Hey guys! This is my first book so it may not be great but ill try my best. Disclaimer: I dont own any characters from the series except my own.

Percy's POV

It was 2 weeks after the 2nd Titan war and everything was peaceful for a change. Annabeth and I's relationship was going great. Though lately, I feel like she was keeping something from me. Tonight, she asked me to meet her at the beach to talk about something. I got there early and sat down and looked at the sky. Th moon was irregularly dull. Artemis must be sad... I thought. I was distracted out of my musings when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned and saw my Wise Girl looking at me. I smiled.

"Hey Wise Girl. " I said.

"Hey Seaweed Brain, you got here early today." she said somewhat nervously.

"Umm yeah, is there something bothering you?" i asked.

"Erm Percy we need to talk. "

Third Person POV

"What do you want to talk about Wise Girl? " asked Percy.

"Umm I think that we should break up. " said Annabeth not meeting Percy's eyes.

Percy being the Seaweed Brain he was, said, "Umm what? "

"I'm really sorry Percy. I'm going to this private school that focuses on architecture. I think we should break up to be open for opportunities." said Annabeth. Unknown to her, Percy was close to crying.

"Well what do you want to do now? " asked Percy, surprised his voice didn't crack.

"I think we should be just like how we were before the war. Best friends? " asked Annabeth while Percy was trying not to cry.

"O- ok Annabeth. Whatever you want. " said Percy looking away while Annabeth smiled.

"Thank you Percy, I knew you'd understand." She said and walked away, leaving Percy to grieve on his own. He could only think of one place he could go, his father's palace.

Artemis PoV

My father has called me to Olympus for some reason. I was currently bowing down in front of him. "Artemis, you may rise. " he said.

"Father, why did you call me to Olympus?" I asked him.

"I have decided that you shall get married. " he said somewhat nervously.

"What?! " i yelled out in surprise.

"Artemis, i want the best for you. Ever this man-hating tirade started, you have become less happier ever since. There have also been reports of demigods, specifically male demigods disappearing whenever you are at Camp Half Blood." he said. I glared at him. "You shall pick a man in one month or I will pick one for you. This is non negotionable Artemis. " he said as he flashed out of the throne room to escape my wrath. To say i was pissed was an understatement. I was furious. I flashed down to the beach at Camp Half Blood. I better go see Uncle Poseidon. I thought as I waded in the water.


Artemis was grieving about her ex-best friend's betrayal by the beach. Suddenly, her Uncle Poseidon rose from the water.

"Artemis, i heard what happened with Orion. " said her Uncle. She looked up and saw him by the shore.

"I- I am alright Uncle. " she said though Poseidon could tell she was lying. "What are you doing here? "

"I came to apologize about my son's behavior. " he said.

"It's alright Uncle. It wasn't your fault. " she told him. Her Uncle stayed to comfort her because he felt guilty. Eventually, he became her father figure and always listened to her troubles. He also blessed her so she could come visit anytime she wanted.

End of Flashback