He could remember the first time he laid eyes on her.

Those beautiful eyes, those hips, those lips and that oh so sexy "yoo hoo!' Mugman was day dreaming about Cala Maria. He and Cuphead fought her together but he really wanted the chance to talk to her. And today could be that day. It was the Inkwell Isle Festival. Everyone would be there. Including Cala Maria. The festival was going to be tonight at 6:00 pm and it was 8:00 am right now.

Mugman P.O.V

Oh man the Inkwell Isle Festival is today! I'm excited! - but also nervous beyond all measure. Today's gonna be the day I make my move on Cala Maria and talk to her! Oh, but what will I say? I'm no good with girls. Cuphead is the one I can talk to. He's way more confident than me.

"Hey Cups?" "Yeah Mugs?" "Listen, the Inkwell Isle Festival is today and I wanted to know if you could help me with something." "Yeah, what do you need help with?" I paused. "It's about girls." Cuphead smirked. He knew what was up. "Ohhhh I see." He chuckled. "So you want me to teach you how to talk with girls, huh? Well I know just what to do. So who's the girl huh? Sally Stageplay? Hilda Berg? Rumor Honeybottoms?"

"Well no. It's actually Cala Maria." I almost chocked. "I see. You like Cala Maria." Cuphead repeated this phrase and teased me for it. "Yeah yeah I like Cala Maria" I replied. "There's no shame in liking girls, bro. Every guy likes a girl once in his life. And not a bad choice either. Here's my advice. Give her flowers. And tell her how much she means to her. Then you tell her you like her. Pretty simple. Worked for me every time." I imagined myself in that situation, telling Cala Maria how much she means to me. I almost died from nervousness. I couldn't do it.

"I don't know Cups. You sure it'll work?" "Of course it will! Trust me I have experience." "All right. I'll take your word for it." Cuphead then sat next to me and put his shoulder around me. "And remember. Don't be nervous. Don't stutter. You got to be confident if you want to have any shot at getting her. Girls hate nervous guys, ok?" "OK" replied. "I know what to do now!" "That's right" Cuphead replied. "If you follow my steps, you'll get Cala Maria like that" and Cuphead snapped his fingers. "I know what I'm going to do Cuphead. Thanks for helping me out." "No problem. That's what siblings are for right? "Yup" I replied.

Cuphead then left the room. This was going to be easy. For the next couple hours I listened to my favorite radio plays and read some of my favorite autobiographies. Eventually it came to be 4:00 pm. Only two hours left. I took a shower and got dressed in my fancy suit. I paced back and forth. I just couldn't wait. I was so excited!

Eventually 6:00 came around and me and Cuphead took off to the Inkwell festival. "You two going to the Ikwell Festival?" said our father Elder Kettle. "Yeah pops" I said. "Well don't stay out too late. And don't into trouble." He remembered our last encounter with the Devil. "We won't! I promise pops!" "All right then. Remember be back before 10:00. That's your curfew." "We got it pops! We'll be back before then." "I'll see you two later! Have fun you two!" "Thanks pops! We'll see you later" Cuphead and I said in unison. And off we went to the Inkwell Festival.