Sorry for the hiatus…enjoy the next chapter.

The six young adults groaned as they slowly opened their eyes. Looking down at their exposed bodies, their eyes widened be the jumped back and Brittney hissed, "What the-" before she could finish, she grabbed her head and groaned, "Hangover, hangover…how much did we drink last night?"

Looking around, Marco groaned as he cupped a hand over his eyes and shook his head, "Judging from the…the mess…it looks like we've had more than a few drinks," everyone groaned as Marco took a deep breath and shook his head again, "Why don't you girls go get cleaned up…I'll worry about the mess down here," Star, Brittney, Ashley, Sabrina and Higgs groaned as they nodded and stood up before staggered towards the stairs.

Marco inhaled slowly as he struggled to stand on his feet. Looking around, he picked his clothes up and groaned, "What the hell happened last night? We were just having a few drinks and we ended up naked on the floor? This is going to be an awkward day," he began getting dressed before he began cleaning the living room.

The housemates sat in the living room, groaning as they held their heads in pain. Looking up at the five, Marco saw his housemates holding their stomach before he stood up and began walking away, "Marco?" he heard Sabrina moan and he looked over his shoulder, "Where are you going?"

"The kitchen…I'll be right out," Star, Brittney, Ashley, Sabrina and Higgs looked at him in confusion as he walked away before they groaned and held their heads.

Marco soon walked back into the living room, holding a tray with five cups. Handing a cup to each of his housemates, he sat down as Ashley looked at him, "So…what uh…what is this stuff?"

"A…a banana cocktail…that should help with that puke feeling and with the hangover, so-"

"So…you're giving us more alcohol?" Higgs questioned, arching a brow, "And what about you?"

"Non-alcoholic and I'm just going to fight this damn hangover," the five looked down at the cups they held and Marco yawned and shook his head, "Or you can fight the hangovers on your own…whichever makes you happy," the five looked at each other before they slowly drank the cocktails.

Looking up, Star slightly frowned, "So…how did you know about this cocktail?"

"Heh…a few of my friends taught me about it when we got drunk one night…it really does work," Marco sighed and shook his head, "If they haven't had moved across the country, we probably would've made more cocktails," the room fell silent as the five continued to drink the cocktails Marco had prepared for them.

Sorry for the length, but I'm going to try and get back into writing this story…enjoy.