needs her glass eye is because she is legally blind, and that her vision gets very blurry. Miss Crawly is the first female character in an Illumination film to be voiced by its director. Eddie claims that Miss Crawly is "200 years old". In real life, at age 200, Miss Crawly would be almost ten times the normal lifespan of a lizard, which is about 20 years.
Her hobbies are playing the piano, gardening, bowling, eating sandwiches and Moon bathing. She and Johnny both have the same speech pattern of addressing Mr. Moon, for example they would say "Hello?" in a confuse or downbeat way then they would say "Oh Hello Mr. Moon" in a happy way. And lastly she never heard of online dating until Johnny introduced her to it by making her a profile on the fictional dating site Wrinkled Romance. Well that's all I have to say guys!
Ja Ne Dattebayo!