A/N: Hello! This prologue is mostly just for me to get a feel for the writing style and whatnot. Anyways... This is my depiction of what happened at Arthur's birth. It might not be accurate, but it is what I've come up with.

Prologue ~ Birth of an Heir

A man stood silently at the center of an elaborately decorated room as a slightly concerned expression appeared on his face. In front of him, a woman with dark hair stood over a large stone basin which she gripped with both hands. The basin was decorated with intricate patterns carved into the sides and a strange glow emanated from it. The man glanced around the room, cataloging the random artifacts that lined the walls and examining the curtains that hung from the stone walls. The dark-haired woman turned to face him, blue eyes shining with fierce determination. She opened her mouth and, when she spoke, her voice echoed around the large room.

"You have come to me for a favor." The woman's voice clearly indicated that it was not a question, but rather a statement of facts. "What could it possibly be that your loyal Gaius could not accomplish?"

"It is about Ygraine." The man folded his hands in front of him, taking on a slightly more authoritative stance. "I am certain you know what I am here to ask."

"Of course." She gave a slow nod, brushing a dark curl off of her shoulder before she looked back at the man. Her next statement was said in a slightly amused tone. "She is unable to have children, and a king cannot rule without an heir."

"Are you able to assist me?" he asked through gritted teeth, an expression of clear annoyance appearing on his face. "I am not amused by your jokes."

"Yes. I can do what you request. Simply take me to Ygraine."

"If you do not fulfill what you have said..." He trailed off, the threat hanging clearly in the air as he fixed his gaze on the woman.

"I swear to you that you will have an heir. Now, take me to her so that I can do what you have requested."

Uther gave a mumble of annoyance before he nodded and headed toward the door. He pushed it open before standing aside to let the sorceress through. She looked at him with an unimpressed frown before pushing past him and heading in the direction of the palace. A small satchel was held in her hand, likely packed full of an assortment of magical items.

Inside the Palace

A woman sat at a dresser, looking into a small hand mirror as she brushed her blonde hair out of her face. She sighed, setting the mirror down with a bit more force than was necessary. The dresser rattled slightly as she slammed it down and the woman didn't even notice as the door to her chambers was thrown open. She only noticed as she looked up and saw two figures standing by the door. Frowning, she ran a hand over her hair and then turned toward her husband. A confused and slightly worried expression appearing on her face as she examined the two people.

"Uther, you should have sent word that you were bringing a guest."

"My apologies. But, Ygraine, it is simply Nimueh." Uther stepped up to the blonde woman, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "She believes that she can assist us."

The woman turned, greeting the sorceress with a slow nod before she looked up at Uther. A questioning expression appeared on her face as she looked at him, head tilted slightly to the side. He looked down at her and gave a small shrug, a slightly apologetic expression appearing on his face with the gesture.

"Of course." She stood from the dresser and took Uther's hand. "What... What do you require me to do?"

Uther looked over at Nimueh, his eyebrow lifted in question. The sorceress shook her head and gestured at the bed, moving completely silently. Ygraine blinked slowly, slightly confused about what the sorceress was directing her to do as she watched the gesture. Nimueh gave a slightly exasperated sigh and grabbed Ygraine's arm, leading her over to the bed.

"What are you doing?" Uther questioned as he followed the two women, arms crossed.

"Do you wish for me to help? Or not?" the sorceress snapped as she directed Ygraine to sit.

Ygraine lifted an eyebrow but she chose not to question the sorceress aloud. She sat down on the bed, adjusting the pillows behind her so that she could sit more comfortably. Lips pursed in thought, she waited for the sorceress to give her next set of instructions. Uther seemed worried and Ygraine sighed as she watched him, fiddling nervously with her hands as she waited.

Nimueh pulled a glass bottle from the small satchel she held, carefully setting it on the table by the bed. She then pulled out a small goblet, once again picking up the glass bottle and pouring some of the swirling liquid into the goblet. Handing the goblet to Ygraine, she gestured for the woman to drink the substance and then sat back to watch. Ygraine gave it only a moment's thought before she lifted the goblet and tipped the mysterious substance into her mouth.

Uther stepped closer, a slightly nervous expression appearing on his face as he watched Ygrain. He quickly wiped it off his face, however, as Nimueh turned her gaze towards him, one eyebrow lifted. She looked at him for only a moment before turning back towards Ygraine and, as he watched, Uther was certain he could see her eyes turning a different color. The sorceress began to mutter a spell in a strange language and Uther had to turn away as a strange glow began to surround Ygraine.

Uther wasn't certain how long he had been standing with his gaze resting on the wall, but he quickly turned around as Nimueh placed a hand on his shoulder. The sorceress gave a small nod and then headed towards the door, pushing it open to let herself out quietly. As soon as the door was shut behind her, Uther hurried to the bed where Ygraine laid with her eyes shut.

"Ygraine? Are you well?" He leaned forwards, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Ygraine."

She blinked her eyes open, looking up at Uther as he shook her shoulder gently. She gave a small nod and then sat up slowly, allowing Uther to help her up by carefully wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She looked at him and gave him a small, reassuring smile.

Several Months Later

Uther stormed out of Ygraine's chambers, a furious expression on his face. He pushed past everyone in the corridor as he began to shout in anger. Gaius rushed after him, wringing his hands nervously as he attempted to chase after the king. The physician hurried down the corridor and he only managed to catch up with Uther as he came to a stop at the gates of the palace. Gaius stopped him by quickly stepping into his path and holding out both hands.

"Sire! This is no way to go about things." Gaius lowered his hands as he realized that he had the king's attention.

"She is dead, Gaius, and that witch killed her!" Uther shouted angrily at the physician, hands clenched into fists. "You will not stop me from finding her."

Gaius shook his head, breathing heavily from the run through the castle. He waited for a moment, gauging the king's reaction before he continued speaking in a low voice. The king watched him with an angry glare, although he seemed willing to listen for the time being.

"What of your children, Sire? You must first think of them before you arrest Nimueh."

"Arrest?" Uther spat the word out as if it were painful to speak. "I will not simply arrest her. She must pay for what she's done. Most grievously."

"Sire..." A servant stepped into the king's line of sight and he saved himself from the man's wrath by speaking again quickly. "One of your knights, Sir Augustin, was suddenly struck by a mysterious malady. He's dead."

The king roared in rage and he pushed quickly past the servant. He paid no notice to Gaius shouting and chasing after him as he continued on his angry rampage. His path of destruction stopped abruptly as he arrived at the witch's home. He pounded on the door and, when he received no answer, he broke the door open. The king began pushing over tables lined with glass bottles and ancient books as he stepped further into the large house.

"Sire! Nimueh is not here." Gaius rushed into the room, attempting to stop the king from destroying anything else for fear of the magic turning against him. "See what she has left."

Uther whipped around to face the physician, his face bright red in anger as he pounded over to him. He held out a hand and then ripped the small piece of parchment from the physician's grasp. He read the letter which had been written in the neat and looping handwriting of the enchantress.

My apologies for your loss, but those really are the rules of magic. A life must be given in exchange for another. I never realized that it would be the Queen that would die. Oh, and that knight of yours, head of the army, was he? It seems that I gave you one too many heirs. A simple slip of the tongue when reciting the spell, perhaps. I am certain that you will be looking for me, so I decided to leave. Tell the people that you banished me of your own accord. It shall make you seem like a strong king. Enjoy your heirs, and I do hope that you like the surprise that I have left for you. It truly is a special thing.

Uther growled, crumpling the letter up and kicking over another table of supplies in his anger. He jumped slightly as Gaius appeared at his shoulder, one hand nervously fiddling with the collar of his tunic. The physician sighed and then turned to speak to the king in a quiet tone.

"We should return to the palace. Your children need names, and an announcement must be made to the people."

Uther reluctantly agreed, following Gaius out the door and in the direction of the palace. The two arrived at the palace just as the knights were moving Sir Augustin's body. The knight's face was covered in ugly boils and his limbs were twisted at awkward angles. The king watched the knights go past before he entered the palace, followed closely by Gaius.

As they returned to the chambers, Uther paused for a moment at the door before he shook his head and entered. Ygraine's body had been moved from the bed, but at the moment Uther did not wish to know where she had been taken. He sighed and then turned, noticing the two small bassinets that had been set down on the long table at the center of the room. The servants swarming the table quickly dispersed as they saw the king approaching.

Uther looked down at the baby, a mop of blond hair atop his head, that had been placed in one of the bassinets. He had been wrapped in a red cloth and his blue eyes blinked up lazily from within the folds of fabric. The baby made soft cooing noises as Uther stooped down, lightly grasping one of his tiny hands. After a moment, Uther looked up as the sound of crying broke into his thoughts. He walked around to the other bassinet and glanced down at the baby girl. Her brown eyes were opened widely and a mess of brown hair covered her head. Her mouth was opened wide as she continued to cry loudly and Uther felt a frown appearing on his face.

"Gaius. What is wrong with the girl?" Uther lazily waved a hand in her direction before walking over to the other bassinet. The fond expression that had appeared on his face as he glanced down at the baby boy quickly morphed into one of fear as he too began to cry. "Gaius!"

The physician sighed, looking up from where he had been leaning over the bassinet of the baby girl. He quickly straightened out, the baby held in his arms and wrapped in a dark purple cloth. He crossed over to where Uther stood, still panicking slightly and waiting for Gaius to respond.

"It is quite normal for babies to cry, Sire." Gaius rocked the baby back and forth slowly, smiling slightly as she stopped crying. As soon as the baby girl stopped crying, the baby boy slowly became silent as well.

"Of course. Now, I must name the children." Uther gave a slow nod, glancing down at the little blond boy. "His name shall be Arthur."

"And the..." Gaius trailed off as he realized that the king had already begun to head for the door. He called something out about making a declaration to the people and banishing the witch before he was too far away for his voice to be heard. Gaius shook his head and looked down at the baby swaddled in purple.

"It does seem he is not trying to hide who his favorite is, now is he?"