Finally another update for this story xD So, there will possibly be another update for a different story than the two I've already created. I also may or may not be planning the ideas for another wedding one shot ^^ I'm also planning out new stories, but those won't be published for a while. My absence was explained in the latest update for Spellbound, but basically, I was really busy with personal stuff :)

Vchanny: Yep! I wanted to try out the robot idea for a while. Hopefully, it ends how I want it to end.

Musa Tecna bestfriends forever: Thank you!

Technical Difficulties

2/ Greetings

Fortunately, his prayers were answered. Once all testers were settled (and got their fair share of food from the buffet tables), the lights dimmed, and two spotlights focused on a platform. The curtains pulled back to reveal a tall, skinny blond. Her hairstyle was quite unique—in fact, Mamoru made a sad attempt at making a joke about how they looked like meatballs with a noodle attached to it. Nephrite and Zoisite snorted while he and Kunzite rolled their eyes. Her sapphire eyes roamed the room and sparkled with excitement. Every moment she made was natural. She was wearing a simply school uniform.

"Greetings, BM testers. My name is Guardian Moon and I am here to welcome you to the next exciting phase in robotics!" Guardian Moon beamed. Jadeite's, along with the others, jaws almost dropped. This woman was a robot? Her movements and appearance were so humane looking that, if she hadn't said a word, they would have believed her to be human.

"This definitely a step up from the older models," Mamoru murmured. Jadeite agreed.

Guardian Moon continued smiling, "I want to inform you that there will be brief speech by Ms. Black and then we will get on with you selecting a PGC robot to take home! Now, I will present the CEO of BM Corporations, Beryl Black!

She stepped back and sat down on stool. With maturity and elegance, Beryl stepped onto stage. She skimmed over each tester and pause briefly on their table. Applause thundered through the room, but Jadeite found himself puzzled by the CEO's cold stare. It was unnerving and calculating. Beryl cleared her throat—breaking eye contact with them—and the applause slowly died down.

"As Guardian Moon said, I want to humbly welcome you to this project. At BM Corporation, we hold every one of our employees to a high standard and we expect the same for you. What you have become a part of will shape the robotic industry for centuries to come!" Beryl said. "Creating high quality artificial intelligence has always been our goal; therefore, when you embark on this journey with your chosen A.I, I want you to have the mindset in mind to be their teacher and caregiver. PGC 2.0 will be among the first to care a new software known as N.E.I—Natural and Emotional Intelligence. This is not the same as A.I."

Natural and Emotional Intelligence? Interesting Jadeite leaned forward, "With N.E.I, robots can now communicate emotions and needs on levels that would make them seem one hundred percent human. This is the new gateway, the new horizon of robotic technology! And your role is simple: help cultivate data that we can use to further improve this system. Any questions?"

"Are able to keep them after testing?" Someone shouted.

"Why of course. Your payment is making each robot feel and become human within a year's time."

"More like a guinea pig on a leash for year," Jadeite snorted, sighing with annoyance.

Looks like Beryl is already starting out as a fishy character, or maybe Jadeite is just seeing things. I believe next chapter we will be getting the first introduction to our other lovely main character ;) Until the next chapter!