Disclaimer: I'll keep this short and sweet for you guys. I don't own Chaotic or any other recognizable works here, nor will I ever unless the world goes to slag. Enjoy!

Chapter 2: Adventures in Kiru City

Three days later, I found myself standing in Kiru City.

Najarin had told me that he would be here today to discuss something with Maxxor but would later try to find me and join me if he could.

Yeah thanks Najarin. Leave me to fend for myself why don't you.

I decided to take the blue Muges advice and explore the market some before heading to the library. Needless to say, while it was fun and interesting, my skin still felt like it was crawling even though I hadn't seen any humans yet.

Anyways, I had just finished exploring the market and had started heading toward the library when I ran into something.

"Oof," was all I could say at first when I was knocked flat on my ass. "Dammit! Sorry, I really need to start looking where I'm going," I apologized as I stood up.

"That's quite alright," said a voice that sounded almost like a cross between a growl, a snarl and a purr.

Startled, I looked up to, only to realize that I had run into Tangath Toborn.

The bipedal lion-man offered me a hand which I gladly accepted. However, I guess I must have been lighter than he expected—gah, stupid mutation—because the force of the pull sent me rocketing forward until one of his giant paws caught me. "Whoa! Easy there, human," he said, steadying me. "My apologies you were just—"

"Lighter than you expected?" I finished with a raised brow before chuckling a bit at his expression. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

He rumbled a small laugh too before reigning himself in apparently. "So what are you doing here in Kiru City, miss...?"

"Rogue. My name is Rogue. And to quote a friend of mine, I am 'trying to get out more often'," I said, using air quotes to emphasize the words.

Tangath raised a furry brow. "You don't seem to happy with this."

I shook my head. "No more like I'm just not too happy with my friend. I love him to death, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I really hate how easily he can get me to agree to stuff. Plus if you haven't noticed already, I'm not too fond of crowded areas and that's why I've been sticking to the back alleys."

"I see," he rumbled. "And where are you headed now?"

"The library," I replied, before noticing his expression. "I'm heading the wrong way, aren't I?"

He smiled and, judging by the way his shoulders shook slightly, I think he was holding back a laugh. "Come along," he chuckled. "I will show you the way since I am headed there myself."

"Thank, mister..." I trailed off.

He paused, looking shocked. "You don't... that is to say, you don't know who I am?"

I smirked. "Oh, I do, but I believe in letting someone make their own first impression. So let's try again. Hi, my name is Rogue and you are?" I held out my hand which he shook.

He gave me a hesitant smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rogue. My name is Tangath Toborn. But please just call me Tangath or Toborn if you prefer."

"Much better," I said, "now shall we go to the library? I have been dying to check it out."

I have to admit Tangath Toborn knows how to show a lady around. After perusing the library, he allowed me a small sneak peek at the armory and barracks before showing me to the Ancestral Wall.

I smiled at the scene before me. The sun was setting by now and the fading light across the barren landscape painted a breathtaking image.

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I sighed contentedly. "This reminds me of back home."

"Huh?" was Tangath Toborn's intelligent answers.

"My home looks a lot like this: the barren, rocky landscape, the desert, and the warmth of the sun on my face."

"Like the Mipedians?" he asked with a slight growl in his tone.

I shook my head. "Not exactly. It's hot yeah, but it's more of a rock-like desert than a sand one. Plus we actually do have a bit of shrubbery too and we got a couple feet of snow up in the north."

"Sounds...hot," the bipedal lion said.

I laughed. "Oh it is, especially in the summer. You don't want to even know how hot it would get around that time of year."

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"Hey Tangath?"


"Thanks for doing this. I had a lot of fun."

He nodded stoically but I thought I saw a slight upturn to his lips.

"Ah, there you are," called another familiar voice.

We both turned to see Najarin striding toward us.

"I thought I might find you here," the elderly Muge said as he walked over.

"Hey Najarin," I waved. "What's up?"

Tangath looked between us in surprise.

"You two know each other?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Najarin was the friend I was talking about earlier."

The mugician raised a slivery brow. "Nothing too bad, I certainly hope."

I flashed a roguish grin. "Well you shall never know. Will you?" I teased, wiggling my fingers ominously.

The muge merely rolled his eyes good-naturedly, puffing a small laugh.

"Well, Tangath Toborn, did our young friend here behave herself?" he questioned my new furry friend.

As much as I dearly wanted to make some casual, snark-filled comment, I got the feeling that despite Najarin's good mood right now, it could just as easily go south any second. So I smartly kept my trap shut.

The aspiring leader nodded, obviously a little off put about how casually Najarin and I acted around each other. "Very well behaved, Najarin. And polite, too."

The blue muge gave him a curious look but did not comment as he turned his attention onto me. "And what about you, Rogue? Did you have a good time in Kiru City?"

I nodded vehemently, smiling brightly. "Oh yes. I had a spectacular time. Tangath here was kind enough to show me around and I saw and learned so much. It was fantabulous!" I managed to catch Tangath Toborn's eyes as he listened to what I had to say about his tour; he smiled, chucking a bit alongside Najarin over my childlike excitement.

"That is good to hear," the blue man smiled.

Glancing at the two of us, Tangath Toborn looked a little hesitant, as if he was regretting his next words, but eventually said, "Well I have to get back to my duties."

"Awwwe. Already?" I pouted a little for effect.

The bipedal lion smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, yes but it was nice seeing you again, Najarin, and I enjoyed meeting you too, Rogue. I hope to see you again sometime."

Admittedly, I felt a little sad about leaving the parting but I nodded in understanding and gave my new friend a smile.

With a final goodbye, Tangath Toborn walked away, leaving only Najarin and myself standing together.

"So how did your business appointment go?" I eventually asked, keeping my voice low so as not to be overheard by any eavesdroppers.

"Hm? Oh just fine," the mugician said. "Maxxor merely wanted to have his usual meeting to see how the different providences of the Overworld are doing."

"Ah, so nothing really bad that would turn the world, as we know it, completely upside-down, topsy-turvy, and/or inside-out," I surmised, to which he hummed in agreement. "Anyways...So back to lake Ken-i-po for you then, eh?"

He looked at me, brows raised, before answering. "It would seem so."

Silence fell after that, only broken by the occasional song of the wind from the desert.

"It's truly good to hear that you had such an enjoyable time today, Rogue."

Staring out at the desert with an unidentifiable look on my face, I merely said softly, "Thanks Najarin."

And that is a wrap! Please review, fav, and follow plz. but mostly review.