Hey guys, Flipkicks here and today I bring you is an update regarding Memories of the Reaper", thank you guys for checking out the story.

Its been a while since I've last updated this story. The reason as to why I'm not up to date with this story is three things.

1. I got a new job in a hospital close as a Food Service Worker by my home that has been taking up my time and I've been getting tired each day, feeling drained and plus the COVID-19 hasn't been making things easy there and makes me feel like no writing for the most part.

2. I've been writing my other stories since it's easier for me for some reason.

3. I'm getting tired of these 'reviews' regarding Issei's involvement in the story. If you don't like it, fuck off honestly.

I'm currently revising the story and might change the story again or keep doing what I've originally wanted.