Chapter 14
***Forty Weeks Pregnant***
I'm sitting at the clubhouse and Gemma is staying close. I've been having contractions all day long. "I gotta get up and walk around." I tell Gemma. She helps me up and walks with me. After about thirty minutes of walking, I feel my contractions getting closer together and harder to hide. I bend over when a really hard one hits and Juice notices. "Shit. Rita. What's wrong?" he asks worried. "Contraction." Gemma answers for him. The contraction passes and I go to stand upright again and my water breaks. Juice and Gemma smile as we head out to Gemma's car to head to St Thomas.
Thirteen hours later, we are holding out little one when everyone walks into the room. We kept the sex and the name from everyone until we gave birth. Everyone walks in and sees our little one that looks just like Juice. "So what name did you pick?" Gemma asks. "Natalie Danielle." we say and everyone smiles. Juice sits on the bed beside me as everyone passes Natalie around and she just looks up at everyone as they give her words of wisdom and tell her how loved she is. "You know she ain't dating until she's thirty." Juice says and Jax looks up. "Nope. We'll be dead and gone before she can date. Daddy and Uncle Jax will make sure of that." Jax tells me and I start laughing.
A little later, everyone is gone and it's just me, Juice and Natalie. "How you doing momma?" Juice asks. "I'm good. Happy." I tell him. "Me too. Thank you for this." he tells me and I look at him confused. "We started out as a wrong number and now we're married with a kid. You have no clue how much I love you and how thankful I am for you." he tells me as he hands our daughter to me. "I love you too Juan Carlos. You and Natalie are the best things to ever happen to me." I tell him. He smiles and says "Thank God for wrong numbers."