Author's Note: So, I might be losing control. Maybe. I try to finish the stories I already have going on, but all I can seem to type the minute I sit in front of my computer are new chapters to original stories. What can I say? It's hard, man.

Disclaimer: I don't own the vampires nor the wolves, alright? I'm just a writer trying to have some fun.

"Why did you bring her here?" He snarled at Jake, furious beyond reason. How dare Jacob behave like he was above the tribal laws? How dare he do it for the leech girl?

For some reason, seeing Jake near the girl made his body tremble in anger. Paul felt his whole body shivering the closer he got to the pair of them. He didn't want to look at her; he rathered ignore her presence in his land altogether. How dare she date the fucking leech, love the disgusting creature, and then, as soon as he dumped her sorry ass, come crawling for Jacob — the next big, dangerous beast in tow.

"I didn't!" Jake yelled, "She came here on her own."

"Both of you calm down," Sam demanded, probably seeing the situation was quickly getting out of control.

But Paul wasn't listening, not really. Usually, he was quick to anger, but that day was like nothing he had ever felt before. His already hot temperature was rising quickly to accommodate the shift that was about to happen in a few seconds — Paul could sense it coming. And, even though Sam — his alpha — was telling him to calm down, he kept snapping a Jake.

It all exploded the minute he moved to place his body in front of the Swan girl. Protecting her. Protecting her from him. His wolf exploded instantaneously, bursting through his clothes with ease, as he jumped to attack Jacob. The youngest member of their pack shifted seconds later, meeting him halfway through his jump and pushing him away from the body he was protecting.

'You won't touch her,' Black said, trying to bite his torso.

For some reason, it sounded more like a curse than a threat.

Standing in front of his alpha's house, Paul tried to calm himself down enough to enter the place. The gash on his shoulder was nearly healed by now, and he felt no pain whatsoever coming from it. Nevertheless, he couldn't seem to move his body forward.

Jacob should've never been able to hurt him so easily when Paul was clearly the best fighter of the pack. Their newest member was still a pup, uncontrolled and wild. Paul should've won without effort. However, contrary to all odds, there he stood, with Jake's teeth marking his skin while the kid had shifted unblemished.

What was wrong with him? His behavior was puzzling even to himself. Although he admitted to being the hotheaded of the pack, the scorching ire pulsing inside his body was new — strange, even.

Paul liked to think he had his life figured out.

He knew how his days would go, with very few notable changes. Patrol, eat, sleep, work, shower, eat, work, patrol, eat, sex, sleep... No matter the order, that was the core essence of it. His schedule would only change when a leech entered their lands, and Paul liked it. Routine worked for him, and he allowed no one to disturb it.

So, why was he standing in front of Emily's house, too angry to go inside?

Paul's whole body was straining under the overflow of emotions he felt at that moment, and it was all because of her. The leech lover. The girl who knew too much and yet was oblivious to the world surrounding her.

Paul hated her.

He hated that she jumped into bed with a nasty vampire with no second thoughts, leaving them to deal with the consequences. He hated that Jacob was madly in love with her while she pretended to be clueless. He hated that she dared to demand answers from Sam like she had some sort of right over Jacob's life. But, most of all, he hated that she was the cause of all these emotions inside of him.

She was a bitch, and Paul had no patience for bitches.

He could hear her voice — her fucking concerned voice — asking Jacob how he was and laughing, relieved, when he assured he didn't have a scratch.

Paul felt his hands trembling — a warning sign if there was ever one.

He clenched his fists, allowing his face to morph into a dark scowl.

"Shit," He murmured, knowing he was losing it.

The emotions were just too strong and conflicting. Paul wanted to run away from the house and storm inside at the same time, and it was tearing his control apart.

"Paul, get in here," Sam ordered softly from the kitchen, knowing he would hear. His alpha was completely unaware of his emotions right now, but an order couldn't be ignored.

His feet carried him forward, unstoppable. His body still trembling and his heart pounding loudly in his ears, although he had no idea why.

He needed something from that kitchen. Desperately. But what?

Paul opened the door, and the conversation halted as the heads all turned to stare at him.

"Paul!" Sam's voice was full of reproaching for his uncontrolled anger, ignoring that he was the one who ordered Paul to come inside.

But he didn't want to hear it. His wolf was howling inside, demanding something.

"Get your shit together, man," Black demanded, moving to stand in front of the leech-lover. Again. A growl erupted deep from his chest as it had never before.

The sound surprised everyone, but no one more than himself.

Little Swan gasped and tripped, sliding her eyes up as she did it and, suddenly, Paul felt like tripping and falling, too. The ground shook beneath his feet, and the earth spun too fast. All the strings connecting Paul to his life ceased to be, and all that kept him grounded was the girl in front of him. The air was clogging up his throat, and his eyes were widening.

Suddenly, many things that Paul had never understood became reasonable to him. All his perspective in life was being altered by the need to be everything this tiny human in front of him needed. His mind was already going through the rapidly growing list of all that was required to make an eighteen-years-old girl happy. His emotions were all over the place.

Isabella Swan had the power to destroy him, and she wasn't even aware of it. She held, in her tiny, perfect body, all his needs.

Protect. Love. Mate. The commands ran through his mind like a flash.

There was no other way to say it; it burned. Her widening eyes pierced through his hardened layers, leaving Paul feeling more exposed than ever before in his life.

Jacob was growling in the background, undoubtedly understanding what was happening, but Paul couldn't bring himself to care. He needed her. He stepped closer; his whole body was begging for body contact, but she stepped back, and that's when he noticed. She was afraid of him; he was scaring her. The knowledge sent a different kind of burn rushing through his body. So, for the first time of many to inevitably follow, Paul put her needs above his own. He turned and ran out of the door; the turn overcoming him before he even got to the trees.