I'm so excited to write this story I've been wanting to do something like this for a while. I love dragon ball z i've just never dabbled in it because I didn't think I could write it's unique set of characters very well but I'm going to try to take a crack at it here. I spent a looong time on this first chapter so I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1

"Don't ever think about speaking to me again!" A blue haired teen screamed in a faintly lit parking lot at the two men 'escorting' her home.

"Count on it, you spoiled brat!" Shouted back the one closest in coloring to the fuming girl ahead.

This had to be the most embarrassing moment of her life. Well maybe not the most embarrassing, if you took into account the first time her father had caught her making out with a boy. This though was a very close second.

All she had wanted to do was go out with her friends, maybe flirt with a few boys and have a good time like a normal human being for once in her life. Was that such a crime? She was a good kid, kept her grades in top shape, didn't actively go out looking for trouble like her brother and even her mother had once upon a time. She owed it to herself and everything had been going so well too, but Kami and her family were good friends so of course he wouldn't be on her side.

One minute she had been laughing in front of the newest club in town with some of the only girls at school she actually got along with who weren't intimidated by her or, if you wanted to be brutally honest, her family's status. When everything had gone to hell the next as a very familiar voice filled her ears.


Now she was currently screaming at her brother with everything she had, demanding he disassociate himself with her for the rest of their lives. He had acted like she was still a kid in front of the only people that didn't treat her like a piece that didn't fit into the puzzle that everyone in her life had created.

It pissed her off even more just thinking about it.

"Trunks?" She'd turned in shock at instant recognition of the sound of her name coming from her brothers lips.

"Bulla?" Goten had asked in disbelief beside Trunks, making his presence known to the young heiress who had been too busy being mortified to notice before.

Until that moment Trunk's expression had mirrored her own before morphing into a stern one. "What are you doing here?"

Her scowl followed to match as if on cue.

"What's it look like? Same as you obviously." She sniffed, gesturing to his clothes fashionably styled for a night out like her own.

He bristled at her answer, pinching his mouth even tighter after inspecting her outfit in return. "Do mom and dad know where you are?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I asked Mom and she gave the okay." She crossed her arms defensively. Humiliation was slowly beginning to creep up after a quick glimpse at the looks her friends were exchanging behind her back. "And Dad doesn't care if she doesn't, you know that."

He cursed under his breath before muttering. "She's lost her damn mind."

In flash he had her wrist in a tight hold as he'd practically dragged her away from the club back in the direction of the parking lot. She stumbled in her new heels at the force he'd pulled her, not even having time to resist as he'd taken her completely off guard.

"What are you doing?!" Bulla'd demanded in horror at what she was positive her brother was doing, but just couldn't believe was actually happening.

"Getting you the hell away from here." He growled, not bothering to look at her while leading the three of them to his custom made Capsule Corp car.

The reality of the situation finally came crashing down on her as she yanked out of her brother's grip in rage. "You can't tell me what I can and can't do Trunks! You're not my Dad!"

"Well someone needs to be since the one you do have, has no idea how dangerous it is for a girl like you to be here." He snapped, reaching out to grab hold of her again.

A girl like you. She was sick of those words, not a day passed where she wouldn't hear them referenced to her in some way. Be it by her parents, their friends, or her peers at school, they never seemed to leave and she was starting to think they never would.

She jerked out of reach, heat spreading across her face like liquid fire. "I'm not stupid Trunks, I can take care of myself!" Glaring at him with as much heat as she could conjure for what she was going to say next. "I sure as hell don't need you to do it for me!"

Trunk's eyes narrowed even further, if that was thought possible and he was beginning to resemble their father when he was in the mood to beat someone within every inch of their life.

"I'm not arguing Bulla, either you go home with me now or I drag you there, take your pick." He calmly threatened, plus the look he had let Bulla know he probably meant it. He would literally drag her away kicking and screaming if she put up a fight and there was no way she would actually stand a chance against him anyway. In terms of strength he far outclassed her, even though they both shared equal amounts of saiyan blood. He'd cream her before she could lift a fist.

Left with no other option, she shoved her way past her brother to storm ahead of the two meat headed brutes she'd had the unfortunate privilege of growing up with. If she was going to surrender, she certainly wouldn't be lead like some misbehaved dog and she wasn't going quietly either.

Which pin pointed back to their current screaming match as Trunk's car finally came into sight. Never in her wildest dreams did she think her brother would consciously embarrass her like this out in public. And in front of Goten no less, who of course just had to be there to witness her humiliation, like not being attached at the hip with her jerk brother once a while and actually getting a life would kill him. As if that wasn't bad enough, he'd just stood there watching her brother wreck her social life without a care in the world, practically mocking her with that stupid grin he always had.

"Aww Come on Trunks, she's already doing what you want." The spikey haired mirror image of Goku tried reasoning with his best friend. "Why don't you lay off her a bit? At least until we get home."

"Stay out of it Goten." Trunks responded in frustration. Bulla thought her night had been the only one ruined? He'd had plans too, in which zero consisted of babysitting his kid sister so that nothing bad happened to her while he wasn't looking. It was incredibly stressful even thinking about it.

It would've been all good and well if he hadn't known what her plans for the evening were, but now he did know. Worry would gnaw at him for the rest of the night if he set her loose only to possibly be targeted by the animals infesting a place like that. Call it hypocritical but the club scene was fine for him because he was a guy and to tell you the truth, sometimes he was one of those animals. Bulla no matter how much she frustrated him, was still his baby sister and a girl. He refused to allow her a chance to be subjected to someone like himself who would quickly take the mind of a young, inexperienced girl, to advantage without a second thought.

'Yes, stay out of it Goten.' For once out of this miserable night, Bulla agreed with her brother. She didn't need that glutton of a fool's help, he wasn't even family. He was just her brother's best friend, who also just happened to be her Mom's best friend's son, that every so often liked to stick his nose into their business. He had no place in a fight between siblings, didn't belong in it either.

"Look man." Goten scratched at the hair he'd been letting grow out in it's natural shape, making him look even more like his father. "All I'm saying is you guys should just calm down a bit before one of you goes too far."

"Oh stay out of it, Goten. You think just because our families have been friends for years and you're constantly around that you get a say in whatever we do?!" She scoffed haughtily at the other half saiyan, drawing his attention away from her brother. He wanted to be involved so much fine, she'd bring the fight to him too.

"Bulla!" Trunks snapped, horrified at what his sister had just said to the best friend he'd had his entire life.

You'd think she'd slapped him, judging from the expression on Goten face. She should've instantly been flooded with shame and guilt at the sight and she would've if she hadn't been angry enough to bite bullets.

The only thing she felt at the moment was further bottled up furry at the reprimand from her brother. Her icey blues met his in a silent battle of wills, that he was the first to break.

"Stop acting like a damn child Bulla and get in the fucking car." He ordered pulling it open with a yank.

"You want me to stop acting like a kid? Then stop treating me like one!" She slid in the offered spot but not before ripping the door out of his hand just to have the pleasure of slamming it.

She barley heard the muffled sound of an enraged scream before the car jolted and then stilled. That must have been her brother, having finally lost what little control he had left after her little stunt with his door. Good, she hoped his stupid fist made a dent.

Not surprisingly it was Goten who slid in first. Neither said a word to each other before Trunks took the drivers seat next to him, looking slightly less put together than he had been. Silence followed the tense car ride home as Bulla stared out the window past the empty backroad Trunks had apparently decided to take, instead of the main road through the city. Trees and grass were the only things to keep her company but she sure as hell didn't mind given the circumstances. Trunks and Goten weren't even talking to each other which meant she'd pretty much accomplished what she'd set out to do. Pissing both of them off.

Hopefully they'd stay that way and not try talking to her before she got to her mom. Then they'd really get it. Snitching really wasn't her thing but if it got her, her way... then it was a weapon she had no qualms using.

"I honestly can not believe you Bulla."

Well there goes that. Guess her brother still had a few more buttons to push until she was officially awarded a total cold shoulder. She'd been wrong but then again that's all she seemed to be good at doing lately.

She resisted the urge to cross her eyes when Trunks continued lecturing. "Honestly where has your brain gone, have you just not been thinking when you make decisions anymore or before you open your mouth?" He waved his hand wildly to express his irritation physically.

She had been content in just keeping her mouth shut, now he was going the air-headed route, one he was sure he'd get a rise out of. Clearly he was in the mood to fight but that's okay. Trunks wanted to play? She'd just have to extract her claws.

"Why do you even care anyway." She spat hatefully, not even bothering to move from her cross armed slouch against the seat. "Why can't you just do what you normally do and pretend I don't exist."

Oops guess there goes that not thinking again, oh well.

He whipped around his seat to send me a look filled with equal venom. "You know what-"

But whatever he was going to say, she'd never have the satisfaction of knowing because Goten shouted at the top of his lungs. "DUDE WATCH OUT!"

Trunks swerved, spinning the car out of the road into the grassy field beside us. Dust spread through the air, cutting of the view from outside as Trunks slammed the breaks to a stop. The movement had rammed Bulla against the other side of car and she groaned when everything stilled.

"What the hell Goten?!" She whined, rubbing her sore head before glaring daggers at the boy in the passenger seat.

They weren't paying her any attention though as their eyes were locked straight ahead on the road they'd just wiped out of. On what, was as good as anyone's guess, she couldn't see squat with all the frickin dust in the way.

"Did you see that too, Trunks?" Goten asked incredulously.

Trunks nodded, his chest rising and falling sharply like Goten's as they tried to catch their breath. "Yeah"

Leaning as far as the middle console would allow between the two adrenaline high males, Bulla squinted trying to see past the dirt veil in front of her. "What are you two morons seeing that I'm not?!"

Finally when the earth began settling something resembling a silhouette appeared. Bulla had only seen in it for a second before she was yanked from her spot.

"Get out!" Her brother barely had time to yell before Goten drove them both into the ground on his side of the car. She didn't to even get to register what was happening before Trunk's car exploded into a million pieces.

Seeing her brother's favorite thing burning in up flames, only one thought came to her mind. Where was Trunks?

"Trunks!" She cried diving for the car, Goten's hands on her waist is what ultimately held her back. It didn't stop her though as she struggled to get out of his hold to see if her brother was okay. "No let me go!"

"Bulla calm down I can still sense his energy, Trunks is fine." Goten soothed the young blue haired girl in his arms, trying to reign her back to his side and away from what was left of Trunk's pride and joy.

"Well, well, well it seems as though my aim is not as good as I once thought." A hallow electronic voice mused from above, halting the actions of the two half saiyans below.

Descending at a rate that would make snails jealous was someone unfamiliar even to Goten, who'd met and fought many of his Dad's enemies and still lived to tell. Whatever or whoever this was, was something entirely new to him.


At hearing his name, Goten turned in relief to see Trunks completely unharmed but slightly unnerved as he stared at the being looking down at them.

"Is that?"

"Trunks!" Bulla exclaimed happily at seeing her brother not hurt or dead like she'd feared.

Goten's hold tightened when he felt her try to slightly nudge her way out of his arms. Ignoring the heated glare she sent him, his focused returned to the stranger in the air.

He swallowed before answering the lavender haired boy. "Yeah...he's the guy that was standing in the middle of the road."

Bulla froze, eyes now joining the direction of Goten's gaze. "Him? He's the reason we almost crashed?"

The fist thing she noticed was that he was big, not a bulky big like her father but almost a gaint. If she had to put a number on it maybe 6'4 but who knew if she actually right. There was no way he could be human so that was out, his coloring was too unique and his skin had an unnatural sheen to it.

From the way he'd spoken to them earlier indicated he could be some type of machinery by the electronic echo in his voice which reminded her of when someone spoke into a metal cup. There were also long tubes curving over each of his shoulders further confirming there had to be some mechanics going on inside. She couldn't tell just how much though with the trench coat he had on, a much darker hue compared to the light blue skin it almost fully covered. He had a young face which held two strange red lines, each starting from the bottom of the eyes down to his jaw... almost resembling tear marks. The only thing left she got from him physically was that his white hair had been cut oddly in an unstyled Mohawk.

"What was he doing in the middle of the road?" She anxiously wondered, her voice so soft that Goten barley heard her.

"I guess we're about to find out." He answered through a strained smirk.

She in turn latched on to Goten, gripping his shirt tightly in apprehension.

The strange man lifted a single hand, glowing energy accumulating with it. "This time." He spoke, eerily foreboding of something unknown. "I won't miss."

Giving the warning, Goten leapt into action but wasn't able to get far enough away to miss the sheer force the blast had, breaking his hold on Bulla and throwing them both in opposite directions.

She hit the ground in skid, kissing dirt for the second time that day and it took a moment for her senses to return. Everything stung and her body shook as she tried forcing her stomach off the ground. She'd barley managed to get the top half of her body upright when another flash of light came barreling toward her. She froze, even though every inch if her muscles screamed at her to move.

Another pair of arms circled around her just as the blast illuminated her frightened features, pulling her out of its path. Bulla blinked, now a good distance away from the near death she almost experienced. She looked to the owner of the protective hold she was in, to find her brother angrily glaring at their mystery attacker.

"Trunks!" She cried in relief, tears budding the corners of both eyelids.

"Who are you?!" He demanded from their spot on the ground, not letting the grip he had on his sister lessen. This was definitely not the ideal conditions he would have preferred to have a fight in. Not with Bulla here and he definitely needed to finish this quick, less he take an ass beating from his father who would no likely use this as an opportunity to prove how soft he'd gotten.

"Who cares who he is!" A voice growled a few feet away. Goten re-joined his best friend's side, looking worse for wear but otherwise perfectly fine. "What I want to know is, what does he want with us?!'

Bulla's gaze directed to the two fighters beside her. Were they really going to fight this guy with her here?! Most likely, given the circumstances but she wasn't a fighter. Trunks and Goten wouldn't be able to fight seriously with her present and they couldn't just keep shuffling her around...meaning one of them would have to stay by her side. She was the weak link in the chain and the big guy probably knew it too.

"I suppose." He finally answered in the same depressing tone he'd first spoken with. "You may know my name before you are dealt what punishment your kind has coming." His form descended, closing in on the three adolescents awaiting his next move.

"I am Zorath."

Trunk's body tensed, readying himself for any possible attack this guy could be planning. His blasts were powerful but he couldn't get a read on the actual fighter himself. Which told him fighting this thing wasn't going to be easy. It was bad enough he couldn't focus because of Bulla, but he was also rusty. He just hoped that if this new enemy proved to be too much, having Goten as back up would be enough to even the odds.

The tip of Zorath's feet touched the ground as he lowered the rest of himself into it. "You should feel honored Saiyans, consider it a token by being the fist to die by my hand."

He raised one in their direction as if by example and Goten launched himself at Zorath before he had another chance to fire. A battle ensued between the two with almost none of Goten's hits connecting and Zorath not making any of his own, only focusing on blocking Goten's. The fight barley lasted a minute before Goten's body was thrown back into the dirt, a few feet away from where Bulla and Trunks were.

"I'd ask you where the other Saiyans are." Zorath mused, unaffected by Goten's assault. "But I get the feeling you wouldn't tell me even if I did."

"Not on your life." Trunks spat, conflicted on what to do next. Goten was still planted firmly in the ground and it was starting to look like he'd be the one to have to finish this. The only thing stopping him was that he'd be leaving Bulla completely unprotected.

"Then so be it."

At the sight of Zorath's raised hand, Trunks dove at Goten's unconscious body hoping to get to it in time before the blast killed all three of them. He'd almost made it, his finger tips having brushed the top of his best friend's arm but like he'd said he was rusty.

Guess his dad was right, too bad he wouldn't get to hear him tell it to his face.

The energy hit all three half Saiyans at once, bending reality in all its glory by sheer force as it's light engulfed them.

When the dust cleared, all that was left was Zorath standing over a demolished field and the children of the greatest fighters in the universe, were gone.