Hello, internet! Welcome to the official relaunch of The Shinobi Who Overcame Time! Now, you might be wondering why it is I've decided to relaunch this project when it was doing so good before hand. Well, to that I say this. I may have done goofed with certain facts about the canon with the previous incarnation of the story, as right now my knowledge of the Naruto-verse is pretty much limited to badly scratched and virtually unreadable DVDs borrowed from an old friend of mine, and the Naruto Wiki, which is why this is an AU story, so I don't have to rely on these sources as much. With luck, I'll be able to get my hands on the complete series with the disks in good shape, as well as find the movies for a decent price online. Well, with that being said, let's begin!

Chapter One: The Fight for the Scroll of Sealing


In the middle of a dark side alley, a shimmering vortex appeared for only the briefest of moments before a young man of around the age of sixteen was tossed out of it, screaming what sounded like the back half of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" before landing several feet away, hard. The boy had spiky blond hair that somehow resembled a leaf, a white and blue left eye and a black and almost pure white right eye, which also bore a large scar and two whisker markings on each of his cheeks. He also had a black diamond-shaped marking on his right palm, in which was a katana, an elaborate sigil tattooed on his right arm, which also covered part of his hand, and wore a black and red unzipped and tattered jacket with a white shirt underneath, a bolt on a string and a small locket around his neck, a tan leather belt, short black pants, brown shinobi sandals, a black cloak, a scabbard on his back, and a Leaf Village Shinobi headband with two intersecting slashes on it.

Pulling himself off the ground, the young man looked around, realizing that something was off about where he was. Emerging from the alleyway, he found himself at a loss for words when he looked around at the Village Hidden in The Leaves.

Wha…? Where am I? WHEN am I? This isn't the same Konoha that I grew up knowing, thought Boruto Uzumaki as he sheathed his sword and took to the rooftops to get a better look at his surroundings.

What he saw made his jaw drop like a sack of bricks.

Gone were the industrial complexes, the skyscrapers, and the Thunder Rail he'd grown up knowing, and a grand total of four faces were chiseled into Hokage Rock, as opposed to the seven that were on the mountain before it had been destroyed.

Was I… sent back to my parents' childhood? Did Kawaki throw me back to the early 2000's? thought Boruto as he looked around wildly at the scenery before him, before catching sight of the Ninja Academy. Boruto's eyes widened as his Jogan Eye picked up the dark aura of negative emotions, focused on an individual at the Academy.

Better check it out, thought Boruto as he leaped off the rooftop and made his way towards the Ninja Academy.

Naruto Uzumaki sat by himself on a wooden swing, feeling thoroughly depressed. He had blonde wavy hair, and wore an orange and black jacket with a black shirt underneath, orange pants, the standard shinobi sandals, and a pair of green goggles on his forehead. For the third time in a row, he had failed the graduation exam, and his dream of becoming the greatest of the Hokage was still out of his reach, increasingly so it seemed.

"There he is," said an onlooker. "You see him?"

"It's that boy. I heard he's the only one who failed," said a second.

The first onlooker sneered. "Serves him right."

"Just imagine what would happen if he became a ninja."

Naruto heaved a sigh and looked down at the ground. Until that is, someone walked up to him. Looking up, Naruto saw that it was one of his sensei, Mizuki, who wore the standard Leaf Village Shinobi outfit, consisting of a green flak jacket with a black long sleeved shirt bearing a red insignia on his arm, black pants with a small pouch wrapped around his right knee, and blue shinobi sandals.

"Hey," said Mizuki, a gentle smile on his face. "Must be pretty rough, watching everyone else graduate while you get left behind… again. You wanna talk about it?"

Naruto shrugged. "Got nothin' better to do with my time," he said, his voice filled with pain, sadness, and loneliness.

Mizuki jerked his head. "Come on, let's get outta here."

And with that, the ninja and the student departed from the Academy… unaware that they were being followed by someone who looked a lot like Naruto himself, who had been lurking in the shadows, concealed, using his dojutsu to detect that Mizuki had ill intentions for Naruto.

Better see what they're up to… if my father gets himself killed… I won't even be dead, thought Boruto as took care to maintain his distance so Mizuki couldn't sense his chakra, but close enough to keep Mizuki in the sights of his Jogan Eye.

As the sun began to set over Konoha, Mizuki and Naruto were deep in their conversation.

"Look, Iruka-Sensei's tough, but he's not against you," said Mizuki.

"Then why? Why only me?" asked Naruto.

"He wants you to be strong with all his heart. But, that will never happen if he goes easy on you," explained Mizuki. "He's like you, you know. No parents, no family."

"But… this time I really wanted to graduate…"

Mizuki smirked as he looked at Naruto. "Then, I guess I have to tell you."

"Huh?" said Naruto as he looked back at Mizuki.

"It's a secret, but I'm gonna let you in on it," said Mizuki.

A secret… thought Naruto. "What's the secret? Tell me!"

"All right, all right. There's this scroll inside Lord Hokage's place. A scroll full of advanced jutsu. If anyone can learn a jutsu from that scroll and perform that jutsu in front of one of their sensei, then they automatically become genin. If you can get the scroll, then I'll be able to teach you these jutsu. Think you're up to it?"

Naruto, his eyes alight with a glimmer of hope at the thought of finally being able to graduate and become a Genin, nodded fervently, never mind the fact that he'd just been asked to break into a government official's home and steal something of incredible value.

"Good. Then if you can get the scroll, meet me at an old shack in the forest about… two or three kilometers west from the village gate. I'd suggest going by night. You'll have the cover of darkness to work with then."

"All right! I'm gonna go and get ready! I'll meet you at the shack tonight!" said Naruto

With that, Naruto was off, leaping from building to building as Mizuki watched, chuckling.

"Little fool… that was too easy," he said before taking off himself.

Boruto emerged from his hiding spot, having found an idea place to see and hear everything, without being seen and heard himself.

Well, then… I guess I'll be seeing you two tonight as well… he thought.

Later that night…

Iruka, a young man with tan skin and brown hair tied into a topknot with a scar across the bridge lay in his bed wearing only his black pajamas and Shinobi headband. He was thinking about a conversation he and Lord Hokage had had earlier that day about Naruto…

"Iruka…" said the old man wearing the ceremonial red and white robes and sun hat of the Hokage as he and Iruka walked into the empty classroom.

"What is it?" asked Iruka.

"I know how you feel. You grew up just like Naruto. Without knowing the love of a mother and father. The warmth of a family…"

At these words, Iruka thought back to the day his mother and father died. The day the Nine-Tailed Fox had attacked and all but destroyed the village.

A loud knock on the door pulled Iruka out of his thoughts. "Iruka-Sensei, wake up!" called Mizuki from out the door. Putting his flip-flops on, Iruka opened the door to see what the trouble was.

"What? What is it?" asked Iruka.

"You need to come to Lord Hokage's right away! It's Naruto, he stole the sacred scroll!" said Mizuki.

Iruka's eyes widened at this information. "You mean the Scroll of Sealing?! No!" he yelled.

Meanwhile, in the forest, just outside the old shack Mizuki had told him to meet him at, Naruto sat under the shade of a tree, reading from the scroll he'd taken.

"Okay, let's see… the first one is… 'Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu,'" read Naruto before smacking him himself in the forehead in frustration. "Oh, not this again! That's my worst jutsu!"

Back in the village, a group of Shinobi yelled aloud about Naruto's theft of the Scroll of Sealing.

"Lord Hokage, this is not just a prank, this is a serious crime!" said a burly-looking Shinobi.

"That scroll contains secrets that were sealed away by the first Hokage, secrets known only to our village!" said a second Shinobi with an eyepatch.

"If it falls into the wrong hands, it could destroy our entire way of life!" said a third Shinobi as Iruka and Mizuki joined the group.

"All right. Bring Naruto here at once!" said Lord Hokage, giving the signal for the Shinobi to move out.

"Sir!" said the Shinobi as they leaped away in pursuit of Naruto.

As he leapt from rooftop to rooftop, Iruka searched all over the Hidden Leaf Village for Naruto.

Where would he go? thought Iruka right before a voice spoke up behind him.

"So, you're Iruka. My father always spoke fondly of you."

Iruka whirled around, shuriken at the ready, to find someone standing on a balcony behind him. Someone who looked a lot like Naruto, but with several noticeable differences, such as the hairstyle, the outfit, the scar, and the eye that could only be a dojutsu derived from a kekkei genkai.

"Start talking, who are you? Why do you look just like Naruto Uzumaki?" demanded Iruka.

"Well, then, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Boruto. Boruto Uzumaki. Son of the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, from the… not-so-far future," said Boruto.

Iruka clenched his teeth in anger. "Do you really expect me to believe that bullcrap?!" he bellowed.

"Of course not. Which is why I've brought evidence," said Boruto as he pulled out a small handheld device unknown to Iruka and began fiddling with it. "Wow, great reception… let's see now… ah! There we go! Catch!"

Boruto tossed the device to Iruka, who caught it, only to nearly drop it in shock at what he saw on it.

It was a picture of the teenager before him and what was unmistakably an older Naruto with a different hairstyle and what seemed to be a futuristic right arm.

"You… you're really… from the future?" said Iruka in shock.

"Indeed I am. I also happen to know where my father ran off to. If we hurry, we might get there before it's too late."

Elsewhere, Mizuki was running through the village streets at top speeds. Everything was proceeding according to his plan.

Now that I've told everyone what Naruto did, I can eliminate him. They'll be glad he's gone. And of course, I keep the scroll for myself, he thought, smirking as he ran.

Two Hours Later…

Naruto sat on the ground, panting and out of breath, having worked very hard to the point of near exhaustion in order to master the technique he'd learned from the scroll as footsteps approached him. Naruto looked up to see that it was Iruka.

"It's all over," Iruka said, chuckling as he spoke.

Naruto chuckled as he stood up. "Got me already, not bad. You're quick, sensei, I only had time to learn one technique."

He's been out here practicing. I can tell how hard he's been working, thought Iruka.

"Listen, Iruka-Sensei! I'm gonna show you this amazing technique, then you're gonna let me graduate, and then everything will be okay! That's the way it works, right? Anyone who learns a jutsu from this scroll passes!"

"Huh?! Where'd you get that idea?"

"Mizuki-Sensei told me about it! Believe it! He told me where to find the scroll, and this place…" said Naruto, before realizing that something was off, judging by the look on Iruka's face.

Huh?! Mizuki? thought Iruka as the pieces began falling into place.

A split-second later, a hailstorm of kunai knives came flying at Naruto and Iruka, the latter of whom caught sight of the attack. "Look out!" cried Iruka as he pushed Naruto out of the way, getting hit by several of the kunai in the process.

"Well, well. It looks like you've found our little hideaway," said Mizuki from the top branch of a nearby tree. "Naruto! Give me the scroll! Now!"

"W-wait a minute! What's going on here?!" demanded Naruto.

"Naruto! Don't let Mizuki get the scroll! It contains forbidden jutsu that could put this village in grave danger! Mizuki used you to get the scroll for himself, for his own power!" said Iruka, causing Naruto to glare angrily at Mizuki.

"Naruto, Iruka's just trying to scare you because he doesn't want you to have the scroll!" said Mizuki, causing Naruto to become confused and look back and forth between Iruka and Mizuki, unsure who to believe.

"Stop lying, Mizuki! Naruto! Don't let him trick you!" said Iruka.

Mizuki chuckled humorlessly. "Oh, I'll tell you who's really lying!" he said.

"No, Mizuki!" yelled Iruka.

"They've been lying to you your whole life, Naruto. Since the decree twelve years ago," said Mizuki, pressing on relentlessly.

"What… decree?" said Naruto, growing more and more confused by the minute.

"Everyone knows, except you. Iruka's trying to hide it from you even now, he'd do anything to shut me up!"

"What is this decree? How come everyone else knows about it?" asked Naruto, growing ever the more confused.

"Don't, Mizuki, it's forbidden!" yelled Iruka.

"The decree is no one can tell you the Nine-Tailed Fox is inside you!" said Mizuki, causing Naruto to gasp aloud in shock. "The fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village has taken over your body! You are the Nine-Tailed Fox!"

"Stop it!" yelled Iruka, the kunai he was pinned down by tearing through his flak jacket as Mizuki pressed on relentlessly.

"They've all been sneaking around, hiding things from you your whole life! Didn't you think it was strange, how they treated you? Like dirt. Like they hated you for just being alive!"

"No!" yelled Naruto as tears began to run down his face and his chakra began to swirl around him. "No, no, no, no, no!"

"Naruto!" said Iruka, feeling helpless.

"That's why you'll never be accepted in this village! Even your beloved sensei hates your guts!" yelled Mizuki.

As Mizuki continued his ranting and raving, Iruka thought back to the conversation he had with Lord Hokage.

"Iruka. Naruto never had a mother or father to care for him. He's shut out of everything and doesn't know why, most people won't even look at him. How would you feel if everywhere you went, people turned their backs on you? That's why he gets into trouble, so people will notice him. He may not show it, but he's always thinking about the family he doesn't have. He's hurting inside…"

"DIE, NARUTO!" yelled Mizuki as he spun and threw one of the giant shuriken he had on his back while Naruto desperately tried to get out of the way.

"NARUTO, GET DOWN!" yelled Iruka as he broke free from the kunai and shielded Naruto with his own body.

The giant shuriken landed a bull's eye directly on the insignia on the back of Iruka's jacket, causing him to cough up a little blood, which landed directly on Naruto as Mizuki glared down at them in anger.

"Wh...why?" asked Naruto, tears starting to run down his face.

"Because we're the same," said Iruka. "When I lost my parents, no one seemed to care. They just didn't have time for me… they forgot I was there. My grades dropped. I became the class clown. I just wanted them to see me. To know my name. My schoolwork wasn't good enough to get their attention, so I did crazy things. And then I had to pay for it. It was hard… I know that's how you feel. You feel lonely and it hurts inside. And I could've been there for you more. I let you down. I'm sorry. No one should have to suffer that much. No one should be alone like that."

Mizuki chuckled. "Don't make me laugh! Iruka always hated you! He was orphaned because the Nine-Tailed Fox killed his parents! And that beast is now inside you! He'd say anything to get the scroll from you!"

At these words, Naruto took one look at Iruka, before he shot off like a bottle rocket.

"Naruto!" called Iruka as tears began running down his face. "NARUTO!"

Mizuki leaped down from his tree branch and chuckled. "You know, once he makes up his mind, nothing can change it. He's going to use the scroll to take revenge on the village. You saw that look in his eyes, didn't you? Those are the eyes of a beast."

Iruk grunted as he pulled the giant shuriken from his back. "No… Naruto… ISN'T LIKE THAT!" he yelled before he threw the giant shuriken at Mizuki with all his strength before falling onto one knee.

Smooth as anything, Mizuki merely sidestepped the projectile, which went soaring up into the trees. "You're a joke. As soon as I eliminate Naruto and get the scroll… I'll be back for you," he said before taking off through the trees after Naruto.

Iruka glared in the direction Mizuki had gone. My new friend and I won't let you! he thought.

Back at the Hokage's home, Lord Hokage gazed into his crystal ball, watching as Naruto leapt from tree branch to tree branch.

This is not good. Mizuki has a big mouth. He made Naruto feel so bad. Worse than he's ever felt. It could unleash the power inside of him. If Naruto keeps tampering with the scroll, the seal that locks the fox spirit inside of him could be broken, and the beast could come out. And if that happens, I fear for us all… thought Lord Hokage.

And yet, recovering the scroll isn't the only pressing matter tonight, thought Lord Hokage as the crystal ball's image changed to that of Boruto, who used a Transformation Jutsu to become a duplicate of Naruto and took off after Mizuki, who was hot on Naruto's heels. That Shinobi who bears a great resemblance to Naruto himself… we must determine his identity and what his intentions are. His right eye is clearly a form of dojutsu, a kekki genki that seems to resemble the Byakugan of the Hyuga Clan, but clearly, it is something entirely different…

Iruka had nearly caught up with Naruto and managed to pull ahead and keep up with him. "Naruto! Everything Mizuki said was a lie! Give me the scroll! Hurry! He's coming after you to take it away!" said Iruka.

Naruto angled himself before tackling Iruka in the air, knocking the wind out of the Shinobi and sending them both tumbling to the forest floor below.

"It can't be…" said 'Iruka' as he pulled himself off the ground while Naruto took a fighting stance that seemed familiar to 'Iruka' somehow. "How did you know, Naruto? How did you know…" said 'Iruka' before he turned back into Mizuki in a puff of smoke "...that it was me and not Iruka."

'Naruto' chuckled as a cocky smirk crossed his face. "It wasn't that hard. Apart from the fact that you didn't have a scratch on you when I saw Iruka get hit with projectiles…" he said before he turned back into Boruto in a puff of smoke. "...there is no disguise or trick that I can't see right through."

Mizuki let out a gasp of shock, as did the real Naruto, who was hiding nearby.

Wh-who is that guy? Why does he look like me? Is he me from the future or something? thought Naruto, utterly confused as his doppleganger got up and took a fighting stance.

"Who are you supposed to be?" asked Mizuki as he took a fighting stance of his own.

"They call me Boruto Uzumaki of the Jogan Eye. I am the son of the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. And I will not allow you harm a hair on my father's head!" said Boruto, causing both Mizuki and Naruto to gasp aloud.

He's my what now?! thought Naruto, his mind reeling with this information that not only would he actually manage to achieve his dream of becoming Lord Hokage, but have a family as well, meaning that he would someday be accepted by the village.

"Surprised, Mizuki?"

Mizuki looked up and saw the Iruka was lying down, still apparently wounded, on a tree branch, a smirk on his face. "So was I. But, he seems to check out, and I gotta say, he couldn't have picked a better time to appear, pun not intended. After all, if Naruto were truly like the Nine-Tailed Fox, there's no way he could show the love and compassion needed to have a family. So, it looks like you're wrong. Naruto is nothing like the Nine-Tailed Fox. He's Naruto Uzumaki of the Village Hidden in the Leaves!"

Mizuki growled in frustration and anger. "So, the little freak ends up having a little bastard cub and manages to become Hokage by some amazing stroke of luck, so what? I've read enough time travel stories to know that all I have to do is kill Naruto, and this little bastard will never be born!" he snarled.

"Oh, so you want to make this personal, do you?" said Boruto, maintaing his composure. "Can't say I didn't warn you."

A moment later, a glowing ball of yellow chakra energy appeared in Boruto's open hand, causing both Iruka and Mizuki's eyes to widen in shock.

That's the-! thought Mizuki.

That's the Rasengan! The signature stabbing technique of the Fourth Hokage! But, where would he have picked that up from? thought Iruka.

I gotta stop him! thought Mizuki as he performed a series of hand signs.

However, he was too late to do much of anything, as Boruto's Rasengan reached optimal levels. "From the future with love!" yelled Boruto as he launched his Rasengan at Mizuki.

Only for it to vanish in mid-flight.

Mizuki chuckled. "Like father, like son. The Rasengan is supposed to be a stab technique, not a projectile, you idiot! Clearly you have no talents as a Shinobi! Time to wrap this up! Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" yelled Mizuki as he hurled the second and last of the giant shuriken on his back and shrouded it in flames, forcing Boruto to dive out of the way as the shuriken swerved up towards the trees and Iruka, who had no energy left to even try to get out of the way.

So, this is it… thought Iruka.

A split-second later, an unseen chakra blast knocked Mizuki off his feet and sent him flying through the air and into a nearby tree, causing him to cough up blood, while Naruto emerged from his hiding place and got Iruka out of harm's way before the burning projectile could do any damage.

"Ha! How d'ya like them apples! That was a variant of the Rasengan I didn't so much invent as it was a happy accident: the Vanishing Rasengan!" said Boruto as he pulled himself off the ground.

"Not bad, junior," said Naruto, giving his future son a cocky smirk.

"Don't call me that, ever again, Dad," Boruto said, glaring down at his future father.

"As for you, Mizuki, if you ever lay a finger on my sensei or my son again… I'll kill you," said Naruto.

Mizuki laughed, although it really sounded more like a wheeze. "That Vanishing Rasengan trick of your bastard's may have gotten me on the ropes, but I could still obliterate you with one move!"

"Let's see you try it!" yelled Naruto.

"Oh, yeah?! Show me what you can do, Nine-Tailed Fox!" spat Mizuki.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" yelled Naruto as he made a hand sign.

A split-second later, hundreds if not thousands of Naruto clones appeared, completely surrounding Mizuki, Boruto, and Iruka, the latter of whom broke into a smile.

Those aren't just illusions, those are solid clones! He's mastered an extremely advanced jutsu! thought Iruka as Mizuki looked around in horror at the army of Narutos that were all calling out to him.

"Well, if you're not gonna come here…" said one of the Narutos.

"Then we're gonna come after you!" said a second Naruto, right before the whole bunch of them ganged up on Mizuki, who screamed to the heavens as the clones pummeled him into unconsciousness.

As dawn broke over the horizon, Mizuki was twitching in pain on the ground as Naruto rubbed the back off his head and chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, I kinda got carried away. You okay, Iruka-Sensei?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah," said Iruka. He's amazing! He wants to surpass all the Hokage! And if what Boruto over there says is true, then Naruto might just do it, he thought. "Hey, Naruto, come here a minute. I have something I want to give you."

Back in the village, the Shinobi were more worried than ever, as not a single one of them could find Naruto, and Iruka and Mizuki were missing.

Before long, however, Lord Hokage emerged from his home. "There's no longer any need to worry," he said to the Shinobi as he smoked on his pipe. "The scroll's safe, Naruto will be back soon. And more importantly, it seems as though we have a new, powerful Shinobi ally in our midst, one who has come from the not-too-distant future, it seems… although how and why, I cannot say, but I have every intention of finding out…"

"Sensei, how much longer?" asked Naruto, who had his eyes shut.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," said Iruka.

As Naruto opened his eyes, a ray of bright sunshine entered the forest. As Naruto's eyes adjusted to the light, he quickly realized that Iruka's headband was gone, and that Iruka was holding his goggles.

"Congratulations! You graduate!" said Iruka. "And to celebrate, I have a surprise: we're going out for ramen tonight."

Boruto smiled. Well, I may prefer a good burger, but I do love me some good ramen, just like my father, he thought.

Naruto stood there, stunned for a moment, before he tackled Iruka happily and gave him a big hug.

The road gets tougher now that you're a ninja, Father. Iruka should probably tell him that, but it'd probably kill the mood, thought Boruto before he let out a huge yawn. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but traveling back decades in time takes a lot out of a guy. As my Sensei once told me, 'rest can be as deadly a weapon as a kunai or jutsu.' Mind if I crash at your place, Dad? I can sleep on the floor."

Naruto looked over at his future son and smiled. "Sure, but only on the condition that you call me by my name. It's a little weird for me to be called 'Dad' when I'm only a kid myself."

"Fair enough," said Boruto with a smile.

"Say, Boruto…" said Naruto. "If I'm your Dad, then who's my wife?"

And… cut, print, check the gate, moving on! Hopefully I've gotten my facts right this time, and ironed out some of the flaws with this chapter as well. Stay tuned for the new-and-improved version of Chapter Two! In the meantime, fave, follow, and review! Also, be sure to vote on that poll on my profile, would you kindly?